# Fundamentum Edge Daemon [![Crates.io][crate-badge]][crate-url] [![License][licence-badge]][licence-url] [![Build Status][build-badge]][build-url] [![Docs.rs][doc-badge]][doc-url] [Website][website-url] | [Docs][doc-url] [crate-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/fundamentum-edge-daemon.svg [crate-url]: https://crates.io/crates/fundamentum-edge-daemon [licence-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-apache_2.0-blue.svg [licence-url]: https://bitbucket.org/amotus/fundamentum-edge-daemon/src/master/LICENSE [build-badge]: https://img.shields.io/bitbucket/pipelines/amotus/fundamentum-edge-daemon/master [build-url]: https://bitbucket.org/amotus/fundamentum-edge-daemon/pipelines [doc-badge]: https://docs.rs/fundamentum-edge-daemon/badge.svg [doc-url]: https://docs.rs/fundamentum-edge-daemon [website-url]: https://www.dimonoff.com/services/fundamentum-iot-platform-paas The supported way to access Fundamentum's ecosystem from linux devices. ## Usage ### Launching the daemon ```sh $ cargo run # .. ``` - The *gRPC server* will bind to ``. - A default version of the *configuration file* (`config.toml`) will be created in the *current working directory* if it does not already exists. - The *current working directory* will be used as the *state directory*. Here's a list of state files you might encounter: - `provisioning.json` and `rsa_(public|private).pem` will be created upon first successful provisioning. You can override these defaults using the available CLI options. Those can be listed as follow: ```sh $ cargo run -- --help # .. ``` Further customizations are also possible through the *configuration file* (`config.toml`). ### Accessing exposed services via the gRPC interface The various Fundamentum services are made available through a *gRPC interface* (see [`fundamentum-edge-proto` repository][proto-repo]). In order to be able to use most of the gRPC services (the most notable exception being the `Provisioning` service), your device will need to be *provisioned*. In order to do so, a good place to start would be the [provisioning procedure][prov-proc]. [proto-repo]: https://bitbucket.org/amotus/fundamentum-edge-proto [prov-proc]: ./doc/provisioning-procedure.md #### Through the CLI It is possible to use the [`grpcurl`][grpcurl] CLI tool to interact with the daemon: - To provision the device: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ -d '{ "api_base_url": "https://devices.fundamentum-iot.com", "project_id": 1, "region_id": 2, "registry_id": 3, "serial_number": "device1", "asset_type_id": 4, "access_token": "TOKEN" }' \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.Provisioning.Provision # ... ``` - To publish telemetry data: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ -d '{ "sub_topic": "test", "qos": 0, "payload": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==" }' \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.Telemetry.Publish # ... ``` - To get the device configuration: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.Configuration.Get # ... ``` - To subscribe to configuration updates: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.Configuration.UpdateStream # ... ``` - To publish states data: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ -d '{ "states": { "status": "ok", "alarms": [ "alarm1", "alarm2" ] }, "sub_devices": [ { "serial_number": "device1", "states": { "rssi": 50, "battery_level": 75, "temperature": 25 } } ] }' \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.StatesEvent.PublishJson # ... ``` - To subscribe to incoming actions: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.Actions.Subscribe # ... ``` - To update the status of an action: ```sh $ grpcurl \ -plaintext \ -d '{ "id": 123, "serial_numbers": ["device1", "device2"], "ongoing": {"progress": 50}, "message": "In progress...", "payload": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==" }' \ \ com.fundamentum.edge.v1.Actions.UpdateStatus # ... ``` [grpcurl]: https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl #### Through language specific bindings For more serious use cases, we provide specific support for the following languages: - Rust: [source][proto-rust-repo] / [crates.io][proto-rust-pkg] / [examples][proto-rust-examples] - Python: [source][proto-python-repo] / [pypi][proto-python-pkg] Please make sure that you use a binding library version compatible with your edge daemon service. Note that in case your language is not already officially supported, it is still possible to use the [protocol buffer compiler][protoc] on the [*gRPC* `*.proto` files][proto-repo] to generate a bindings library for *almost any language*. [protoc]: https://grpc.io/docs/protoc-installation [proto-rust-repo]: https://bitbucket.org/amotus/fundamentum-edge-proto-rust [proto-rust-pkg]: https://crates.io/crates/fundamentum-edge-proto [proto-rust-examples]: https://bitbucket.org/amotus/fundamentum-edge-proto-rust/src/master/examples [proto-python-repo]: https://bitbucket.org/amotus/fundamentum-edge-proto-python [proto-python-pkg]: https://pypi.org/project/fundamentum-edge-proto/ ## Development setup Please see the [development setup guide](doc/development-setup.md). ## Releases All official versions of this component are published to [crates.io/crates/fundamentum-edge-daemon][crates-io-pkg]. A list of all published versions is available under the [versions tab][crates-io-pkg-versions]. Detailed release notes are available in this repo at [`CHANGELOG.md`][changelog]. [crates-io-pkg]: https://crates.io/crates/fundamentum-edge-daemon [crates-io-pkg-versions]: https://crates.io/crates/fundamentum-edge-daemon/versions [changelog]: ./CHANGELOG.md ## License Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 [LICENSE](LICENSE).