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'#%!2((("'#('1'1!!2222#!/0..1'&##2 01&('2'2'#1".'#02'2&"*.&''&1&'2##2 -2#"3(1.#($!/'.2.'.2"&1/'(&(&1(/.!'&"/0.02/"'!,-,     // () 0  )+ `%!+   $!$$"r-* "$&$F"#"""#,-0/.&1001!1%!00&,201&!.0/00. /  )) ) , ) * -   * + %%!1111!&-,%,,-!-- ,%,%,%* +,*+% -,*%,0!02&!0101111-,,%A>"$5$2#!6!6  A!   Flatten7Join5#7Empty!6Collect$B task_local AsyncSink!2 Canceled1? IntoStream"7 Done!6std1 try_readyIOrElse#7compiler_builtinsSink3 Future3Then#7Map#7 SelectAll&B select_ok$A Poll2Failed!6 select_all$A finished5oneshot:!SelectOk&B StartSend&2 Canceled?Select#7failed5emptyD5AndThen"6Join4"7Oneshot1<"Lazy!6 IntoFuture3 Fuse"7Async!2Complete1=!MapErr#7 FlattenStream7 collect$@ SelectAllNext$B BoxFuture&@ done5Finished!6coreJoin3"7 SelectNext#7 lazyZ5Join"7Stream33Hdoc//! Zero-cost Futures in Rustdoc//!"Ndoc"N"NN//! This library is an implementation of futures in Rust which aims to provide"NqLdocqLqLL//! a robust implementation of handling asynchronous computations, ergonomicqLOdocOOO//! composition and usage, and zero-cost abstractions over what would otherwiseOdoc//! be written by hand.doc//!OdocOOO//! Futures are a concept for an object which is a proxy for another value thatOJdoc JJJ//! may not be ready yet. For example issuing an HTTP request may return aJ Ldoc LLM//! future for the HTTP response, as it probably hasn\'t arrived yet. With anL Pdoc PPP//! object representing a value that will eventually be available, futures allowP Pdoc PPP//! for powerful composition of tasks through basic combinators that can performP Ldoc LLL//! operations like chaining computations, changing the types of futures, orL 9doc999//! waiting for two futures to complete at the same time.9doc//!MdocMMM//! You can find extensive tutorials and documentations at []MLdocLLL//! for both this crate (asynchronous programming in general) as well as theL*doc***//! Tokio stack to perform async I/O with.*doc//!(doc(((//! []:!doc//! ## Installationdoc//!"doc"""//! Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:"doc//! doc   //! ```toml  doc  //! [dependencies]  doc  //! futures = \"0.1\"  doc  //! ```  doc  //!  doc  //! ## Examples  doc   //!   Edoc! E EF//! Let\'s take a look at a few examples of how futures might be used: E! doc"  //! " doc#  //! ``` # doc$  //! extern crate futures; $ doc%  //! % doc&  //! use std::io; & doc'  //! use std::time::Duration; ' doc(  //! use futures::prelude::*; ( doc)  //! use futures::future::Map; ) doc*  //! * Pdoc+ P PP//! // A future is actually a trait implementation, so we can generically take a P+ Odoc, O OO//! // future of any integer and return back a future that will resolve to that O, doc-  //! // value plus 10 more. - doc.  //! // . Mdoc/ M MN//! // Note here that like iterators, we\'re returning the `Map` combinator in M/ Fdoc0 F FF//! // the futures crate, not a boxed abstraction. This is a zero-cost F0 doc1  //! // construction of a future. 16doc2666//! fn add_ten(future: F) -> Map i32>62"doc3"""//! where F: Future,"3doc4//! {4(doc5(((//! fn add(a: i32) -> i32 { a + 10 }(5doc6//!! }7doc8//!8Pdoc9PPP//! // Not only can we modify one future, but we can even compose them together!P9Ndoc:NNN//! // Here we have a function which takes two futures as input, and returns aN:>doc;>>>//! // future that will calculate the sum of their two values.>;doc<//! //<Fdoc=FFF//! // Above we saw a direct return value of the `Map` combinator, butF=Mdoc>MMO//! // performance isn\'t always critical and sometimes it\'s more ergonomic toM>Odoc?OOP//! // return a trait object like we do here. Note though that there\'s only oneO?=doc@===//! // allocation here, not any for the intermediate futures.=@NdocANNP//! fn add<\'a, A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> Box + \'a>NA'docB''(//! where A: Future + \'a,'B7docC778//! B: Future + \'a,7CdocD//! {D/docE/////! Box::new(a.join(b).map(|(a, b)| a + b))/EdocF//! }FdocG//!GPdocHPPP//! // Futures also allow chaining computations together, starting another afterPHOdocIOOO//! // the previous finishes. Here we wait for the first computation to finish,OI:docJ::://! // and then decide what to do depending on the result.:J"docK"""//! fn download_timeout(url: &str,"K.docL...//! timeout_dur: Duration).LGdocMGGG//! -> Box, Error=io::Error>> {GMdocN//! use std::io;N.docO...//! use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream};.OdocP//!P@docQ@@@//! type IoFuture = Box>;@QdocR//!RNdocSNNN//! // First thing to do is we need to resolve our URL to an address. ThisNSEdocTEEE//! // will likely perform a DNS lookup which may take some time.ET docU   //! let addr = resolve(url); UdocV//!VFdocWFFF//! // After we acquire the address, we next want to open up a TCPFWdocX//! // connection.X7docY777//! let tcp = addr.and_then(|addr| connect(&addr));7YdocZ//!ZPdoc[PPQ//! // After the TCP connection is established and ready to go, we\'re off toP[doc\//! // the races!\7doc]777//! let data = tcp.and_then(|conn| download(conn));7]doc^//!^Pdoc_PPQ//! // That all might take awhile, though, so let\'s not wait too long for itP_Pdoc`PPP//! // to all come back. The `select` combinator here returns a future whichP`IdocaIIJ//! // resolves to the first value that\'s ready plus the next future.Ia docb   //! // bIdoccIII//! // Note we can also use the `then` combinator which is similar toIcEdocdEEE//! // `and_then` above except that it receives the result of theEd 6doce 6 66//! // computation, not just the successful value. 6e docf  //! // f!Pdocg!P!PP//! // Again note that all the above calls to `and_then` and the below calls!Pg!Odoch!O!OO//! // to `map` and such require no allocations. We only ever allocate once!Oh"Pdoci"P"PQ//! // we hit the `Box::new()` call at the end here, which means we\'ve built"Pi"Pdocj"P"PP//! // up a relatively involved computation with only one box, and even that"Pj#dock##//! // was optional!#k#docl##//!#l# docm# #  //! let data =;# m$4docn$4$44//! let timeout = timeout(timeout_dur).map(Err);$4n$doco$$//!$o$6docp$6$66//! let ret =|result| {$6p$docq$$//! match result {$q%Edocr%E%EE//! // One future succeeded, and it was the one which was%Er%8docs%8%88//! // downloading data from the connection.%8s&:doct&:&:://! Ok((Ok(data), _other_future)) => Ok(data),&:t&docu&&//!&u&Jdocv&J&JJ//! // The timeout fired, and otherwise no error was found, so&Jv'1docw'1'11//! // we translate this to an error.'1w'7docx'7'77//! Ok((Err(_timeout), _other_future)) => {'7x(Hdocy(H(HJ//! Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, \"timeout\"))(Hy(docz((//! }(z(doc{((//!({(Kdoc|(K(KK//! // A normal I/O error happened, so we pass that on through.(K|)2doc})2)22//! Err((e, _other_future)) => Err(e),)2}) doc~) )  //! }) ~) doc) )  //! });) )doc))//! return Box::new(ret);)*doc**//!**7doc*7*77//! fn resolve(url: &str) -> IoFuture {*7*doc**//! // ...**$doc*$*$&//! # panic!(\"unimplemented\");*$+ doc+ +  //! }+ +doc++//!++Bdoc+B+BB//! fn connect(hostname: &SocketAddr) -> IoFuture {+B+doc++//! // ...++$doc+$+$&//! # panic!(\"unimplemented\");+$, doc, ,  //! }, ,doc,,//!,,=doc,=,==//! fn download(stream: TcpStream) -> IoFuture> {,=,doc,,//! // ...,,$doc,$,$&//! # panic!(\"unimplemented\");,$- doc- -  //! }- -doc--//!--6doc-6-66//! fn timeout(stream: Duration) -> IoFuture<()> {-6-doc--//! // ...--$doc-$-$&//! # panic!(\"unimplemented\");-$. doc. .  //! }. .doc..//! }..doc..//! # fn main() {}..doc..//! ```..doc..//!..Hdoc.H.HH//! Some more information can also be found in the [README] for now, but.H/5doc/5/55//! otherwise feel free to jump in to the docs below!/5/doc////!//Hdoc/H/HH//! [README]: 0deny000 missing_docs00 missing_debug_implementations050doc010 html_root_url00 (*,.0222222333333333![DY2 2  macro_use2 !!!!!!!!!!&;NNN*KPdocKPKPQ/// Return type of the `Future::poll` method, indicates whether a future\'s valueKPLdocLL/// is ready or not.LLdocLL///LLIdocLILII/// * `Ok(Async::Ready(t))` means that a future has successfully resolvedLIMLdocMLMLL/// * `Ok(Async::NotReady)` means that a future is not ready to complete yetMLMGdocMGMGG/// * `Err(e)` means that a future has completed with the given failureMG!TETE  N  NP P T P.selff F!U QPFdocPFPFF/// Change the success value of this `Async` with the closure providedPF    FU  Q  Q  Q   Ri!self   SS*docS*S**/// Returns whether this is `Async::Ready`S*  SrM self   UCT-docT-T--/// Returns whether this is `Async::NotReady`T-  UtP U    U^ T U,t    V9  !Z Z "$! T Z4selff !  [ZKdocZKZKK/// Change the NotReady value of this `AsyncSink` with the closure providedZK    F!U##! [ [ [ \n!self   ]].doc].]../// Returns whether this is `AsyncSink::Ready`]. " ]vQ self   _C_1doc_1_11/// Returns whether this is `AsyncSink::NotReady`_1 $ _xT aaa3`Mdoc`M`MM/// Return type of the `Sink::start_send` method, indicating the outcome of a`M`3doc`3`33/// send attempt. See `AsyncSink` for more details.`3  T%E''% a a  FutureResult!e FlattenmJoin5#ostream|2Empty!dCollect$w"JoinAll$s IntoStream"nDone!iFromErr#oOk!jresult,b 2OrElse#p CatchUnwind&rLoopFn"e SharedError&t fmt?b 2Then#q SharedItem&t Map#o SelectAll&s select_ok$t Poll|2done,i2Loop"eFailed!g select_all$s finishedfSelectOk&sShared%tSelect#pfailedg emptyDdjoin_all$sAndThen"mpoll_fnpdresulteJoin4"oInspect#qerreokeLazy!dFuse"nErr!kMapErr#o FlattenStreamn# SelectAllNext$s collect$u#Either#qdoneiFinished!fJoin3"oPollFn!d SelectNext#p lazyZdSelect2#pJoin"oloop_fne:2a doca a  //! Futuresa adocaa//!aaMdocaMaMM//! This module contains the `Future` trait and a number of adaptors for thisaMbJdocbJbJJ//! trait. See the crate docs, and the docs for `Future`, for full detail.bJ468Nhz#$$$$%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&xAsync!8Future8Poll8marker  8D2c DdocDDE//! Definition of the Empty combinator, a future that\'s never ready.D:<>@B!!DF l!   PPdocPPP/// Creates a future which never resolves, representing a computation that neverPѹ docѹ ѹ  /// finishes.ѹ ߹doc߹߹///߹>doc>>>/// The returned future will forever return `Async::NotReady`.> D  T)E++)    8HJL T-E/-/  F8 FF8 FFself   8ĻD L  F̻F,  FutureNPollN IntoFuture Nmem  NF2c NdocNNN//! Definition of the Lazy combinator, deferring execution of a function untilNۼdocۼۼ//! the future is polled.ۼPRTVX!!!!Z\` fF! R MdocMMM/// Creates a new future which will eventually be the same as the one createdMdoc/// by the closure provided.doc///MdocMMM/// The provided closure is only run once the future has a callback scheduledMOdocOOO/// on it, otherwise the callback never runs. Once run, however, this future isO,doc,,,/// the same as the one the closure creates.,doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::future::*;doc///'doc'''/// let a = lazy(|| ok::(1));'doc////doc////// let b = lazy(|| -> FutureResult {/doc/// panic!(\"oh no!\")doc/// });$doc$$$/// drop(b); // closure is never run$doc/// ``` Z  F1R331             N^ F5R775Չ  ĉ    [self     N ^  \\-   Nbdf F9R;9;Չ  ĉ    ^N ``N ``self ! ߍ  NO f  ``,  FuturehPollh!2c 1doc111//! Definition of the `PollFn` adapter combinator1jln!!prjXfF!Đ  kEdocEEE/// Creates a new future wrapping around a function returning `Poll`.Edoc///BdocBBB/// Polling the returned future delegates to the wrapped function.Bdoc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```!doc!!!/// use futures::future::poll_fn;!doc/// use futures::{Async, Poll};doc///4doc444/// fn read_line() -> Poll {40doc002/// Ok(Async::Ready(\"Hello, World!\".into()))0doc/// }doc///)doc)))/// let read_future = poll_fn(read_line);)doc/// ``` p  Đ T=E?FAA?=   Đ Đ Đ    ,Ȑ htvxȐ TCEEFGCGEՙ   ę  k,h rrh rrself Ȑ  h? x  Đ rr1 FuturezPollzresult, zAsync!zD2c cpathcc  result.rsc@doc@@@//! Definition of the `Result` (immediately finished) combinator@|~!"! r  !    jIdocIIK/// Creates a new \"leaf future\" which will resolve with the given result.Idoc///OdocOOO/// The returned future represents a computation which is finished immediately.OLdocLLL/// This can be useful with the `finished` and `failed` base future types toLEdocEEE/// convert an immediate value to a future to interoperate elsewhere.Edoc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::future::*;doc///0doc000/// let future_of_1 = result::(Ok(1));05doc555/// let future_of_err_2 = result::(Err(2));5doc/// ```   TIEKKI   t   AEdocEEG/// Creates a \"leaf future\" from an immediate value of a finished andEdoc/// successful computation.doc///NdocNNN/// The returned future is similar to `result` where it will immediately run aN/doc////// scheduled callback with the provided value./doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::future::*;doc///(doc(((/// let future_of_1 = ok::(1);(doc/// ```   TMEOMO    e   CLdocLLN/// Creates a \"leaf future\" from an immediate value of a failed computation.Ldoc///NdocNNN/// The returned future is similar to `result` where it will immediately run aN/doc////// scheduled callback with the provided value./doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::future::*;doc///-doc---/// let future_of_err_1 = err::(1);-doc/// ```   TQESSQ     z TUEWWU  Iz z self   zw   /     zw TYE[Y[  Dr   z:   * FuturePoll IntoFuture Async!L2c GdocGGG//! Definition of the `LoopFn` combinator, implementing `Future` loops.G"""" n initial_statefuncSF"A  +<doc<<` to indicate the status of theJ doc   /// loop. doc///MdocMMM/// `Loop::Break(T)` halts the loop and completes the future with output `T`.Mdoc///PdocPPP/// `Loop::Continue(S)` reinvokes the loop function with state `S`. The returnedPDdocDDD/// future will be subsequently polled for a new `Loop` value.Ddoc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```CdocCCC/// use futures::future::{ok, loop_fn, Future, FutureResult, Loop};Cdoc/// use std::io::Error;doc///doc/// struct Client {doc/// ping_count: u8,doc/// }doc///doc/// impl Client {doc/// fn new() -> Self {$doc$$$/// Client { ping_count: 0 }$ doc   /// } doc///9doc999/// fn send_ping(self) -> FutureResult {9:doc:::/// ok(Client { ping_count: self.ping_count + 1 }): doc   /// } doc///DdocDDD/// fn receive_pong(self) -> FutureResult<(Self, bool), Error> {D,doc,,,/// let done = self.ping_count >= 5;,doc/// ok((self, done)) doc   /// } doc/// }doc///9doc999/// let ping_til_done = loop_fn(Client::new(), |client| {9doc/// client.send_ping()5doc555/// .and_then(|client| client.receive_pong())5(doc(((/// .and_then(|(client, done)| {(doc/// if done {+doc+++/// Ok(Loop::Break(client))+doc/// } else {.doc.../// Ok(Loop::Continue(client)).doc/// }doc/// })doc/// });doc/// ```  T  S]T_AaFcca_]                "  19  SeTgAiFkkige        9  self  !   1     ; FuturePollAsync!52c 9doc 999//! Definition of the `Option` (optional step) combinator9s`  FmToEqmqo   E     ,    self  !   %    6 Chain#FuturePoll IntoFuture L2k "" ڀ݀futurefAĐ " BĐ  $π   Đ AuBwFyywu  ڀ  ݀    ,  A{B}F}{  ̂Đ       Đ   ,  self  !   %   Đ Ã6 Chain#Futurefmt? Poll IntoFuture \2l  x…Tdoc …T…TT/// Future for the `flatten` combinator, flattening a future-of-a-future to get just…T#doc ###/// the result of the final future.#doc ///4doc 444/// This is created by the `Future::flatten` method.4must_use " futures do nothing unless polled0 A  ć Շ 4#   ,A  A  ΈA ׈  A  kselffmt   A 4ω  ։, future    A   Ë C  A   Ռ   _6 8 self  !   1  , Async!Futurefmt? PollStreamX2l""  <doc<<doc>>>/// Returns whether the underlying future has finished or not.>doc/// BdocBBB/// If this method returns `true`, then all future calls to `poll`BCdocCCC/// are guaranteed to return `Ok(Async::NotReady)`. If this returnsCĭ<docĭ<ĭ<` to a `Future` or an `and_then` combinator couldNMdoc$MMM/// create a future after the first one is done and only be resolved when theMdoc$/// second is done.ŏdoc$ŏŏ///ŏɏPdoc$ɏPɏPP/// Combinators act very similarly to the methods on the `Iterator` trait itselfɏPOdoc$OOO/// or those on `Option` and `Result`. Like with iterators, the combinators areOKdoc$KKM/// zero-cost and don\'t impose any extra layers of indirection you wouldn\'tK!doc$!!!/// otherwise have to write down.!ؑdoc$ؑؑ///ܑؑBdoc$ܑBܑBB/// More information about combinators can be found [on].ܑBdoc$///Pdoc$PPP/// [on]: Self   ܔ    ܔ (9'= Bdoc$BBB/// The type of value that this future will resolved with if it isBғdoc$ғғ/// successful.ғܔ Idoc$III/// The type of error that this future will resolve with if it fails in aIĔdoc$ĔĔ/// normal fashion.Ĕself  !   %ƹ4Kdoc$KKK/// Query this future to see if its value has become available, registeringKdoc$/// interest if it is not.ܕdoc$ܕܕ///ܕHdoc$HHH/// This function will check the internal state of the future and assessHLdoc$LLL/// whether the value is ready to be produced. Implementers of this functionLIdoc$III/// should ensure that a call to this **never blocks** as event loops mayIЗ doc%З З  /// not work properly otherwise.З doc%///Gdoc%GGG/// When a future is not ready yet, the `Async::NotReady` value will beGɘKdoc%ɘKɘKK/// returned. In this situation the future will *also* register interest ofɘKIdoc%III/// the current task in the value being produced. This is done by callingILdoc%LLL/// `task::park` to retrieve a handle to the current `Task`. When the futureLIdoc%III/// is then ready to make progress (e.g. it should be `poll`ed again) theI,doc%,,,/// `unpark` method is called on the `Task`.,doc%///Hdoc%HHH/// More information about the details of `poll` and the nitty-gritty ofH6doc%666/// tasks can be [found online at][poll-dox].6ǜdoc%ǜǜ///ǜϜIdoc%ϜIϜII/// [poll-dox]:ϜIdoc%///doc%/// # Runtime characteristicsǝdoc%ǝǝ///ǝϝFdoc%ϝFϝFH/// This function, `poll`, is the primary method for \'making progress\'ϝFDdoc%DDD/// within a tree of futures. For example this method will be calledDKdoc%KKK/// repeatedly as the internal state machine makes its various transitions.KJdoc%JJJ/// Executors are responsible for ensuring that this function is called inJJdoc%JJJ/// the right location (e.g. always on an I/O thread or not). Unless it isJѠLdoc%ѠLѠLL/// otherwise arranged to be so, it should be ensured that **implementationsѠL+doc%+++/// of this function finish very quickly**.+ҡdoc%ҡҡ///ҡڡGdoc%ڡGڡGG/// Returning quickly prevents unnecessarily clogging up threads and/orڡGKdoc%KKK/// event loops while a `poll` function call, for example, takes up computeKIdoc%III/// resources to perform some expensive computation. If it is known aheadIģKdoc%ģKģKK/// of time that a call to `poll` may end up taking awhile, the work shouldģKGdoc%GGG/// be offloaded to a thread pool (or something similar) to ensure thatGdoc%/// `poll` can return quickly.doc%///Hdoc%HHH/// Note that the `poll` function is not called repeatedly in a loop forHإGdoc%إGإGG/// futures typically, but only whenever the future itself is ready. IfإGFdoc%FFG/// you\'re familiar with the `poll(2)` or `select(2)` syscalls on UnixFEdoc%EEF/// it\'s worth noting that futures typically do *not* suffer the sameEGdoc%GGI/// problems of \"all wakeups must poll all events\". Futures have enoughG:doc%:::/// support for only polling futures which cause a wakeup.:Ĩdoc%ĨĨ///Į̃doc%̨̨/// # Return valuędoc%///Kdoc%KKK/// This function returns `Async::NotReady` if the future is not ready yet,K@doc%@@@/// `Err` if the future is finished but resolved to an error, or@Bdoc%BBC/// `Async::Ready` with the result of this future if it\'s finishedBǪHdoc%ǪHǪHH/// successfully. Once a future has finished it is considered a contractǪH)doc%)))/// error to continue polling the future.)«doc%««///«ʫGdoc%ʫGʫGG/// If `NotReady` is returned, then the future will internally registerʫGFdoc%FFF/// interest in the value being produced for the current task (throughFBdoc%BBB/// `task::park`). In other words, the current task will receive aBLdoc%LLL/// notification (through the `unpark` method) once the value is ready to beL-doc%---/// produced or the future can make progress.-doc%///Kdoc%KKK/// Note that if `NotReady` is returned it only means that *this* task willKKdoc%KKK/// receive a notification. Historical calls to `poll` with different tasksKӯGdoc%ӯGӯGG/// will not receive notifications. In other words, implementers of theӯGJdoc%JJJ/// `Future` trait need not store a queue of tasks to notify, but only theJKdoc%KKK/// last task that called this method. Alternatively callers of this methodKJdoc%JJJ/// can only rely on the most recent task which call `poll` being notifiedJdoc%/// when a future is ready.doc%/// doc%   /// # Panics Ʋdoc%ƲƲ///ƲβHdoc%βHβHH/// Once a future has completed (returned `Ready` or `Err` from `poll`),βHJdoc%JJJ/// then any future calls to `poll` may panic, block forever, or otherwiseJJdoc%JJJ/// cause wrong behavior. The `Future` trait itself provides no guaranteesJ>doc%>>>/// about the behavior of `poll` after a future has completed.>doc%///Idoc%III/// Callers who may call `poll` too many times may want to consider usingIҵKdoc%ҵKҵKK/// the `fuse` adaptor which defines the behavior of `poll`, but comes withҵKdoc%/// a little bit of extra cost.ƶdoc%ƶƶ///ƶζEdoc%ζEζEE/// Additionally, calls to `poll` must always be made from within theζEIdoc%III/// context of a task. If a current task is not set then this method willIdoc%/// likely panic.doc%/// doc%   /// # Errors doc%///Hdoc%HHH/// This future may have failed to finish the computation, in which caseHHdoc%HHH/// the `Err` variant will be returned with an appropriate payload of anH doc%   /// error.  ι<V; self    ;doc%;;;/// Block the current thread until this future is resolved.;doc%///ȺDdoc%ȺDȺDD/// This method will consume ownership of this future, driving it toȺDLdoc%LLM/// completion via `poll` and blocking the current thread while it\'s waitingLFdoc%FFF/// for the value to become available. Once the future is resolved theF&doc%&&&/// result of this future is returned.&ؼdoc%ؼؼ///ؼHdoc%HHH/// > **Note:** This method is not appropriate to call on event loops orHHdoc%HHH/// > similar I/O situations because it will prevent the eventHHdoc%HHH/// > loop from making progress (this blocks the thread). ThisHǾJdoc%ǾJǾJK/// > method should only be called when it\'s guaranteed that theǾJKdoc%KKK/// > blocking work associated with this future will be completedK"doc%"""/// > by another thread."doc%///Ddoc%DDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc%999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9doc%/// doc%   /// # Panics doc%///Jdoc%JJJ/// This function does not attempt to catch panics. If the `poll` functionJCdoc%CCC/// of this future panics, panics will be propagated to the caller.Ccfg% feature use_std       %   л ' self    self     -Jdoc&JJJ/// Convenience function for turning this future into a trait object whichJdoc&/// is also `Send`.doc&///Kdoc&KKK/// This simply avoids the need to write `Box::new` and can often help withKHdoc&HHH/// type inference as well by always returning a trait object. Note thatHJdoc&JJJ/// this method requires the `Send` bound and returns a `BoxFuture`, whichJJdoc&JJK/// also encodes this. If you\'d like to create a `Box` without theJCdoc&CCC/// `Send` bound, then the `Box::new` function can be used instead.Cdoc&///Ddoc&DDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc&999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9doc&///doc&/// # Examplesdoc&///doc&/// ```doc&/// use futures::prelude::*;-doc&---/// use futures::future::{BoxFuture, result};-doc&///7doc&777/// let a: BoxFuture = result(Ok(1)).boxed();7doc&/// ```cfg& feature use_stddoc& hidden  deprecated& noteremoved without replacement, recommended to use a \ local extension trait or function if needed, more \ details in deprecatedremoved without replacement, recommended to use a local extension trait or function if needed, more details in              " self    $selff #   Kdoc&KKL/// Map this future\'s result to a different type, returning a new future ofKdoc&/// the resulting type.doc&///Jdoc&JJJ/// This function is similar to the `Option::map` or `Iterator::map` whereJGdoc&GGG/// it will change the type of the underlying future. This is useful toG>doc&>>>/// chain along a computation once a future has been resolved.>doc&///Gdoc&GGG/// The closure provided will only be called if this future is resolvedGIdoc&III/// successfully. If this future returns an error, panics, or is dropped,I4doc&444/// then the closure provided will never be invoked.4doc&///Gdoc&GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGGdoc&GGG/// wrapped version of it, similar to the existing `map` methods in theGdoc&/// standard library.doc&///doc&/// # Examplesdoc&///doc&/// ```doc&/// use futures::prelude::*;doc&/// use futures::future;doc&///+doc&+++/// let future = future::ok::(1);++doc&+++/// let new_future =|x| x + 3);+)doc&)))/// assert_eq!(new_future.wait(), Ok(4));)doc&/// ```doc&///7doc&777/// Calling `map` on an errored `Future` has no effect:7doc&///doc&/// ```doc&/// use futures::prelude::*;doc&/// use futures::future;doc&///,doc&,,,/// let future = future::err::(1);,+doc&+++/// let new_future =|x| x + 3);+*doc&***/// assert_eq!(new_future.wait(), Err(1));*doc&/// ```    FU            5"        self f      " $&Eselff #   Idoc'IIJ/// Map this future\'s error to a different error, returning a new future.Idoc'///Jdoc'JJJ/// This function is similar to the `Result::map_err` where it will changeJJdoc'JJJ/// the error type of the underlying future. This is useful for example toJKdoc'KKK/// ensure that futures have the same error type when used with combinatorsKdoc'/// like `select` and `join`.doc'///Gdoc'GGG/// The closure provided will only be called if this future is resolvedGBdoc'BBB/// with an error. If this future returns a success, panics, or isB=doc'===/// dropped, then the closure provided will never be invoked.=doc'///Gdoc'GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGdoc'/// wrapped version of it.doc'///doc'/// # Examplesdoc'///doc'/// ```doc'/// use futures::future::*;doc'///$doc'$$$/// let future = err::(1);$/doc'////// let new_future = future.map_err(|x| x + 3);/*doc'***/// assert_eq!