import "primitives/core.futil"; import "primitives/binary_operators.futil"; component pipelined_mac( data_valid: 1, a: 32, b: 32, c: 32 ) -> ( out: 32, output_valid: 1 ) { cells { mult_pipe = std_mult_pipe(32); add = std_add(32); // Pipeline register between stage 1 & 2 pipe1 = std_reg(32); // Pipeline register after stage 2 pipe2 = std_reg(32); stage2_valid = std_reg(1); // Stage 2 should run this execution out_valid = std_reg(1); // Output is valid } wires { group stage1<"static"=4> { mult_pipe.left = a; mult_pipe.right = b; = mult_pipe.out; pipe1.write_en = mult_pipe.done; mult_pipe.go = !mult_pipe.done ? 1'd1; stage1[done] = pipe1.done; } group stage2 { add.left = pipe1.out; add.right = c; pipe2.write_en = 1'd1; = add.out; stage2[done] = pipe2.done; } group set_stage2_valid { = 1'd1; stage2_valid.write_en = 1'd1; set_stage2_valid[done] = stage2_valid.done; } group unset_stage2_valid { = 1'd0; stage2_valid.write_en = 1'd1; unset_stage2_valid[done] = stage2_valid.done; } group set_out_valid { = 1'd1; out_valid.write_en = 1'd1; set_out_valid[done] = out_valid.done; } group unset_out_valid { = 1'd0; out_valid.write_en = 1'd1; unset_out_valid[done] = out_valid.done; } group no_op { no_op[done] = 1'd1; } output_valid = out_valid.out; out = pipe2.out; } control { seq { // Execute all stages in parallel par { if data_valid with no_op { stage1; } if stage2_valid.out with no_op { stage2; } } // Configure valid signals for next invoke par { if data_valid with no_op { set_stage2_valid; } else { unset_stage2_valid; } if stage2_valid.out with no_op { set_out_valid; } else { unset_out_valid; } } } } } component main() -> () { cells { // Input memories @external a = std_mem_d1(32, 10, 4); @external b = std_mem_d1(32, 10, 4); // Output memory: Expected output 31178 @external out = std_mem_d1(32, 1, 1); // Registers to save value at current memory index read_a = std_reg(32); read_b = std_reg(32); read_c = std_reg(32); // Index into memories `a` & `b`. idx0 = std_reg(4); add0 = std_add(4); lt0 = std_lt(4); mac = pipelined_mac(); } wires { group init_all { = 4'd0; idx0.write_en = 1'd1; init_all[done] = idx0.done; } group store_a { a.addr0 = idx0.out; read_a.write_en = 1'd1; = a.read_data; store_a[done] = read_a.done; } group store_b { b.addr0 = idx0.out; read_b.write_en = 1'd1; = b.read_data; store_b[done] = read_b.done; } group incr_idx { = add0.out; idx0.write_en = 1'd1; add0.left = 4'd1; add0.right = idx0.out; incr_idx[done] = idx0.done; } group save_out { out.addr0 = 1'd0; out.write_en = 1'd1; out.write_data = mac.out; save_out[done] = out.done; } group in_range { lt0.left = idx0.out; lt0.right = 4'd10; in_range[done] = 1'd1; } } control { seq { init_all; // Pipeline initialization: when idx0 == 0. // Perform the first multiplication w/o accumulate par { store_a; store_b; } invoke mac(data_valid = 1'd1, a = read_a.out, b = read_b.out)(); incr_idx; // Pipeline steady-state: when idx0 < 10. // Perform i+1 th multiply & i th accumulate while lt0.out with in_range { seq { par { store_a; store_b; } invoke mac( data_valid = 1'd1, a = read_a.out, b = read_b.out, c = mac.out )(); incr_idx; } } // Pipeline flushing: when idx0 == 10. // Perform the final accumulate invoke mac(c = mac.out)(); save_out; } } }