import "primitives/std.lib"; import "primitives/math.futil"; component main() -> () { cells { @external(1) x = std_mem_d4(32, 2, 4, 8, 32, 2, 3, 4, 6); @external(1) x1 = std_mem_d4(32, 2, 4, 8, 32, 2, 3, 4, 6); relu_2x4x8x32_ = relu_2x4x8x32(); } wires { } control { seq { invoke relu_2x4x8x32_(x0_0_0_0_read_data=x.read_data, x10_0_0_0_done=x1.done, x10_0_0_0_read_data=x1.read_data)(x0_0_0_0_addr0=x.addr0, x0_0_0_0_addr1=x.addr1, x0_0_0_0_addr2=x.addr2, x0_0_0_0_addr3=x.addr3, x10_0_0_0_write_data=x1.write_data, x10_0_0_0_write_en=x1.write_en, x10_0_0_0_addr0=x1.addr0, x10_0_0_0_addr1=x1.addr1, x10_0_0_0_addr2=x1.addr2, x10_0_0_0_addr3=x1.addr3); } } } component relu_2x4x8x32(x0_0_0_0_read_data: 32, x0_0_0_0_done: 1, x10_0_0_0_read_data: 32, x10_0_0_0_done: 1) -> (x0_0_0_0_write_data: 32, x0_0_0_0_write_en: 1, x0_0_0_0_addr0: 2, x0_0_0_0_addr1: 3, x0_0_0_0_addr2: 4, x0_0_0_0_addr3: 6, x10_0_0_0_write_data: 32, x10_0_0_0_write_en: 1, x10_0_0_0_addr0: 2, x10_0_0_0_addr1: 3, x10_0_0_0_addr2: 4, x10_0_0_0_addr3: 6) { cells { __i0 = std_reg(2); __j0 = std_reg(3); __k0 = std_reg(4); __l0 = std_reg(6); add0 = std_add(6); add1 = std_add(4); add2 = std_add(3); add3 = std_add(2); const0 = std_const(2,0); const1 = std_const(2,1); const10 = std_const(3,1); const11 = std_const(2,1); const2 = std_const(3,0); const3 = std_const(3,3); const4 = std_const(4,0); const5 = std_const(4,7); const6 = std_const(6,0); const7 = std_const(6,31); const8 = std_const(6,1); const9 = std_const(4,1); fp_const0 = std_const(32,0); fp_const1 = std_const(32,0); gt0 = std_fp_sgt(32,16,16); le0 = std_le(2); le1 = std_le(3); le2 = std_le(4); le3 = std_le(6); x_read0_0 = std_reg(32); x_read1_0 = std_reg(32); } wires { group cond0<"static"=0> { cond0[done] = 1'd1; le0.left = __i0.out; le0.right = const1.out; } group cond1<"static"=0> { cond1[done] = 1'd1; le1.left = __j0.out; le1.right = const3.out; } group cond2<"static"=0> { cond2[done] = 1'd1; le2.left = __k0.out; le2.right = const5.out; } group cond3<"static"=0> { cond3[done] = 1'd1; le3.left = __l0.out; le3.right = const7.out; } group cond4<"static"=0> { cond4[done] = 1'd1; gt0.left = x_read0_0.out; gt0.right = fp_const0.out; } group let0<"static"=1> { = const0.out; __i0.write_en = 1'd1; let0[done] = __i0.done; } group let1<"static"=1> { = const2.out; __j0.write_en = 1'd1; let1[done] = __j0.done; } group let2<"static"=1> { = const4.out; __k0.write_en = 1'd1; let2[done] = __k0.done; } group let3<"static"=1> { = const6.out; __l0.write_en = 1'd1; let3[done] = __l0.done; } group upd0<"static"=1> { x_read0_0.write_en = 1'd1; x0_0_0_0_addr3 = __l0.out; x0_0_0_0_addr2 = __k0.out; x0_0_0_0_addr1 = __j0.out; x0_0_0_0_addr0 = __i0.out; = 1'd1 ? x0_0_0_0_read_data; upd0[done] = x_read0_0.done ? 1'd1; } group upd1<"static"=1> { x_read1_0.write_en = 1'd1; x0_0_0_0_addr3 = __l0.out; x0_0_0_0_addr2 = __k0.out; x0_0_0_0_addr1 = __j0.out; x0_0_0_0_addr0 = __i0.out; = 1'd1 ? x0_0_0_0_read_data; upd1[done] = x_read1_0.done ? 1'd1; } group upd2<"static"=1> { x10_0_0_0_addr3 = __l0.out; x10_0_0_0_addr2 = __k0.out; x10_0_0_0_addr1 = __j0.out; x10_0_0_0_addr0 = __i0.out; x10_0_0_0_write_en = 1'd1; x10_0_0_0_write_data = 1'd1 ? x_read1_0.out; upd2[done] = x10_0_0_0_done ? 1'd1; } group upd3<"static"=1> { x10_0_0_0_addr3 = __l0.out; x10_0_0_0_addr2 = __k0.out; x10_0_0_0_addr1 = __j0.out; x10_0_0_0_addr0 = __i0.out; x10_0_0_0_write_en = 1'd1; x10_0_0_0_write_data = 1'd1 ? fp_const1.out; upd3[done] = x10_0_0_0_done ? 1'd1; } group upd4<"static"=1> { __l0.write_en = 1'd1; add0.left = __l0.out; add0.right = const8.out; = 1'd1 ? add0.out; upd4[done] = __l0.done ? 1'd1; } group upd5<"static"=1> { __k0.write_en = 1'd1; add1.left = __k0.out; add1.right = const9.out; = 1'd1 ? add1.out; upd5[done] = __k0.done ? 1'd1; } group upd6<"static"=1> { __j0.write_en = 1'd1; add2.left = __j0.out; add2.right = const10.out; = 1'd1 ? add2.out; upd6[done] = __j0.done ? 1'd1; } group upd7<"static"=1> { __i0.write_en = 1'd1; add3.left = __i0.out; add3.right = const11.out; = 1'd1 ? add3.out; upd7[done] = __i0.done ? 1'd1; } } control { seq { let0; @bound(2) while le0.out with cond0 { seq { let1; @bound(4) while le1.out with cond1 { seq { let2; @bound(8) while le2.out with cond2 { seq { let3; @bound(32) while le3.out with cond3 { seq { upd0; if gt0.out with cond4 { seq { upd1; upd2; } } else { upd3; } upd4; } } upd5; } } upd6; } } upd7; } } } } }