(new_future.wait(), Err(4));*doc'/// ```doc'///=doc'===/// Calling `map_err` on a successful `Future` has no effect:=doc'///doc'/// ```doc'/// use futures::future::*;doc'///#doc'###/// let future = ok::(1);#/doc'////// let new_future = future.map_err(|x| x + 3);/)doc')))/// assert_eq!(new_future.wait(), Ok(1));)doc'/// ```    FE          8!      self f      !!&Eself #   @doc'@@A/// Map this future\'s error to any error implementing `From` for@2doc'223/// this future\'s `Error`, returning a new future.2doc'///Adoc'AAA/// This function does for futures what `try!` does for `Result`,ABdoc'BBB/// by letting the compiler infer the type of the resulting error.BAdoc'AAA/// Just as `map_err` above, this is useful for example to ensureA8doc'888/// that futures have the same error type when used with8)doc')))/// combinators like `select` and `join`.)doc'///Gdoc'GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGdoc'/// wrapped version of it.doc'///doc'/// # Examplesdoc'///doc'/// ```doc'/// use futures::prelude::*;doc'/// use futures::future;doc'///6doc'666/// let future_with_err_u8 = future::err::<(), u8>(1);6Cdoc'CCC/// let future_with_err_u32 = future_with_err_u8.from_err::();Cdoc'/// ```   E       ޟ6!    self    !  &selff #     Ldoc(LLL/// Chain on a computation for when a future finished, passing the result ofL+doc(+++/// the future to the provided closure `f`.+doc(///Hdoc(HHH/// This function can be used to ensure a computation runs regardless ofHHdoc(HHH/// the conclusion of the future. The closure provided will be yielded aH)doc()))/// `Result` once the future is complete.)doc(///Kdoc(KKK/// The returned value of the closure must implement the `IntoFuture` traitKJdoc(JJJ/// and can represent some more work to be done before the composed futureJHdoc(HHH/// is finished. Note that the `Result` type implements the `IntoFuture`HGdoc(GGG/// trait so it is possible to simply alter the `Result` yielded to theGdoc(/// closure and return it.doc(///Hdoc(HHH/// If this future is dropped or panics then the closure `f` will not beHdoc(/// run.doc(///Gdoc(GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGdoc(/// wrapped version of it.doc(///doc(/// # Examplesdoc(///doc(/// ```doc(/// use futures::prelude::*;doc(/// use futures::future;doc(///0doc(000/// let future_of_1 = future::ok::(1);0,doc(,,,/// let future_of_4 = future_of_1.then(|x| {,doc(///|y| y + 3)doc(/// });doc(///5doc(555/// let future_of_err_1 = future::err::(1);50doc(000/// let future_of_4 = future_of_err_1.then(|x| {0doc(/// match x {1doc(113/// Ok(_) => panic!(\"expected an error\"),14doc(444/// Err(y) => future::ok::(y + 3),4 doc(   /// } doc(/// });doc(/// ```    FB   л 4 ̸       ù9%    self f   %&&Sselff "     Ddoc)DDD/// Execute another future after this one has resolved successfully.Ddoc)///Kdoc)KKK/// This function can be used to chain two futures together and ensure thatKIdoc)IIJ/// the final future isn\'t resolved until both have finished. The closureIHdoc)HHH/// provided is yielded the successful result of this future and returnsH7doc)777/// another value which can be converted into a future.7doc)///Ldoc)LLL/// Note that because `Result` implements the `IntoFuture` trait this methodLIdoc)III/// can also be useful for chaining fallible and serial computations ontoIdoc)/// the end of one future.doc)///Jdoc)JJJ/// If this future is dropped, panics, or completes with an error then theJ)doc))))/// provided closure `f` is never called.)doc)///Gdoc)GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGЀdoc)ЀЀ/// wrapped version of it.Ѐdoc)///doc)/// # Examplesdoc)///doc)/// ```doc)/// use futures::prelude::*;.doc).../// use futures::future::{self, FutureResult};.doc)///0doc)000/// let future_of_1 = future::ok::(1);00doc)000/// let future_of_4 = future_of_1.and_then(|x| {0doc)/// Ok(x + 3)doc)/// });doc)///5doc)555/// let future_of_err_1 = future::err::(1);5ȃ<doc)ȃ<ȃ< FutureResult {ȃ<;doc);;=/// panic!(\"should not be called in case of an error\");;Ʉdoc)ɄɄ/// });ɄՄdoc)ՄՄ/// ```Մ    FB      х  ܅ Ć҆҆؆؆ĆĆ    نن@(  چ self fĆ ҆ ؆  (!&Rselff #     >doc)>>>/// Execute another future if this one resolves with an error.>doc)///Idoc)IIJ/// Return a future that passes along this future\'s value if it succeeds,IGdoc)GGG/// and otherwise passes the error to the closure `f` and waits for theG̈Jdoc)̈J̈JJ/// future it returns. The closure may also simply return a value that can̈Jdoc)/// be converted into a future.doc)///ljLdoc)ljLljLL/// Note that because `Result` implements the `IntoFuture` trait this methodljLIdoc)III/// can also be useful for chaining together fallback computations, whereI*doc)***/// when one fails, the next is attempted.*doc)///Idoc)III/// If this future is dropped, panics, or completes successfully then theI)doc))))/// provided closure `f` is never called.)doc)///Gdoc)GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGdoc)/// wrapped version of it.doc)///doc)/// # Examplesdoc)///doc)/// ```doc)/// use futures::prelude::*;܍.doc)܍.܍../// use futures::future::{self, FutureResult};܍.doc)///5doc)555/// let future_of_err_1 = future::err::(1);5юGdoc)юGюGG/// let future_of_4 = future_of_err_1.or_else(|x| -> Result {юGdoc)/// Ok(x + 3)doc)/// });doc)///Ǐ0doc*Ǐ0Ǐ00/// let future_of_1 = future::ok::(1);Ǐ07doc*777/// future_of_1.or_else(|_| -> FutureResult {7:doc*::(\'a\')#doc*/// });doc*///ř#doc*ř#ř##/// let future2 = future::lazy(|| {ř#4doc*444/// thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(3));4#doc*##%/// future::ok::(\'b\')#Κdoc*ΚΚ/// });Κښdoc*ښښ///ښLdoc*LLL/// let (value, last_future) =;Ldoc*/// assert_eq!(value, \'a\');ӛ1doc*ӛ1ӛ13/// assert_eq!(last_future.wait().unwrap(), \'b\');ӛ1doc*/// ```doc*///7doc*778/// A poor-man\'s `join` implemented on top of `select`:7ٜdoc*ٜٜ///ٜdoc*/// ```doc*/// use futures::prelude::*;doc*/// use futures::future;doc*///Edoc*EEE/// fn join(a: A, b: A) -> Box>E;doc*;; + \'static,;doc*/// {ǞIdoc*ǞIǞII/// Box::new(|res| -> Box> {ǞIdoc*/// match res {?doc*???/// Ok((a, b)) => Box::new( |b| (a, b))),?8doc*888/// Err((a, _)) => Box::new(future::err(a)),8 doc*   /// } Ġ doc*Ġ Ġ  /// }))Ġ Ԡdoc*ԠԠ/// }Ԡޠdoc*ޠޠ/// ```ޠ   B  .    ϡ   &&&  ƣƣĢĢ  #  ǣͣΣ  self otherf  ƣ Ģ!2 >selfother #   ԣFdoc+ԣFԣFF/// Waits for either one of two differently-typed futures to complete.ԣFdoc+///Jdoc+JJJ/// This function will return a new future which awaits for either this orJHdoc+HHH/// the `other` future to complete. The returned future will finish withHåKdoc+åKåKK/// both the value resolved and a future representing the completion of theåKdoc+/// other work.doc+///Hdoc+HHH/// Note that this function consumes the receiving futures and returns aHdoc+/// wrapped version of them.doc+///Cdoc+CCC/// Also note that if both this and the second future have the sameC@doc+@@@/// success/error type you can use the `Either::split` method to@2doc+222/// conveniently extract out the value at the end.2doc+///doc+/// # Examplesdoc+///doc+/// ```doc+/// use futures::prelude::*;(doc+(((/// use futures::future::{self, Either};(doc+///6doc+667/// // A poor-man\'s join implemented on top of select26doc+///Qdoc+QQQ/// fn join(a: A, b: B) -> Box>Q-doc+--./// where A: Future + \'static,--doc+--./// B: Future + \'static,-doc+/// E: \'static,doc+/// {Jdoc+JJJ/// Box::new(a.select2(b).then(|res| -> Box> {Jdoc+/// match res {Jdoc+JJJ/// Ok(Either::A((x, b))) => Box::new( |y| (x, y))),JͭJdoc+ͭJͭJJ/// Ok(Either::B((y, a))) => Box::new( |x| (x, y))),ͭJCdoc+CCC/// Err(Either::A((e, _))) => Box::new(future::err(e)),CCdoc+CCC/// Err(Either::B((e, _))) => Box::new(future::err(e)),C doc+   /// }  doc+   /// })) ίdoc+ίί/// }ίدdoc+دد/// ```د   B    հ'հ'հ'հ  ͦ self other  % selfother "   Gdoc,GGG/// Joins the result of two futures, waiting for them both to complete.GԱdoc,ԱԱ///ԱܱIdoc,ܱIܱII/// This function will return a new future which awaits both this and theܱILdoc,LLL/// `other` future to complete. The returned future will finish with a tupleLdoc,/// of both results.doc,///Kdoc,KKK/// Both futures must have the same error type, and if either finishes withKBdoc,BBB/// an error then the other will be dropped and that error will beB doc,   /// returned. Ŵdoc,ŴŴ///ŴʹGdoc,ʹGʹGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aʹGdoc,/// wrapped version of it.doc,///doc,/// # Examplesӵdoc,ӵӵ///ӵ۵doc,۵۵/// ```۵doc,/// use futures::prelude::*;doc,/// use futures::future;doc,///&doc,&&&/// let a = future::ok::(1);&ض&doc,ض&ض&&/// let b = future::ok::(2);ض&doc,/// let pair = a.join(b);doc,///(doc,(((/// assert_eq!(pair.wait(), Ok((1, 2)));(ַdoc,ַַ/// ```ַdoc,///Ddoc,DDD/// If one or both of the joined `Future`s is errored, the resultingDdoc,/// `Future` will be errored:ոdoc,ոո///ոݸdoc,ݸݸ/// ```ݸdoc,/// use futures::prelude::*;doc,/// use futures::future;doc,///&doc,&&&/// let a = future::ok::(1);&ڹ'doc,ڹ'ڹ''/// let b = future::err::(2);ڹ'doc,/// let pair = a.join(b);doc,///$doc,$$$/// assert_eq!(pair.wait(), Err(2));$պdoc,պպ/// ```պ   B   ٻ $$$ " ۼۼ96   ܼuu  self otherf  ۼ  6' $selfbc "   **doc,***/// Same as `join`, but with more futures.*    BC       Ҿ               2 22 22 "         ! self b c    Q&Kselfbcd D"  3Կ*doc-***/// Same as `join`, but with more futures.*    BCD ݿ                 Կ              CCCCCCC "        Կ, self b cd   Կ Q5iselfbcde E#  ;*doc-***/// Same as `join`, but with more futures.*    BCDE                          ggggggggg #            7 self b cde   QDself "  m5doc.555/// Convert this future into a single element stream.5doc.///Jdoc.JJJ/// The returned stream contains single success if this future resolves toJ?doc.???/// success or single error if this future resolves into error.?doc.///doc./// # Examplesdoc.///doc./// ```doc./// use futures::prelude::*;doc./// use futures::future;doc.///+doc.+++/// let future = future::ok::<_, bool>(17);+*doc.***/// let mut stream = future.into_stream();*:doc.:::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(17))), stream.poll());:6doc.666/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(None)), stream.poll());6doc.///,doc.,,,/// let future = future::err::(19);,*doc.***/// let mut stream = future.into_stream();*'doc.'''/// assert_eq!(Err(19), stream.poll());'6doc.666/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(None)), stream.poll());6doc./// ```     m self m   self   Kdoc/KKK/// Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of thisK$doc/$$$/// future is itself another future.$doc////Edoc/EEE/// This can be useful when combining futures together to flatten theEDdoc/DDD/// computation out the final result. This method can only be calledDCdoc/CCC/// when the successful result of this future itself implements theCLdoc/LLM/// `IntoFuture` trait and the error can be created from this future\'s errorL doc/   /// type. doc////@doc/@@@/// This method is roughly equivalent to `self.and_then(|x| x)`.@doc////Gdoc/GGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving future and returns aGdoc//// wrapped version of it.doc////doc//// # Examplesdoc////doc//// ```doc//// use futures::prelude::*;doc//// use futures::future;doc////Hdoc/HHH/// let nested_future = future::ok::<_, u32>(future::ok::(1));H)doc/)))/// let future = nested_future.flatten();)%doc/%%%/// assert_eq!(future.wait(), Ok(1));%doc//// ```doc////Idoc/III/// Calling `flatten` on an errored `Future`, or if the inner `Future` isI0doc/000/// errored, will result in an errored `Future`:0doc////doc//// ```doc//// use futures::prelude::*;doc//// use futures::future;doc////Idoc/III/// let nested_future = future::ok::<_, u32>(future::err::(1));I)doc/)))/// let future = nested_future.flatten();)&doc/&&&/// assert_eq!(future.wait(), Err(1));&doc//// ```           ʐ  selff А ʐ$2self   Kdoc/KKK/// Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of thisKdoc//// future is a stream.doc////Hdoc/HHH/// This can be useful when stream initialization is deferred, and it isHIdoc/III/// convenient to work with that stream as if stream was available at theIdoc//// call site.doc////Fdoc/FFF/// Note that this function consumes this future and returns a wrappedFdoc//// version of it.doc////doc//// # Examplesdoc////doc//// ```doc//// use futures::prelude::*;doc//// use futures::future;doc//// use futures::stream;doc////(doc/(((/// let stream_items = vec![17, 18, 19];(Rdoc/RRR/// let future_of_a_stream = future::ok::<_, bool>(stream::iter_ok(stream_items));Rdoc////5doc/555/// let stream = future_of_a_stream.flatten_stream();5doc////!doc/!!!/// let mut iter = stream.wait();!-doc/---/// assert_eq!(Ok(17),;--doc/---/// assert_eq!(Ok(18),;--doc/---/// assert_eq!(Ok(19),;-"doc0"""/// assert_eq!(None,;"doc0/// ```   !     ђ self +self "  Idoc0III/// Fuse a future such that `poll` will never again be called once it hasIdoc0/// completed.doc0///>doc0>>>/// Currently once a future has returned `Ready` or `Err` from>Hdoc0HHH/// `poll` any further calls could exhibit bad behavior such as blockingHHdoc0HHH/// forever, panicking, never returning, etc. If it is known that `poll`HJdoc0JJJ/// may be called too often then this method can be used to ensure that itJdoc0/// has defined semantics.doc0///Kdoc0KKK/// Once a future has been `fuse`d and it returns a completion from `poll`,KCdoc0CCC/// then it will forever return `NotReady` from `poll` again (neverCEdoc0EEF/// resolve). This, unlike the trait\'s `poll` method, is guaranteed.Edoc0///Kdoc0KKL/// This combinator will drop this future as soon as it\'s been completed toK7doc0777/// ensure resources are reclaimed as soon as possible.7doc0///doc0/// # Examplesdoc0/// doc0   /// ```rust doc0/// use futures::prelude::*;doc0/// use futures::future;doc0////doc0////// let mut future = future::ok::(2);/3doc0333/// assert_eq!(future.poll(), Ok(Async::Ready(2)));3doc0///1doc0111/// // Normally, a call such as this would panic:1doc0/// //future.poll();doc0///0doc0000/// // This, however, is guaranteed to not panic06doc0666/// let mut future = future::ok::(2).fuse();63doc0333/// assert_eq!(future.poll(), Ok(Async::Ready(2)));33doc0333/// assert_eq!(future.poll(), Ok(Async::NotReady));3doc0/// ```     .+   UU  selff    +! selff #   :doc0:::/// Do something with the item of a future, passing it on.:doc0///Ddoc0DDE/// When using futures, you\'ll often chain several of them together.DOdoc0OOP/// While working on such code, you might want to check out what\'s happening atOJdoc0JJJ/// various parts in the pipeline. To do that, insert a call to inspect().Jdoc0///doc0/// # Examplesdoc0///doc0/// ```doc0/// use futures::prelude::*;doc0/// use futures::future;doc0///+doc0+++/// let future = future::ok::(1);+Ndoc0NNP/// let new_future = future.inspect(|&x| println!(\"about to resolve: {}\", x));N)doc0)))/// assert_eq!(new_future.wait(), Ok(1));)doc0/// ```   F         B+    self f     +   Bself &  6doc1666/// Catches unwinding panics while polling the future.6doc1///Kdoc1KKK/// In general, panics within a future can propagate all the way out to theKJdoc1JJJ/// task level. This combinator makes it possible to halt unwinding withinJJdoc1JJL/// the future itself. It\'s most commonly used within task executors. It\'sJ3doc1333/// not recommended to use this for error handling.3doc1///Kdoc1KKK/// Note that this method requires the `UnwindSafe` bound from the standardKFdoc1FFG/// library. This isn\'t always applied automatically, and the standardFCdoc1CCC/// library provides an `AssertUnwindSafe` wrapper type to apply itCKdoc1KKK/// after-the fact. To assist using this method, the `Future` trait is alsoKHdoc1HHH/// implemented for `AssertUnwindSafe` where `F` implements `Future`.Hdoc1///Ddoc1DDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc1999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9doc1///doc1/// # Examplesdoc1/// doc1   /// ```rust doc1/// use futures::prelude::*; .doc1.../// use futures::future::{self, FutureResult};. doc1/// /doc1////// let mut future = future::ok::(2);/ 2doc1222/// assert!(future.catch_unwind().wait().is_ok());2 doc1/// @doc1@@@/// let mut future = future::lazy(|| -> FutureResult {@ Ādoc1ĀĀ/// panic!();Ā ڀ!doc1ڀ!ڀ!!/// future::ok::(2)ڀ! doc1/// }); 3doc1333/// assert!(future.catch_unwind().wait().is_err());3 ādoc1āā/// ```ā ҁcfg1Ձց featureށ use_stdЁ   - ނނ $  self  self %  ȏ_ Kdoc1KKK/// Create a cloneable handle to this future where all handles will resolveK уdoc1уу/// to the same result.у doc1/// Fdoc1FFF/// The shared() method provides a method to convert any future into aF Kdoc1KKK/// cloneable future. It enables a future to be polled by multiple threads.K doc1/// ;doc1;;;/// The returned `Shared` future resolves successfully with; ؅Ldoc1؅L؅LL/// `SharedItem` or erroneously with `SharedError`.؅L Jdoc1JJJ/// Both `SharedItem` and `SharedError` implements `Deref` to allow sharedJ Bdoc1BBB/// access to the underlying result. Ownership of `Self::Item` andB 0doc1000/// `Self::Error` cannot currently be reclaimed.0 doc1/// Ddoc1DDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD ň9doc1ň9ň99/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.ň9 doc1/// doc1/// # Examples doc1/// doc1/// ``` doc1/// use futures::prelude::*; Ӊdoc1ӉӉ/// use futures::future;Ӊ doc1/// *doc1***/// let future = future::ok::<_, bool>(6);* "doc1"""/// let shared1 = future.shared();" Ί"doc1Ί"Ί""/// let shared2 = shared1.clone();Ί" ,doc1,,,/// assert_eq!(6, *shared1.wait().unwrap());, ,doc1,,,/// assert_eq!(6, *shared2.wait().unwrap());, ׋doc1׋׋/// ```׋ doc1/// doc1/// ``` doc1/// use std::thread; doc1/// use futures::prelude::*; doc1/// use futures::future; Όdoc1ΌΌ///Ό ֌*doc1֌*֌**/// let future = future::ok::<_, bool>(6);֌* "doc2"""/// let shared1 = future.shared();" "doc2"""/// let shared2 = shared1.clone();" Ӎ-doc2Ӎ-Ӎ--/// let join_handle = thread::spawn(move || {Ӎ- 0doc2000/// assert_eq!(6, *shared2.wait().unwrap());0 doc2/// }); Ǝ,doc2Ǝ,Ǝ,,/// assert_eq!(6, *shared1.wait().unwrap());Ǝ,  doc2   /// join_handle.join().unwrap(); doc2/// ``` cfg2 feature use_std    % ȏ_ۏ  selfҏ ȏ_+  'a 2'aF I!2 2 self ! 12S 'a 4 tĐ Đ   2֒T   Đ ABF   Đ Đ  Đ  2ޔ 8doc2888/// Class of types which can be converted into a future.8 doc2/// Pdoc2PPP/// This trait is very similar to the `IntoIterator` trait and is intended to beP #doc2###/// used in a very similar fashion.#Self  8* ƕ ו ހ    ޔ8ǀ*Հƕו  |8 4doc2444/// The future that this type can be converted into.4o[ .doc2.../// The item that the future may resolve with..iU /doc2////// The error that the future may resolve with./jVself  % /doc2////// Consumes this object and produces a future./  zVٗ 2ԗ F ٗ ܗ@2 2 2 self  2Ř.  % 2 TE  O#2! 2ҙ 2 self  2G   *   ԛ Ś,doc3Ś,Ś,,/// Asynchronous conversion from a type `T`.Ś, doc3/// Ldoc3LLL/// This trait is analogous to `std::convert::From`, adapted to asynchronousL Ûdoc3ÛÛ/// computation.ÛSelfT     2Î$Î  Î      ԛ  2Վ$  &2 "doc3"""/// The future for the conversion."]I ؜&doc3؜&؜&&/// Possible errors during conversion.؜&aM Î  ϝ" 6doc3666/// Consume the given value, beginning the conversion.6   ]  4doc3444/// A trait for types which can spawn fresh futures.4 doc3/// Mdoc3MMO/// This trait is typically implemented for \"executors\", or those types whichM Gdoc3GGG/// can execute futures to completion. Futures passed to `Spawn::spawn`G ğIdoc3ğIğII/// typically get turned into a *task* and are then driven to completion.ğI doc3/// Pdoc3PPP/// On spawn, the executor takes ownership of the future and becomes responsibleP Idoc3III/// to call `Future::poll()` whenever a readiness notification is raised.ISelfF á ʡ  ա    áۙʡ ա &Dselffuture     - < ?doc4???/// Spawns a future to run on this `Executor`, typically in the? doc4/// \"background\". ¢doc4¢¢///¢ ʢKdoc4ʢKʢKK/// This function will return immediately, and schedule the future `future`ʢK Idoc4III/// to run on `self`. The details of scheduling and execution are left toI Ldoc4LLL/// the implementations of `Executor`, but this is typically a primary pointL Hdoc4HHH/// for injecting concurrency in a futures-based system. Futures spawnedH Jdoc4JJK/// through this `execute` function tend to run concurrently while they\'reJ եdoc4եե/// waiting on events.ե doc4///  doc4   /// # Errors doc4/// Jdoc4JJJ/// Implementers of this trait are allowed to reject accepting this futureJ 8doc4888/// as well. This can happen for various reason such as:8 doc4/// doc4/// * The executor is shut down ɧ=doc4ɧ=ɧ==/// * The executor has run out of capacity to execute futuresɧ= doc4/// Kdoc4KKK/// The decision is left to the caller how to work with this form of error.K Ldoc4LLL/// The error returned transfers ownership of the future back to the caller.L       ªI 5doc4555/// Errors returned from the `Spawn::spawn` function.5 F ª \2˪  2ڪ& ׯ2үĩF ׯ5kindfuture ĩ   doc4/// Create a new `ExecuteError`  kFself ĩ @ /doc4////// Returns the associated reason for the error/  V selfĩ  9 Cdoc4CCC/// Consumes self and returns the original future that was spawned.C  jAĩ2ĩF 2selffܬ  2  + SkipWhile(Fold' FutureSender. Empty'Concatstd FilterMap'OrElse( CatchUnwind.Forward(Receiver. IterResult& ReuniteError Then(Chunks. IterStream&ForEach' SplitSink. Select(Concat2Merge'AndThen&futures_ordered-Skip(Inspect'once  IntoFuture repeatFuse' InspectErr' TakeWhile(Wait. ReuniteError+ PollFn(Chain'channel*Sender.IterOk&Zip(Flatten'Repeat&Collect. SplitStream. FromErr'Unfold(SinkFuturesUnordered,)Filter' iter_result StreamFuture'Map'iter_okPoll MergedItem' unfoldemptyBuffered(poll_fn iterFuturesOrdered-Peekable(MapErr'Take(Once' SendError* BufferUnordered)'Iter&C 3 Ϻdoc5ϺϺ//! Asynchronous streamsϺ doc5//! Mdoc5MMM//! This module contains the `Stream` trait and a number of adaptors for thisM Mdoc5MMM//! trait. This trait is very similar to the `Iterator` trait in the standardM Ndoc5NNN//! library except that it expresses the concept of blocking as well. A streamN ׼Ndoc5׼N׼NN//! here is a sequential sequence of values which may take some amount of time׼N doc5//! in between to produce. doc5//! ŽOdoc5ŽOŽOO//! A stream may request that it is blocked between values while the next valueŽO Ldoc5LLL//! is calculated, and provides a way to get notified once the next value isL doc5//! ready as well. doc5//! Ddoc5DDD//! You can find more information/tutorials about streams [online atD doc5//!][online] ܿdoc5ܿܿ//!ܿ Fdoc5FFF//! [online]: (()))***++-----..................  Pollڅ IterResult&  iter_result Stream iter_result j   deprecated5 note53implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`L …allow5Dž҅ȅ deprecated&&3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`  ӌ֌ٌiJ&# njz Odoc5OOO/// Converts an `Iterator` over `Result`s into a `Stream` which is always readyO ͈doc5͈͈/// to yield the next value.͈ doc5/// Pdoc5PPQ/// Iterators in Rust don\'t express the ability to block, so this adapter simplyP 0doc5000/// always calls `` and returns that.0 doc5///  doc5   /// ```rust doc5/// use futures::*; doc5/// Ddoc5DDD/// let mut stream = stream::iter(vec![Ok(17), Err(false), Ok(19)]);D ݊:doc5݊:݊::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(17))), stream.poll());݊: *doc5***/// assert_eq!(Err(false), stream.poll());* Ë:doc5Ë:Ë::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(19))), stream.poll());Ë: 6doc5666/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(None)), stream.poll());6 doc5/// ``` inline5 3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`   JTE ӌ ֌ ٌ##    52ȍˍ΍&IÍ3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`ITE! ˍ ΍! ȍ523implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result` O53implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result` O5self   ʎF inline6 3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`   Ҏ5 Async!PollStreammarker  H && i&#   @doc6@@@/// Converts an `Iterator` into a `Stream` which is always ready@ doc6/// to yield the next value. ͒doc6͒͒///͒ ђIdoc6ђIђIJ/// Iterators in Rust don\'t express the ability to block, so this adapterђI 7doc6777/// simply always calls `` and returns that.7 ӓdoc6ӓӓ///ӓ ד doc6ד ד  /// ```rustד doc6/// use futures::*; doc6/// <doc6<<(vec![17, 19]);< :doc6:::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(17))), stream.poll());: :doc6:::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(19))), stream.poll());: 6doc6666/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(None)), stream.poll());6 doc6/// ```  IE #  #& IE ȗV#ؗ! self !  ,a  0  PollStreamAsync!5&&i& Ο Odoc7OOO/// Converts an `Iterator` over `Result`s into a `Stream` which is always readyO כdoc7ככ/// to yield the next value.כ doc7/// Pdoc7PPQ/// Iterators in Rust don\'t express the ability to block, so this adapter simplyP ɜ0doc7ɜ0ɜ00/// always calls `` and returns that.ɜ0 doc7///  doc7   /// ```rust doc7/// use futures::*; doc7/// Kdoc7KKK/// let mut stream = stream::iter_result(vec![Ok(17), Err(false), Ok(19)]);K :doc7:::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(17))), stream.poll());: *doc7***/// assert_eq!(Err(false), stream.poll());* Ԟ:doc7Ԟ:Ԟ::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(19))), stream.poll());Ԟ: 6doc7666/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(None)), stream.poll());6 Ɵdoc7ƟƟ/// ```Ɵ   JTE  !  2& ITE  u2͡  self      6 Async!PollStreammarker ޣ H && item &   ۪ <doc9<<(10);3 :doc9:::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(10))), stream.poll());: ݩ:doc9ݩ:ݩ::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(10))), stream.poll());ݩ: :doc9:::/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(Some(10))), stream.poll());: Ӫdoc9ӪӪ/// ```Ӫ   TE     #TE  V#  self ! 8Ϭu   ׬0  Future٭Poll IntoFutureͭ StreamAsync!_ &&" sf &    ְ    SFU         α  ٱ2²ŲSFU  ² Ųш l2self    ܳ8 Idoc:III/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator isI Ƴdoc:ƳƳ/// pulling from.Ƴ     self    D Cdoc:CCC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that thisC doc:/// combinator is pulling from. doc:/// Idoc:III/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of theI ܵ7doc:ܵ7ܵ77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.