## Future This is a list of feature ideas for the future. - What is the best approach to making `Granular` real-time safe. - `AudioUnit` versions of `oversample` and `resample` that accept an inner `AudioUnit`. - Compressor without lookahead. - Adaptive normalizer without lookahead. - Exponential follower (`follow` is linear). - More physical models. Karplus-Strong exists already; figure out if it could be improved somehow. - Dynamic bypass wrapper that bypasses a node when input and output levels drop low enough. - Improve basic effects implemented in graph notation such as `chorus`, `flanger` and `phaser`. - More sound generators in the `gen` module. - Improve or replace the drum sounds in the `sound` module. - Real-time safe sound server that uses `cpal`. It could have a static set of read/write channels for rendering audio, including hardware channels. - Conversion of graphs into a graphical form. Format associative operator chains appropriately. - Interpreter for simple FunDSP expressions. - Expand `README.md` into a book. - Time stretching / pitch shifting algorithm. - FFT convolution engine and HRTF support. - Make a more flexible node replacement method for `Net` where the number of inputs and outputs could be changed. - Text-to-speech engine. - Resampler with sinc interpolation. - Support feedback loops in `Net`. - Looping in `Sequencer`.