import "primitives/std.lib"; // A MAC pipelined MAC that performs an add in the first cycle and multiply // in the next. It immediately (combinationally) forwards the left signal to // right and top to down. component mac_pe(top: 32, left: 32) -> (down: 32, right: 32) { cells { // Storage acc = prim std_reg(32); mul_reg = prim std_reg(32); // Computation add = prim std_add(32); mul = prim std_mult(32); } wires { group do_mul { mul.left = top; mul.right = left; = mul.out; mul_reg.write_en = 1'd1; do_mul[done] = mul_reg.done; } group do_add { add.left = acc.out; add.right = mul_reg.out; = add.out; acc.write_en = 1'd1; do_add[done] = acc.done; } down = top; right = left; } control { seq { do_mul; do_add; } } }