Command line formatter for URLs, based on [url]( and [clap]( Install with: `cargo install furl` Examples: ```bash $ furl -u "postgres://usr:pwd@localhost:5432/db" \ -f "host='%h' port='%p' db='%A' user='%U' pwd='%P'" host='localhost' port='5432' db='db' user='usr' pwd='pwd' $ furl -u "" \ -f "scheme='%s' query='%q' path='%a' port='%p'" scheme='https' query='q=rust+furl' path='/search' port='' $ furl -u "" \ -f "path='%a' fragment='%f'" path='/wiki/Rust' fragment='Prevention' $ furl -u "postgres://usr:pwd@localhost:5432/db" postgres localhost 5432 db usr pwd ``` The formatting string can contain any of the following substitutions: ```text %A - the path, without the starting '/' %a - the path %f - the fragment %h - the hostname %P - the password of the userinfo portion %p - the port %q - the query string %s - the scheme %U - the username of the userinfo portion %n - newline (\n) %t - tab (\t) %% - a single % ``` # Bash example ```bash echo 'DATABASE_URL="postgres://webapp:pwd@localhost:5432/myapp"' >> .env DPG="docker run -d --rm --name pg-%A -v vol-%A:/var/lib/postgresql \ -p %p:5432 \ -e POSTGRES_DB=%A -e POSTGRES_USER=%U -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=%P \ postgres" $(source .env && furl -u $DATABASE_URL -f "$DPG") ```