ܵ7     self  Ƹ8 >doc:>>>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.> doc:/// Hdoc:HHH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, soH Gdoc:GGG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.G    ùSFU   ùшƹ   2  selfitemڌ! &ٺ    6 selfڌ! a    5 selfڌޗ ȼQ    Ѽ5 SFU߈ Խ ш 2 ƾselfڌ! &    6 Pollmem  StreamAsync!E ''''  s1s2S1S2'  S1S2  &  %S1S2 &Ϟݞp%self ! 8 1  DebugAFutureDefaultPoll FmtResultA FormatterA mem  StreamAsync!  ''''=G Mdoc>MMM/// A stream combinator to concatenate the results of a stream into the firstM doc>/// yielded item. doc>/// >doc>>>>/// This structure is produced by the `Stream::concat` method.> must_use>" streams do nothing unless polled0 S  '  AS A AWselffmt     , s     S ##3# oS 3ի Wself ! 1  , F Mdoc@MMM/// A stream combinator to concatenate the results of a stream into the firstM doc@/// yielded item. doc@/// >doc@>>>/// This structure is produced by the `Stream::concat` method.>   deprecated@ since0.1.18 note&$please use `Stream::Concat2` insteadJ must_use@" streams do nothing unless polled00.1.18$please use `Stream::Concat2` instead S  -0.1.18$please use `Stream::Concat2` instead֨ G-Aɳ allow@ deprecatedɳS Ω8selffmt ɳ    , s ɳ   allow@ deprecated  S 3ի 8ɳ allowA deprecatedɳS 3ի 8self ɳ!ɳɳ 1  , s ֨    S 3ի N֨ ֨S 3ի O  self ֨!֨֨ 1  , Async!PollStreammarker  H '' '   P 0docC000/// Creates a stream which contains no elements.0 docC/// EdocCEEE/// The returned stream will always return `Ready(None)` when polled.E   TE   #TE  N#  self ! 8b   0  PollStreamAsync!5 '' sf '      SF      #SF  M#self Պ 8 IdocDIII/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator isI docD/// pulling from.     self   D CdocECCC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that thisC docE/// combinator is pulling from. docE/// IdocEIII/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of theI 7docE 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7      self   8 >docE > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docE  ///  HdocE H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H ‚ GdocE‚ G‚ GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.‚ G       SF  ޕ Z#Ʉ  selfitem      1  selfޗ  a    0  selfޗ  Q    0  ׇ ڇ ҇ SF  ڇ    ׇ f# ψ self!ʽ      1  Poll Stream Async! 5'' Î Ǝ Ɏ sf '        SFB Î  Ǝ  Ɏ     2   SF  M#self Պ  8 IdocG I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I Ր docGՐ Ր /// pulling from.Ր       self   D CdocG C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docG  /// combinator is pulling from.  docG  ///  IdocG I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docG 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7      self  Օ 8 >docG > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docG  ///  HdocG H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocG G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G    ̖ ϖ ǖ SF ̖  ϖ ޕ Z#  selfitem ؗ     1  selfޗ  a    0  selfޗ Ǚ Q   Й 0     SFB  Қ   }2   self!       6 Poll Stream͞ Async! 5  ''   s '     S ȡ   a   S  >self Պ  8 IdocI I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I У docIУ У /// pulling from.У       self   D CdocI C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docI  /// combinator is pulling from.  docI  ///  IdocI I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docI 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7      self  Ш 8 >docI > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docI  ///  HdocI H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocJ G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G    ǩ ©  S ǩ ޕ  K      selfitem Ԫ      , selfޗ ܫ a     + selfޗ ì Q   ̬  +   S í ޭ  O &  ͮ (  self! 2      , Async!dz  Future  Poll  IntoFuture  mem  Streamӳ  o '''' $ Ѹ Ը ׸ ܸ sft T'  Fut )Ƹ    SFFutT Ѹ  Ը  ׸  ܸ      ҹ ݹ  C     SFFutT ˄ͻ          C      self ! % Ҽ    ڼ  ; Future  Poll  IntoFuture  Stream  Async!  _ ''     sf '         SFU      ш '  ߈ 2     SFU   ߈    ш &  2      self          6 PhantomData  Poll  PhantomData  Stream  Async!  f  ''     stream '       SE   W #    SE  M#self Պ  8 IdocP I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docP  /// pulling from.         self   D CdocP C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docP  /// combinator is pulling from.  docP  ///  IdocP I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docP 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7        self   8 >docP > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docP  ///  HdocP H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocP G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G          SE     h#       selfĕ         1     SE  ޕ b#      selfitemĕ! 2       1  selfĕ  d      0  selfĕ  T      0  Poll  Stream  Async!  5 ''   '    S ޕ C      selfitem        , selfЦޗ  a     + selfЦޗ  Q     + s    N  S  :   S  ?      selfЦ       ,   S 8self   7 >docS > >>/// Returns whether the underlying stream has finished or not. > docS  ///  DdocS D DD/// If this method returns `true`, then all future calls to poll are D BdocS B BB/// guaranteed to return `None`. If this returns `false`, then the B &docS & &&/// underlying stream is still in use. &      selfՊ  8 IdocS I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docS  /// pulling from.       selfЦ  D CdocS C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docS  /// combinator is pulling from.  docS  ///  IdocS I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docS 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7      self   8 >docT > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docT  ///  HdocT H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocT G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G    Future  Poll  Stream  Async!  H ''   s '   W  S  :  S 6self Պ  H IdocT I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docT  /// pulling from.  docT  ///  QdocT Q QR/// This method returns an `Option` to account for the fact that `StreamFuture`\'s Q SdocT S SS/// implementation of `Future::poll` consumes the underlying stream during polling  S OdocT O OO/// in order to return it to the caller of `Future::poll` if the stream yielded O docT  /// an element.       self  ǀ P CdocT C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docT  /// combinator is pulling from.  docT  ///  IdocT I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docT 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7 docT  ///  QdocT Q QR/// This method returns an `Option` to account for the fact that `StreamFuture`\'s Q SdocT S SS/// implementation of `Future::poll` consumes the underlying stream during polling  S OdocT O OO/// in order to return it to the caller of `Future::poll` if the stream yielded O docT  /// an element.    ր    self   @ >docT > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docT  ///  HdocT H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocT G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G docT  ///  QdocT Q QR/// This method returns an `Option` to account for the fact that `StreamFuture`\'s Q ߃ SdocT߃ S߃ SS/// implementation of `Future::poll` consumes the underlying stream during polling ߃ S OdocT O OO/// in order to return it to the caller of `Future::poll` if the stream yielded O docT  /// an element.         S  ? !ʽ       self! + ۆ      , Poll  Stream  Async!  5 ''    streamf '       SF  ԍ    s #ʎ Վ  Ŏ  SF ʎ ͎  Վ U#self Պ Џ 8 IdocV I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docV  /// pulling from.     ߏ    self   D CdocV C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C ֐ docV֐ ֐ /// combinator is pulling from.֐  docV  ///  IdocV I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I Б 7docVБ 7Б 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.Б 7        self   8 ֒ >docV֒ >֒ >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.֒ > docV  ///  HdocV H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocV G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G          SF  ޕ  b#      selfitem  Ė     Җ  1  selfޗ  ̗ a    ݗ  0  selfޗ  Q      0     SFә  Ι  f#      self        1  Pollœ  Stream  # ''    streamf '   ՞    SF         #    SF   U#self Պ  8 IdocX I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docX  /// pulling from.         self  ף D ١ CdocY١ C١ CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this١ C docY  /// combinator is pulling from.  Ţ docYŢ Ţ ///Ţ  ͢ IdocY͢ I͢ II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the͢ I 7docY 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7        self   8 >docY > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docY  ///  HdocY H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H GdocY G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G          SF  ޕ  b# ͧ      selfitem        1  selfޗ  a      0  selfޗ  Q      0  ۪ ު  ֪  SF ު    ۪ f#    Ы   self        1  Poll  Stream  Async!  5 ''  ʯ ͯ Я sf '        SFU ʯ  ͯ  Я    2ް   ٰ  SF ް  M#self Պ ر 8 Idoc[ I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I ± doc[± ± /// pulling from.±         self   D Cdoc[ C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C ޲ doc[޲ ޲ /// combinator is pulling from.޲  doc[  ///  Idoc[ I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I س 7doc[س 7س 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.س 7        self  ¶ 8 ޴ >doc[޴ >޴ >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.޴ > doc[  ///  Hdoc[ H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H Gdoc[ G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G          SF  ޕ Z#      selfitemĀ      ͸  1  selfĀޗ  ǹ a    ع  0  selfĀޗ  Q      0      SFUڻ    Ȼ  }2       selfĀ!  &        6 Poll  Stream½  # ''    sf '        SFU        2    SF  M#self Պ  8 Idoc] I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I doc]  /// pulling from.         self   D Cdoc] C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C doc]  /// combinator is pulling from.  doc]  ///  Idoc] I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7doc] 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7        self   8 >doc] > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > doc]  ///  Hdoc] H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H Gdoc] G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G          SF  ޕ Z#      selfitem        1  selfޗ  a      0  selfޗ  Q      0      SFUǑ      }2       self   f       5 Poll  Fuse'  Stream  Async!  F   deprecated^    note  (&functionality provided by `select` now ?  allow^   deprecated  '' '' &functionality provided by `select` now   stream1stream2' % &functionality provided by `select` now S1S2Ϟ ݞ    ( %  ٦ &functionality provided by `select` now٦S1S2 ݞ   Ϟ (% +&functionality provided by `select` now'  R( &functionality provided by `select` now  B(self ٦!٦٦ 8 &functionality provided by `select` now    Z(  Poll  Stream  Async!  5 ''   item '    L &doca & &&/// Creates a stream of single element & doca  ///  doca  /// ```rust doca  /// use futures::*;  doca  ///  4doca 4 44/// let mut stream = stream::once::<(), _>(Err(17)); 4 'doca ' ''/// assert_eq!(Err(17), stream.poll()); ' 6doca 6 66/// assert_eq!(Ok(Async::Ready(None)), stream.poll()); 6 doca  /// ```    TE    #    TE  N#        self !   ,       1  Future  Poll  IntoFuture  Stream  Async!  _ ((      sf (         SFU     Ǒ ш   2   ׷  ׷SFU   ޕ ш y2      selfitem ׷         6 selfлޗ  a       5 selfлޗ  Q       5   ׷  ׷SFUǑ     ш  2       selfл         6 Poll  Fuse'  Stream  Async!  F (( "  stream (   |  S  :   S ޕ  K      selfitem        , selfޗ  a   Ѐ  + selfޗ  Q     +   S  ?      self! 2 ݂      ,   S  :self! &  ̈́ >docf̈́ >̈́ >>/// Peek retrieves a reference to the next item in the stream.̈́ > docf  ///  Idocf I II/// This method polls the underlying stream and return either a reference I Idocf I II/// to the next item if the stream is ready or passes through any errors. I      Poll  Stream  # ʉ )docgʉ )ʉ ))//! Definition of the `PollFn` combinatorʉ ) (( iP   fĐ (Đ  ֏ r ֋ Edocg֋ E֋ EE/// Creates a new stream wrapping around a function returning `Poll`.֋ E docg  ///  Bdocg B BB/// Polling the returned stream delegates to the wrapped function. B docg  ///  docg  /// # Examples  docg  ///  docg  /// ```  !docg ! !!/// use futures::stream::poll_fn; ! docg  /// use futures::{Async, Poll};  č docgč č ///č  ȍ docgȍ ȍ /// let mut counter = 1usize;ȍ  docg  ///  Odocg O OO/// let read_stream = poll_fn(move || -> Poll, std::io::Error> { O :docg : ::/// if counter == 0 { return Ok(Async::Ready(None)); } : docg  /// counter -= 1;  :docg : :dockɩ >ɩ >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.ɩ > dock  ///  Hdock H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H Gdock G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G       S ޕͬ C      selfitem       , selfޗ  a     + selfޗ  Q     +   S  ?      self  ԰    ܰ  , Async!  Future  Poll  IntoFuture  Stream  _ (( " ζ Ѷ Զ sp P( R ö   SPR ζ  Ѷ  Զ     %ɷ Է 2޸    ٸ  SPR ޸     t2self Պ  8 Idocm I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docm  /// pulling from.       self   D Cdocm C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docm  /// combinator is pulling from.  docm  ///  Idocm I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docm 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7   μ   self   8 >docm > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > ̽ docm̽ ̽ ///̽  Խ HdocmԽ HԽ HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, soԽ H Gdocm G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G        ߿  SPR   ޕ   2      selfitem       6 selfޗ  a     5 selfޗ  Q     5    SPR        %  2      self       6 Poll  Stream  Async!  5 ((   samt (   }  S  :   S 6self Պ  8 Idocp I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docp  /// pulling from.       self   D Cdocp C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docp  /// combinator is pulling from.  docp  ///  Idocp I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docp 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7      self   8 >docp > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docp  ///  Hdocp H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H Gdocp G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G       S ޕ  K      selfitem       , selfޗ  a     + selfޗ  Q     +   S  ?      self       , Future  Poll  IntoFuture  Stream  Async!  _ (("    sp (     SPR       %  2    SPR     t2self Պ  8 Idocs I II/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator is I docs  /// pulling from.     self   D Cdocs C CC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that this C docs  /// combinator is pulling from.  docs  ///  Idocs I II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the I 7docs 7 77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator. 7    self   8 >docs > >>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream. > docs  ///  Hdocs H HH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, so H Gdocs G GG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called. G      SPR   ޕ   2  selfitem     6 selfޗ  a   5 selfޗ  Q   5    SPR        %  2  self     6 Future Poll  IntoFuture Stream Async! _ ((     sf (         SFU      % ص ш 2   ƴ ƴSFU   ޕ ш y2  selfitem ƴ       6 selfҸޗ  a     5 selfҸޗ ʁ Q    Ӂ 5   ƴ ƴSFU   ӂ ε % ш 2 ǃ selfҸ       6 Async!ۊ FutureNJ Poll  IntoFutureϊ mem Stream o (((($     initf (      Fdocy F FF/// Creates a `Stream` from a seed and a closure returning a `Future`. F ŋ docyŋ ŋ ///ŋ  ɋ Edocyɋ Eɋ EE/// This function is the dual for the `Stream::fold()` adapter: whileɋ E Qdocy Q QQ/// `Stream::fold()` reduces a `Stream` to one single value, `unfold()` creates a Q docy  /// `Stream` from a seed value.  docy  ///  Odocy O OO/// `unfold()` will call the provided closure with the provided seed, then wait OՍ OdocyՍ OՍ OO/// for the returned `Future` to complete with `(a, b)`. It will then yield theՍ O 6docy 6 66/// value `a`, and use `b` as the next internal state. 6܎ docy܎ ܎ ///܎  Pdocy P PP/// If the closure returns `None` instead of `Some(Future)`, then the `unfold()` P Kdocy K KK/// will stop producing items and return `Ok(Async::Ready(None))` in future K docy  /// calls to `poll()`.  docy  ///  Jdocy J JJ/// In case of error generated by the returned `Future`, the error will be J ;docy ; ;;/// returned by the `Stream`. The `Stream` will then yield ; 9docy 9 99/// `Ok(Async::Ready(None))` in future calls to `poll()`. 9ّ docyّ ّ ///ّ ݑ Mdocyݑ Mݑ MN/// This function can typically be used when wanting to go from the \"world ofݑ M Hdocy H HK/// futures\" to the \"world of streams\": the provided closure can build a H Mdocy M MM/// `Future` using other library functions working on futures, and `unfold()` M“ <docy“ <“ <((yielded, next_state)); Bі docyі і /// Some(fut)і  docy  /// } else {  docy  /// None  docy  /// }  docy  /// });  docy  ///  )docy ) ))/// let result = stream.collect().wait(); )ɗ *docyɗ *ɗ **/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(vec![0, 2, 4]));ɗ * docy  /// ```    ItTFFutIt       ʘ   ֘   +D     TFFutItל    ˜    D  self ! ,ǝ    ϝ ; Poll Fuse' Stream Async! F((   stream1stream2( %  S1S2Ϟ ݞ   ĭ i %  ܮ S1S2 ݞ   Ϟ h% ! self ! 8   1  Future  AsyncSink! Poll SinkԷ Fuse'ɷ Stream Async!  (('º ź streamsink U(  "   TU º  ź        #ļ Ǽ  TU Ǽ   ļ   s#self   !˾ G -doc~ - --/// Get a shared reference to the inner sink. - Tdoc~ T TT/// If this combinator has already been polled to completion, None will be returned. T  ۾   self   ! O .doc~ . ../// Get a mutable reference to the inner sink. .˿ Tdoc~˿ T˿ TT/// If this combinator has already been polled to completion, None will be returned.˿ T     self    ` /doc~ / ///// Get a shared reference to the inner stream. / Tdoc~ T TT/// If this combinator has already been polled to completion, None will be returned. T     self    h 0doc 0 00/// Get a mutable reference to the inner stream. 0 Tdoc T TT/// If this combinator has already been polled to completion, None will be returned. T     self      1  selfitem      1    TU      n#  self!     1  DdocڂDDD/// A stream of values, not all of which may have been produced yet.Ddocۂ///Mdoc܂MMM/// `Stream` is a trait to represent any source of sequential events or itemsMIdoc݂III/// which acts like an iterator but long periods of time may pass betweenIKdocނKKK/// items. Like `Future` the methods of `Stream` never block and it is thusKKdoc߂KKK/// suitable for programming in an asynchronous fashion. This trait is veryKKdocKKK/// similar to the `Iterator` trait in the standard library where `Some` isKMdocMMM/// used to signal elements of the stream and `None` is used to indicate thatMdoc/// the stream is finished.doc///PdocPPP/// Like futures a stream has basic combinators to transform the stream, performP doc   /// more work on each item, etc. doc///DdocDDD/// You can find more information/tutorials about streams [online atDdoc///][online]doc///FdocFFF/// [online]: # Streams as Futuresdoc///PdocPPP/// Any instance of `Stream` can also be viewed as a `Future` where the resolvedPOdocOOO/// value is the next item in the stream along with the rest of the stream. TheONdocNNN/// `into_future` adaptor can be used here to convert any stream into a futureN?doc???/// for use with other future methods like `join` and `select`.?doc/// doc   /// # Errors doc///JdocJJJ/// Streams, like futures, can also model errors in their computation. AllJNdocNNN/// streams have an associated `Error` type like with futures. Currently as ofNMdocMMM/// the 0.1 release of this library an error on a stream **does not terminateMLdocLLL/// the stream**. That is, after one error is received, another error may beL?doc??@/// received from the same stream (it\'s valid to keep polling).?doc///NdocNNN/// This property of streams, however, is [being considered] for change in 0.2NMdocMMM/// where an error on a stream is similar to `None`, it terminates the streamMNdocNNN/// entirely. If one of these use cases suits you perfectly and not the other,NDdocDDD/// please feel welcome to comment on [the issue][being considered]!Ddoc///RdocRRR/// [being considered]:         '''9 7doc777/// The type of item this stream will yield on success.7s_ /doc////// The type of error this stream may generate./kWself ! &<JdocJJJ/// Attempt to pull out the next value of this stream, returning `None` ifJdoc/// the stream is finished.doc///IdocIII/// This method, like `Future::poll`, is the sole method of pulling out aIKdocKKK/// value from a stream. This method must also be run within the context ofKDdocDDD/// a task typically and implementors of this trait must ensure thatDJdocJJJ/// implementations of this method do not block, as it may cause consumersJdoc/// to behave badly.doc///doc/// # Return valuedoc///HdocHHI/// If `NotReady` is returned then this stream\'s next value is not readyHEdocEEE/// yet and implementations will ensure that the current task will beEIdocIII/// notified when the next value may be ready. If `Some` is returned thenIEdocEEE/// the returned value represents the next value on the stream. `Err`EIdocIII/// indicates an error happened, while `Ok` indicates whether there was aI@doc@@@/// new item on the stream or whether the stream has terminated.@doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///GdocGGG/// Once a stream is finished, that is `Ready(None)` has been returned,GJdocJJL/// further calls to `poll` may result in a panic or other \"bad behavior\".JHdocHHH/// If this is difficult to guard against then the `fuse` adapter can beHAdocAAA/// used to ensure that `poll` always has well-defined semantics.A   self .  YJdocJJJ/// Creates an iterator which blocks the current thread until each item ofJdoc/// this stream is resolved.doc///CdocCCC/// This method will consume ownership of this stream, returning anCHdocHHH/// implementation of a standard iterator. This iterator will *block theHJdocJJK/// current thread* on each call to `next` if the item in the stream isn\'tJdoc/// ready yet.doc///HdocHHH/// > **Note:** This method is not appropriate to call on event loops orHHdocHHH/// > similar I/O situations because it will prevent the eventHHdocHHH/// > loop from making progress (this blocks the thread). ThisHJdocJJK/// > method should only be called when it\'s guaranteed that theJKdocKKK/// > blocking work associated with this stream will be completedK"doc"""/// > by another thread."doc///DdocDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9docƒ999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9docÃ/// docă   /// # Panics docŃ///IdocƃIII/// The returned iterator does not attempt to catch panics. If the `poll`IGdocǃGGG/// function panics, panics will be propagated to the caller of `next`.Gcfgȃ feature use_std   ЀЀƀƀ * ԀۀY  self ЀY self   -Edoc݃EEE/// Convenience function for turning this stream into a trait object.Edocރ///Kdoc߃KKK/// This simply avoids the need to write `Box::new` and can often help withKHdocHHH/// type inference as well by always returning a trait object. Note thatHЂJdocЂJЂJJ/// this method requires the `Send` bound and returns a `BoxStream`, whichЂJJdocJJK/// also encodes this. If you\'d like to create a `Box` without theJCdocCCC/// `Send` bound, then the `Box::new` function can be used instead.Cdoc///DdocDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9ŅdocŅŅ///Ņͅdocͅͅ/// # Examplesͅdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::stream::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///%doc%%%/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);%+doc+++/// let a: BoxStream = rx.boxed();+doc/// ```cfg feature use_stdŇdocȇχɇ hiddenÇ؇  deprecatedˉ noteremoved without replacement, recommended to use a \ local extension trait or function if needed, more \ details inևԉallowىډ deprecated҉removed without replacement, recommended to use a local extension trait or function if needed, more details in     Êڊڊڊڊ  ڊ ڊ" selfڊ ڊ   ڊ self '  j)doc)))/// Converts this stream into a `Future`.)doc///NdocNNN/// A stream can be viewed as a future which will resolve to a pair containingNKdocKKK/// the next element of the stream plus the remaining stream. If the streamKیKdocیKیKK/// terminates, then the next element is `None` and the remaining stream isیK=doc===/// still passed back, to allow reclamation of its resources.=doc///NdocNNN/// The returned future can be used to compose streams and futures together byNȎ3docȎ3Ȏ35/// placing everything into the \"world of futures\".Ȏ3   ߏߏӏӏ  j self ߏj  selff Đ ' Đ  :doc:::/// Converts a stream of type `T` to a stream of type `U`.:doc///HdocHHH/// The provided closure is executed over all elements of this stream asHJdocJJJ/// they are made available, and the callback will be executed inline withJӑdocӑӑ/// calls to `poll`.ӑdoc///GdocGGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aGGdocGGG/// wrapped version of it, similar to the existing `map` methods in theGdoc/// standard library.doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///ɓdocɓɓ/// ```ɓՓdocՓՓ/// use futures::prelude::*;Փdoc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///,doc,,,/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::(1);,ДdocДД/// let rx =|x| x + 3);Дdoc„/// ```  Đ UF Đ Đ ϕ   Đ   selfĐ f Đ   &Eselff Đ ' Đ  FdocFFF/// Converts a stream of error type `T` to a stream of error type `U`.Fdoc///FdocFFF/// The provided closure is executed over all errors of this stream asFJdocJJJ/// they are made available, and the callback will be executed inline withJdoc/// calls to `poll`.doc///GdocGGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aGKdocKKK/// wrapped version of it, similar to the existing `map_err` methods in theKdoc/// standard library.ۙdocۙۙ///ۙdoc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;̚doc̚̚///̚Ԛ,docԚ,Ԛ,,/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::(1);Ԛ, doc   /// let rx = rx.map_err(|()| 3); doc/// ```  Đ UF ěĐ Đ  ŜŜ˜˜  Đ ̜̜Ӝ֛ selfǛĐ f͛ ŜĐ ˜  &Eselff '   ٜHdocٜHٜHH/// Filters the values produced by this stream according to the providedٜHdoc/// predicate.doc///LdocLLL/// As values of this stream are made available, the provided predicate willLHdocHHH/// be run against them. If the predicate returns `true` then the streamHߞGdocߞGߞGG/// will yield the value, but if the predicate returns `false` then theߞG@doc@@@/// value will be discarded and the next value will be produced.@doc///GdocGGG/// All errors are passed through without filtering in this combinator.GĠdocĠĠ///Ġ̠Gdoc̠G̠GG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns a̠GJdocJJJ/// wrapped version of it, similar to the existing `filter` methods in theJdoc/// standard library.doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::prelude::*;ѢdocѢѢ/// use futures::sync::mpsc;Ѣdoc///,doc,,,/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::(1);,*doc***/// let evens = rx.filter(|x| x % 2 == 0);*ڣdocڣڣ/// ```ڣ   F    Ȃ Ӥ    self f    Aselff '   KdocKKK/// Filters the values produced by this stream while simultaneously mappingKץdocץץ/// them to a different type.ץdoc///KdocKKK/// As values of this stream are made available, the provided function willKѦKdocѦKѦKK/// be run on them. If the predicate returns `Some(e)` then the stream willѦKJdocJJJ/// yield the value `e`, but if the predicate returns `None` then the nextJdoc/// value will be produced.doc///GdocGGG/// All errors are passed through without filtering in this combinator.Gdoc///GdocGGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aGNdocNNN/// wrapped version of it, similar to the existing `filter_map` methods in theNdoc/// standard library.doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///ȪdocȪȪ/// ```ȪԪdocԪԪ/// use futures::prelude::*;Ԫdoc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///,doc,,,/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::(1);,ϫ,docϫ,ϫ,,/// let evens_plus_one = rx.filter_map(|x| {ϫ,doc/// if x % 0 == 2 {doc/// Some(x + 1)doc/// } else {ͬdocͬͬ/// Noneͬ doc   /// } doc/// });doc/// ```    FB   ϭ       self f  &Cselff (     KdocKKK/// Chain on a computation for when a value is ready, passing the resultingK%doc%%%/// item to the provided closure `f`.%doc///HdocHHH/// This function can be used to ensure a computation runs regardless ofHHdocHHH/// the next value on the stream. The closure provided will be yielded aHװLdocװLװLL/// `Result` once a value is ready, and the returned future will then be runװL;doc;;;/// to completion to produce the next value on this stream.;doc///KdocKKK/// The returned value of the closure must implement the `IntoFuture` traitKJdocJJJ/// and can represent some more work to be done before the composed streamJHdocHHH/// is finished. Note that the `Result` type implements the `IntoFuture`HܳGdocܳGܳGG/// trait so it is possible to simply alter the `Result` yielded to theܳGdoc/// closure and return it.ǴdocǴǴ///ǴϴGdocϴGϴGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aϴGdoc/// wrapped version of it.doc///µdocµµ/// # Examplesµյdocյյ///յݵdocݵݵ/// ```ݵdoc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///,doc,,,/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::(1);,doc///doc/// let rx = rx.then(|result| {doc†/// match result {docÆ/// Ok(e) => Ok(e + 3),ϷdocĆϷϷ/// Err(()) => Err(4),Ϸ docņ   /// } docƆ/// });docdž/// ```    FU   ׸+  ш ӹӹٹٹɹɹ    ڹڹƘ self f ӹ ٹ &Xselff &     LdocLLL/// Chain on a computation for when a value is ready, passing the successfulL(doc(((/// results to the provided closure `f`.(doc///LdocLLL/// This function can be used to run a unit of work when the next successfulLLdocLLL/// value on a stream is ready. The closure provided will be yielded a valueLIdocIII/// when ready, and the returned future will then be run to completion toIݼ*docݼ*ݼ**/// produce the next value on this stream.ݼ*doc///IdocIII/// Any errors produced by this stream will not be passed to the closure,Idoc/// and will be passed through.doc///KdocKKK/// The returned value of the closure must implement the `IntoFuture` traitK޾Jdoc޾J޾JJ/// and can represent some more work to be done before the composed stream޾JHdocHHH/// is finished. Note that the `Result` type implements the `IntoFuture`HGdocGGG/// trait so it is possible to simply alter the `Result` yielded to theGdoc/// closure and return it.doc///GdocGGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aGdoc/// wrapped version of it.doc///HdocHHH/// To process the entire stream and return a single future representingH-doc---/// success or error, use `for_each` instead.-doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///,doc,,,/// let (_tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::(1);,doc///#doc###/// let rx = rx.and_then(|result| {#doc/// if result % 2 == 0 {doc/// Ok(result)doc/// } else {doc/// Err(()) doc   /// } doc/// });doc/// ```    FU    ш       self f  '&Rselff (     Adoc҇AAA/// Chain on a computation for when an error happens, passing theA1docӇ111/// erroneous result to the provided closure `f`.1docԇ///OdocՇOOO/// This function can be used to run a unit of work and attempt to recover fromOJdocևJJJ/// an error if one happens. The closure provided will be yielded an errorJLdocׇLLL/// when one appears, and the returned future will then be run to completionL-doc؇---/// to produce the next value on this stream.-docه///KdocڇKKK/// Any successful values produced by this stream will not be passed to theK(docۇ(((/// closure, and will be passed through.(doc܇///Kdoc݇KKK/// The returned value of the closure must implement the `IntoFuture` traitKJdocއJJJ/// and can represent some more work to be done before the composed streamJHdoc߇HHH/// is finished. Note that the `Result` type implements the `IntoFuture`HGdocGGG/// trait so it is possible to simply alter the `Result` yielded to theGdoc/// closure and return it.doc///GdocGGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aGdoc/// wrapped version of it.    FU     ш       self f   &\self .  bGdocGGG/// Collect all of the values of this stream into a vector, returning aG7doc777/// future representing the result of that computation.7doc///JdocJJJ/// This combinator will collect all successful results of this stream andJGdocGGG/// collect them into a `Vec`. If an error happens then allGFdocFFF/// collected elements will be dropped and the error will be returned.Fdoc///JdocJJJ/// The returned future will be resolved whenever an error happens or whenJ"doc"""/// the stream returns `Ok(None)`."doc///DdocDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9doc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use std::thread;doc///doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///(doc(((/// let (mut tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);(doc///doc/// thread::spawn(|| {doc/// for i in (0..5).rev() {0doc000/// tx = tx.send(i + 1).wait().unwrap();0 doc   /// } doc/// });doc///"doc"""/// let mut result = rx.collect();"7doc777/// assert_eq!(result.wait(), Ok(vec![5, 4, 3, 2, 1]));7doc/// ```cfg feature use_std    * b  self b! self   @docˈ@@@/// Concatenate all results of a stream into a single extendable@@doc̈@@@/// destination, returning a future representing the end result.@doc͈///@docΈ@@@/// This combinator will extend the first item with the contents@AdocψAAA/// of all the successful results of the stream. If the stream isABdocЈBBB/// empty, the default value will be returned. If an error occurs,BCdocшCCC/// all the results will be dropped and the error will be returned.Cdoc҈///FdocӈFFF/// The name `concat2` is an intermediate measure until the release ofFDdocԈDDD/// futures 0.2, at which point it will be renamed back to `concat`.DdocՈ///docֈ/// # Examplesdoc׈///doc؈/// ```docو/// use std::thread;docڈ///docۈ/// use futures::prelude::*;doc܈/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc݈///(docވ(((/// let (mut tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);(doc߈///doc/// thread::spawn(move || {doc/// for i in (0..3).rev() {doc/// let n = i * 3;DdocDDD/// tx = tx.send(vec![n + 1, n + 2, n + 3]).wait().unwrap();D doc   /// } doc/// });doc/// let result = rx.concat2();CdocCCC/// assert_eq!(result.wait(), Ok(vec![7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]));Cdoc/// ```   ##6#     self @self   @doc@@@/// Concatenate all results of a stream into a single extendable@@doc@@@/// destination, returning a future representing the end result.@doc///@doc@@@/// This combinator will extend the first item with the contents@DdocDDD/// of all the successful results of the stream. If an error occurs,DCdocCCC/// all the results will be dropped and the error will be returned.Cdoc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use std::thread;doc///doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///(doc(((/// let (mut tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);(doc///doc/// thread::spawn(move || {doc/// for i in (0..3).rev() {doc/// let n = i * 3;DdocDDD/// tx = tx.send(vec![n + 1, n + 2, n + 3]).wait().unwrap();D doc   /// } doc/// });doc/// let result = rx.concat();CdocCCC/// assert_eq!(result.wait(), Ok(vec![7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]));Cdoc/// ```doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///FdocFFG/// It\'s important to note that this function will panic if the streamF6doc666/// is empty, which is the reason for its deprecation.6  deprecated since0.1.14 note&$please use `Stream::concat2` insteadJallow deprecated0.1.14$please use `Stream::concat2` instead   6   ׁ  self !-selfinitf T '  Fut / Idoc҉III/// Execute an accumulating computation over a stream, collecting all theI!docӉ!!!/// values into one final result.!docԉ///FdocՉFFF/// This combinator will collect all successful results of this streamFLdoc։LLL/// according to the closure provided. The initial state is also provided toLLdoc׉LLL/// this method and then is returned again by each execution of the closure.LFdoc؉FFF/// Once the entire stream has been exhausted the returned future willFdocى/// resolve to this value.docډ///JdocۉJJJ/// If an error happens then collected state will be dropped and the errorJdoc܉/// will be returned.doc݉///docމ/// # Examplesdoc߉///doc/// ```doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::stream;doc/// use futures::future;doc///7doc777/// let number_stream = stream::iter_ok::<_, ()>(0..6);7BdocBBB/// let sum = number_stream.fold(0, |acc, x| future::ok(acc + x));B#doc###/// assert_eq!(sum.wait(), Ok(15));#doc/// ```   FTFut          selfinit f   7self '  AdocAAA/// Flattens a stream of streams into just one continuous stream.Adoc///IdocIIJ/// If this stream\'s elements are themselves streams then this combinatorIIdocIII/// will flatten out the entire stream to one long chain of elements. AnyIIdocIII/// errors are passed through without looking at them, but otherwise eachIFdocFFF/// individual stream will get exhausted before moving on to the next.Fdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use std::thread;doc///doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::sync::mpsc;doc///-doc---/// let (tx1, rx1) = mpsc::channel::(1);--doc---/// let (tx2, rx2) = mpsc::channel::(1);-&doc&&&/// let (tx3, rx3) = mpsc::channel(1);&doc///doc/// thread::spawn(|| {#doc###/// tx1.send(1).wait().unwrap()#$doc$$$/// .send(2).wait().unwrap();$doc/// });doc/// thread::spawn(|| {#docŠ###/// tx2.send(3).wait().unwrap()#$docÊ$$$/// .send(4).wait().unwrap();$docĊ/// });docŊ/// thread::spawn(|| {%docƊ%%%/// tx3.send(rx1).wait().unwrap()%&docNJ&&&/// .send(rx2).wait().unwrap();&docȊ/// });docɊ///-docʊ---/// let mut result = rx3.flatten().collect();-4docˊ444/// assert_eq!(result.wait(), Ok(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]));4߁doc̊߁߁/// ```߁  ܂   Ǽ  self !2selfpred (  #IdocIII/// Skip elements on this stream while the predicate provided resolves toI doc   /// `true`. doc///IdocIII/// This function, like `Iterator::skip_while`, will skip elements on theIFdocFFF/// stream until the `predicate` resolves to `false`. Once one elementFJdocJJJ/// returns false all future elements will be returned from the underlyingJ doc   /// stream.  PRȂȂ(  ȇ܇܇   selfpred &dselfpred (  #ˊKdocKKK/// Take elements from this stream while the predicate provided resolves toKӈ docӈ ӈ  /// `true`.ӈ doc///KdocKKK/// This function, like `Iterator::take_while`, will take elements from theKFdocFFF/// stream until the `predicate` resolves to `false`. Once one elementF@doc@@@/// returns false it will always return that the stream is done.@  PRي܊‹(͋ ؋   ˊ selfߊpred ˊ&Dselff '     KdocKKK/// Runs this stream to completion, executing the provided closure for eachKdoc/// element on the stream.doc///JdocJJJ/// The closure provided will be called for each item this stream resolvesJJdocJJJ/// to successfully, producing a future. That future will then be executedJЎ4docЎ4Ў44/// to completion before moving on to the next item.Ў4doc///FdocFFF/// The returned value is a `Future` where the `Item` type is `()` andF܏Ldoc܏L܏LL/// errors are otherwise threaded through. Any error on the stream or in the܏LHdocHHH/// closure will cause iteration to be halted immediately and the futureHdoc/// will resolve to that error.doc///IdocIII/// To process each item in the stream and produce another stream insteadI/doc////// of a single future, use `and_then` instead./    FU  ш( Փ    ɒ self f    &Dself '   ~@doc@@A/// Map this stream\'s error to any error implementing `From` for@Д2docД2Д23/// this stream\'s `Error`, returning a new stream.Д2doc///AdocAAA/// This function does for streams what `try!` does for `Result`,AՕBdocՕBՕBB/// by letting the compiler infer the type of the resulting error.ՕBAdocAAA/// Just as `map_err` above, this is useful for example to ensureA8doc888/// that streams have the same error type when used with8doc/// combinators.doc///GdocGGG/// Note that this function consumes the receiving stream and returns aGdoc/// wrapped version of it.   E      ~Ҙ selfɘ ~   &selfamt (  ҜhIdocЌIII/// Creates a new stream of at most `amt` items of the underlying stream.Idocь///KdocҌKKK/// Once `amt` items have been yielded from this stream then it will alwaysKњ#docӌњ#њ##/// return that the stream is done.њ#docԌ/// docՌ   /// # Errors doc֌///Kdoc׌KKK/// Any errors yielded from underlying stream, before the desired amount ofKKdoc،KKK/// items is reached, are passed through and do not affect the total numberKdocٌ/// of items taken.     Ҝh  selfڜamt Ҝh  selfamt (  hJdocJJJ/// Creates a new stream which skips `amt` items of the underlying stream.Jdoc///KdocKKK/// Once `amt` items have been skipped from this stream then it will alwaysK.doc.../// return the remaining items on this stream..doc/// doc   /// # Errors doc///KdocKKK/// All errors yielded from underlying stream are passed through and do notK-doc---/// affect the total number of items skipped.-     hؠ  selfŠamtˠ h  self '  YIdocIII/// Fuse a stream such that `poll` will never again be called once it hasI doc   /// finished. doc///GdocGGG/// Currently once a stream has returned `None` from `poll` any furtherGߢHdocߢHߢHH/// calls could exhibit bad behavior such as block forever, panic, neverߢHJdocJJJ/// return, etc. If it is known that `poll` may be called after stream hasJHdocHHH/// already finished, then this method can be used to ensure that it hasHȤdocȤȤ/// defined semantics.Ȥdoc///HdocHHH/// Once a stream has been `fuse`d and it finishes, then it will foreverHIdocIII/// return `None` from `poll`. This, unlike for the traits `poll` method,Idoc/// is guaranteed.doc///KdocKKK/// Also note that as soon as this stream returns `None` it will be droppedK,doc,,,/// to reclaim resources associated with it.,   ֧  Y  self Y   self  T/doc////// Borrows a stream, rather than consuming it./doc///JdocJJJ/// This is useful to allow applying stream adaptors while still retainingJ%doc%%%/// ownership of the original stream.%doc///©doc©©/// ```©ΩdocΩΩ/// use futures::prelude::*;Ωdoc/// use futures::stream;doc/// use futures::future;docÍ///4docč444/// let mut stream = stream::iter_ok::<_, ()>(1..5);4docō///OdocƍOOO/// let sum = stream.by_ref().take(2).fold(0, |a, b| future::ok(a + b)).wait();OƫdocǍƫƫ/// assert_eq!(sum, Ok(3));ƫdocȍ///#docɍ###/// // You can use the stream again#FdocʍFFF/// let sum = stream.take(2).fold(0, |a, b| future::ok(a + b)).wait();Fdocˍ/// assert_eq!(sum, Ok(7));doc̍/// ```   í׭׭׭T   self ׭T    self .  6docݍ666/// Catches unwinding panics while polling the stream.6docލ///KdocߍKKK/// Caught panic (if any) will be the last element of the resulting stream.Kdoc///KdocKKK/// In general, panics within a stream can propagate all the way out to theKүJdocүJүJJ/// task level. This combinator makes it possible to halt unwinding withinүJJdocJJK/// the stream itself. It\'s most commonly used within task executors. ThisJ1doc111/// method should not be used for error handling.1doc///KdocKKK/// Note that this method requires the `UnwindSafe` bound from the standardKFdocFFG/// library. This isn\'t always applied automatically, and the standardFɲCdocɲCɲCC/// library provides an `AssertUnwindSafe` wrapper type to apply itɲCKdocKKK/// after-the fact. To assist using this method, the `Stream` trait is alsoKHdocHHH/// implemented for `AssertUnwindSafe` where `S` implements `Stream`.Hdoc///DdocDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9doc///ŵdocŵŵ/// # Examplesŵصdocصص///ص doc   /// ```rust doc/// use futures::prelude::*;doc/// use futures::stream;doc///LdocLLL/// let stream = stream::iter_ok::<_, bool>(vec![Some(10), None, Some(11)]);Ldoc/// // panic on second element6doc666/// let stream_panicking =|o| o.unwrap());6:doc:::/// let mut iter = stream_panicking.catch_unwind().wait();:doc///;doc;;;/// assert_eq!(Ok(10),;;+doc+++/// assert!(;+#doc###/// assert!(;#ĹdocĹĹ/// ```Ĺҹcfgչֹ feature޹ use_stdй   ܺܺ ) ؍ self "selfamt (  ?doc???/// An adaptor for creating a buffered list of pending futures.?ûdocûû///û˻Kdoc˻K˻KL/// If this stream\'s item can be converted into a future, then this adaptor˻KJdocJJJ/// will buffer up to at most `amt` futures and then return results in theJKdocKKK/// same order as the underlying stream. No more than `amt` futures will beKKdocKKK/// buffered at any point in time, and less than `amt` may also be bufferedK*doc***/// depending on the state of each future.*doc///FdocFFG/// The returned stream will be a stream of each future\'s result, withF.doc.../// errors passed through whenever they occur..doc///ǿDdocǿDǿDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisǿD9doc999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9cfg feature use_std  +  ( ° selfamt   +selfamt )  KdocʎKKK/// An adaptor for creating a buffered list of pending futures (unordered).Kdocˎ///Kdoc̎KKL/// If this stream\'s item can be converted into a future, then this adaptorKHdoc͎HHH/// will buffer up to `amt` futures and then return results in the orderHJdocΎJJJ/// in which they complete. No more than `amt` futures will be buffered atJLdocώLLL/// any point in time, and less than `amt` may also be buffered depending onLdocЎ/// the state of each future.docю///FdocҎFFG/// The returned stream will be a stream of each future\'s result, withF.docӎ.../// errors passed through whenever they occur..docԎ///DdocՎDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc֎999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9cfg׎ feature use_std  +   )  selfamt   selfother S' ؾ ! 5doc555/// An adapter for merging the output of two streams.5doc///GdocGGG/// The merged stream produces items from one or both of the underlyingGJdocJJJ/// streams as they become available. Errors, however, are not merged: youJ$doc$$$/// get at most one error at a time.$  deprecated note(&functionality provided by `select` now>allow deprecated&functionality provided by `select` now  ؾS ؾؾؾ   ؾܾ selfؾother ؾ( 9selfother ؾ( ؾ  0doc000/// An adapter for zipping two streams together.0doc///IdocIII/// The zipped stream waits for both streams to produce an item, and thenILdocLLL/// returns that pair. If an error happens, then that error will be returnedLLdocLLL/// immediately. If either stream ends then the zipped stream will also end.L  ؾS   ؾ  selfؾother ؾ $selfother ؾ' ؾ  $docӏ$$$/// Adapter for chaining two stream.$docԏ///GdocՏGGG/// The resulting stream emits elements from the first stream, and whenGLdoc֏LLL/// first stream reaches the end, emits the elements from the second stream.Ldoc׏/// doc؏   /// ```rust docُ/// use futures::prelude::*;docڏ/// use futures::stream;docۏ///@doc܏@@@/// let stream1 = stream::iter_result(vec![Ok(10), Err(false)]);@?docݏ???/// let stream2 = stream::iter_result(vec![Err(true), Ok(20)]);?2docޏ222/// let mut chain = stream1.chain(stream2).wait();2docߏ///+doc+++/// assert_eq!(Some(Ok(10)),;+/doc////// assert_eq!(Some(Err(false)),;/.doc.../// assert_eq!(Some(Err(true)),;.+doc+++/// assert_eq!(Some(Ok(20)),;+#doc###/// assert_eq!(None,;#doc/// ```  ؾS.ؾ   ؾ selfؾother ؾ   5self (  a7doc777/// Creates a new stream which exposes a `peek` method.7doc///FdocFFF/// Calling `peek` returns a reference to the next item in the stream.F     a self a selfcapacity .   zCdocCCC/// An adaptor for chunking up items of the stream inside a vector.Cdoc///JdocJJJ/// This combinator will attempt to pull items from this stream and bufferJHdocHHH/// them into a local vector. At most `capacity` items will get bufferedH4doc445/// before they\'re yielded from the returned stream.4doc///IdocIII/// Note that the vectors returned from this iterator may not always haveIJdocJJJ/// `capacity` elements. If the underlying stream ended and only a partialJKdocKKL/// vector was created, it\'ll be returned. Additionally if an error happensKHdocHHH/// from the underlying stream then the currently buffered items will beH doc   /// yielded. doc///4doc444/// Errors are passed through the stream unbuffered.4doc///DdocDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///1doc111/// This method will panic of `capacity` is zero.1cfg feature use_std    ) z  selfcapacity z  selfother ؾ( ؾ  JdocՐJJJ/// Creates a stream that selects the next element from either this streamJ2doc֐222/// or the provided one, whichever is ready first.2docא///FdocؐFFF/// This combinator will attempt to pull items from both streams. EachFLdocِLLL/// stream will be polled in a round-robin fashion, and whenever a stream isL0docڐ000/// ready to yield an item that item is yielded.0docې///LdocܐLLL/// The `select` function is similar to `merge` except that it requires bothL2docݐ222/// streams to have the same item and error types.2docސ///0docߐ000/// Error are passed through from either stream.0  ؾS.   ؾ selfؾother ؾ   ,selfsink ؾ( ؾ KdocKKK/// A future that completes after the given stream has been fully processedK&doc&&&/// into the sink, including flushing.&doc///IdocIII/// This future will drive the stream to keep producing items until it isILdocLLL/// exhausted, sending each item to the sink. It will complete once both theLHdocHHH/// stream is exhausted, and the sink has fully processed received item,H2doc222/// flushed successfully, and closed successfully.2doc///9doc999/// Doing `stream.forward(sink)` is roughly equivalent to9LdocLLL/// `sink.send_all(stream)`. The returned future will exhaust all items fromLFdocFFF/// `self`, sending them all to `sink`. Furthermore the `sink` will beFdoc/// closed and flushed.doc///9doc999/// On completion, the pair `(stream, sink)` is returned.9  ؾSؾؾؾ   ؾ selfؾsink ؾ   Kself . .  HdocđHHH/// Splits this `Stream + Sink` object into separate `Stream` and `Sink`H docő   /// objects. docƑ///IdocǑIII/// This can be useful when you want to split ownership between tasks, orI>docȑ>>>/// allow direct interaction between the two objects (e.g. via>docɑ/// `Sink::send_all`).docʑ///DdocˑDDD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of thisD9doc̑999/// library is activated, and it is activated by default.9cfg͑ feature use_std     + ȇ$ self  selff '   IdocIII/// Do something with each item of this stream, afterwards passing it on.Idoc///EdocEEE/// This is similar to the `Iterator::inspect` method in the standardEEdocEEE/// library where it allows easily inspecting each value as it passesE=doc==>/// through the stream, for example to debug what\'s going on.=   F  Ȃ     self f   0selff '   IdocIII/// Do something with the error of this stream, afterwards passing it on.Idoc///CdocCCC/// This is similar to the `Stream::inspect` method where it allowsCDdocDDD/// easily inspecting the error as it passes through the stream, forD%doc%%&/// example to debug what\'s going on.%   F         self f   B 'aؾ'aSD!ؾؾself ! 8[ 'aؾ5 futures,# #ӂKdocKKK/// Converts a list of futures into a `Stream` of results from the futures.Kdoc///KdocKKK/// This function will take an list of futures (e.g. a vector, an iterator,KIdocIII/// etc), and return a stream. The stream will yield items as they becomeIFdocFFF/// available on the futures internally, in the order that they becomeFLdocLLL/// available. This function is similar to `buffer_unordered` in that it mayLAdocAAA/// return items in a different order than in the list specified.Adoc///HdocHHH/// Note that the returned set can also be used to dynamically push moreH2doc222/// futures into the set as they become available.2cfgЂ featurełǂ use_std I Ԡ܃  SendAll/  StartSend& Wait0 Send/  SinkFromErr/ With. Poll  SinkMapErr/ Fanout  IntoFuture Buffer0 Flush/ Stream  WithFlatMap. 3  doc  //! Asynchronous sinks  doc  //!  Odoc O OO//! This module contains the `Sink` trait, along with a number of adapter types O Odoc O OO//! for it. An overview is available in the documentation for the trait itself. O doc  //!  