# fury-renegade-rgb A small CLI app that allows you to control the RGB lights on Kingston Fury Renegade RAM Note1: Currently this only works on linux, though contributions to make this work on windows as well will be welcome. Note2: This was only ever tested with 4 sticks in my system. While you can probably use the timing synchronizing for less than 4 sticks, I currently do not account for that. Note3: You must have permission to write to the i2cbus to use this. This would involve either running the command as root (sudo) or adding yourself to the `i2c` group. ## Usage ``` fury-renegade-rgb -b /dev/i2c-1 -1 -2 -3 -4 COMMAND ``` Where `/dev/i2c-1` is a path to the i2c bus where your RAM is. I wouldn't know where it is on your device, but that's where it is on mine. You can omit any of the `-1`, `-2`, `-3`, and `-4` flags if you don't wanna send the command to any of the sticks. `COMMAND` is any of what's below ## Commands * `noop` just sends a noop command to the specified sticks * `reset` does the following * Syncronizes the sticks * Sets all brightness values to 100% * Sets custom colour to #000000 * Sets pattern to rainbow * Resets timing delays and offsets * `sync` syncs the sticks together * Note that you can only syncronize sticks that are beside each other. E.g., you can sync all of them together, 1 with 2, and 3 with 4, but you can't sync 1 with 3. * `colour-brightness --red VALUE --green VALUE --blue VALUE` * Sets a sort of colour filter mask... thing * `brightness --value VALUE` * Between 0 and 100, dims the overall pattern with 100 being the default * `pattern-start-offset --raw-offset VALUE` * Sets a delay before starting the pattern. On a syncronized set of sticks, the offset appears to be additive * `pattern-repeat-delay --raw-delay VALUE` * A delay before the pattern repeats, this should be set to the same value on all sticks that are syncronized * `pattern --style STYLE --red VALUE --green VALUE --blue VALUE --colour-cycle` * `STYLE` can be any of the following * `solid` - Always shows custom colour * `rainbow` - The unicorn barf we all know and love, no custimization options have any effect * `scan` - A dot scans from top to bottom, then settles on the center * `breathe` - Fades in and out * `fade` - Only fades in, most interesting with the colour cycle * `stripe` - Wipes from the bottom to top * `trail` - Trailing light, bottom to top * `lightning` - Electrical pattern, not unlike a plasma ball. Looks best with 4 sticks * `countdown` - Counts down from 9 to 0 repeatedly. Looks best with 4 sticks * `fire` - Fire pattern, no custimization options have any effect, looks best with 4 sticks * `sparkles` - Sprikles random colours around the ram, non-customizable, looks best with 4 sticks * `fury` - Writes "F" on the sticks, then "U", then "R", then "Y". Looks best with 4 sticks. * `VALUE ` is a value between 0 and 255 * `--colour-cycle` can be omitted, when specified, it will cycle the pattern with the following colours: custom, green, orange, blue, yellow-sih green, pink, cyan, yellow, bright-punk, bright-cyan, red * `pattern-style STYLE` * Only sets the `STYLE` which is the same as above * `pattern-colour --red VALUE --green VALUE --blue VALUE` * Only sets the colour, which has the same `VALUE`s as above