// pest. The Elegant Parser // Copyright (c) 2018 DragoČ™ Tiselice // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // or the MIT // license , at your // option. All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, // modified, or distributed except according to those terms. #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] extern crate alloc; use alloc::{format, vec::Vec}; use std::sync::Arc; #[macro_use] extern crate pest; #[macro_use] extern crate fuel_pest_derive as pest_derive; #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = "../tests/lists.pest"] struct ListsParser; #[test] fn item() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from("- a"), rule: Rule::lists, tokens: [ item(2, 3) ] }; } #[test] fn items() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from("- a\n- b"), rule: Rule::lists, tokens: [ item(2, 3), item(6, 7) ] }; } #[test] fn children() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from(" - b"), rule: Rule::children, tokens: [ children(0, 5, [ item(4, 5) ]) ] }; } #[test] fn nested_item() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from("- a\n - b"), rule: Rule::lists, tokens: [ item(2, 3), children(4, 9, [ item(8, 9) ]) ] }; } #[test] fn nested_items() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from("- a\n - b\n - c"), rule: Rule::lists, tokens: [ item(2, 3), children(4, 15, [ item(8, 9), item(14, 15) ]) ] }; } #[test] fn nested_two_levels() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from("- a\n - b\n - c"), rule: Rule::lists, tokens: [ item(2, 3), children(4, 17, [ item(8, 9), children(10, 17, [ item(16, 17) ]) ]) ] }; } #[test] fn nested_then_not() { parses_to! { parser: ListsParser, input: Arc::from("- a\n - b\n- c"), rule: Rule::lists, tokens: [ item(2, 3), children(4, 9, [ item(8, 9) ]), item(12, 13) ] }; }