Ddoc D DD//! You can find more information/tutorials about streams [online at D doc  //!][online]  doc  //!  Fdoc F FF//! [online]: F/////00  PhantomData  StartSend& Future  AsyncSink! Poll  PhantomData  IntoFuture Sink mem Stream Async!   ......9   .Fut FutT   ^%self      1     sinkf Đ . Đ  $   Đ SUFFut   ȥ ޕ Đ  Đ ¸    C     SUFFut ̸   ȥ  ޕ    C  self   V  Đ  :     SUFFut ̸   ȥ ޕ      Cself Պ  6 -docǕ - --/// Get a shared reference to the inner sink. -  Đ  U self  B .doc֕ . ../// Get a mutable reference to the inner sink. .  Đ  V self   6 <doc < <self Պ ͧ}-doc---/// Get a shared reference to the inner sink.-  ܧ~U self  Ш.docШ.Ш../// Get a mutable reference to the inner sink.Ш.  V self  Ūx2doc222/// Consume the `Flush` and return the inner sink.2  ~ZƫS ƫޕɫ? self!    , PhantomData  StartSend& Poll PhantomDataSinkg ///$ sink /      SE  ޕ۱W #SE  M#self Պ 6˲-doc˲-˲--/// Get a shared reference to the inner sink.˲-   U  self  B.doc.../// Get a mutable reference to the inner sink..   V  self  6<doc˞<<(5); + doc  ///  #doc # ##/// let tx = tx.with_flat_map(|x| { # ;doc ; ;;/// stream::iter_ok(vec![42; x].into_iter().map(|y| y)) ; doc  /// });  doc  /// tx.send(5).wait().unwrap();  Adoc A AA/// assert_eq!(rx.collect().wait(), Ok(vec![42, 42, 42, 42, 42])) A doc  /// ```   Đ UFSt       4           Đ       self Đ f  Đ  6^selff /     .docկ . ../// Transforms the error returned by the sink. .    FE                     self  f    V&Eself /     Jdoc J JL/// Map this sink\'s error to any error implementing `From` for this sink\'s J "doc " ""/// `Error`, returning a new sink. " doc  ///  Udoc U UU/// If wanting to map errors of a `Sink + Stream`, use `.sink_from_err().from_err()`. U   E               self    &selfamt 0   p 1doc 1 11/// Adds a fixed-size buffer to the current sink. 1 doc  ///  Hdoc H HH/// The resulting sink will buffer up to `amt` items when the underlying H Ldoc L LL/// sink is unwilling to accept additional items. Calling `poll_complete` on L Hdoc H HH/// the buffered sink will attempt to both empty the buffer and complete H &doc & &&/// processing on the underlying sink. & doc  ///  Hdoc H HH/// Note that this function consumes the given sink, returning a wrapped H 'doc ' ''/// version, much like `Iterator::map`. ' doc  ///  Ddoc D DD/// This method is only available when the `use_std` feature of this D 9doc 9 99/// library is activated, and it is activated by default. 9 cfg    feature  use_std          /     p  self amt    p   selfother ؾ ؾ    #docŰ # ##/// Fanout items to multiple sinks. # docư  ///  Rdocǰ R RR/// This adapter clones each incoming item and forwards it to both this as well as R $docȰ $ $$/// the other sink at the same time. $  ؾS    8ؾ ؾ        ؾ      self ؾother  ؾ   Lself /   \ Edoc E EE/// A future that completes when the sink has finished processing all E doc  /// pending requests.  doc  ///  Kdoc K KK/// The sink itself is returned after flushing is complete; this adapter is K Gdoc G GG/// intended to be used when you want to stop sending to the sink until G 'doc ' ''/// all current requests are processed. '           \  self   \ selfitem /   u Idoc I II/// A future that completes after the given item has been fully processed I &doc & &&/// into the sink, including flushing. & doc  ///  Jdoc J JJ/// Note that, **because of the flushing requirement, it is usually better J Hdoc H HH/// to batch together items to send via `send_all`, rather than flushing H doc  /// between each item.**  doc  ///  (doc ( ((/// On completion, the sink is returned. (              u  self item    u selfstream ؾ/ ؾ !   Kdoc K KK/// A future that completes after the given stream has been fully processed K &doc & &&/// into the sink, including flushing. & doc  ///  Idoc I II/// This future will drive the stream to keep producing items until it is I Ldoc L LL/// exhausted, sending each item to the sink. It will complete once both the L Kdoc K KK/// stream is exhausted, the sink has received all items, the sink has been K *doc * **/// flushed, and the sink has been closed. * doc  ///  :doc : ::/// Doing `sink.send_all(stream)` is roughly equivalent to : Kdoc K KK/// `stream.forward(sink)`. The returned future will exhaust all items from K Mdoc M MM/// `stream` and send them to `self`, closing `self` when all items have been M doc  /// received.  doc  ///  9doc 9 99/// On completion, the pair `(sink, source)` is returned. 9  ؾS  ؾ          ؾ      self ؾstream  ؾ     ?  'aؾ 'aS H! ؾ selfitem ! 8  'aؾ 6 self  a 'aؾ 5 self  Q 'aؾ 5 SeqCst* AtomicBool$DerefMutSeqCst* UnsafeCellDerefcore8 8cfg888 feature88 use_std8,doc,,.//! A \"mutex\" which only supports `try_lock`,doc//!NdocNNN//! As a futures library the eventual call to an event loop should be the onlyNFdocFFF//! thing that ever blocks, so this is assisted with a fast user-spaceFяGdocяGяGG//! implementation of a lock that can only have a `try_lock` operation.яG00Ĕ9֓Hdoc֓H֓HH/// Sentinel representing an acquired lock through which the data can be֓H doc   /// accessed. 'a 'aT Ĕ 'aǔ9 'є 'a0  )× 0  (T ×  Ɨ> (T פ8T 4t   Ә.doc.../// Creates a new lock around the given value..  {Vself   &MdocMMM/// Attempts to acquire this lock, returning whether the lock was acquired orMdoc/// not.ƚdocƚƚ///ƚΚJdocΚJΚJJ/// If `Some` is returned then the data this lock protects can be accessedΚJIdocIII/// through the sentinel. This sentinel allows both mutable and immutableI doc   /// access. doc///KdocKKK/// If `None` is returned then the lock is already locked, either elsewhereKӜ(docӜ(Ӝ((/// on this thread or on another thread.Ӝ(    Ğ'a 'aT ĞB! self     'a 6 ɠ'a Ű'aT ɠ@!self Ű    'a 6 ã'a v'aT ã?!self  J 'a 5 StartSend&  UnparkEvents0 EventSet Run init Executor BorrowedEvents0 TaskUnpark0 TaskRc0 Opaque PhantomDatawith_unpark_event local_map SinkUnpark PhantomData Futureѧfmt? BorrowedUnpark0 get_ptr UnparkEvent0 AtomicTask UnparkMutex Poll˧LocalKey0 LocalMap Stream٧IdHasher set 800_+fmt? ReleaseAcquireAcqRelAcquireAcqRelTask0 Release UnsafeCell AtomicUsize 3U6doc666/// A synchronization primitive for task notification.6ċdocċċ///ċȋKdocȋKȋKK/// `AtomicTask` will coordinate concurrent notifications with the consumerȋKKdocKKM/// potentially \"updating\" the underlying task to notify. This is useful inKJdocJJJ/// scenarios where a computation completes in another thread and wants toJPdocPPP/// notify the consumer, but the consumer is in the process of being migrated toPdoc/// a new logical task.doc///PdocPPP/// Consumers should call `register` before checking the result of a computationPLdocLLL/// and producers should call `notify` after producing the computation (thisLLdocLLL/// differs from the usual `thread::park` pattern). It is also permitted forLIdocIII/// `notify` to be called **before** `register`. This results in a no-op.I͐doc͐͐///͐ѐPdocѐPѐPP/// A single `AtomicTask` may be reused for any number of calls to `register` orѐP doc   /// `notify`. doc///MdocMMM/// `AtomicTask` does not provide any memory ordering guarantees, as such theMMdocMMM/// user should use caution and use other synchronization primitives to guardMВ-docВ-В--/// the result of the underlying computation.В-   0 (0doc/// Idle state61ع DdocDDD/// A new task value is being registered with the `AtomicTask` cell.Dع ع ع l2ʺOdocOOO/// The task currently registered with the `AtomicTask` cell is being notified.Oʺʺۺʺw+! <doc<<doc>>>/// but there is no guarantee as to which caller will succeed.>    self   2doc۷222/// Notifies the task that last called `register`.2docܷ///BdocݷBBB/// If `register` has not been called yet, then this does nothing.B    Self GZ 6  Aselffmt  ` &  " "SeqCst BorrowedTask ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT%RelaxedSeqCstRelaxed NotifyHandle mem  marker   AtomicUsize  #allow͸ dead_code00000000$8     + B    0'a'a5  V 'a' self 0 C 'a-  0'a'a5 fid 'a'a 3xinline 'aC self  inlineҹ 'aI  self   # self_other 0 " O # self  A # selfother 0 !  $ self  ' aself  @ & ,allow deprecated,, ,9,allow deprecated,, ,9getset    )doc)))/// Initialize the `futures` task system.)doc///MdocMMM/// This function is an unsafe low-level implementation detail typically onlyMKdocKKK/// used by crates using `futures` in `no_std` context. Users of this crateKIdocIII/// who also use the standard library never need to invoke this function.Idoc///JdocJJK/// The task system in the `futures` crate relies on some notion of \"localJPdocPPQ/// storage\" for the running thread and/or context. The `task::current` functionPOdocOOO/// can get invoked in any context, for example, and needs to be able to returnOHdocHHH/// a `Task`. Typically with the standard library this is supported withHIdocIII/// thread-local-storage, but this is not available in `no_std` contexts!Idoc///OdocOOO/// This function is provided to allow `no_std` contexts to continue to be ableONdocNNN/// to use the standard task system in this crate. The functions provided hereNPdocPPP/// will be used as-if they were thread-local-storage getters/setters. The `get`POdocOOO/// function provided is used to retrieve the current thread-local value of theOƀPdocƀPƀPQ/// task system\'s pointer, returning null if not initialized. The `set` functionƀP%doc%%%/// updates the value of the pointer.%doc///doc/// # Return valueԁdocԁԁ///ԁ؁Kdoc؁K؁KK/// This function will return whether initialization succeeded or not. This؁KJdocJJJ/// function can be called concurrently and only the first invocation willJNdocNNN/// succeed. If `false` is returned then the `get` and `set` pointers providedNIdocIII/// were *not* registered for use with the task system, but if `true` wasICdocCCC/// provided then they will be called when the task system is used.C̄doc̄̄///̄ЄOdocЄOЄOP/// Note that while safe to call concurrently it\'s recommended to still performЄOLdocLLL/// external synchronization when calling this function. This task system isLJdocJJJ/// not guaranteed to be ready to go until a call to this function returnsJJdocJJJ/// `true`. In other words, if you call this function and see `false`, theJMdocMMM/// task system may not be ready to go as another thread may still be callingMч docч ч  /// `init`.ч ݇doc݇݇///݇doc/// # Unsafetydoc///JdocJJJ/// This function is unsafe due to the requirements on the behavior of theJNdocNNN/// `get` and `set` functions. The pointers returned from these functions mustNHdocHHH/// reflect the semantics specified above and must also be thread-local,H׉Edoc׉E׉EG/// depending on the definition of a \"thread\" in the calling context.׉E (  inline߻ 1f BcfgӍ featureȍʍ use_std؍inline֍ ~ftaskf 'a  $   FR  ĉ  Չ d (#    ך  # ####ך#### ךrךself ך <inlineސ A Copy Extend#BoxFromOrdering AsyncSink! FnOnceErrTaskRc0Opaque PartialEqOk ONCE_INIT> SliceConcatExtSinkString+ AtomicUsizeܓ ExactSizeIterator" PhantomData גFuturefmtɒDefaultInto BorrowedTaskє DropspawnFnSomeOrdToOwnedPollLocalKey0 Arc IntoIterator#Sized  PartialOrdFnMutNoneSpawn StartSend& Send EqinitߖSync Iterator! UnsafeNotify AsMutCelldrop  PhantomDataג NotifyHandleߔ  local_map ErrVec#AsRefAsync!OkSomeCondvar<NotifyDoubleEndedIterator"Unpin ToString!Mutex=core ptr  UnparkMutexOnce>ResultNoneOptionCloneLocalMap mem StreamIdHasher L ԨcfgѨ featureƨȨ use_std00000000000000ULSeqCst#SeqCst# UnsafeCell AtomicUsizeY" AdocAAC/// A \"lock\" around data `D`, which employs a *helping* strategy.Adoc///PdocPPP/// Used to ensure that concurrent `unpark` invocations lead to (1) `poll` beingPOdocOOO/// invoked on only a single thread at a time (2) `poll` being invoked at leastOȾ?docȾ?Ⱦ??/// once after each `unpark` (unless the future has completed).Ⱦ?DD     & /D > /D80_1_2_3_D:  #self  ;doc;;=/// Attempt to \"notify\" the mutex that a poll should occur.;doc///KdocKKK/// An `Ok` result indicates that the `POLLING` state has been entered, andKHdocHHH/// the caller can proceed to poll the future. An `Err` result indicatesHFdocFFF/// that polling is not necessary (because the task is finished or theF doc   /// polling has been delegated).  self  SLdocLLL/// Alert the mutex that polling is about to begin, clearing any accumulatedLdoc/// re-poll requests.doc/// doc   /// # Safety doc///BdocBBB/// Callable only from the `POLLING`/`REPOLL` states, i.e. betweenB7doc777/// successful calls to `notify` and `wait`/`complete`.7  selfdata 9doc999/// Alert the mutex that polling completed with NotReady.9doc/// doc   /// # Safety doc///BdocBBB/// Callable only from the `POLLING`/`REPOLL` states, i.e. betweenB7doc777/// successful calls to `notify` and `wait`/`complete`.7  self  RKdocKKK/// Alert the mutex that the task has completed execution and should not beKdoc/// notified again.doc/// doc   /// # Safety doc///BdocBBB/// Callable only from the `POLLING`/`REPOLL` states, i.e. betweenB7doc777/// successful calls to `notify` and `wait`/`complete`.7  NoneCopy Extend#Send BoxFromEqBuildHasherDefault?Sync FnOnceIterator!ErrAsMutHashMapJwithdrop  PartialEqOkSliceConcatExtErrVec#AsRefString+ExactSizeIterator"OkSomeDefaultIntoDoubleEndedIterator"Unpin DropHasher>ToString!RefCellFnSomeResultOrdNoneToOwnedOptionTypeIdClone IntoIterator#Sized  PartialOrdFnMut/ϕ 00/J?;, G   Self   D  T פ8$  ] ;  > self_bytes    " ~ & selfu < & self  / &  0 T  פJselff   CdocCCC/// Access this task-local key, running the provided closure with aCdoc/// reference to the value.doc///FdocFFF/// This function will access this task-local key to retrieve the dataFLdocLLL/// associated with the current task and this key. If this is the first timeLAdocAAA/// this key has been accessed on this task, then the key will beAKdocKKK/// initialized with the initialization expression provided at the time theK#doc###/// `task_local!` macro was called.#ӀdocӀӀ///ӀۀCdocۀCۀCC/// The provided closure will be provided a shared reference to theۀCKdocKKK/// underlying data associated with this task-local-key. The data itself isK&doc&&&/// stored inside of the current task.&doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///=doc===/// This function can possibly panic for a number of reasons:=doc///%doc%%%/// * If there is not a current task.%;doc;;;/// * If the initialization expression is run and it panics;$doc$$$/// * If the closure provided panics$   FR  ل   &String+ExactSizeIterator"Copy OkSomeDefaultExtend#Send IntoBoxFromDoubleEndedIterator"Unpin  task_implȊ DropEqToString!FnSomeSync FnOnceIterator!ErrResultAsMutOrdNoneToOwneddrop Option PartialEqCloneOkArc IntoIterator#Sized SliceConcatExtErrVec# PartialOrdFnMutAsRef UnsafeCellNone, cfg featurewith-deprecated$ĈallowɈԈʈ deprecatedڈ  deprecated since0.1.4 notemkreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated \ for removal due to confusion׈000.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion   0  Ԥ*0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusionA     [ *0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusionA     [ 0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusionA   [a   åFdocåFåFF/// Inserts a new piece of task-local data into this task, returning aåFdoc/// reference to it.doc///LdocLLL/// Ownership of the data will be transferred to the task, and the data willLJdocJJJ/// be destroyed when the task itself is destroyed. The returned value canJϧJdocϧJϧJJ/// be passed to the `with` method to get a reference back to the originalϧJ doc   /// data. doc///KdocKKK/// Note that the returned handle is cloneable and copyable and can be sentKEdocEEE/// to other futures which will be associated with the same task. AllEΩHdocΩHΩHH/// futures will then have access to this data when passed the referenceΩH doc   /// back. doc/// doc   /// # Panics ªdocªª///ªʪ@docʪ@ʪ@@/// This function will panic if a task is not currently running.ʪ@0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion    [selff   ư4doc444/// Operate with a reference to the underlying data.4doc///@doc@@@/// This method should be passed a handle previously returned by@HdocHHH/// `Task::insert`. That handle, when passed back into this method, willH.doc.../// retrieve a reference to the original data..doc/// doc   /// # Panics ȮdocȮȮ///ȮЮJdocЮJЮJJ/// This method will panic if a task is not currently running or if `self`ЮJFdocFFF/// does not belong to the task that is currently running. That is, ifFHdocHHH/// another task generated the `data` handle passed in, this method willH doc   /// panic. 0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion   F R   ذ Ұհ      [+0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusionA   [self ޲0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion  [ ȗ>ܗ ܗ >ȗȗ՗ȗ` Ț     ̚̚̚Κ ҚӚȚ ̚  ̒Ț  Ӓcɚ̚Ț -A  ̒ Ӓ ›     ƛ ƛƛƛƛƛƛƛƛƛ ƛ ққӛ›ƛ  ̒›cÛƛ ƛƛƛ ƛ › A R        Ǟٞߞߞ ϛ{{՞H՞H    getsetٞ  ߞϛ5Ataskf  'a  $؛   F R     ĉ  Չ d ( ޟ,       ޟ, ޟ,ޟ,ޟ,ޟ,ޟ,ޟ,ޟ,ޟ, self  ̠xinline ԠA 0 'a'a  5 fid 'a 'a 3inline  'aD self 0 inline  'aI  0 'a'a  5  Ginline  'aB self 0 inline  'aI  self   $ selfevents 0 " մ $ allow deprecatedW9self   $ selfunparkʫ 0 " Ϲ $   F    Dselfunpark !   9 doc hidden  deprecated note1/recommended to use `poll_future_notify` insteadGallow deprecated/recommended to use `poll_future_notify` instead  1 self   EdocEEF/// Waits for the internal future to complete, blocking this thread\'sEdoc/// execution until it does.doc///KdocKKK/// This function will call `poll_future` in a loop, waiting for the futureK?doc???/// to complete. When a future cannot make progress it will use?/doc////// `thread::park` to block the current thread./   selfexec doc hidden  deprecated allow deprecated         S   Bselfunpark     deprecated note1/recommended to use `poll_stream_notify` insteadGallow deprecateddoc hidden/recommended to use `poll_stream_notify` instead  1 selfڵ KdocKKK/// Like `wait_future`, except only waits for the next element to arrive onKdoc/// the underlying stream.   S   ޕBselfvalueunpark  %doc hidden  deprecated note0.recommended to use `start_send_notify` insteadFallow deprecated.recommended to use `start_send_notify` instead  0 selfunparkޗ    deprecated note0.recommended to use `poll_flush_notify` insteadFallow deprecateddoc hidden.recommended to use `poll_flush_notify` instead  0 selfvalue  KdocKKL/// Blocks the current thread until it\'s able to send `value` on this sink.Kdoc///LdocLLL/// This function will send the `value` on the sink that this task wraps. IfLLdocLLL/// the sink is not ready to send the value yet then the current thread willL1doc112/// be blocked until it\'s able to send the value.1   self AdocAAB/// Blocks the current thread until it\'s able to flush this sink.Adoc///HdocHHI/// This function will call the underlying sink\'s `poll_complete` methodHHdocHHI/// until it returns that it\'s ready, proxying out errors upwards to theHdoc/// caller if one occurs.doc///FdocFFG/// The thread will be blocked until `poll_complete` returns that it\'sF doc   /// ready.   self AdocAAB/// Blocks the current thread until it\'s able to close this sink.Adoc///GdocGGG/// This function will close the sink that this task wraps. If the sinkGIdocIII/// is not ready to be close yet, then the current thread will be blockedIdoc/// until it\'s closed.    NdocNNN/// A trait which represents a sink of notifications that a future is ready toNdoc/// make progress.doc///IdocIII/// This trait is provided as an argument to the `Spawn::poll_future` andIIdocIIJ/// `Spawn::poll_stream` functions. It\'s transitively used as part of theIOdocOOO/// `Task::unpark` method to internally deliver notifications of readiness of aOdoc/// future to move forward.  deprecated note%#recommended to use `Notify` instead;#recommended to use `Notify` insteadSelf   % selfӚ  EdocEEE/// Indicates that an associated future and/or task are ready to makeE doc   /// progress. doc///EdocEEE/// Typically this means that the receiver of the notification shouldE=doc==>/// arrange for the future to get poll\'d in a prompt fashion.=#recommended to use `Notify` instead  %   2doc222/// A trait representing requests to poll futures.2doc///LdocLLL/// This trait is an argument to the `Spawn::execute` which is used to run aLOdocOOO/// future to completion. An executor will receive requests to run a future andOMdocMMM/// an executor is responsible for ensuring that happens in a timely fashion.Mdoc///KdocKKK/// Note that this trait is likely to be deprecated and/or renamed to avoidKLdocLLM/// clashing with the `future::Executor` trait. If you\'ve got a use case forLAdocAAA/// this or would like to comment on the name please let us know!A  deprecated allow deprecatedSelf      (selfrӚ ?doc???/// Requests that `Run` is executed soon on the given executor.?  g iDdocDDD/// Units of work submitted to an `Executor`, currently only createdDdoc/// internally.  deprecated  7  >% # Iallow deprecated  V9  allow deprecatedU9self  HdocHHH/// Actually run the task (invoking `poll` on its future) on the currentH doc   /// thread. Aallow deprecatedV9selff    ' allow deprecatedV9self_id   ' [  " = < 0_1_2_ f      F R         Ё &self   ' ׋self _unpark_id  '           %Ǜ Ǜ 0) 0     0 )0)0  )    J   ͜  ͜  ͜  ͜  ؜؜ œœ  ٜٜ ߜߜ         task new_taskǛ )   ͜  ͜  ؜eventf*ceventf  GdocGGI/// For the duration of the given callback, add an \"unpark event\" to beG>doc>>>/// triggered when the task handle is used to unpark the task.>’doc’’///’ƒPdocƒPƒPP/// Unpark events are used to pass information about what event caused a task toƒPOdocOOO/// be unparked. In some cases, tasks are waiting on a large number of possibleOMdocMMM/// events, and need precise information about the wakeup to avoid extraneousM doc   /// polling. ”doc””///”ƔNdocƔNƔNN/// Every `Task` handle comes with a set of unpark events which will fire whenƔNLdocLLL/// `unpark` is called. When fired, these events insert an identifier into aLIdocIII/// concurrent set, which the task can read from to determine what eventsI doc   /// occurred. doc///NdocNNN/// This function immediately invokes the closure, `f`, but arranges things soNJdocJJJ/// that `task::park` will produce a `Task` handle that includes the givenJؗdocؗؗ/// unpark event.ؗdoc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///LdocLLL/// This function will panic if a task is not currently being executed. ThatL̘Ldoc̘L̘LL/// is, this method can be dangerous to call outside of an implementation of̘L doc   /// `poll`.   deprecated note/-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` insteadEallow deprecated-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` instead   F R     ĉ ˚ Չ ך/ #Πallowˠ deprecatedW9setid CdocCCC/// Construct an unpark event that will insert `id` into `set` whenCdoc/// triggered.¡  deprecated̡͡ noteҡԡ/-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` insteadE-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` instead /self  < & Aޣallow deprecatedܣV9selff˙   '   wӥFdocӥFӥFF/// A concurrent set which allows for the insertion of `usize` values.ӥFdoc///NdocNNN/// `EventSet`s are used to communicate precise information about the event(s)NRdocRRR/// that triggered a task notification. See `task::with_unpark_event` for details.R§  deprecateḑͧ sinceҧӧ0.1.18ۧݧ note/-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` insteadU0.1.18-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` insteadSelf   w  6'selfidӚ ƨ$docƨ$ƨ$$/// Insert the given ID into the setƨ$0.1.18-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` instead  L6  ٮ%  T    :    Σ    ٮ%  ٮ% ٮ%ٮ%Σ ٮ% ٮ%ٮ% }Σ Σ T    Mselfid Σ    ï, selfid    , selfid    , Σ Σ T    Eself    , self     , ø T   ø Crc     'ȩ  'a'a   'a 'aȩ N   0 'a $ 0 'a $ Ӫ 'a #   0allow deprecatedŮŮ00 09f      F R       α    # ̾ Self ̾  ̾GԾ      Ŵ       eee      borrowedunpark events  A JdocJJJ/// Returns a handle to the current task to call `notify` at a later date.Jdoc///OdocOOP/// The returned handle implements the `Send` and `\'static` bounds and may alsoOLdocLLL/// be cheaply cloned. This is useful for squirreling away the handle into aLJdocJJJ/// location which is then later signaled that a future can make progress.Jdoc///MdocMMM/// Implementations of the `Future` trait typically use this function if theyMLdocLLM/// would otherwise perform a blocking operation. When something isn\'t readyLMdocMMM/// yet, this `current` function is called to acquire a handle to the currentMOdocOOO/// task, and then the future arranges it such that when the blocking operationOGdocGGG/// otherwise finishes (perhaps in the background) it will `notify` theGdoc/// returned handle.doc///GdocGGH/// It\'s sometimes necessary to pass extra information to the task whenGLdocLLL/// unparking it, so that the task knows something about *why* it was woken.LFdocFFF/// See the `FutureQueue` documentation for details on how to do this.Fdoc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///LdocLLL/// This function will panic if a task is not currently being executed. ThatLLdocLLL/// is, this method can be dangerous to call outside of an implementation ofL doc   /// `poll`.  'doc hidden  deprecated noterenamed to `current`,renamed to `current` !self  XHdocHHH/// Indicate that the task should attempt to poll its future in a timelyH doc   /// fashion. doc///GdocGGH/// It\'s typically guaranteed that, after calling `notify`, `poll` willGLdocLLL/// be called at least once subsequently (unless the future has terminated).LKdocKKK/// If the task is currently polling its future when `notify` is called, itKGdocGGG/// must poll the future *again* afterwards, ensuring that all relevantG1doc111/// events are eventually observed by the future.1  self   2doc hidden  deprecated noterenamed to `notify`+renamed to `notify`  self   VCdocCCC/// Returns `true` when called from within the context of the task.Cdoc///KdocKKK/// In other words, the task is currently running on the thread calling theKEdocEEE/// function. Note that this is currently, and has historically, beenEIdocIII/// implemented by tracking an `id` on every instance of `Spawn` created.IKdocKKK/// When a `Spawn` is being polled it stores in thread-local-storage the idKLdocLLL/// of the instance, and then `task::current` will return a `Task` that alsoLdoc/// stores this id.doc///EdocEEF/// The intention of this function was to answer questions like \"if IEHdocHHI/// `notify` this task, is it equivalent to `task::current().notify()`?