Fast and precise gnu relative time parser of rust strings to a Duration

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## Table of Contents - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Overview](#overview) - [Audience](#audience) - [Installation](#installation) - [Format description](#description-of-the-format) - [Benchmarks](#benchmarks) - [License](#license) # Overview This crate provides a simple to use and fast parser based on [fundu](../ aiming for full compatibility with [gnu]( relative items in date strings format as specified in their [documentation]. `fundu-gnu` can parse rust strings with `RelativeTimeParser::parse` and others or the global `parse` method: `&str` | Duration | -- | -- | `"1hour"`| `Duration::positive(60 * 60, 0)` | `"minute"`| `Duration::positive(60, 0)` | `"2 hours"`| `Duration::positive(2 * 60 * 60, 0)` | `"-3minutes"`| `Duration::negative(3 * 60, 0)` | `"3 mins ago"`| `Duration::negative(3 * 60, 0)` | `"999sec +1day"`| `Duration::positive(86_400 + 999, 0)` | `"55secs500week"`| `Duration::positive(55 + 500 * 604_800, 0)` | `"123456789"`| `Duration::positive(123_456_789, 0)` | `"42fortnight"`| `Duration::positive(42 * 2 * 604_800, 0)` | `"yesterday"`| `Duration::negative(24 * 60 * 60, 0)` | `"now"`| `Duration::positive(0, 0)` | `"today -10seconds"`| `Duration::negative(10, 0)` | `fundu` parses into its own [`Duration`] which is a superset of other `Durations` like [`std::time::Duration`], [`chrono::Duration`] and [`time::Duration`]. See the [documentation]( how to easily handle the conversion between these durations. For examples and further documentation see the [docs](! # Audience This crate is for you if you - seek a fast and precise gnu compatible duration parser - want it to simply just work without diving into many customizations - need to parse a duration relative to a proleptic gregorian date. Since years and months are not all of equal length in the gregorian calendar, the parsed duration is calculated relative to that date. - just like the gnu format - ... This crate might not be for you if you want to customize the parser to a format which would not be compatible with `gnu`. See the main [fundu](../ project, if you want to use a parser tailored to your needs. # Installation Add this to `Cargo.toml` ```toml [dependencies] fundu-gnu = "0.3.0" ``` or install with `cargo add fundu-gnu`. Activating the `chrono` or `time` feature provides a `TryFrom` and `SaturatingInto` implementation of fundu's `Duration` for [`chrono::Duration`] or [`time::Duration`]. These features also enable a `From` implementation of [`chrono::DateTime`] or [`time::OffsetDateTime`], [`time::PrimitiveDateTime`] for fundu-gnu's `DateTime`. Converting from/to [`std::time::Duration`] does not require an additional feature. Activating the `serde` feature allows some structs and enums to be serialized or deserialized with [serde]( # Description of the Format Supported time units: - `seconds`, `second`, `secs`, `sec` - `minutes`, `minute`, `mins`, `min` - `hours`, `hour` - `days`, `day` - `weeks`, `week` - `fortnights`, `fortnight` (2 weeks) - `months`, `month` (fuzzy) - `years`, `year` (fuzzy) Fuzzy time units are not all of equal duration and depend on a given date. If no date is given when parsing, the system time of `now` in UTC +0 is assumed. Supported numerals: - `next` (=1) - `last` (=-1) - `this` (=0) - `first` (=1), `third` (=3), ... , `twelfth` (=12) (Note the missing second which is a time unit) The special keywords `yesterday` worth `-1 day`, `tomorrow` worth `+1 day`, `today` and `now` each worth a zero duration are allowed, too. These keywords count as a full duration and don't accept a number, time unit or the `ago` time unit suffix. Summary of the rest of the format: - Time units, keywords (including `ago`) and numerals are case insensitive - Only numbers like `"123 days"` and without exponent (like `"3e9 days"`) are allowed. Only seconds time units allow a fraction (like in `"1.123456 secs"`) - Multiple durations like `"1sec 2min"` or `"1week2secs"` in the source string accumulate - Time units without a number (like in `"second"`) are allowed and a value of `1` is assumed. - The parsed duration represents the value exactly (without rounding errors as would occur in floating point calculations) as it is specified in the source string. - The maximum supported duration (`Duration::MAX`) has `u64::MAX` seconds (`18_446_744_073_709_551_615`) and `999_999_999` nano seconds - parsed durations larger than the maximum duration saturate at the maximum duration - Negative durations like `"-1min"` or `"1 week ago"` are allowed - Any leading, trailing whitespace or whitespace between the number and the time unit (like in `"1 \n sec"`) and multiple durations (like in `"1week \n 2minutes"`) is ignored and follows the posix definition of whitespace which is: - Space (`' '`) - Horizontal Tab (`'\x09'`) - Line Feed (`'\x0A'`) - Vertical Tab (`'\x0B'`) - Form Feed (`'\x0C'`) - Carriage Return (`'\x0D'`) Please see also the gnu [documentation]( for a description of their format. # Benchmarks To run the benchmarks on your machine, clone the repository ```shell git clone cd fundu ``` and then run the `fundu-gnu` benchmarks with ```shell cargo bench --package fundu-gnu ``` The above won't run the `flamegraph` and `iai-callgrind` benchmarks. The `iai-callgrind` (feature = `with-iai`) and `flamegraph` (feature = `with-flamegraph`) benchmarks can only be run on unix. Use the `--features` option of cargo to run the benchmarks with these features. To get a rough idea about the parsing times, here the average parsing speed of some inputs (Quad core 3000Mhz, 8GB DDR3, Linux): Input | avg parsing time --- | ---:| `1` | `49.399 ns` `123456789` | `57.108 ns` `"1".repeat(1022)` | `253.89 ns` `sec` / `1sec` / `seconds` / `1seconds` | `63.521` / `81.871` / `74.962` / `97.785 ns` `min` / `1min` / `minutes` / `1minutes` | `64.102` / `82.876` / `77.893` / `98.374 ns` `1year` | `164.30 ns` `10000000year` | `182.85 ns` `1sec 1min` | `167.74 ns` `1sec 1min 1sec 1min` | `325.70 ns` `1sec 1min 1hour 1day` | `353.18 ns` `"1sec 1min".repeat(100)` | `15.258 µs` Parsing of fuzzy time units like in `1year` or `10000000year` adds a considerable amount of additional computations but is still comparably fast. # License MIT license ([LICENSE](LICENSE) or ) [`Duration`]: [`std::time::Duration`]: [`chrono::Duration`]: [`time::Duration`]: [`chrono::DateTime`]: [`time::PrimitiveDateTime`]: [`time::OffsetDateTime`]: [documentation]: