use indexmap::IndexMap; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { Io { source: std::io::Error }, Toml { source: toml::de::Error }, OutOfOrder { name: String }, } impl From for Error { fn from(source: std::io::Error) -> Self { Self::Io { source } } } impl From for Error { fn from(source: toml::de::Error) -> Self { Self::Toml { source } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)] struct Op { code: u8, mnemonic: String, pushes: u8, pops: u8, #[serde(default)] extra_len: u8, #[serde(default)] exits: bool, #[serde(default)] jump: bool, #[serde(default)] jump_target: bool, } fn read_fork(name: &str) -> Result<[(String, Op); 256], Error> { let root = std::env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let mut input_path = PathBuf::from(root); input_path.push("src"); input_path.push(&format!("{}.toml", name)); let mut input_bytes = Vec::new(); File::open(&input_path)?.read_to_end(&mut input_bytes)?; let input_map: IndexMap = toml::from_slice(&input_bytes)?; let input: Vec<_> = input_map.into_iter().collect(); let mut ops: Vec<(String, Op)> = (0..=u8::MAX) .map(|code| { let name = format!("Invalid{:X}{:x}", (code & 0xF0) >> 4, code & 0x0F); let op = Op { code, mnemonic: format!("invalid_{:02x}", code), extra_len: 0, pushes: 0, pops: 0, exits: true, jump: false, jump_target: false, }; (name, op) }) .collect(); for idx in 0..input.len() { let name = &input[idx].0; let op = &input[idx].1; if idx < input.len() - 1 && op.code >= input[idx + 1].1.code { return Err(Error::OutOfOrder { name: input[idx + 1].0.clone(), }); } ops[input[idx].1.code as usize] = (name.clone(), op.clone()); } Ok(ops.try_into().unwrap()) } fn generate_fork(fork_name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let ops = read_fork(fork_name)?; let mut tokens = quote! { /// Trait for types that represent an EVM instruction. pub trait Operation { /// The return type of [`Operation::code`]. type Code: Operation + Into; /// The return root type of [`Operation::immediate_mut`] and /// [`Operation::immediate`]. type ImmediateRef: ?Sized; /// The type of the immediate argument for this operation. type Immediate: std::borrow::Borrow + std::borrow::BorrowMut; /// Get a shared reference to the immediate argument of this operation, /// if one exists. fn immediate(&self) -> Option<&Self::ImmediateRef>; /// Get a mutable reference to the immediate argument of this operation, /// if one exists. fn immediate_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self::ImmediateRef>; /// Consume this operation and return its immediate argument, if one /// exists. fn into_immediate(self) -> Option; /// Length of immediate argument. fn extra_len(&self) -> usize; /// The action (opcode) of this operation, without any immediates. fn code(&self) -> Self::Code; /// The byte (opcode) that indicates this operation. fn code_byte(&self) -> u8 { self.code().into() } /// Human-readable name for this operation. fn mnemonic(&self) -> &str; /// Returns true if the current instruction changes the program counter (other /// than incrementing it.) fn is_jump(&self) -> bool; /// Returns true if the current instruction is a valid destination for jumps. fn is_jump_target(&self) -> bool; /// Returns true if the current instruction causes the EVM to stop executing /// the contract. fn is_exit(&self) -> bool; /// How many stack elements this instruction pops. fn pops(&self) -> usize; /// How many stack elements this instruction pushes. fn pushes(&self) -> usize; } }; let mut code_matches = quote! {}; let mut size_matches = quote! {}; let mut new_matches = quote! {}; let mut display_matches = quote! {}; let mut from_u8_matches = quote! {}; let mut from_str_matches = quote! {}; let mut from_slice_matches = quote! {}; let mut variants = quote! {}; let mut immediate_matches = quote! {}; let mut immediate_mut_matches = quote! {}; let mut into_immediate_matches = quote! {}; let names: Vec<_> = ops.iter().map(|(n, _)| format_ident!("{}", n)).collect(); for (name, op) in &ops { let name = format_ident!("{}", name); let mnemonic = &op.mnemonic; let code = op.code; let extra_len = op.extra_len as usize; let jump = op.jump; let jump_target = op.jump_target; let pops = op.pops; let pushes = op.pushes; let exit = op.exits; let generics; let variant_generics; let code_generics; let where_clause; let immediate_type; let immediate; let immediate_mut; let struct_; let immediate_into; let code_type; let code_impl; let from_impl; if extra_len > 0 { immediate_type = quote! { I }; generics = quote! { <#immediate_type> }; where_clause = quote! { where #immediate_type: super::Immediate<#extra_len> }; let var_ident = format_ident!