\"HFdocFFH/// The answer \"yes\" may be able to avoid some extra work to block theFFdocFFF/// current task, such as sending a task along a channel or updating aFIdocIIK/// stored `Task` somewhere. An answer of \"no\" typically results in doingIdoc/// the work anyway.doc///JdocJJJ/// Unfortunately this function has been somewhat buggy in the past and isJKdocKKK/// not intended to be supported in the future. By simply matching `id` theKEdocEEF/// intended question above isn\'t accurately taking into account, forEKdocKKK/// example, unpark events (now deprecated, but still a feature). Thus manyKJdocJJK/// old users of this API weren\'t fully accounting for the question it wasJdoc/// intended they were asking.doc///LdocLLL/// This API continues to be implemented but will in the future, e.g. in theLJdocJJJ/// 0.1.x series of this crate, eventually return `false` unconditionally.JJdocJJJ/// It is intended that this function will be removed in the next breakingJLdocLLM/// change of this crate. If you\'d like to continue to be able to answer theL8doc889/// example question above, it\'s recommended you use the8!doc!!!/// `will_notify_current` method.!doc///KdocKKM/// If you\'ve got questions about this though please let us know! We\'d likeKAdocAAA/// to learn about other use cases here that we did not consider.Adoc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///BdocBBB/// This function will panic if no current future is being polled.B  deprecated note.,intended to be removed, see docs for detailsD,intended to be removed, see docs for details %. self   JdocJJJ/// This function is intended as a performance optimization for structuresJ$doc$$$/// which store a `Task` internally.$doc///IdocIIJ/// The purpose of this function is to answer the question \"if I `notify`IHdocHHI/// this task is it equivalent to `task::current().notify()`\". An answerHIdocIIL/// \"yes\" may mean that you don\'t actually need to call `task::current()`ILdocLLL/// and store it, but rather you can simply leave a stored task in place. AnLJdocJJL/// answer of \"no\" typically means that you need to call `task::current()`Jdoc/// and store it somewhere.doc///KdocKKK/// As this is purely a performance optimization a valid implementation forKGdocGGG/// this function is to always return `false`. A best effort is done toGKdocKKK/// return `true` where possible, but false negatives may happen. Note thatK<doc<<` or a `Box`. The `clone_id` and `drop_id` functions are thenއKGdocGGG/// intended to be sufficient for the memory management related to thatG doc   /// pointer.  !N  !!!  selfnotifyid!!! 3 BdocBBB/// Like `poll_future_notify`, except polls the underlying stream.B  !N  !!э!ٍj selfvaluenotifyid!!!ш 4ِ͎Gdoc͎G͎GG/// Invokes the underlying `start_send` method with this task in place.͎Gdoc///JdocJJJ/// If the underlying operation returns `NotReady` then the `notify` valueJKdocKKK/// passed in will receive a notification when the operation is ready to beKdoc/// attempted again.  !N  !!! selfnotifyid!!̌  JdocJJJ/// Invokes the underlying `poll_complete` method with this task in place.Jdoc///JdocJJJ/// If the underlying operation returns `NotReady` then the `notify` valueJKdocKKK/// passed in will receive a notification when the operation is ready to beKޕdocޕޕ/// attempted again.ޕ  !N  !!!ȗ selfnotifyid!!̌  ʚØBdocØBØBB/// Invokes the underlying `close` method with this task in place.ØBdoc///JdocJJJ/// If the underlying operation returns `NotReady` then the `notify` valueJKdocKKK/// passed in will receive a notification when the operation is ready to beKdoc/// attempted again.  !N  !ޚ!! selfunparkf!0  "    F R     !ȝ !ڝ+A!ܟ!T  A  9selffِ!    ,  NdocNNN/// A trait which represents a sink of notifications that a future is ready toNdoc/// make progress.doc///LdocLLL/// This trait is provided as an argument to the `Spawn::*_notify` family ofLMdocMMN/// functions. It\'s transitively used as part of the `Task::notify` method toMNdocNNN/// internally deliver notifications of readiness of a future to move forward.Ndoc///NdocNNN/// An instance of `Notify` has one primary method, `notify`, which is given aNФPdocФPФPQ/// contextual argument as to what\'s being notified. This contextual argument isФPPdocPPP/// *also* provided to the `Spawn::*_notify` family of functions and can be usedP9doc999/// to reuse an instance of `Notify` across many futures.9doc///OdocOOO/// Instances of `Notify` must be safe to share across threads, and the methodsOLdocLLM/// be invoked concurrently. They must also live for the `\'static` lifetime,Lͧ(docͧ(ͧ((/// not containing any stack references.ͧ(Self      selfidӚ EdocEEE/// Indicates that an associated future and/or task are ready to makeE doc   /// progress. doc///EdocEEE/// Typically this means that the receiver of the notification shouldEȩ=docȩ=ȩ=>/// arrange for the future to get poll\'d in a prompt fashion.ȩ=doc///JdocJJJ/// This method takes an `id` as an argument which was transitively passedJJdocJJJ/// in from the original call to `Spawn::*_notify`. This id can be used toJ?doc???/// disambiguate which precise future became ready for polling.?doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///DdocDDD/// Since `unpark` may be invoked from arbitrary contexts, it shouldDެKdocެKެKK/// endeavor not to panic and to do as little work as possible. However, itެKJdocJJJ/// is not guaranteed not to panic, and callers should be wary. If a panicJJdocJJJ/// occurs, that panic may or may not be propagated to the end-user of theJ̮(doc̮(̮()/// future that you\'d otherwise wake up.̮(     selfidӚ 9BdocBBB/// This function is called whenever a new copy of `id` is needed.Bdoc///,doc,,,/// This is called in one of two situations:,doc///IdocIII/// * A `Task` is being created through `task::current` while a future isIJdocJJJ/// being polled. In that case the instance of `Notify` passed in to oneJLdocLLL/// of the `poll_*` functions is called with the `id` passed into the sameLdoc/// `poll_*` function.LdocLLL/// * A `Task` is itself being cloned. Each `Task` contains its own id and aLJdocJJK/// handle to the `Notify` behind it, and the task\'s `Notify` is used toJγ8docγ8γ88/// clone the internal `id` to assign to the new task.γ8doc///LdocLLL/// The `id` returned here will be stored in the `Task`-to-be and used laterLJdocJJJ/// to pass to `notify` when the `Task::notify` function is called on thatJ doc   /// `Task`. õdocõõ///õ˵Kdoc˵K˵KK/// Note that typically this is just the identity function, passing through˵KLdocLLL/// the identifier. For more unsafe situations, however, if `id` is itself aLKdocKKM/// pointer of some kind this can be used as a hook to \"clone\" the pointer,K;doc;;;/// depending on what that means for the specified pointer.;  9  selfid9 selfidӚ 6JdocJJK/// All instances of `Task` store an `id` that they\'re going to internallyJHdocHHH/// notify with, and this function is called when the `Task` is dropped.H׹doc׹׹///׹߹Kdoc߹K߹KK/// This function provides a hook for schemes which encode pointers in this߹KKdocKKL/// `id` argument to deallocate resources associated with the pointer. It\'sKLdocLLL/// guaranteed that after this function is called the `Task` containing thisLл%docл%л%%/// `id` will no longer use the `id`.л%    !6!selfid6             !  !     ! !notify=R    !!      !!          !                    !     !!  task!mk! new_task!!!      !!notifyidf 2tnotifyidf֯   PdocPPP/// Sets the `NotifyHandle` of the current task for the duration of the providedP doc   /// closure. doc///JdocJJJ/// This function takes a type that can be converted into a notify handle,JOdocOOO/// `notify` and `id`, and a closure `f`. The closure `f` will be executed suchOOdocOOO/// that calls to `task::current()` will store a reference to the notify handleO8doc888/// provided, not the one previously in the environment.8doc///NdocNNN/// Note that calls to `task::current()` in the closure provided *will not* beNOdocOOO/// equivalent to `task::current()` before this method is called. The two tasksOKdocKKK/// returned will notify different handles, and the task handles pulled outKOdocOOP/// during the duration of this closure will not notify the previous task. It\'sOOdocOOO/// recommended that you call `task::current()` in some capacity before callingOJdocJJJ/// this function to ensure that calls to `task::current()` inside of thisJ4doc444/// closure can transitively wake up the outer task.4doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///NdocNNO/// This function will panic if it is called outside the context of a future\'sNMdocMMN/// task. This is only valid to call once you\'ve already entered a future viaMdoc/// `Spawn::poll_*` functions.   F T R      ĉ     7! OdocOOO/// An unsafe trait for implementing custom forms of memory management behind aO doc   /// `Task`. doc///LdocLLN/// The `futures` critically relies on \"notification handles\" to extract forLGdocGGH/// futures to contain and then later inform that they\'re ready to makeGGdocGGG/// progress. These handles, however, must be cheap to create and cheapGFdocFFF/// to clone to ensure that this operation is efficient throughout theFdoc/// execution of a program.doc///LdocLLL/// Typically this sort of memory management is done in the standard libraryLGdocGGG/// with the `Arc` type. An `Arc` is relatively cheap to allocate an isG?doc??@/// quite cheap to clone and pass around. Plus, it\'s 100% safe!?doc///MdocMMN/// When working outside the standard library, however, you don\'t always haveMLdocLLL/// and `Arc` type available to you. This trait, `UnsafeNotify`, is intendedLLdocLLN/// to be the \"unsafe version\" of the `Notify` trait. This trait encodes theLLdocLLM/// memory management operations of a `Task`\'s notification handle, allowingLNdocNNN/// custom implementations for the memory management of a notification handle.Ndoc///@doc@@@/// Put another way, the core notification type in this library,@=doc===/// `NotifyHandle`, simply internally contains an instance of=LdocLLN/// `*mut UnsafeNotify`. This \"unsafe trait object\" is then used exclusivelyLNdocNNN/// to operate with, dynamically dispatching calls to clone, drop, and notify.NKdocKKL/// Critically though as a raw pointer it doesn\'t require a particular formK<doc<<)`. The coercion to `UnsafeNotify` willH,doc,,,/// happen automatically and safely for you.,doc///IdocIIJ/// When working externally from the standard library it\'s recommended toIIdocIII/// provide a similar safe constructor for your custom type as opposed toI?doc???/// recommending an invocation of `NotifyHandle::new` directly.?      $ $!inner" i-doc---/// Constructs a new `NotifyHandle` directly.-doc///GdocGGG/// Note that most code will not need to call this. Implementers of theGIdocIII/// `UnsafeNotify` trait will typically provide a wrapper that calls thisI1doc112/// but you otherwise shouldn\'t call it directly.1doc///HdocHHJ/// If you\'re working with the standard library then it\'s recommended toHKdocKKK/// use the `NotifyHandle::from` function instead which works with the safeK+doc+++/// `Arc` type and the safe `Notify` trait.+inline  selfid  SGdocGGG/// Invokes the underlying instance of `Notify` with the provided `id`.G o selfid" \ & selfid" Q & self" `inline A Aselff"  v & Ā}self  Z &  $Á-docÁ-Á-./// Marker for a `T` that is behind &\'static.Á-  T    V   "   $  $ $$"$ $$ }""T    ?selfid " łx  ς+ selfid" à  σ, selfid" ̈́z  ؄+ ׅ"˅"T   ׅ څEself" s  + self"    +   T    ;src"  |  & PhantomData õPoll PhantomDataõStreamAsync!f801 s 0   ~   S E     V #""S E     V#&ڵĻ self "!  %ٻ   1  parkEventSetspawnRun UnparkEvent0 initExecutor AtomicTask TaskRc0LocalKey0with_unpark_eventTask0SpawnUnparkcurrent8 ˾,doc˾,˾,,//! Tasks used to drive a future computation˾,doc//!MdocMMN//! It\'s intended over time a particular operation (such as servicing an HTTPMʿNdocʿNʿNN//! request) will involve many futures. This entire operation, however, can beʿNKdocKKK//! thought of as one unit, as the entire result is essentially just movingK$doc$$$//! through one large state machine.$doc//!NdocNNP//! A \"task\" is the unit of abstraction for what is driving this state machineNLdocLLL//! and tree of futures forward. A task is used to poll futures and scheduleLNdocNNN//! futures with, and has utilities for sharing data between tasks and handlesNKdocKKK//! for notifying when a future is ready. Each task also has its own set ofK/doc/////! task-local data generated by `task_local!`./doc//!PdocPPP//! Note that libraries typically should not manage tasks themselves, but ratherPPdocPPR//! leave that to event loops and other \"executors\" (see the `executor` module),PNdocNNN//! or by using the `wait` method to create and execute a task directly on theNdoc//! current thread.doc//!LdocLLL//! More information about the task model can be found [online at].Ldoc//!SdocSSS//! [online at]:!doc//! ## Functionsdoc//!FdocFFF//! There is an important bare function in this module: `current`. TheFPdocPPP//! `current` function returns a handle to the currently running task, panickingPPdocPPQ//! if one isn\'t present. This handle is then used to later notify the task thatPBdocBBC//! it\'s ready to make progress through the `Task::notify` method.B UnsafeNotify with_notify Notify NotifyHandle spawnRunSpawnExecutorUnpark 8 doc   //! Executors doc//!IdocIII//! This module contains tools for managing the raw execution of futures,IMdocMMM//! which is needed when building *executors* (places where futures can run).Mdoc//!OdocOOO//! More information about executors can be [found online at][online].Odoc//!?doc???//! [online]: BiLockAcquired2BiLock2 BiLockGuard2 BiLockAcquire2 T9 8cfg898 feature88 use_std8 doc   //! Future-aware synchronization doc//!HdocHHH//! This module, which is modeled after `std::sync`, contains user-spaceHGdocGGG//! synchronization tools that work with futures, streams and sinks. InGKdocKKK//! particular, these synchronizers do *not* block physical OS threads, butK#doc###//! instead work at the task level.#doc//!PdocPPP//! More information and examples of how to use these synchronization primitivesP&doc&&&//! can be found [online at].&doc//!UdocUUU//! [online at]: SeqCst#SeqCst#ExecutorLazy! IntoFuture ErrorTask0Async!FuturefmtLock0 tasklazyZPoll AtomicBoolArc%doc%%%//! A one-shot, futures-aware channel%1111111111114M1 1  2doc222/// Creates a new futures-aware, one-shot channel.2doc///NdocNNO/// This function is similar to Rust\'s channels found in the standard library.NMdocMMM/// Two halves are returned, the first of which is a `Sender` handle, used toMOdocOOO/// signal the end of a computation and provide its value. The second half is aOOdocOOO/// `Receiver` which implements the `Future` trait, resolving to the value thatO%doc%%%/// was given to the `Sender` handle.%doc///DdocDDD/// Each half can be separately owned and sent across threads/tasks.Ddoc///doc/// # Examplesdoc///doc/// ```doc/// use std::thread;doc/// use futures::sync::oneshot;doc/// use futures::*;doc///+doc+++/// let (p, c) = oneshot::channel::();+doc///doc/// thread::spawn(|| {doc///|i| {#doc##%/// println!(\"got: {}\", i);#doc/// }).wait();doc/// });doc///doc/// p.send(3).unwrap();doc/// ```  T   B1 T   H  #   &selft #   "  , self#   , self#  H  + self#    ȋ, self#    , self#1   Ǚ, self# #   ž, self#    , #T   8selft#  ?  deprecatedǶ noterenamed to `send` since0.1.11;жdocӶڶԶ hiddenζcfg featurewith-deprecated#0.1.11renamed to `send`  selft# # ɻKη4docη4η44/// Completes this oneshot with a successful result.η4doc///HdocHHH/// This function will consume `self` and indicate to the other end, theHܸMdocܸMܸMM/// `Receiver`, that the value provided is the result of the computation thisܸMdoc/// represents.¹doc¹¹///¹ʹHdocʹHʹHH/// If the value is successfully enqueued for the remote end to receive,ʹHJdocJJJ/// then `Ok(())` is returned. If the receiving end was deallocated beforeJLdocLLL/// this function was called, however, then `Err` is returned with the valueL doc   /// provided.   self ## VFdocFFF/// Polls this `Sender` half to detect whether the `Receiver` this hasFdoc/// paired with has gone away.doc///KdocKKK/// This function can be used to learn about when the `Receiver` (consumer)KIdocIII/// half has gone away and nothing will be able to receive a message sentIdoc/// from `send`.þdocþþ///þ˾Ldoc˾L˾LL/// If `Ready` is returned then it means that the `Receiver` has disappeared˾LIdocIII/// and the result this `Sender` would otherwise produce should no longerIdoc/// be produced.doc///KdocKKK/// If `NotReady` is returned then the `Receiver` is still alive and may beKDdocDDD/// able to receive a message if sent. The current task, however, isDLdocLLL/// scheduled to receive a notification if the corresponding `Receiver` goesL doc   /// away. doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///IdocIIJ/// Like `Future::poll`, this function will panic if it\'s not called fromIJdocJJJ/// within the context of a task. In other words, this should only ever beJ&doc&&&/// called from inside another future.&doc///FdocFFF/// If `Ok(Ready)` is returned then the associated `Receiver` has beenFJdocJJJ/// dropped, which means any work required for sending should be canceled.Jdoc///GdocGGH/// If you\'re calling this function from a context that does not have aG9doc999/// task, then you can use the `is_canceled` API instead.9   self # JAdocAAB/// Tests to see whether this `Sender`\'s corresponding `Receiver`Adoc/// has gone away.doc///KdocKKK/// This function can be used to learn about when the `Receiver` (consumer)KIdocIII/// half has gone away and nothing will be able to receive a message sentIdoc/// from `send`.doc///LdocLLL/// Note that this function is intended to *not* be used in the context of aLIdocIIJ/// future. If you\'re implementing a future you probably want to call theICdocCCC/// `poll_cancel` function which will block the current task if theCJdocJJK/// cancellation hasn\'t happened yet. This can be useful when working on aJFdocFFF/// non-futures related thread, though, which would otherwise panic ifFdoc/// `poll_cancel` were called.      #Z#T   2self#  7  + A##selffmt #  f & #`#self#  @ & #T   4self # =KdocKKK/// Gracefully close this receiver, preventing sending any future messages.Kdoc///CdocCCC/// Any `send` operation which happens after this method returns isCKdocKKK/// guaranteed to fail. Once this method is called the normal `poll` methodKKdocKKK/// can be used to determine whether a message was actually sent or not. IfK@doc@@@/// `Canceled` is returned from `poll` then no message was sent.@   self## _CdocCCC/// Attempts to receive a message outside of the context of a task.Cdoc///HdocHHH/// Useful when a [`Context`](Context) is not available such as within aHdoc/// `Drop` impl.doc///CdocCCC/// Does not schedule a task wakeup or have any other side effects.Cdoc///IdocIII/// A return value of `None` must be considered immediately stale (out ofIDdocDDD/// date) unless [`::close`](Receiver::close) has been called first.Ddoc////doc////// Returns an error if the sender was dropped./    ##T   7 #self## I  + #\#T   2self#  7  + I.doc.../// Handle returned from the `spawn` function..doc///PdocPPP/// This handle is a future representing the completion of a different future onPKdocKKK/// a separate executor. Created through the `oneshot::spawn` function thisKKdocKKK/// handle will resolve when the future provided to `spawn` resolves on theK2doc222/// `Executor` instance provided to that function.2doc///MdocMMM/// If this handle is dropped then the future will automatically no longer beMHdocHHH/// polled and is scheduled to be dropped. This can be canceled with theHdoc/// `forget` function, however.   T E        ##  %M  T    :#  fIdocIII/// Type of future which `Execute` instances below must be able to spawn.I  F     q  0 %futureexecutor     +KdocKKK/// Spawns a `future` onto the instance of `Executor` provided, `executor`,KAdocAAA/// returning a handle representing the completion of the future.Adoc///OdocOOO/// The `SpawnHandle` returned is a future that is a proxy for `future` itself.OOdocOOO/// When `future` completes on `executor` then the `SpawnHandle` will itself beOKdocKKK/// resolved. Internally `SpawnHandle` contains a `oneshot` channel and isK%doc%%%/// thus safe to send across threads.%doc///MdocMMM/// The `future` will be canceled if the `SpawnHandle` is dropped. If this isMOdocOOO/// not desired then the `SpawnHandle::forget` function can be used to continueO%doc%%%/// running the future to completion.%doc/// doc   /// # Panics doc///MdocMMM/// This function will panic if the instance of `Spawn` provided is unable toM doc   /// spawn the `future` provided. doc///IdocIII/// If the provided instance of `Spawn` does not actually run `future` toINdocNNN/// completion, then the returned handle may panic when polled. Typically thisNNdocNNN/// is not a problem, though, as most instances of `Spawn` will run futures toNdoc/// completion.doc///MdocMMM/// Note that the returned future will likely panic if the `futures` providedMOdocOOO/// panics. If a future running on an executor panics that typically means thatOIdocIII/// the executor drops the future, which falls into the above case of notI1doc111/// running the future to completion essentially.1   F E       $ (fexecutor   ߍ  & AdocAAA/// Spawns a function `f` onto the `Spawn` instance provided `s`.Adoc///OdocOOO/// For more information see the `spawn` function in this module. This functionOOdocOOO/// is just a thin wrapper around `spawn` which will execute the closure on theOLdocLLL/// executor provided and then complete the future that the closure returns.L    F R E       ĉ  Չ     7ʂ$T E     I#selfʂ$  M=doc===/// Drop this future without canceling the underlying future.=doc///IdocIII/// When `SpawnHandle` is dropped, the spawned future will be canceled asIIdocIIJ/// well if the future hasn\'t already resolved. This function can be usedIFdocFFF/// when to drop this future but keep executing the underlying future.F    ʂ$ʂ$T E     N#  self ʂ$     1  Aʂ$ʂ$T E    ! A  `#selff ʂ$  u   0  ʂ$iʂ$T E     I#self$  ;   0  $$F    ?self $#   , ՁA$Ё$F   Ձ ؁  Cselff $    , $g$F    :self$  ԃ;  ܃+ SendAll/ݢ threadϡ oneshot SeqCst# AsyncSink!  PopResult Sinkusize<  AtomicUsizeFuturefmttaskPollArc resultstreamSeqCst# StartSend& Results0ExecutorǢAnyҠ ErrorTask0Async!Queue1Mutex=áStreamţ TdocTTT//! A multi-producer, single-consumer, futures-aware, FIFO queue with back pressure.Tdoc//!OdocOOO//! A channel can be used as a communication primitive between tasks running onOMdocMMM//! `futures-rs` executors. Channel creation provides `Receiver` and `Sender`MLdocLLL//! handles. `Receiver` implements `Stream` and allows a task to read valuesL׆Ldoc׆L׆LL//! out of the channel. If there is no message to read from the channel, the׆LOdocOOO//! current task will be notified when a new value is sent. `Sender` implementsOLdocLLL//! the `Sink` trait and allows a task to send messages into the channel. IfLOdocOOO//! the channel is at capacity, then send will be rejected and the task will beO3doc333//! notified when additional capacity is available.3ʼndocʼnʼn//!ʼnɉdocɉɉ//! # Disconnectionɉ݉doc݉݉//!݉LdocLLL//! When all `Sender` handles have been dropped, it is no longer possible toLMdocMMM//! send values into the channel. This is considered the termination event ofMFdocFFF//! the stream. As such, `Sender::poll` will return `Ok(Ready(None))`.FËdocËË//!ËNjNdocNjNNjNN//! If the receiver handle is dropped, then messages can no longer be read outNjNCdocCCC//! of the channel. In this case, a `send` will result in an error.Cڌdocڌڌ//!ڌތdocތތ//! # Clean Shutdownތdoc//!LdocLLL//! If the `Receiver` is simply dropped, then it is possible for there to beLčLdocčLčLL//! messages still in the channel that will not be processed. As such, it isčLMdocMMO//! usually desirable to perform a \"clean\" shutdown. To do this, the receiverMߎOdocߎOߎOO//! will first call `close`, which will prevent any further messages to be sentߎOOdocOOO//! into the channel. Then, the receiver consumes the channel to completion, atO,doc,,,//! which point the receiver can be dropped.,111111111111111111111222222222lCopy Extend#Send BoxFromData Empty EqOrderingSync FnOnceIterator!ErrAsMutdrop  PartialEqOkSliceConcatExtErrVec# UnsafeCellAsRefString+ Inconsistent ExactSizeIterator"OkSomeDefaultIntoDoubleEndedIterator"Unpin  Inconsistent DropToString!FnSomeptr  AtomicPtr ResultOrdNoneToOwnedOptionClone IntoIterator#Sized  PartialOrdFnMutNoneData Empty 3ϣ =doc===//! A mostly lock-free multi-producer, single consumer queue.=doc//!KdocKKK//! This module contains an implementation of a concurrent MPSC queue. ThisKLdocLLL//! queue can be used to share data between threads, and is also used as theL'doc'''//! building block of channels in rust.'doc//!PdocPPP//! Note that the current implementation of this queue has a caveat of the `pop`PIdocIII//! method, and see the method for more information about it. Due to thisI@doc@@@//! caveat, this queue may not be appropriate for all use-cases.@1111 #doc###/// A result of the `pop` function.