from prettytable import PrettyTable import numpy as np from calyx.py_ast import * from calyx.utils import bits_needed def reduce_parallel_control_pass(component: Component, N: int, input_size: int): """Reduces the amount of fan-out by reducing parallelization in the execution flow by a factor of `N`. For example, given an input size 4 and reduction factor N = 2: Before: par { s0_mul0; s0_mul1; } par { s0_r0_op_mod; s0_r1_op_mod; s0_r2_op_mod; s0_r3_op_mod; } ... After: par { s0_mul0; s0_mul1; } par { s0_r0_op_mod; s0_r1_op_mod; } par { s0_r2_op_mod; s0_r3_op_mod; } ... """ assert ( N is not None and 0 < N < input_size and (not (N & (N - 1))) ), f"""N should be a power of two within bounds (0, n).""" reduced_controls = [] for control in component.controls.stmts: if not isinstance(control, ParComp): reduced_controls.append(control) continue enable = next(iter(control.stmts), None).stmt # Parallelized multiplies are already a factor of 1/2 less. factor = N // 2 if "mul" in enable else N reduced_controls.extend( ParComp(x) for x in np.split(np.array(control.stmts), factor) ) component.controls = SeqComp(reduced_controls) def get_pipeline_data(n, num_stages): """Returns the operations for each row in each stage in tuple format. Recall that each stage will consist of N operations, following the pattern: `a[i] +- (a[j] * phis[p])` From this, we can have a log2(`n`) x `n` array that stores the tuple value: `(i, op, m)` where `i` is the input index of the lhs, `op` is the operation conducted, in {+, -}, and `m` is the index of the register holding the product. """ operations = [[() for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(num_stages)] t = n for i in range(0, num_stages): t >>= 1 j = t mult_register = 0 while j < n: for k in range(j, j + t): operations[i][k - t] = (k - t, "+", mult_register) operations[i][k] = (k - t, "-", mult_register) mult_register += 1 j += t << 1 return operations def get_multiply_data(n, num_stages): """Returns a tuple value for each unique product that contains: (register index, input index, phi index) Since each stage in the pipeline has at most N / 2 unique products calculated, we want to only use N / 2 `mult_pipeline`s in each stage. This requires us to map which products go with which calculation. This calculation is usually referred to as `V`, and would look something like: `V = a[x] * phis[y]` and used to calculate: `a[k] = U + V mod q` `a[k+t] = U - V mod q` """ mults = [[] for _ in range(num_stages)] phi_index = 1 t = n for i in range(0, num_stages): t >>= 1 j = t register_index = 0 while j < n: for input_index in range(j, j + t): mults[i].append((register_index, input_index, phi_index)) register_index += 1 j += t << 1 phi_index += 1 return mults def pp_table(operations, multiplies, n, num_stages): """Pretty prints a table describing the calculations made during the pipeline.""" stage_titles = ["a"] + [f"Stage {i}" for i in range(num_stages)] table = PrettyTable(stage_titles) for row in range(n): table_row = [f"{row}"] for stage in range(num_stages): lhs, op, mult_register = operations[stage][row] _, rhs, phi_index = multiplies[stage][mult_register] table_row.append(f"a[{lhs}] {op} a[{rhs}] * phis[{phi_index}]") table.add_row(table_row) table = table.get_string().split("\n") table = [" ".join(("//", line)) for line in table] print("\n".join(table)) def generate_ntt_pipeline(input_bitwidth: int, n: int, q: int): """ Prints a pipeline in Calyx for the cooley-tukey algorithm that uses phis in bit-reversed order. `n`: Length of the input array. `input_bitwidth`: Bit width of the values in the input array. `q`: The modulus value. Reference: """ assert n > 0 and (not (n & (n - 