("P{}", extra_len); variant_generics = quote! { }; code_generics = quote! { <()> }; struct_ = quote! { pub struct #name #generics ( #[doc = "The immediate argument for this operation."] pub #immediate_type ) #where_clause; }; immediate = quote! { Some(&self.0) }; immediate_mut = quote! { Some(&mut self.0) }; immediate_into = quote! { Some(self.0) }; code_type = quote! { #name<()> }; code_impl = quote! { #name(()) }; from_impl = quote! { impl <#immediate_type, T> From<#name<#immediate_type>> for Op where #immediate_type: super::Immediate<#extra_len>, T: ?Sized + super::Immediates<#var_ident=#immediate_type>, { fn from(op: #name<#immediate_type>) -> Self { Self::#name(op) } } }; code_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(_) => Op::#name(#name(())), }); display_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(v) => v.mnemonic(), }); new_matches.extend(quote! { Op::#name(_) => None, }); from_u8_matches.extend(quote! { #code => Self::#name(#name(())), }); from_str_matches.extend(quote! { #mnemonic => Self::#name(#name(())), }); immediate_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(v) => v.immediate().map(std::borrow::Borrow::borrow), }); immediate_mut_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(v) => v.immediate_mut().map(std::borrow::BorrowMut::borrow_mut), }); into_immediate_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(v) => v.into_immediate().map(Into::into), }); from_slice_matches.extend(quote! { #code => Self::#name(#name(bytes[1..].try_into()?)), }); } else { where_clause = quote! {}; generics = quote! {}; struct_ = quote! { pub struct #name; }; immediate_type = quote! { super::Void }; immediate = quote! { None }; immediate_mut = quote! { None }; immediate_into = quote! { None }; variant_generics = quote! {}; code_generics = quote! {}; code_type = quote! { Self }; code_impl = quote! { #name }; from_impl = quote! { impl From<#name> for Op where T: ?Sized + super::Immediates, { fn from(op: #name) -> Self { Self::#name(op) } } }; code_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(_) => Op::#name(#name), }); display_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(v) => v.mnemonic(), }); new_matches.extend(quote! { Op::#name(_) => Some(Self::#name(#name)), }); from_u8_matches.extend(quote! { #code => Self::#name(#name), }); from_str_matches.extend(quote! { #mnemonic => Self::#name(#name), }); immediate_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(_) => None, }); immediate_mut_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(_) => None, }); into_immediate_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(_) => None, }); from_slice_matches.extend(quote! { #code => Self::#name(#name), }); } size_matches.extend(quote! { Self::#name(v) => 1 + v.extra_len(), }); tokens.extend(quote! { #[doc = concat!("Representation of the `", #mnemonic, "` instruction.")] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)] #struct_ impl #generics Operation for #name #generics #where_clause { type Immediate = #immediate_type; type ImmediateRef = #immediate_type; type Code = #code_type; fn immediate(&self) -> Option<&Self::ImmediateRef> { #immediate } fn immediate_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self::ImmediateRef> { #immediate_mut } fn into_immediate(self) -> Option { #immediate_into } fn code(&self) -> Self::Code { #code_impl } fn extra_len(&self) -> usize { #extra_len } fn mnemonic(&self) -> &str { #mnemonic } fn is_jump(&self) -> bool { #jump } fn is_jump_target(&self) -> bool { #jump_target } fn is_exit(&self) -> bool { #exit } fn pops(&self) -> usize { #pops as usize } fn pushes(&self) -> usize { #pushes as usize} } impl From<#name #code_generics> for u8 { fn from(_: #name #code_generics) -> Self { #code } } #from_impl }); variants.extend(quote! { #[doc = concat!("The `", #mnemonic, "` instruction (See [`struct@", stringify!(#name), "`].)")] #name ( #name #variant_generics ), }); } let mut debug_bound = quote! {}; let mut clone_bound = quote! {}; let mut partial_eq_bound = quote! {}; let mut eq_bound = quote! {}; let mut ord_bound = quote! {}; let mut partial_ord_bound = quote! {}; let mut hash_bound = quote! {}; let mut bounds = Vec::with_capacity(32); for ii in 1..=32usize { let ident = format_ident!("P{}", ii); debug_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: std::fmt::Debug, }); clone_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: Clone, }); partial_eq_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: std::cmp::PartialEq, }); eq_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: std::cmp::Eq, }); ord_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: std::cmp::Ord, }); partial_ord_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: std::cmp::PartialOrd, }); hash_bound.extend(quote! { T::#ident: std::hash::Hash, }); bounds.push(quote! { #ident }); } let debug_bound = debug_bound.to_string(); let clone_bound = clone_bound.to_string(); let partial_eq_bound = partial_eq_bound.to_string(); let eq_bound = eq_bound.to_string(); let ord_bound = ord_bound.to_string(); let partial_ord_bound = partial_ord_bound.to_string(); let hash_bound = hash_bound.to_string(); tokens.extend(quote! { #[doc = concat!