#  T    K   $  doc/// Some data has been popped   $  Edoc/// The queue is empty$ Z> KdocKKK/// The queue is in an inconsistent state. Popping data should succeed, butKIdocIII/// some pushers have yet to make enough progress in order allow a pop toIIdocIIK/// succeed. It is recommended that a pop() occur \"in the near future\" inI7doc777/// order to see if the sender has made progress or not7$  1  *$T   פ8 $*$T   פ81 T   8v $    ' $T   6$ JdocJJJ/// Creates a new queue that is safe to share among multiple producers andJdoc/// one consumer.  selft $  'doc'''/// Pushes a new value onto this queue.'  yO self$$ #doc###/// Pops some data from this queue.#doc///HdocHHH/// Note that the current implementation means that this function cannotHAdocAAA/// return `Option`. It is possible for this queue to be in anAFdocFFF/// inconsistent state where many pushes have succeeded and completelyFGdocGGG/// finished, but pops cannot return `Some(t)`. This inconsistent stateG@doc@@@/// happens when a pusher is preempted at an inopportune moment.@doc///LdocLLL/// This inconsistent state means that this queue does indeed have data, butL9doc999/// it does not currently have access to it at this time.9doc///JdocJJJ/// This function is unsafe because only one thread can call it at a time.J    $$T   3self $   ,   )Self $ ) $g'1 ,$ȲA1  ò$T   Ȳ3selffmt $    , A$$T   3selffmt$  z  + $$T    Aself$# ٵT  + $T   2self$  3̶Adoc̶A̶AA/// Returns the message that was attempted to be sent but failed.̶A  iηA1  ɷ$T   η3selffmt $    , A$$T   3selffmt$    ǹ, $$T   $;self$#   , $T   6self$  ȽDdocȽDȽDD/// Returns true if this error is a result of the channel being fullȽD  l self$  HdocHHH/// Returns true if this error is a result of the receiver being droppedH  p self$  AdocAAA/// Returns the message that was attempted to be sent but failed.A  i6  % % % usize::MAX - (usize::MAX >> 1)8  `   ` 88%8 OPEN_MASK$  $$$e  !OPEN_MASK)  )))g MAX_CAPACITY >> 1,    ,,%,2% m  self %  ' buffer1 1   JdocJJJ/// Creates an in-memory channel implementation of the `Stream` trait withJdoc/// bounded capacity.doc///MdocMMM/// This method creates a concrete implementation of the `Stream` trait whichMJdocJJJ/// can be used to send values across threads in a streaming fashion. ThisJ LdocLLL/// channel is unique in that it implements back pressure to ensure that theL HdocHHH/// sender never outpaces the receiver. The channel capacity is equal toH NdocNNN/// `buffer + num-senders`. In other words, each sender gets a guaranteed slotN OdocOOP/// in the channel capacity, and on top of that there are `buffer` \"first come,O 0doc001/// first serve\" slots available to all senders.0 doc/// OdocOOO/// The `Receiver` returned implements the `Stream` trait and has access to anyO EdocEEE/// number of the associated combinators for transforming the result.E  T      1 1   JdocJJJ/// Creates an in-memory channel implementation of the `Stream` trait withJ doc/// unbounded capacity. doc/// MdocMMM/// This method creates a concrete implementation of the `Stream` trait whichM NdocNNN/// can be used to send values across threads in a streaming fashion. A `send`N KdocKKK/// on this channel will always succeed as long as the receive half has notK HdocHHH/// been closed. If the receiver falls behind, messages will be bufferedH doc/// internally. doc/// OdocOOO/// **Note** that the amount of available system memory is an implicit bound toO LdocLLL/// the channel. Using an `unbounded` channel has the ability of causing theL LdocLLL/// process to run out of memory. In this case, the process will be aborted.L  T     buffer͑%   T   6Dϑ%T   D  selfmsg ϑ% $ $ DdocDDD/// Attempts to send a message on this `Sender` without blocking.D doc/// JdocJJK/// This function, unlike `start_send`, is safe to call whether it\'s beingJ IdocIII/// called on a task or not. Note that this function, however, will *not*I DdocDDD/// attempt to block the current task if the message cannot be sent.D doc/// HdocHHH/// It is not recommended to call this function from inside of a future,H FdocFFG/// only from an external thread where you\'ve otherwise arranged to beF 0doc000/// notified when the channel is no longer full.0    selfmsgdo_park%$ &  , selfmsg ϑ% ԯ%   , selfmsg%   , selfclose%    , self%    , selfcan_park%    , self%1  ]doc]]]/// Polls the channel to determine if there is guaranteed to be capacity to send at least one] doc/// item without waiting. doc/// MdocMMM/// Returns `Ok(Async::Ready(_))` if there is sufficient capacity, or returnsM TdocTTT/// `Ok(Async::NotReady)` if the channel is not guaranteed to have capacity. ReturnsT ڟ9docڟ9ڟ99/// `Err(SendError(_))` if the receiver has been dropped.ڟ9 doc///  doc   /// # Panics doc/// RdocRRR/// This method will panic if called from outside the context of a task or future.R    self%  ӣd EdocEEE/// Returns whether this channel is closed without needing a context.E  m selfdo_park%    Τ, ϑ%ϑ%T   ; ʬ$selfmsg%  $   , self%$   , self%Ŀ% R  + ͜%T   6self ͜% ԵB EdocEEE/// Returns whether this channel is closed without needing a context.E  m selfmsg% ԯ% _ 2doc222/// Sends the provided message along this channel.2 ӶdocӶӶ///Ӷ ۶Kdoc۶K۶KK/// This is an unbounded sender, so this function differs from `Sink::send`۶K LdocLLL/// by ensuring the return type reflects that the channel is always ready toL doc/// receive messages.   deprecatedǸ noterenamed to `unbounded_send`3 иdocӸڸԸ hiddenθrenamed to `unbounded_send`   selfmsg% ԯ% g ƹ2docƹ2ƹ22/// Sends the provided message along this channel.ƹ2 doc/// KdocKKK/// This is an unbounded sender, so this function differs from `Sink::send`K պLdocպLպLL/// by ensuring the return type reflects that the channel is always ready toպL doc/// receive messages.  ֻ ͜%͜%T   ;ռ $selfmsg ͜% % e  + self%Ŀ% \  + self%Ŀ% ݾR  +  'a1 %'a T    H! 1 selfmsg % ! % +  'a 6 self%% Z  'a 5 self%% R  'a 5 ͜%͜%T   3self%͜% U  + ϑ% ϑ%T   3self%ϑ%   , ϑ%ϑ%T   3self%    , "ؑ%T   :self ؑ%  doc/// Closes the receiving half doc/// KdocKKK/// This prevents any further messages from being sent on the channel whileK DdocDDD/// still enabling the receiver to drain messages that are buffered.D   self%   , self%    , self ؑ%%   , self%    , ؑ% ؑ%T   7 self%   , ؑ%ؑ%T   3self%    , ۅօ֜%T   ۅ2self ֜% 7 doc/// Closes the receiving half doc/// KdocKKK/// This prevents any further messages from being sent on the channel whileK DdocDDD/// still enabling the receiver to drain messages that are buffered.D  ɇ ֜%֜%T   7 self%% ΈG  ֈ+ s .doc.../// Handle returned from the `spawn` function.. ȉdocȉȉ///ȉ ̉Kdoc̉K̉KK/// This handle is a stream that proxies a stream on a separate `Executor`.̉K HdocHHH/// Created through the `mpsc::spawn` function, this handle will produceH PdocPPP/// the same values as the proxied stream, as they are produced in the executor,P JdocJJJ/// and uses a limited buffer to exert back-pressure on the remote stream.J doc/// NdocNNN/// If this handle is dropped, then the stream will no longer be polled and isN ЌdocЌЌ/// scheduled to be dropped.Ќ ItemErrorItem Error    % %  *!1%% *1 Ȏ RdocRRR/// Type of future which `Executor` instances must be able to execute for `spawn`.R  S   Ȏˎ zَc/1ڵ0 1ڵ 9" 1 streamexecutorbuffer $ - KdocKKK/// Spawns a `stream` onto the instance of `Executor` provided, `executor`,K 6doc666/// returning a handle representing the remote stream.6 doc/// BdocBBB/// The `stream` will be canceled if the `SpawnHandle` is dropped.B doc/// OdocOOO/// The `SpawnHandle` returned is a stream that is a proxy for `stream` itself.O HdocHHH/// When `stream` has additional items available, then the `SpawnHandle`H Β)docΒ)Β))/// will have those same items available.Β) doc/// KdocKKK/// At most `buffer + 1` elements will be buffered at a time. If the bufferK ȓOdocȓOȓOO/// is full, then `stream` will stop progressing until more space is available.ȓO HdocHHH/// This allows the `SpawnHandle` to exert backpressure on the `stream`.H doc///  doc   /// # Panics doc/// PdocPPP/// This function will panic if `executor` is unable spawn a `Future` containingP Ǖ!docǕ!Ǖ!!/// the entirety of the `stream`.Ǖ!   S E    Ӗ %   (streamexecutor $%  KdocKKK/// Spawns a `stream` onto the instance of `Executor` provided, `executor`,K PdocPPP/// returning a handle representing the remote stream, with unbounded buffering.P ܚdocܚܚ///ܚ BdocBBB/// The `stream` will be canceled if the `SpawnHandle` is dropped.B doc/// OdocOOO/// The `SpawnHandle` returned is a stream that is a proxy for `stream` itself.O HdocHHH/// When `stream` has additional items available, then the `SpawnHandle`H )doc)))/// will have those same items available.) doc/// LdocLLL/// An unbounded buffer is used, which means that values will be buffered asL NdocNNN/// fast as `stream` can produce them, without any backpressure. Therefore, ifN QdocQQQ/// `stream` is an infinite stream, it can use an unbounded amount of memory, andQ ܞ"docܞ"ܞ""/// potentially hog CPU resources.ܞ" doc///  doc   /// # Panics doc/// PdocPPP/// This function will panic if `executor` is unable spawn a `Future` containingP !doc!!!/// the entirety of the `stream`.!   S E     &   (ܣߣ ף&I E   ܣ ߣN# self &!  ,  1  اۧA&ӧ&I E   ا ۧJ#selff &  u  0  %%S   ?self %# ԩ  ܩ, A%%S   ;selff %  q  Ȭ+ ޭ1 T   8self &   ,  &)&T   פ8ܰ &а)&T   ܰפ߰8f2self & S & num&   stateȚ&   SeqCst#BoxSeqCst#Any ErrorTask0 UnsafeCell AtomicUsizeAsync!FuturefmtDerefMuttaskPollArcmem Deref 2222222222i/ 2  )&T   פ8 &)&T   פ8&2 T   @t Ρ&Ρ& !8doc888/// Creates a new `BiLock` protecting the provided data.8!doc///!LdocLLL/// Two handles to the lock are returned, and these are the only two handlesL!OdocOOO/// that will ever be available to the lock. These can then be sent to separateO!doc/// tasks to be managed there.  self Ρ&!2  %!EdocEEF/// Attempt to acquire this lock, returning `NotReady` if it can\'t beE! doc   /// acquired. !doc///!KdocKKK/// This function will acquire the lock in a nonblocking fashion, returningK!HdocHHH/// immediately if the lock is already held. If the lock is successfullyH!IdocIII/// acquired then `Async::Ready` is returned with a value that representsI!HdocHHH/// the locked value (and can be used to access the protected data). TheH!@doc@@@/// lock is unlocked when the returned `BiLockGuard` is dropped.@!doc///!>doc>>>/// If the lock is already held then this function will return>!KdocKKK/// `Async::NotReady`. In this case the current task will also be scheduledK!BdocBBB/// to receive a notification when the lock would otherwise becomeB!doc/// available.!doc///! doc   /// # Panics !doc///!HdocHHI/// This function will panic if called outside the context of a future\'sH! doc   /// task.     selfΡ&2  n!JdocJJL/// Perform a \"blocking lock\" of this lock, consuming this lock handle andJ!Ɇ,docɆ,Ɇ,,/// returning a future to the acquired lock.Ɇ,!doc///!IdocIII/// This function consumes the `BiLock` and returns a sentinel future,I!Ї;docЇ;Ї;;/// `BiLockAcquire`. The returned future will resolve toЇ;!CdocCCC/// `BiLockAcquired` which represents a locked lock similarly toC!؈doc؈؈/// `BiLockGuard`.؈!doc///!AdocAAA/// Note that the returned future will never resolve to an error.A   selfotherΡ&Ρ&   ' !GdocGGI/// Attempts to put the two \"halves\" of a `BiLock` back together andG!EdocEEE/// recover the original value. Succeeds only if the two `BiLock`sE!ʋ3docʋ3ʋ33/// originated from the same call to `BiLock::new`.ʋ3  self&    , ܓ&T   2self& m  &&l&T   2self & J  + ֖ 9!ҕIdocݑҕIҕII/// Error indicating two `BiLock`s were not two halves of a whole, andҕI!!docޑ!!!/// thus could not be `reunite`d.! й&T   ֖ ٖ Ρ&  Ρ& Ρ&Ρ&й&   9  9Ρ&9Ρ&99й&9Ρ&9Ρ&99 Aй&й&T   3selffmt й&    , ƘAй&й&T   Ƙ3selffmt&    , й&й&T   $;self&# c  + ϝ2 'a Ɲ&'a T    ϝB! self &֯ a  'a 5 2 'a &'a T   @!self & q  'a 5 2 'a g&'a T    ?!self & Ġ7  'a ̠5 &&T   7Ѣ2 self &!& $  , &T   2self&Ρ& ٩!;doc;;;/// Recovers the original `BiLock`, unlocking this lock.;  c&&T   5 self & s  + &&T   3self & ʬ  ׬, ֭&ѭ&T   ֭3self&  r  + 9!9cfg999 feature99 use_std9!0doc000//! Future-aware single-threaded synchronization0!doc//!!KdocKKK//! This module contains similar abstractions to `sync`, for communicationsK!*doc***//! between tasks on the same thread only.* SendAll/  StartSend& Results0oneshot ɴ AsyncSink! ExecutorWeakٳAnyͲ ErrorTask0SinkRcճAsync!ߴFuturefmtRefCelltaskPollVecDequemem Stream resultstream !JdocJJJ//! A multi-producer, single-consumer, futures-aware, FIFO queue with backJ!EdocEEE//! pressure, for use communicating between tasks on the same thread.E!αdocαα//!α!ұMdocұMұMN//! These queues are the same as those in `futures::sync`, except they\'re notұM!'doc'''//! intended to be sent across threads.'222222222222 Cbuffer2 2   [!>doc>>>/// Creates a bounded in-memory channel with buffered storage.>!ٵdocٵٵ///ٵ!ݵKdocݵKݵKK/// This method creates concrete implementations of the `Stream` and `Sink`ݵK!LdocLLL/// traits which can be used to communicate a stream of values between tasksL!LdocLLL/// with backpressure. The channel capacity is exactly `buffer`. On average,L!÷Jdoc÷J÷JJ/// sending a message through this channel performs no dynamic allocation.÷J  T   buffer%&   T   6̾Ǿ&T   ̾2selfmsg &     +߾  , &r&T   2self&& N  + &&T   ; &selfmsg & & `  + self&& Z  + self&& R  + &&T   3self&    , &T   2self & !doc/// Closes the receiving half!doc///!KdocKKK/// This prevents any further messages from being sent on the channel whileK!DdocDDD/// still enabling the receiver to drain messages that are buffered.D   &&T   7 self&!&& 2  , &U&T   2self&  0  + 2  t&T   2self && G  + &&T   ; &selfmsg & & e  + self&& Z  + self&& R  +  'a2 &'a T    H!   selfmsg & %& %b  'a 5 self&& Z  'a 5 self&' R  'a 5 &T   4selfmsg& & _!2doc222/// Sends the provided message along this channel.2!doc///!KdocKKK/// This is an unbounded sender, so this function differs from `Sink::send`K!LdocLLL/// by ensuring the return type reflects that the channel is always ready toL!doc/// receive messages.!  deprecated noterenamed to `unbounded_send`3!doc hiddenrenamed to `unbounded_send`   selfmsg& ' !2doc222/// Sends the provided message along this channel.2!doc///!KdocKKK/// This is an unbounded sender, so this function differs from `Sink::send`K!LdocLLL/// by ensuring the return type reflects that the channel is always ready toL!doc/// receive messages.    2 T   8self ' 7!doc/// Closes the receiving half!doc///!KdocKKK/// This prevents any further messages from being sent on the channel whileK!DdocDDD/// still enabling the receiver to drain messages that are buffered.D     ' 'T   7     self'!'' 2Y    + &'  !AdocAAA/// Creates an unbounded in-memory channel with buffered storage.A!doc///!JdocJJJ/// Identical semantics to `channel`, except with no limit to buffer size.J  T    !Gdoc˞GGG/// Error type for sending, used when the receiving end of a channel isG! doc̞   /// dropped & T        &        &  }A& &T   3selffmt &      , A& &T   3selffmt'  z    + & &T   $;self'# T    +  &T   2self&  3!AdocAAA/// Returns the message that was attempted to be sent but failed.A    ił˂v!.doc.../// Handle returned from the `spawn` function..!doc///!KdocKKK/// This handle is a stream that proxies a stream on a separate `Executor`.K!HdocHHH/// Created through the `mpsc::spawn` function, this handle will produceH"PdocPPP/// the same values as the proxied stream, as they are produced in the executor,P"JdocJJJ/// and uses a limited buffer to exert back-pressure on the remote stream.J"docŸ///"Ndoc߁NNN/// If this handle is dropped, then the stream will no longer be polled and isN"docğ/// scheduled to be dropped.  %%Item Error   %ł%˂   *؂$2%  2  "Rdoc؟RRR/// Type of future which `Executor` instances must be able to execute for `spawn`.R   S    zc/2ڵ0  ڵ  9" 2  streamexecutorbuffer $  -"KdocKKK/// Spawns a `stream` onto the instance of `Executor` provided, `executor`,K"6doc666/// returning a handle representing the remote stream.6"doc///"BdocBBB/// The `stream` will be canceled if the `SpawnHandle` is dropped.B"doc///"OdocOOO/// The `SpawnHandle` returned is a stream that is a proxy for `stream` itself.O"ɇHdocɇHɇHH/// When `stream` has additional items available, then the `SpawnHandle`ɇH")doc)))/// will have those same items available.)"doc///"KdocKKK/// At most `buffer + 1` elements will be buffered at a time. If the bufferK"OdocOOO/// is full, then `stream` will stop progressing until more space is available.O"܉Hdoc܉H܉HH/// This allows the `SpawnHandle` to exert backpressure on the `stream`.܉H"doc///" doc   /// # Panics "doc///"PdocPPP/// This function will panic if `executor` is unable spawn a `Future` containingP"!doc!!!/// the entirety of the `stream`.!   S E   Ջ   ϩ'   (streamexecutor $ݫ' "KdocKKK/// Spawns a `stream` onto the instance of `Executor` provided, `executor`,K"ҏPdocҏPҏPP/// returning a handle representing the remote stream, with unbounded buffering.ҏP"doc///"BdocBBB/// The `stream` will be canceled if the `SpawnHandle` is dropped.B"doc///"OdocOOO/// The `SpawnHandle` returned is a stream that is a proxy for `stream` itself.O"HdocHHH/// When `stream` has additional items available, then the `SpawnHandle`H")doc)))/// will have those same items available.)"doc///"LdocLLL/// An unbounded buffer is used, which means that values will be buffered asL"NdocNNN/// fast as `stream` can produce them, without any backpressure. Therefore, ifN"ѓQdocѓQѓQQ/// `stream` is an infinite stream, it can use an unbounded amount of memory, andѓQ"IdocIII/// potentially hog CPU resources. In particular, if `stream` is infiniteI"KdocKKL/// and doesn\'t ever yield (by returning `Async::NotReady` from `poll`), itK"$doc$$$/// will result in an infinite loop.$"ޕdocޕޕ///ޕ" doc   /// # Panics "doc///"PdocPPP/// This function will panic if `executor` is unable spawn a `Future` containingP"Ė!docĖ!Ė!!/// the entirety of the `stream`.Ė!   S E    ʗ'ߗ  (   'I E    N#     self '&     1  A' 'I E    J#selff '  x    0  ϩ' ϩ'S   ?    self ϩ'#    à , Aϩ' ϩ'S   ;selff ϩ'  q    + Future fmtʥ CanceledRefCell taskĦ Executor Canceled1Weak lazyZ Poll Cell Lazy! IntoFuture  Task0ʦ Rc Async! "%docģ%%%//! A one-shot, futures-aware channel%"ädocţää//!ä"ǤPdocƣǤPǤPP//! This channel is similar to that in `sync::oneshot` but cannot be sent acrossǤP" docǣ   //! threads. 222222 22 !!!!!!!!!!,2 2  "Ҧ2docҦ2Ҧ22/// Creates a new futures-aware, one-shot channel.Ҧ2"doc///"IdocIII/// This function is the same as `sync::oneshot::channel` except that theI"ӧ2docӧ2ӧ22/// returned values cannot be sent across threads.ӧ2  T     'T   6selfval' # ö"Ȳ4docؤȲ4Ȳ44/// Completes this oneshot with a successful result.Ȳ4"doc٤///"HdocڤHHH/// This function will consume `self` and indicate to the other end, theH"ֳMdocֳۤMֳMM/// `Receiver`, that the error provided is the result of the computation thisֳM"docܤ/// represents."docݤ///"ĴHdocޤĴHĴHH/// If the value is successfully enqueued for the remote end to receive,ĴH"JdocߤJJJ/// then `Ok(())` is returned. If the receiving end was deallocated beforeJ"LdocLLL/// this function was called, however, then `Err` is returned with the valueL" doc   /// provided.     self '# ݿ"FdocFFF/// Polls this `Sender` half to detect whether the `Receiver` this hasF"doc/// paired with has gone away."doc///"KdocKKK/// This function can be used to learn about when the `Receiver` (consumer)K"IdocIII/// half has gone away and nothing will be able to receive a message sentI"doc/// from `complete`."ѺdocѺѺ///Ѻ"ٺIdocٺIٺIJ/// Like `Future::poll`, this function will panic if it\'s not called fromٺI"JdocJJJ/// within the context of a task. In other words, this should only ever beJ"&doc&&&/// called from inside another future.&"doc///"LdocLLL/// If `Ready` is returned then it means that the `Receiver` has disappearedL"IdocIII/// and the result this `Sender` would otherwise produce should no longerI"ȽdocȽȽ/// be produced.Ƚ"ݽdocݽݽ///ݽ"KdocKKK/// If `NotReady` is returned then the `Receiver` is still alive and may beK"DdocDDD/// able to receive a message if sent. The current task, however, isD"LdocLLL/// scheduled to receive a notification if the corresponding `Receiver` goesL"Ͽ docϿ Ͽ  /// away.Ͽ       self ' Q"AdocԥAAB/// Tests to see whether this `Sender`\'s corresponding `Receiver`A"docե/// has gone away."doc֥///"KdocץKKK/// This function can be used to learn about when the `Receiver` (consumer)K"IdocإIII/// half has gone away and nothing will be able to receive a message sentI"doc٥/// from `send`."docڥ///"LdocۥLLL/// Note that this function is intended to *not* be used in the context of aL"IdocܥIIJ/// future. If you\'re implementing a future you probably want to call theI"CdocݥCCC/// `poll_cancel` function which will block the current task if theC"JdocޥJJK/// cancellation hasn\'t happened yet. This can be useful when working on aJ"FdocߥFFF/// non-futures related thread, though, which would otherwise panic ifF"doc/// `poll_cancel` were called.        '  'T   3self'       ,   'T   2self ' "KdocKKK/// Gracefully close this receiver, preventing sending any future messages.K"doc///"CdocCCC/// Any `send` operation which happens after this method returns isC"KdocKKK/// guaranteed to fail. Once this method is called the normal `poll` methodK"KdocKKK/// can be used to determine whether a message was actually sent or not. IfK"@doc@@@/// `Canceled` is returned from `poll` then no message was sent.@     '  !!'T   7     #  self'!'' +  !   , ' U!'T   2self'   0 ! !!+ b".doc.../// Handle returned from the `spawn` function.."doc///"PdocPPP/// This handle is a future representing the completion of a different future onP"KdocKKK/// a separate executor. Created through the `oneshot::spawn` function thisK"KdocKKK/// handle will resolve when the future provided to `spawn` resolves on theK"2doc222/// `Executor` instance provided to that function.2"doc///"MdocMMM/// If this handle is dropped then the future will automatically no longer beM"HdocHHH/// polled and is scheduled to be dropped. This can be canceled with theH"doc/// `forget` function, however. !  !T E        # 2 !!  !! # #GdocGGG/// Type of future which `Spawn` instances below must be able to spawn.G ! F     o  !!  -2!! & ƌ(!! futureexecutor $!   %#KdocبKKK/// Spawns a `future` onto the instance of `Executor` provided, `executor`,K#Adoc٨AAA/// returning a handle representing the completion of the future.A#docڨ///#OdocۨOOO/// The `SpawnHandle` returned is a future that is a proxy for `future` itself.O#OdocܨOOO/// When `future` completes on `executor` then the `SpawnHandle` will itself beO#KdocݨKKK/// resolved. Internally `SpawnHandle` contains a `oneshot` channel and isK#)docި)))/// thus not safe to send across threads.)#docߨ///#MdocMMM/// The `future` will be canceled if the `SpawnHandle` is dropped. If this isM#OdocOOO/// not desired then the `SpawnHandle::forget` function can be used to continueO#%doc%%%/// running the future to completion.%#doc///# doc   /// # Panics #doc///#MdocMMM/// This function will panic if the instance of `Spawn` provided is unable toM# doc   /// spawn the `future` provided. #doc///#IdocIII/// If the provided instance of `Spawn` does not actually run `future` toI#NdocNNN/// completion, then the returned handle may panic when polled. Typically thisN#NdocNNN/// is not a problem, though, as most instances of `Spawn` will run futures toN#doc/// completion. !  F E      ( (fexecutor $! ߍ   #AdocAAA/// Spawns a function `f` onto the `Spawn` instance provided `s`.A#doc///#OdocOOO/// For more information see the `spawn` function in this module. This functionO#OdocOOO/// is just a thin wrapper around `spawn` which will execute the closure on theO#LdocLLL/// executor provided and then complete the future that the closure returns.L !   F R E       ĉ  Չ    ! 7 !(T E    I#self(  @#=doc===/// Drop this future without canceling the underlying future.=#doc///#IdocIII/// When `SpawnHandle` is dropped, the spawned future will be canceled asI#IdocIIJ/// well if the future hasn\'t already resolved. This function can be usedI#FdocFFF/// when to drop this future but keep executing the underlying future.F !  !! ( !!!(T E     N#  !!  !!self (    !  !!1  A( !(T E    ! $ Z#selff (   u !  !!0  ( !!!(F    ? !! !!self (#   ! !!, A( !(F      Cselff (    ! !!, StartSend&G FutureGPollG IntoFutureH SinkGStreamG AsyncSink!G Async!G{G#B5docB5B57/// A \"prelude\" for crates using the `futures` crate.B5#CdocCC///C#CLdocCLCLN/// This prelude is similar to the standard library\'s prelude in that you\'llCL#CMdocCMCMM/// almost always want to import its entire contents, but unlike the standardCM#DQdocDQDQS/// library\'s prelude you\'ll have to do so manually. An example of using this is:DQ#EdocEE///E#EdocEE/// ```E#EdocEE/// use futures::prelude::*;E#EdocEE/// ```E#EdocEE///E#EMdocEMEMM/// We may add items to this over time as they become ubiquitous as well, butEM#FNdocFNFNO/// otherwise this should help cut down on futures-related imports when you\'reFN#F%docF%F%%/// working with the `futures` crate!F%!!!!!!!!!  OONFdocNFNFF/// Return type of future, indicating whether a value is ready or not.NF#Orustc_copy_clone_markerO T   O  P !!    OO1docO1O11/// Represents that a value is immediately ready.O1  !!O! OOO O OO UPPBdocPBPBB/// Represents that a value is not ready yet, but may be so later.PB !! fO     O #O automatically_derivedO #O allowO O O unused_qualificationsO !! T   O   O fselfother     O #O inlineO ! !O!A selfother (   O #O inlineۭO ! !O!A OA  O#Oautomatically_derivedO#OallowOOO unused_qualificationsO! T   O!Ofselff   O ! !O!( O  O#Oautomatically_derivedO#OallowOOO unused_qualificationsO! T   OOfself   O#OinlineO ! !O!A O   O#Oautomatically_derivedϯO#OallowЯOOO unused_qualificationsO T   O  OfWWVDdocVDVDD/// The result of an asynchronous attempt to send a value to a sink.VD#Wrustc_copy_clone_markerW T   W  Z !! XWBdocWBWBB/// The `start_send` attempt succeeded, so the sending process hasWBXCdocXCXCC/// *started*; you must use `Sink::poll_complete` to drive the sendXCXdocXX/// to completion.X !!    