/******************************************************************************* Vendor: Xilinx Associated Filename: fxp_sqrt.h Purpose:Vivado HLSfxp_sqrt example project Revision History: Feb 21, 2012 - initial release ******************************************************************************* #- (c) Copyright 2011-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. #- #- This file contains confidential and proprietary information #- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and #- international copyright and other intellectual property #- laws. #- #- DISCLAIMER #- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any #- rights to the materials distributed herewith. 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Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. CRITICAL APPLICATIONS Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product liability. THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include using namespace std; // Fixed point square-root template // // Basic usage: fxp_sqrt(root_var, radicand_var); // or: fxp_sqrt(root_var, radicand_var); // where root_var and radicand_var are ap_ufixed<> variables and W2 & IW2 // are the total and iteger widths for root_var and W1/IW1 those for // radicand_var. // // Despcription: // This template function implements a non-restoring algorithm to calculate // the square-root of a fixed point variable (ap_ufixed<>) of arbitrary // format and assign it to another fixed point vaiable of arbitrary format. // // The template parameters specify the ap_ufixed<> width parameters to be used // for input and output formats (see documentation for ap_fixed<> for details). // These parameters do not need to be explicitly specified, as they will be // inferred by the types passed to the function call. // // As this function is only intended for use with real numbers, the input // and output variables are expected to be unsigned, i.e. ap_ufixed<>. If // signed types are passed, it is the user's responsibility to ensure the // input variable does not go negative, as no checks are made for such; // also note that passing a signed variable may result in slighty sub-optimal // HLS due to a wider format than necessary. Explicit casting is preferred. // // This function returns a precise (rounded to one ulp) result // as long as the output format has at least half (rounded up) as many // fractional bits as the input format. The output format must have enough // whole (integer) bit to hold thd full range of the result (i.e. half // rounded up), otherwise an assertion failure will result at runtime (of SW // model and/or RTL co-simulation). // // Note that integer square-roots may be accomplished with this function by // use of ap_ufixed<> intermediate variables with no fractional portion, e.g. // uint16_t a; // uint8_t a_sqrt; // ... // ap_ufixed<16,16> a_fxp = ap_ufixed<16,16>(a); // ap_ufixed<8,8> a_sqrt_fxp; // fxp_sqrt(a_sqrt_fxp, a_fxp); // a_sqrt = a_sqrt_fxp.to_int(); // // Which should result in no more hardware area than having an integer- // specific version of this function. template void fxp_sqrt(ap_ufixed& result, ap_ufixed& in_val) { enum { QW = (IW1+1)/2 + (W2-IW2) + 1 }; // derive max root width enum { SCALE = (W2 - W1) - (IW2 - (IW1+1)/2) }; // scale (shift) to adj initial remainer value enum { ROOT_PREC = QW - (IW1 % 2) }; assert((IW1+1)/2 <= IW2); // Check that output format can accommodate full result ap_uint q = 0; // partial sqrt ap_uint q_star = 0; // diminished partial sqrt ap_int s; // scaled remainder initialized to extracted input bits if (SCALE >= 0) s = in_val.range(W1-1,0) << (SCALE); else s = ((in_val.range(W1-1,0) >> (0 - (SCALE + 1))) + 1) >> 1; // Non-restoring square-root algorithm for (int i = 0; i <= ROOT_PREC; i++) { if (s >= 0) { s = 2 * s - (((ap_int(q) << 2) | 1) << (ROOT_PREC - i)); q_star = q << 1; q = (q << 1) | 1; } else { s = 2 * s + (((ap_int(q_star) << 2) | 3) << (ROOT_PREC - i)); q = (q_star << 1) | 1; q_star <<= 1; } } // Round result by "extra iteration" method if (s > 0) q = q + 1; // Truncate excess bit and assign to output format result.range(W2-1,0) = ap_uint(q >> 1); } ap_uint<32> sqrt(ap_uint<32>& input) { ap_ufixed<32,32> input_fxp = ap_ufixed<32,32>(input); ap_ufixed<16,16> input_sqrt_fxp; fxp_sqrt(input_sqrt_fxp, input_fxp); return (ap_uint<32>)input.to_int(); }