ftp-rs ================ The full supported FTP client for Rust ## Installation FTPS support is disabled by default. To enable it `ftps` should be activated in `Cargo.toml`. ```toml [dependencies] ftp-rs = { version = "", features = ["ftps"] } ``` ## Usage ```rust use std::str; use std::io::Cursor; use ftp_rs::FtpClient; async fn async_main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Create a connection to an FTP server and authenticate to it. let mut ftp_client = FtpClient::connect("").await?; let _ = ftp_client.login("username", "password").await?; // Get the current Directory that the client will be reading from and writing to. println!("Current Directory: {}", ftp_client.pwd().await?); // Change into a new Directory, relative to the one we are currently in. let _ = ftp_client.cwd("test_data").await?; // Retrieve (GET) a File from the FTP server in the current working Directory. let remote_file = ftp_client.simple_retr("ftpext-charter.txt").await?; println!("Read File with contents\n{}\n", str::from_utf8(&remote_file.into_inner()).await?); // Store (PUT) a File from the client to the current working Directory of the server. let mut reader = Cursor::new("Hello from the Rust \"ftp-rs\" crate!".as_bytes()); let _ = ftp_client.put("greeting.txt", &mut reader).await?; println!("Successfully wrote greeting.txt"); // Terminate the connection to the server. let _ = ftp_client.quit(); } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .threaded_scheduler() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap() .block_on(async_main()) } ```