use criterion::{ criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion, ParameterizedBenchmark, }; use futures::{ executor::block_on, future::join_all, join, sink::SinkExt, stream::StreamExt, FutureExt, }; use futures_intrusive::channel::{ shared::channel, shared::unbuffered_channel, LocalChannel, }; use std::time::Duration; /// Elements to transfer per producer const ELEMS_TO_SEND: usize = 1000; /// Buffer size for buffered channels const CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 20; /// Benchmark for Crossbeam channels fn crossbeam_channel_variable_tx(producers: usize) { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / producers; let (tx, rx) = crossbeam::channel::bounded(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE); for _i in 0..producers { let tx = tx.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { tx.send(4).unwrap(); } }); } drop(tx); loop { let res = rx.recv(); if res.is_err() { break; } } } /// variable producers, single consumer fn futchan_bounded_variable_tx(producers: usize) { use futures::channel::mpsc::channel; let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / producers; let (tx, mut rx) = channel(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE); for _i in 0..producers { let mut tx = tx.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { block_on(async { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { tx.send(4).await.unwrap(); } }); }); } drop(tx); block_on(async { loop { let res =; if res.is_none() { break; } } }); } /// variable producers, single consumer fn tokiochan_bounded_variable_tx(producers: usize) { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / producers; let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE); for _i in 0..producers { let tx = tx.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { block_on(async { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { tx.send(4).await.unwrap(); } }); }); } drop(tx); block_on(async { loop { let res = rx.recv().await; if res.is_none() { break; } } }); } macro_rules! intrusive_channel_variable_tx { ($producers: expr, $channel_constructor: expr) => { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / $producers; let (tx, rx) = $channel_constructor; for _i in 0..$producers { let tx = tx.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { block_on(async { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { let r = tx.send(4).await; assert!(r.is_ok()); } }); }); } drop(tx); block_on(async { loop { let res = rx.receive().await; if res.is_none() { break; } } }); }; } /// variable producers, single consumer fn intrusivechan_bounded_variable_tx(producers: usize) { intrusive_channel_variable_tx!( producers, channel::(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE) ); } /// variable producers, single consumer fn intrusivechan_unbuffered_variable_tx(producers: usize) { intrusive_channel_variable_tx!(producers, unbuffered_channel::()); } /// variable producers, single consumer fn futchan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers: usize) { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / producers; block_on(async { let (tx, mut rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE); let produce_done = join_all((0..producers).into_iter().map(|_| { let mut tx = tx.clone(); async move { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { tx.send(4).await.unwrap(); } } .boxed() })); drop(tx); let consume_done = async { loop { let res =; if res.is_none() { break; } } }; join!(produce_done, consume_done); }); } /// variable producers, single consumer fn tokiochan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers: usize) { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / producers; block_on(async { let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE); let produce_done = join_all((0..producers).into_iter().map(|_| { let tx = tx.clone(); async move { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { tx.send(4).await.unwrap(); } } .boxed() })); drop(tx); let consume_done = async { loop { let res = rx.recv().await; if res.is_none() { break; } } }; join!(produce_done, consume_done); }); } macro_rules! intrusive_channel_variable_tx_single_thread { ($producers: expr, $channel_constructor: expr) => { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / $producers; block_on(async { let (tx, rx) = $channel_constructor; let produce_done = join_all((0..$producers).into_iter().map(|_| { let tx = tx.clone(); Box::pin(async move { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { let r = tx.send(4).await; assert!(r.is_ok()); } }) })); drop(tx); let consume_done = async { loop { let res = rx.receive().await; if res.is_none() { break; } } }; join!(produce_done, consume_done); }); }; } /// variable producers, single consumer fn intrusivechan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers: usize) { intrusive_channel_variable_tx_single_thread!( producers, channel::(CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE) ); } /// variable producers, single consumer fn intrusivechan_unbuffered_variable_tx_single_thread(producers: usize) { intrusive_channel_variable_tx_single_thread!( producers, unbuffered_channel::() ); } /// variable producers, single consumer fn intrusive_local_chan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers: usize) { let elems_per_producer = ELEMS_TO_SEND / producers; block_on(async { let rx = LocalChannel::::new(); let produce_done = join_all((0..producers).into_iter().map(|_| { Box::pin(async { for _i in 0..elems_per_producer { let r = rx.send(4).await; assert!(r.is_ok()); } }) })); let consume_done = async { let mut count = 0; let needed = elems_per_producer * producers; loop { let _ = rx.receive().await.unwrap(); // The channel doesn't automatically get closed when producers are // gone since producer and consumer are the same object type. // Therefore we need to count receives. count += 1; if count == needed { break; } } }; join!(produce_done, consume_done); }); } fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { // Producer and consumer are running on the same thread c.bench( "Channels (Single Threaded)", ParameterizedBenchmark::new( "intrusive local channel with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| { intrusive_local_chan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread( producers, ) }) }, &[5, 20, 100], ) .with_function("intrusive channel with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| { intrusivechan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers) }) }) .with_function( "intrusive unbuffered channel with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| { intrusivechan_unbuffered_variable_tx_single_thread( producers, ) }) }, ) .with_function( "futures::channel::mpsc with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| futchan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers)) }, ) .with_function( "tokio::sync::mpsc with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| { tokiochan_bounded_variable_tx_single_thread(producers) }) }, ), ); // Producer and consume run on a different thread c.bench( "Channels (Thread per producer)", ParameterizedBenchmark::new( "crossbeam channel with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| crossbeam_channel_variable_tx(producers)) }, &[5, 20, 100], ) .with_function("intrusive channel with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| intrusivechan_bounded_variable_tx(producers)) }) .with_function( "intrusive unbuffered channel with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| intrusivechan_unbuffered_variable_tx(producers)) }, ) .with_function( "futures::channel::mpsc with producers", |b, &&producers| b.iter(|| futchan_bounded_variable_tx(producers)), ) .with_function( "tokio::sync::mpsc with producers", |b, &&producers| { b.iter(|| tokiochan_bounded_variable_tx(producers)) }, ), ); } criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default().measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(10)).nresamples(50); targets = criterion_benchmark } criterion_main!(benches);