[package] name = "fundu-systemd" version = "0.3.1" edition = "2021" authors = ["Joining7943 "] description = "Fast and precise systemd time span parser of rust strings to a Duration" readme = "README.md" license = "MIT" keywords = ["fundu", "systemd", "parse", "duration", "time"] categories = ["parsing", "date-and-time"] homepage = "https://github.com/fundu-rs/fundu" repository = "https://github.com/fundu-rs/fundu" rust-version = "1.66.0" [features] default = [] chrono = ["fundu/chrono"] serde = ["fundu/serde"] time = ["fundu/time"] with-flamegraph = ["fundu/with-flamegraph"] with-iai = ["fundu/with-iai"] [dependencies] fundu = { path = "../fundu", version = "=2.0.1", default-features = false, features = [ "base", ] } [dev-dependencies] criterion = { workspace = true } rstest = { workspace = true } [target.'cfg(unix)'.dev-dependencies] iai-callgrind = { workspace = true } inferno = { workspace = true } pprof = { workspace = true, features = ["flamegraph", "criterion"] } [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] [[bench]] name = "benchmarks" harness = false [[bench]] name = "fundu_systemd_iai_parsing" harness = false required-features = ["with-iai"] [[bench]] name = "flamegraph" harness = false bench = false required-features = ["with-flamegraph"]