("All instructions in the ", #fork_name, " fork.")] #[derive(educe::Educe)] #[educe( Clone(bound = #clone_bound), Debug(bound = #debug_bound), PartialEq(bound = #partial_eq_bound), Eq(bound = #eq_bound), Ord(bound = #ord_bound), PartialOrd(bound = #partial_ord_bound), Hash(bound = #hash_bound), )] pub enum Op where T: super::Immediates + ?Sized { #variants } // TODO: For some reason deriving Copy with educe didn't work. impl Copy for Op where T: super::Immediates + ?Sized, #(T::#bounds: Copy,)* { } impl Operation for Op where T: super::Immediates + ?Sized { type Code = Op<()>; type Immediate = T::Immediate; type ImmediateRef = T::ImmediateRef; fn immediate(&self) -> Option<&Self::ImmediateRef> { match self { #immediate_matches } } fn immediate_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self::ImmediateRef> { match self { #immediate_mut_matches } } fn into_immediate(self) -> Option { match self { #into_immediate_matches } } fn extra_len(&self) -> usize { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.extra_len(), )* } } fn mnemonic(&self) -> &str { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.mnemonic(), )* } } fn code(&self) -> Self::Code { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => Op::#names(n.code()), )* } } fn is_jump(&self) -> bool { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.is_jump(), )* } } fn is_jump_target(&self) -> bool { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.is_jump_target(), )* } } fn is_exit(&self) -> bool { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.is_exit(), )* } } fn pops(&self) -> usize { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.pops(), )* } } fn pushes(&self) -> usize { match self { #( Self::#names(n) => n.pushes(), )* } } } impl From> for u8 { fn from(op: Op<()>) -> u8 { match op { #( Op::#names(n) => n.code_byte(), )* } } } impl Op where T: super::Immediates + ?Sized { /// Create a new `Op`. /// /// Returns `None` if the specified operation requires an immediate /// argument. See [`Op::with`] for more details. pub fn new(code: Op<()>) -> Option { match code { #new_matches } } /// Returns the opcode of this operation. /// /// An opcode is the part of the operation that specifies the which /// operation to perform (for example `0x00` for `stop`.) pub fn code(&self) -> Op<()> { match self { #code_matches } } /// Returns the total length of this operation, including its immediate. pub fn size(&self) -> usize { match self { #size_matches } } } impl Op where T: super::Immediates + ?Sized, E: 'static + std::fmt::Display + std::error::Error, #( for <'a> &'a [u8]: TryInto,)* { /// Parse a byte slice into an `Op`, with its immediate. /// /// Returns an error if [`TryInto::try_into`] fails, or if the byte /// slice contains an immediate for an opcode that does not take one. /// Errors usually occur when the byte slice is the wrong length for /// the given instruction. pub fn from_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result> { let result = match bytes[0] { #from_slice_matches }; if result.extra_len() == 0 && bytes.len() > 1 { return; } Ok(result) } } impl std::fmt::Display for Op<()> { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let mnemonic = match self { #display_matches }; write!(fmt, "{}", mnemonic) } } impl From for Op<()> { fn from(opcode: u8) -> Self { match opcode { #from_u8_matches } } } impl std::str::FromStr for Op<()> { type Err = super::FromStrError; fn from_str(mnemonic: &str) -> Result { let op = match mnemonic { #from_str_matches _ => return super::FromStrSnafu { mnemonic }.fail(), }; Ok(op) } } impl Op<()> { /// Create the smallest push instruction capable of representing `n`. pub fn push_for(n: u128) -> Option { let bits = 0u128.leading_zeros() - n.leading_zeros(); let bytes = std::cmp::max(1, (bits + 8 - 1) / 8); Self::push(bytes.try_into().unwrap()) } /// Create a new push instruction with the given immediate size. pub fn push(sz: usize) -> Option { // TODO: Automate generating this? let result = match sz { 1 => Self::Push1(Push1(())), 2 => Self::Push2(Push2(())), 3 => Self::Push3(Push3(())), 4 => Self::Push4(Push4(())), 5 => Self::Push5(Push5(())), 6 => Self::Push6(Push6(())), 7 => Self::Push7(Push7(())), 8 => Self::Push8(Push8(())), 9 => Self::Push9(Push9(())), 10 => Self::Push10(Push10(())), 11 => Self::Push11(Push11(())), 12 => Self::Push12(Push12(())), 13 => Self::Push13(Push13(())), 14 => Self::Push14(Push14(())), 15 => Self::Push15(Push15(())), 16 => Self::Push16(Push16(())), 17 => Self::Push17(Push17(())), 18 => Self::Push18(Push18(())), 19 => Self::Push19(Push19(())), 20 => Self::Push20(Push20(())), 21 => Self::Push21(Push21(())), 22 => Self::Push22(Push22(())), 23 => Self::Push23(Push23(())), 24 => Self::Push24(Push24(())), 25 => Self::Push25(Push25(())), 26 => Self::Push26(Push26(())), 27 => Self::Push27(Push27(())), 28 => Self::Push28(Push28(())), 29 => Self::Push29(Push29(())), 30 => Self::Push30(Push30(())), 31 => Self::Push31(Push31(())), 32 => Self::Push32(Push32(())), _ => return None, }; Some(result) } /// Join this opcode with an immediate argument. /// /// Panics if this opcode does not take an immediate argument. See /// [`Op::new`]. pub fn with(self, immediate: I) -> Result, E> where T: ?Sized + super::Immediates, #(I: TryInto,)* { // TODO: Automate generating these? let result = match self { Self::Push1(_) => Op::Push1(Push1(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push2(_) => Op::Push2(Push2(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push3(_) => Op::Push3(Push3(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push4(_) => Op::Push4(Push4(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push5(_) => Op::Push5(Push5(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push6(_) => Op::Push6(Push6(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push7(_) => Op::Push7(Push7(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push8(_) => Op::Push8(Push8(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push9(_) => Op::Push9(Push9(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push10(_) => Op::Push10(Push10(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push11(_) => Op::Push11(Push11(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push12(_) => Op::Push12(Push12(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push13(_) => Op::Push13(Push13(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push14(_) => Op::Push14(Push14(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push15(_) => Op::Push15(Push15(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push16(_) => Op::Push16(Push16(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push17(_) => Op::Push17(Push17(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push18(_) => Op::Push18(Push18(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push19(_) => Op::Push19(Push19(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push20(_) => Op::Push20(Push20(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push21(_) => Op::Push21(Push21(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push22(_) => Op::Push22(Push22(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push23(_) => Op::Push23(Push23(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push24(_) => Op::Push24(Push24(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push25(_) => Op::Push25(Push25(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push26(_) => Op::Push26(Push26(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push27(_) => Op::Push27(Push27(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push28(_) => Op::Push28(Push28(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push29(_) => Op::Push29(Push29(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push30(_) => Op::Push30(Push30(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push31(_) => Op::Push31(Push31(immediate.try_into()?)), Self::Push32(_) => Op::Push32(Push32(immediate.try_into()?)), _ => panic!("only push operations can be combined"), }; Ok(result) } /// Converts a push instruction to the next larger push size. /// /// For example, a `push2` will become a `push3`. /// /// ## Panics /// /// This function panics if `self` is not a push instruction. pub fn upsize(self) -> Option { let extra = match self.extra_len() { 0 => panic!("only push ops can be upsized"), e => e, }; Self::push(extra + 1) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn code_from_u8() { for ii in 0..=u8::MAX { let parsed = Op::try_from(ii).unwrap(); if ii == 0xfe { assert_eq!(Op::from(Invalid), parsed); } else { assert_ne!(Op::from(Invalid), parsed); } } } #[test] fn code_through_str() { for ii in 0..=u8::MAX { let spec = Op::try_from(ii).unwrap(); let txt = spec.to_string(); let parsed: Op<_> = txt.parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(spec, parsed); } } #[test] fn op_new() { for ii in 0..=u8::MAX { let spec = Op::try_from(ii).unwrap(); let op = Op::<[u8]>::new(spec); if spec.extra_len() > 0 { assert_eq!(op, None); } else { let op = op.unwrap(); assert_eq!(op.code(), spec); } } } #[test] fn code_push_for_zero() { let spec = Op::push_for(0); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push1(Push1(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_one() { let spec = Op::push_for(1); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push1(Push1(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_255() { let spec = Op::push_for(255); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push1(Push1(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_256() { let spec = Op::push_for(256); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push2(Push2(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_65535() { let spec = Op::push_for(65535); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push2(Push2(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_65536() { let spec = Op::push_for(65536); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push3(Push3(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_16777215() { let spec = Op::push_for(16777215); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push3(Push3(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_16777216() { let spec = Op::push_for(16777216); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push4(Push4(())))); } #[test] fn code_push_for_4294967295() { let spec = Op::push_for(4294967295); assert_eq!(spec, Some(Op::Push4(Push4(())))); } #[test] fn code_to_u8_selfdestruct() { let spec = Op::from(SelfDestruct); assert_eq!(0xffu8, spec.into()); } } }); let out_dir = std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let mut out_path = PathBuf::from(out_dir); out_path.push(&format!("{}.rs", fork_name)); File::create(&out_path)?.write_all(tokens.to_string().as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } fn main() { generate_fork("london").unwrap(); }