import "primitives/std.lib"; //// ANCHOR: component //// ANCHOR: component_ports component add_one(x_done: 1, x_read_data: 32) -> (x_write_data: 32, x_write_en: 1, x_addr0: 1) { //// ANCHOR_END: component_ports cells { one = std_const(32, 1); add = std_add(32); tmp_reg = std_reg(32); } wires { //// ANCHOR: wires group read_from_x { x_addr0 = 1'd0; // Set address port to zero. = x_read_data; // Read the value at address zero. tmp_reg.write_en = 1'd1; read_from_x[done] = tmp_reg.done; } group write_to_x { x_addr0 = 1'd0; // Set address port to zero. add.left = one.out; add.right = tmp_reg.out; // Saved value from previous read. x_write_data = add.out; // Write value to address zero. x_write_en = 1'd1; // Set write enable signal to high. write_to_x[done] = x_done; // The group is done when the write is complete. } //// ANCHOR_END: wires } control { seq { read_from_x; write_to_x; } } } //// ANCHOR_END: component //// ANCHOR: main component main() -> () { cells { add_one0 = add_one(); @external(1) x = std_mem_d1(32, 1, 1); } wires { } //// ANCHOR: invoke control { invoke add_one0(x_done = x.done, x_read_data = x.read_data) (x_write_data = x.write_data, x_write_en = x.write_en, x_addr0 = x.addr0); } //// ANCHOR_END: invoke } //// ANCHOR_END: main