1))), f"Input length: {n} must be a power of 2." bitwidth = bits_needed(n) num_stages = bitwidth - 1 operations = get_pipeline_data(n, num_stages) multiplies = get_multiply_data(n, num_stages) # Used to determine the index of the component # for the `sadd` and `ssub` primitives. component_counts = {"add": 0, "sub": 0} def fresh_comp_index(op): # Produces a new index for the component used in the stage. # This allows for N / 2 `sadd` and `ssub` components. saved_count = component_counts[op] if component_counts[op] == (n // 2) - 1: # Reset for the next stage. component_counts[op] = 0 else: component_counts[op] += 1 return saved_count # Memory component variables. input = CompVar("a") phis = CompVar("phis") def mul_group(stage, mul_tuple): mul_index, k, phi_index = mul_tuple group_name = CompVar(f"s{stage}_mul{mul_index}") mult_pipe = CompVar(f"mult_pipe{mul_index}") mul = CompVar(f"mul{mul_index}") phi = CompVar(f"phi{phi_index}") reg = CompVar(f"r{k}") connections = [ Connect(CompPort(phi, "out"), CompPort(mult_pipe, "left")), Connect(CompPort(reg, "out"), CompPort(mult_pipe, "right")), Connect( ConstantPort(1, 1), CompPort(mult_pipe, "go"), Not(Atom(CompPort(mult_pipe, "done"))), ), Connect(CompPort(mult_pipe, "done"), CompPort(mul, "write_en")), Connect(CompPort(mult_pipe, "out"), CompPort(mul, "in")), Connect(CompPort(mul, "done"), HolePort(group_name, "done")), ] return Group(group_name, connections) def op_mod_group(stage, row, operations_tuple): lhs, op, mul_index = operations_tuple comp = "add" if op == "+" else "sub" comp_index = fresh_comp_index(comp) group_name = CompVar(f"s{stage}_r{row}_op_mod") op = CompVar(f"{comp}{comp_index}") reg = CompVar(f"r{lhs}") mul = CompVar(f"mul{mul_index}") mod_pipe = CompVar(f"mod_pipe{row}") A = CompVar(f"A{row}") connections = [ Connect(CompPort(reg, "out"), CompPort(op, "left")), Connect(CompPort(mul, "out"), CompPort(op, "right")), Connect(CompPort(op, "out"), CompPort(mod_pipe, "left")), Connect(ConstantPort(input_bitwidth, q), CompPort(mod_pipe, "right")), Connect( ConstantPort(1, 1), CompPort(mod_pipe, "go"), Not(Atom(CompPort(mod_pipe, "done"))), ), Connect(CompPort(mod_pipe, "done"), CompPort(A, "write_en")), Connect(CompPort(mod_pipe, "out_remainder"), CompPort(A, "in")), Connect(CompPort(A, "done"), HolePort(group_name, "done")), ] return Group(group_name, connections) def precursor_group(row): group_name = CompVar(f"precursor_{row}") r = CompVar(f"r{row}") A = CompVar(f"A{row}") connections = [ Connect(CompPort(A, "out"), CompPort(r, "in")), Connect(ConstantPort(1, 1), CompPort(r, "write_en")), Connect(CompPort(r, "done"), HolePort(group_name, "done")), ] return Group(group_name, connections) def preamble_group(row): reg = CompVar(f"r{row}") phi = CompVar(f"phi{row}") group_name = CompVar(f"preamble_{row}") connections = [ Connect(ConstantPort(bitwidth, row), CompPort(input, "addr0")), Connect(ConstantPort(bitwidth, row), CompPort(phis, "addr0")), Connect(ConstantPort(1, 1), CompPort(reg, "write_en")), Connect(CompPort(input, "read_data"), CompPort(reg, "in")), Connect(ConstantPort(1, 1), CompPort(phi, "write_en")), Connect(CompPort(phis, "read_data"), CompPort(phi, "in")), Connect( ConstantPort(1, 1), HolePort(group_name, "done"), And(Atom(CompPort(reg, "done")), Atom(CompPort(phi, "done"))), ), ] return Group(group_name, connections) def epilogue_group(row): group_name = CompVar(f"epilogue_{row}") A = CompVar(f"A{row}") connections = [ Connect(ConstantPort(bitwidth, row), CompPort(input, "addr0")), Connect(ConstantPort(1, 1), CompPort(input, "write_en")), Connect(CompPort(A, "out"), CompPort(input, "write_data")), Connect(CompPort(input, "done"), HolePort(group_name, "done")), ] return Group(group_name, connections) def cells(): stdlib = Stdlib() memories = [ Cell(input, stdlib.mem_d1(input_bitwidth, n, bitwidth), is_external=True), Cell(phis, stdlib.mem_d1(input_bitwidth, n, bitwidth), is_external=True), ] r_regs = [ Cell(CompVar(f"r{r}"), stdlib.register(input_bitwidth)) for r in range(n) ] A_regs = [ Cell(CompVar(f"A{r}"), stdlib.register(input_bitwidth)) for r in range(n) ] mul_regs = [ Cell(CompVar(f"mul{i}"), stdlib.register(input_bitwidth)) for i in range(n // 2) ] phi_regs = [ Cell(CompVar(f"phi{r}"), stdlib.register(input_bitwidth)) for r in range(n) ] mod_pipes = [ Cell( CompVar(f"mod_pipe{r}"), stdlib.op("div_pipe", input_bitwidth, signed=True), ) for r in range(n) ] mult_pipes = [ Cell( CompVar(f"mult_pipe{i}"), stdlib.op("mult_pipe", input_bitwidth, signed=True), ) for i in range(n // 2) ] adds = [ Cell(CompVar(f"add{i}"), stdlib.op("add", input_bitwidth, signed=True)) for i in range(n // 2) ] subs = [ Cell(CompVar(f"sub{i}"), stdlib.op("sub", input_bitwidth, signed=True)) for i in range(n // 2) ] return ( memories + r_regs + A_regs + mul_regs + phi_regs + mod_pipes + mult_pipes + adds + subs ) def wires(): preambles = [preamble_group(r) for r in range(n)] precursors = [precursor_group(r) for r in range(n)] muls = [ mul_group(s, multiplies[s][i]) for s in range(num_stages) for i in range(n // 2) ] op_mods = [ op_mod_group(s, r, operations[s][r]) for s in range(num_stages) for r in range(n) ] epilogues = [epilogue_group(r) for r in range(n)] return preambles + precursors + muls + op_mods + epilogues def control(): preambles = [SeqComp([Enable(f"preamble_{r}") for r in range(n)])] epilogues = [SeqComp([Enable(f"epilogue_{r}") for r in range(n)])] ntt_stages = [] for s in range(num_stages): if s != 0: # Only append precursors if this is not the first stage. ntt_stages.append(ParComp([Enable(f"precursor_{r}") for r in range(n)])) # Multiply ntt_stages.append(ParComp([Enable(f"s{s}_mul{i}") for i in range(n // 2)])) # Addition or subtraction mod `q` ntt_stages.append(ParComp([Enable(f"s{s}_r{r}_op_mod") for r in range(n)])) return SeqComp(preambles + ntt_stages + epilogues) pp_table(operations, multiplies, n, num_stages) return Program( imports=[Import("primitives/std.lib")], components=[ Component( "main", inputs=[], outputs=[], structs=cells() + wires(), controls=control(), ) ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse, json parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="NTT") parser.add_argument("file", nargs="?", type=str) parser.add_argument("-b", "--input_bitwidth", type=int) parser.add_argument("-n", "--input_size", type=int) parser.add_argument("-q", "--modulus", type=int) parser.add_argument("-par_red", "--parallel_reduction", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() input_bitwidth, input_size, modulus = None, None, None required_fields = [args.input_bitwidth, args.input_size, args.modulus] if all(map(lambda x: x is not None, required_fields)): input_bitwidth = args.input_bitwidth input_size = args.input_size modulus = args.modulus parallel_reduction = args.parallel_reduction elif args.file is not None: with open(args.file, "r") as f: spec = json.load(f) input_bitwidth = spec["input_bitwidth"] input_size = spec["input_size"] modulus = spec["modulus"] parallel_reduction = spec.get("parallel_reduction") else: parser.error( "Need to pass either `-f FILE` or all of `-b INPUT_BITWIDTH -n INPUT_SIZE -q MODULUS`" ) program = generate_ntt_pipeline(input_bitwidth, input_size, modulus) if parallel_reduction is not None: for c in program.components: reduce_parallel_control_pass(c, parallel_reduction, input_size) program.emit()