Z XIdocXIXII/// The `start_send` attempt failed due to the sink being full. The valueXIYHdocYHYHH/// being sent is returned, and the current `Task` will be automaticallyYHZ*docZ*Z**/// notified again once the sink has room.Z*  !!Z ! Z Z Z  Z  Z Z W     W #W automatically_derivedW #W allowW W W unused_qualificationsW !! T   W (W fselfother     W #W inlineW ! !W!A selfother (   W #W inline߰W ! !W!A WA  W#Wautomatically_derivedW#WallowWWW unused_qualificationsW! T   W!Wfselff   W ! !W!( W  W#Wautomatically_derivedW#WallowWWW unused_qualificationsW! T   WWfself   W#WinlineW ! !W!A W   W#Wautomatically_derivedӲW#WallowԲWWW unused_qualificationsW T   W(Wf͸иB%doc%%%/// A future which is never resolved.%doc///9doc999/// This future can be created with the `empty` function.9must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 T E    ͸ и #8ٸ"  !! # A 8#automatically_derived#allow unused_qualifications! T E   ! $m#selff    8 !  !!/  EKdocKKK/// A future which defers creation of the actual future until a callback isKdoc/// scheduled.doc³///+docó+++/// This is created by the `lazy` function.+žmust_useijξо" futures do nothing unless polledþ0 \F R       #N!  !! " A N#automatically_derivedԳ#allowճ unused_qualifications! F R       A A m#selff    N !  !!/  ׿ڿN̿< !  F R    ׿ ڿ R #N !! N !!  (  N   !!! (    (  N   !! !    (     N(!! ĿĿA(NĿ#Ŀautomatically_derivedĿ#ĿallowĿĿĿ unused_qualificationsĿ!(F R    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ(Ŀm#selff (  NĿ !  !Ŀ!/  &6docߵ666/// A future which adapts a function returning `Poll`.6doc///&doc&&&/// Created by the `poll_fn` function.&must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 ! F    h !! A(h$automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications!(F    mselff (  h ! !!* J<doc<<doc>>>/// (whether it is success of error) and emits EOF after that.> F    "" A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications" F   mselff     " ""+ ļ$@docν@@= Future for the `join` combinator, waiting for two futures to$ docϽ   complete.$docн$1docѽ11. This is created by the `Future::join` method.$must_useҽ" futures do nothing unless polled0"  "AB ļ   Э   # "" # "" A۶)"۶)AB Э   þ ̾ A   Įǿ A  #selffmt ۶)   "  ""1  aB ۶)  "  AB    Э g #"۶)ABЭ     a#self ۶) | "  ""0  ۶)"""۶)ABЭ     f#% "" ""self)!۶)۶) + "  ""1  """"AB   )  w#0"Ӑ)""# % "")""self  "  "", ļ$CdocCC@ Future for the `join3` combinator, waiting for three futures to$ doc   complete.$doc$2doc22/ This is created by the `Future::join3` method.$must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0"   "ABC ļ    Э     2 "" )"" # "" A)")ABCЭ )  þ ̾ )  Įǿ ) ) A ǿ A  2selffmt )   "   ""6 aBC )  "   ABC     Э ))2")ABCЭ )    ) 2self ) | "   ""5 )""")ABCЭ )    ) 2% )""!  ""self)!)) + "   ""6  """")ABC) ) )   20"Ӑ)""'%  ""')""self))  "   ""1ļ$BdocBB? Future for the `join4` combinator, waiting for four futures to$ doc   complete.$doc$2doc22/ This is created by the `Future::join4` method.$must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0"   "ABCD ļ    Э ))  A "" )"" )"" #"" A)")ABCDЭ )) þ ̾ )  Įǿ ) ) )ǿ ) ) Aǿ A Aselffmt )   "   ""; aBCD )  "   ABCD     Э ))))A")ABCD Э ))   ) ) Aself ) | "   "": )""")ABCD Э ))   ) ) A% ))""$  ""self)!)) + "   "";  ""##)ABCD ))))    A0"Ӑ)""+% )""*)""self))  #   ""6ļ$BdocBB? Future for the `join5` combinator, waiting for five futures to$ doc   complete.$doc$2doc22/ This is created by the `Future::join5` method.$must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0#   #ABCDE ļ    Э ))))  P ## )## )## )## ### A)#)ABCDEЭ ))) þ ̾ )  Įǿ ) ) )ǿ ) ) )ǿ ) )Aǿ A Pselffmt )   #   ##@ aBCDE )  #   ABCDE     Э ))))))P#)ABCDEЭ )))   ) ) )Pself ) | #   ##? )###)ABCDEЭ )))   ) ) )P% )))##' ##self*!)) + #   ##@  ####*ABCDE)))))    P0#Ӑ)##/% ))##-)##self**  #   ##;I A   ; ##  ##       ## #               ## #          ## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# A   )mselff     # ##+ ICdocCCC/// Future for the `map` combinator, changing the type of a future.Cdoc///0doc000/// This is created by the `Future::map` method.0must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 AF    # ##   ##  A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# AF   ) m#selff     #  ##0  LMdocMMM/// Future for the `map_err` combinator, changing the error type of a future.Mdoc///4doc444/// This is created by the `Future::map_err` method.4must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 AF    # ##  ՘*## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# AF   ) m#selff     #  ##0  QNdocNNN/// Future for the `from_err` combinator, changing the error type of a future.Ndoc///5doc555/// This is created by the `Future::from_err` method.5must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 AE    # ##   ## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# AE   $ m#selff     #  ##0  `OdocOOO/// Future for the `or_else` combinator, chaining a computation onto the end ofO'doc'''/// a future which fails with an error.'doc///4doc444/// This is created by the `Future::or_else` method.4must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 ABF      2)## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# ABF   Į )   )m2selff     #  Đ ##5 oIdocIII/// Future for the `select` combinator, waiting for one of two futures toI doc   /// complete. doc///3doc333/// This is created by the `Future::select` method.3must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0ɬ AB    $  Э  ###  Aɬ $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications#ɬ AB  Э  Į  $  m#selff ɬ    #  ##0  p=doc===/// Future yielded as the second result in a `Select` future.=doc///LdocLLL/// This sentinel future represents the completion of the second future to aL#doc###/// `select` which finished second.#must_useŀǀ" futures do nothing unless polled0 AB    $  Э  #Ɓ#  ## # A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# AB  Э  Į  $  m#selff     #  ##0  Cۿ*AB     W# ##  ##  ۿ*     ### ۿ*    ۿ*     ### ۿ*   Aۿ*$automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications#ۿ*AB   Į  m#selff ۿ*   #  ##0  ђ7QdocQQQ/// Future for the `select2` combinator, waiting for one of two differently-typedQdoc/// futures to complete.doc///6doc666/// This is created by the [`Future::select2`] method.6ёdocёё///ёՑ9docՑ9Ց99/// [`Future::select2`]: trait.Future.html#method.select2Ց9must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 AB   #ѷ*## ɒɒA ɒ$ɒautomatically_derivedɒ$ɒallowɒɒɒ unused_qualificationsɒ# AB ɒ ɒ ɒĮɒm#selff    ɒ #  #ɒ#0  ʜ͜М^ʚIdocʚIʚII/// Future for the `then` combinator, chaining computations on the end ofʚI-doc---/// another future regardless of its outcome.-›doc››///›ƛ1docƛ1ƛ11/// This is created by the `Future::then` method.ƛ1must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 ABF ʜ ͜ М ܜ  2)## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# ABF   Į ) ܜ  )m2selff     #  Đ ##5 pCdocCCC/// Combines two different futures yielding the same item and errorCdoc/// types into a single type. AB   #Ӣ ##  ##    Ѣdoc/// First branch of the type   ##Ѣ# ѢѢѢ Ѣ ѢѢ D    ۢdocۢۢ/// Second branch of the typeۢ   ###    E A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# AB   Įm#selff     #  ##0  ݪʪM:doc:::/// Do something with the item of a future, passing it on.:ϩdocϩϩ///ϩө4docө4ө44/// This is created by the `Future::inspect` method.ө4must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0 AF ݪ   # ##  ՘*## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# AF   ) m#selff     #  ##0  U ABC     h2 ##  ##  ##         ## #  #                   ## #          ## A $automatically_derived$allow unused_qualifications# ABC   Į ) m2selff     #   ##5 Copy ̒#Extend#̒#Send ̒#Box̒#From̒#Eq̒#Sync ̒#FnOnce̒#Iterator!̒#Err̒# UnwindSafe-͒ #AsMut̒# catch_unwind.͒ #drop ̒#Any͒ # PartialEq̒#Ok̒#SliceConcatExt̒#Err̒#AssertUnwindSafe-͒#Vec#̒#AsRef̒#String+̒#Async!͒#ExactSizeIterator"̒#Ok̒#Future͒#Some̒#Default̒#Into̒#AssertUnwindSafe͒#DoubleEndedIterator"̒#Unpin ̒#Drop̒#ToString!̒#Fn̒#Some̒#Result̒#Ord̒#None̒#ToOwned̒#Poll͒#Option̒#Clone̒# IntoIterator#̒#Sized ̒# PartialOrd̒#FnMut̒#None̒#12q%2cfg222 feature22 use_std1#######$$$&&$$$oEВfuture &  ϒ $ F В В- В Mђ*#В$$$*F ђ ђ+ђ K#ђ&$$#ђ $$)self *!** 1#Ғ $ $Ғ$.Ւ-  #Ւ$$$ȃ+F Ւ ՒB#֒ $$#֒ $$self ȃ+ #֒K $ $֒$-Copy ؒ$Extend#ؒ$Send ؒ$Boxؒ$Fromؒ$Eqؒ$Sync ؒ$FnOnceؒ$Iterator!ؒ$Errؒ$AsMutؒ$drop ؒ$ PartialEqؒ$ IntoFutureؒ $Okؒ$SliceConcatExtؒ$Errؒ$Vec#ؒ$AsRefؒ$String+ؒ$Async!ؒ$ExactSizeIterator"ؒ$Okؒ$Futureؒ$Someؒ$fmtؒ$Defaultؒ$Intoؒ$DoubleEndedIterator"ؒ$Unpin ؒ$Dropؒ$ToString!ؒ$Fnؒ$Someؒ$Resultؒ$Ordؒ$Noneؒ$ToOwnedؒ$Pollؒ$Optionؒ$Cloneؒ$ IntoIterator#ؒ$Sized ؒ$mem ؒ$ PartialOrdؒ$FnMutؒ$Noneؒ$/2q %2cfg222 feature22 use_std1$גPdocגPגPP//! Definition of the `JoinAll` combinator, waiting for all of a list of futuresגP$גdocגג//! to finish.ג$$$$$$$$&&$$$$ےے$ْLdocْLْLL/// A future which takes a list of futures and resolves with a vector of theْL$ڒdocڒڒ/// completed values.ڒ$ڒdocڒڒ///ڒ$ڒ6docڒ6ڒ66/// This future is created with the `join_all` method.ڒ6$ڒmust_useڒڒ" futures do nothing unless polledڒ0$Iےے ے $ے6#&Ѡ$$ &ܒA+$ܒ$+Iܒܒ ܒ AѠݒ AԠޒ kselffmt +  $ޒ $$ޒ$.Ԡ+ 7$ Ԡ+#&Ѡ#7+  ̖++7ԠfѠԠ71Ai+  $ߒPdocߒPߒPP/// Creates a future which represents a collection of the results of the futuresߒP$ doc   /// given. $doc///$OdocOOO/// The returned future will drive execution for all of its underlying futures,O$PdocPPP/// collecting the results into a destination `Vec` in the same order as theyP$PdocPPP/// were provided. If any future returns an error then all other futures will beP$OdocOOO/// canceled and an error will be returned immediately. If all futures completeO$PdocPPP/// successfully, however, then the returned future will succeed with a `Vec` ofP$doc/// all the successful results.$doc///$doc/// # Examples$doc///$doc/// ```$doc/// use futures::future::*;$doc///$doc/// let f = join_all(vec![$doc/// ok::(1),$doc/// ok::(2),$doc/// ok::(3),$doc/// ]);$doc/// let f =|x| {$!doc!!!/// assert_eq!(x, [1, 2, 3]);!$doc/// });$doc///$doc/// let f = join_all(vec![$$doc$$$/// Box::new(ok::(1)),$$%doc%%%/// Box::new(err::(2)),%$$doc$$$/// Box::new(ok::(3)),$$doc/// ]);$doc/// let f = f.then(|x| {$doc/// assert_eq!(x, Err(2));$ doc   /// x $doc/// });$doc/// ``` $I  "+$ $$$+I  K$/#+$$ $,Ԡ$$ self +!++ 1$ $$$.Copy $Extend#$Send $Box$From$Eq$Sync $FnOnce$Iterator!$Err$AsMut$drop $ PartialEq$Ok$ IntoFuture $SliceConcatExt$Err$Vec#$AsRef$String+$Async!$ExactSizeIterator"$Ok$Future$Some$Default$Into$DoubleEndedIterator"$Unpin $Drop$ToString!$Fn$Some$Ord$None$Result$ToOwned$Poll$Option$Clone$ IntoIterator#$Sized $mem $ PartialOrd$FnMut$None$.2r%2cfg222 feature22 use_std1$JdocJJJ//! Definition of the `SelectAll`, finding the first future in a list thatJ$ doc   //! finishes. $$$$$$$&&$$$ $doc hidden A b8̖+Ѡ ++$ ++Ѡ  ̖+ѠԠaԠAiter&Ѡ $BdocBBB/// Creates a new future which will select over a list of futures.B$doc///$PdocPPP/// The returned future will wait for any future within `iter` to be ready. UponP%LdocLLL/// completion or failure the item resolved will be returned, along with theL%HdocHHH/// index of the future that was ready and the list of all the remainingH% doc   /// futures. %doc///% doc   /// # Panics %doc///%IdocIII/// This function will panic if the iterator specified contains no items.I $I   &  $$$$+A  B$% # $$'$' +$$! self +!++ 1$ $ $$.Copy $Extend#$Send $Box$From$Eq$Sync $FnOnce$Iterator!$Err$AsMut$drop $ PartialEq$Ok$ IntoFuture $SliceConcatExt$Err$Vec#$AsRef$String+$Async!$ExactSizeIterator"$Ok$Future$Some$Default$Into$DoubleEndedIterator"$Unpin $Drop$ToString!$Fn$Some$Result$Ord$None$ToOwned$Poll$Option$Clone$ IntoIterator#$Sized $mem $ PartialOrd$FnMut$None$.2r%2cfg222 feature22 use_std1%PdocPPP//! Definition of the `SelectOk` combinator, finding the first successful futureP%܆doc܆܆//! in a list.܆$$$$$$$&&$$ ̖+Ѡ ++$ ++Ѡ +ԠaԠAiter&Ѡ %^doc^^^/// Creates a new future which will select the first successful future over a list of futures.^%doc///%YdocYYY/// The returned future will wait for any future within `iter` to be ready and Ok. UnlikeY%TdocTTT/// `select_all`, this will only return the first successful completion, or the lastT%ЌQdocЌQЌQQ/// failure. This is useful in contexts where any success is desired and failuresЌQ%-doc---/// are ignored, unless all the futures fail.-%ЍdocЍЍ///Ѝ%ԍ docԍ ԍ  /// # Panicsԍ %ፓdocፓፓ///ፓ%卓Idoc卓I卓II/// This function will panic if the iterator specified contains no items.卓I $I   &  $ $$$+A  B$ +$$$Ƒ $$self +!++ 1$⑓ $ $ꑓ$.SeqCst#$SeqCst#$error$ops $HashMapJ$executor韓$Task0ӟ$ UnsafeCell$ AtomicUsizeݠ$Async!$Future$fmt$Notify$task͟$Mutex=Ѡ$Poll$Arc̠$mem $Spawn$2r %2cfg222 feature22 use_std1%DdocDDD//! Definition of the Shared combinator, a future that is cloneable,D%*doc***//! and can be polled in multiple threads.*%doc//!%doc//! # Examples%doc//!%doc//! ```%doc//! use futures::future::*;%םdocםם//!ם%۝"doc۝"۝""//! let future = ok::<_, bool>(6);۝"%"doc"""//! let shared1 = future.shared();"%"doc"""//! let shared2 = shared1.clone();"%Ğ,docĞ,Ğ,,//! assert_eq!(6, *shared1.wait().unwrap());Ğ,%,doc,,,//! assert_eq!(6, *shared2.wait().unwrap());,%doc//! ```$$$$$$$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&%&&&%%% 4M%ơEdocơEơEE/// A future that is cloneable and can be polled in multiple threads.ơE%OdocOOO/// Use `Future::shared()` method to convert any future into a `Shared` future.O%ޢmust_use碓颓" futures do nothing unless polledܢ0% %F   $% %% &$ʣ %% ᣓA+$ܣ%+F ᣓ    A Ҥ _selffmt +  $䤓 % %뤓%.$+F  æ D$Ѧ%% $$%% '$N& & %% >&$陸%%% " $U+ $%% $$=JJ%% /0$⨓⨓⨓⨓f1$f2$f3$ĩĩf4$ǩߩߩǩǩשǩffuture + 㩓 % F  >$ %%%%%+F  Efuture + 9%  deprecated since0.1.12 noteuse `Future::shared` instead쭓F%cfgخ featureŮǮwith-deprecated#%ᮓdoc䮓뮓宓 hidden߮0.1.12use `Future::shared` instead % %%%self++ %YdocYYY/// If any clone of this `Shared` has completed execution, returns its result immediatelyY%XdocXXX/// without blocking. Otherwise, returns None without triggering the work represented byX%찓doc찓찓/// this `Shared`.찓 % %%self + $۳ % %鳓%.self++ $ % %%.self+  $η % %ڷ%.+$%%%+F  B$ +%%$޹#+%%self,!++ +$ % %%.$"%'a'a 6 $ 'a%% $ ,È,  $" 'a%%" ""%",""  %'a$%,'a*self , $ %'a%%3 Γ+$Γ%+F Γ Γ>self++ $Γ % %Γ%.Г+$Г%+F Г Г>self,  $Г % %Г%.+$ѓ%+self_id + $ғ %%ғ%)Փ +$Փ+F Փ ַ֓֓  ֓  ֓  ֓  ֓֓ +$֓+F ֓ דַד,ד,ד,ד,דiדA+$ד%+F ד ؓ ؓ ؓ +ؓ Yselffmt +  $ؓv % %ؓ%-ۓ&  $ۓ|%%,T ۓ6$ۓ %%self , $ۓ9 % %ۓ%-ݓ&E$ݓ~%%ߖ,E ,ݓ<$ݓ,%%self ߖ, , $ޓ: %,%ޓ%-ޓAߖ,$ޓ%ߖ,E,ޓA,ޓ Dselff,  $ߓV %,%ߓ%-ߓߖ,$ߓ%%ߖ,E,ߓ, Fself,# $F %,%%-self,  #$K%allow deprecated %,%%l>zzyQ%2cfg222 feature22 use_std1%w)docw)w)& A type alias for `Box`w)%wdocwww hiddenw%w  deprecatedwyw notexxremoved without replacement, recommended to use a \ local extension trait or function if needed, more \ details in without replacement, recommended to use a local extension trait or function if needed, more details in   TE z z!#z  2z%2cfg222 feature22 use_std1&&&,F zzE2{ &&2{ &&self ,!,, 12{[ & &{&( ϒϒD$Β-docΒ-Β--/// Future for the `catch_unwind` combinator.Β-$ΒdocΒΒ///Β$Β9docΒ9Β99/// This is created by the `Future::catch_unwind` method.Β9$ϒmust_useϒϒ" futures do nothing unless polledΒ0*F ϒ ϒ #ϒ && ΒA*#Β%Βautomatically_derivedΒ%ΒallowΒΒΒ unused_qualificationsΒ&*F Β Β ϒtselff *  #Β & &Β&-ْ$ؒH& T ْ!ْ @$ْ && $ْߘ!&&  ڬ,  $ْ   &&ْ & ْ ْ ْ ڬ,ْ  ْ ْ ߘ!ڬ,  $ْ   &&ْ &ߘ!ْ ْ ْ ڬ,ْ ߘ!ْ ْ ؒAڬ,$ؒ%ؒautomatically_derivedؒ%ؒallowؒؒؒ unused_qualificationsؒ&ڬ,T ؒ!ؒ!ْAߘ!ؒtselff ڬ,  $ؒ & &ؒ&->$OdocOOO/// Future for the `select_all` combinator, waiting for one of any of a list ofO$doc/// futures to complete.$doc///$1doc111/// This is created by the `select_all` function.1$must_use" futures do nothing unless polled0+A   $ +&& A+$&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications&+A   tselff +  $ & &&-=%NdocNNN/// Future for the `select_ok` combinator, waiting for one of any of a list ofN%RdocRRR/// futures to successfully complete. Unlike `select_all`, this future ignores allR%ވ)docވ)ވ))/// but the last error, if there are any.ވ)%doc///%0doc000/// This is created by the `select_ok` function.0%Љmust_useىۉ" futures do nothing unless polledΉ0+A   $ +&& ƉA+$Ɖ&Ɖautomatically_derivedƉ&ƉallowƉƉƉ unused_qualificationsƉ&+A Ɖ Ɖ tselff +  $Ɖ & &Ɖ&-ړړ.%ٓPdocٓPٓPP/// A wrapped item of the original future that is cloneable and implements DerefٓP%ړdocړړ/// for ease of use.ړ,T ړ $ۓ && ړA,$ړ&ړautomatically_derivedړ&ړallowړړړ unused_qualificationsړ&,T ړ!ړtselff,  $ړ & &ړ&-ړ,$ړ&ړautomatically_derivedړ&ړallowړړړ unused_qualificationsړ&,T ړړtself,, $ړ&ړinlineړ & &ړ&Jݓݓ0%ܓQdocܓQܓQQ/// A wrapped error of the original future that is cloneable and implements DerefܓQ%ܓdocܓܓ/// for ease of use.ܓߖ,E,ݓ $ݓ ,&& ݓAߖ,$ݓ&ݓautomatically_derivedݓ&ݓallowݓݓݓ unused_qualificationsݓ&ߖ,E,ݓA,ݓtselff,  $ݓ &,&ݓ&-ݓߖ,$ݓ&ݓautomatically_derivedݓ&ݓallowݓݓݓ unused_qualificationsݓ&ߖ,E,ݓ,ݓtself,ߖ, $ݓ&ݓinlineݓ &,&ݓ&J LdocLLL/// Kinds of errors that can be returned from the `Execute::spawn` function.L «doc««///« ƫOdocƫOƫOO/// Executors which may not always be able to accept a future may return one ofƫO AdocAAA/// these errors, indicating why it was unable to spawn a future.A&rustc_copy_clone_marker  HdocHHH/// This executor has shut down and will no longer accept new futures toH  doc   /// spawn. &&  IdocIII/// This executor has no more capacity to run more futures. Other futuresI ڮ;docڮ;ڮ;;/// need to finish before this executor can accept another.ڮ;&&  doc hidden&& O3 2 & automatically_derived & allow   unused_qualifications &mselfother    2 & inline &&&@ 2&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications&mself, 2&inline &&&@  2&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualificationsmA2&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications&mselff,  2 &&&% ه" LdocLLL/// A stream which is just a shim over an underlying instance of `Iterator`.L ݆doc݆݆///݆ 5doc555/// This stream will never block and is always ready.5 must_use" streams do nothing unless polled03implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`I 5 3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`&& O5  ه"3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result` &&ه"ه"ه"ه"ه"ه" 5A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications&3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result`IAm5selff   3implementation moved to `iter_ok` and `iter_result` &&&a5 U ϏLdocϏLϏLL/// A stream which is just a shim over an underlying instance of `Iterator`.ϏL doc/// 5doc555/// This stream will never block and is always ready.5 must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0IE  #&& Ñ'    && $ ߐߐAߐ&ߐautomatically_derivedߐ&ߐallowߐߐߐ unused_qualificationsߐ&IEߐ,ߐ ߐ$ߐm#selff   ߐ & &ߐ&0  ܚ) LdocLLL/// A stream which is just a shim over an underlying instance of `Iterator`.L doc/// 5doc555/// This stream will never block and is always ready.5 must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0I && A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications&I,mselff    &&&+ ԥ^ 5doc555/// Stream that produces the same element repeatedly.5 ΤdocΤΤ///Τ Ҥ?docҤ?Ҥ??/// This structure is created by the `stream::repeat` function.Ҥ? must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0TE   # && *&& A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications&TE ! $m#selff    &  &&0  p LdocLLL/// A stream combinator which chains a computation onto values produced by aL Ѯ docѮ Ѯ  /// stream.Ѯ ݮdocݮݮ///ݮ @doc@@@/// This structure is produced by the `Stream::and_then` method.@ must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0SFU   ш 2 &&  && &Ͱ && A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'SFU Ω ) A ш A-m2selff̊   '   &&5  doc/// State of chain stream.'S1S2Ϟݞ B %'' '' '' -   %doc%%%/// Emitting elements of first stream% '' ' '   -    M -   &doc&&&/// Emitting elements of second stream& '' '   -   N  0doc000/// Temporary value to replace first with second0-'' wXA-&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'-S1S2ϞAݞAm%selff -   '''0  5 6doc666/// An adapter for chaining the output of two streams.6 doc/// BdocBBB/// The resulting stream produces items from first stream and thenB doc/// from second stream. must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0S1S2Ϟݞ %-'' A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'S1S2Ϟ-ݞē-m%selff    '''0  X֨S  < '' ''' A֨&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'֨S Ωmselff ֨   ' ''+ 8',E, 7,'' -'' ,-    ,'' ',   - ,  -'' A-&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'-E,,mselff -   ',''+ B (doc(((/// A stream which contains no elements.( doc/// AdocAAA/// This stream can be created with the `stream::empty` function.A must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0TE   #"('' A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'TE ! $m#selff    '  ''0  4 MdocMMM/// A stream combinator used to filter the results of a stream and only yieldM doc/// some values. doc/// >doc>>>/// This structure is produced by the `Stream::filter` method.> must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0SF   # ''  '' A&automatically_derived&allow unused_qualifications'SF Ω )m#selff   '  ''0    7 Ndoc N NN/// A combinator used to filter the results of a stream and simultaneously map N ، doc، ، /// them to a different type.،  doc  ///  Bdoc B BB/// This structure is returned by the `Stream::filter_map` method. B Ѝ must_useٍ ۍ " streams do nothing unless polled΍ 0SF   # ''   '' ƍ ƍ Aƍ &ƍ automatically_derivedƍ &ƍ allowƍ ƍ ƍ  unused_qualificationsƍ 'SF ƍ Ωƍ  ƍ )ƍ m#selff  ƍ  '  'ƍ '0  Ҡ  X ޞ Ldocޞ Lޞ LL/// A combinator used to flatten a stream-of-streams into one long stream ofޞ L doc  /// elements. doc  ///  ?doc ? ??/// This combinator is created by the `Stream::flatten` method. ? must_use  " streams do nothing unless polled 0 S Ҡ    ''  ʽ''  A & automatically_derived & allow    unused_qualifications 'S Ω   mselff    ' ' '+ ĵ ǵ ʵ ϵ  r Odoc‰ O OO/// A future used to collect all the results of a stream into one generic type. O docÉ  ///  9docĉ 9 99/// This future is returned by the `Stream::fold` method. 9 must_useʼn  " streams do nothing unless polled 0SFFutT ĵ  ǵ ʵ ϵ ݵ C ''   ''  ''' )    A & automatically_derived߉ & allow    unused_qualifications 'SFFutT Ω  )  A  A ݵ A- mCselff     '  ' ': Ķ Ƕ  '  TF Ķ  Ƕ Ӷ  \ #  ''   ''   %doc݊ % %%/// Placeholder state when doing work %-'' lM -    Idocߊ I II/// Ready to process the next stream item; current accumulator is the `T` I   '' '    -    q  -   <doc < <doc>>>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.>'doc///'HdocHHH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, soH'GdocGGG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.G ( ((/((((((/S ޕ ׬/ X((((((selfitemĴ/ ( ( ((.selfĴ/ޗ (a ( ((-selfĴ/ޗ (Q ( ((-/( )))/S/؁׬/́& T(*/))("))selfĴ/!// 2(҂ ) )ڂ).fmt)Poll) IntoFuture )Fuse'Њ)StreamȊ)FuturesUnordered,֊)Async!))2cfg222 feature22 use_std1)))))))))))))))oE協'ꊔNdocꊔNꊔNN/// An adaptor for a stream of futures to execute the futures concurrently, ifꊔN':doc:::/// possible, delivering results as they become available.:'doc///'PdocPPP/// This adaptor will buffer up a list of pending futures, and then return theirP'ɌCdocɌCɌCC/// results in the order that they complete. This is created by theɌC'&doc&&&/// `Stream::buffer_unordered` method.&'must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0) )S ׬/ ))) )Ҏ8,/)) ) )) A/))/S ֏Ωߏ ׬/ / Yselffmt /  )Ӑ ) )ڐ).ےsamt / В ) S ے׬/&/P۔)֔)))/S/׬/& ۔Sself/Պ A'ǕIdocǕIǕII/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator isǕI'doc/// pulling from. ) ))self / I'CdocCCC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that thisC'doc/// combinator is pulling from.'ޗdocޗޗ///ޗ'旔Idoc旔I旔II/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the旔I'7doc777/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.7 ) ))self/  E'>doc>>>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.>'doc///'HdocHHH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, soH'ךGdocךGךGG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.ךG ) ))/)월 )))/S/Ŝ׬/& T)蜔*/)))"))self/!// 2) ) )ǝ)./))))))/S ޕ饔 ׬/ X))))Ʀ))selfitem/ )ꦔ ) )).self/ޗ )a ) ))-self/ޗ )٨Q ) )⨔)-Copy )Extend#)Send )Box)From)Eq)Sync )FnOnce)Iterator!)Err) UnwindSafe- )AsMut) catch_unwind.메 )Any˩ )drop ) PartialEq)Ok)SliceConcatExt)Err)AssertUnwindSafe-)Vec#)AsRef)String+)Async!)ExactSizeIterator")Ok)Some)Default)Into)AssertUnwindSafe)DoubleEndedIterator")Unpin )Drop)ToString!)Fn)Some)Result)Ord)None)ToOwned)Poll)Option)Clone) IntoIterator#)Sized )mem )Stream̪ ) PartialOrd)FnMut)None)2)2cfg222 feature22 use_std1)))))))))))..)..))wE䬔stream .  ٬ ) S 䬔-  Mʮ/)Ů )))/S ʮ/ K)&ڵ)))+))self /!// 8)ݯ ) )寔).귔-  )巔)))/S 귔B))))))self / )ϸS ) )׸)-Copy )Extend#)Send )Box)From)Eq)Sync )FnOnce)Iterator!)Err)AsMut)drop ) PartialEq)Ok)SliceConcatExt)Fuse')Err)Vec#)AsRef)String+)Async!ӹ)ExactSizeIterator")Ok)Some)Default)Into)DoubleEndedIterator")Unpin )Drop)ToString!)Fn)Some)Result)Ord)None)ToOwned)Pollڹ)Option)Clone) IntoIterator#)Sized )mem )Stream) PartialOrd)FnMut)None). )2cfg̳222 feature22 use_std1))))))))..))**mEscapacity .    ) S ɾ>/)*****/S ޕ O))))))selfitem / ) * )).self/ޗ )”a * )”)-self/ޗ )ÔQ * )Ô)-Ĕ)Ĕ****/S ĔĔCself/# )Ĕ * *Ĕ*.self /Պ ƔA'ŔIdocŔIŔII/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator isŔI'ƔdocƔƔ/// pulling from.Ɣ * *Ɣ*self/ ȔI'ƔCdocƔCƔCC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that thisƔC'ǔdocǔǔ/// combinator is pulling from.ǔ'ǔdocǔǔ///ǔ'ǔIdocǔIǔII/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of theǔI'Ȕ7docȔ7Ȕ77/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.Ȕ7 * *Ȕ*self/  ˔E'ɔ>docɔ>ɔ>>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.ɔ>'ɔdocɔɔ///ɔ'ʔHdocʔHʔHH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, soʔH'ʔGdocʔGʔGG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.ʔG * **˔/)˔ ***/S ˔̔B)̔%/**)̔"**self/!// 2)̔ * *̔*.Copy ٔ*Extend#ٔ*Send ٔ*Boxٔ*Fromٔ*Eqٔ*Sync ٔ*FnOnceٔ*Iterator!ٔ*Errٔ*AsMutٔ*drop ٔ* PartialEqٔ*Okٔ*SliceConcatExtٔ*Errٔ*Vec#ٔ*AsRefٔ*String+ٔ*Async!ڔ*ExactSizeIterator"ٔ*Okٔ*Futureڔ*Someٔ*Defaultٔ*Intoٔ*DoubleEndedIterator"ٔ*Unpin ٔ*Dropٔ*ToString!ٔ*Fnٔ*Someٔ*Resultٔ*Ordٔ*Noneٔ*ToOwnedٔ*Pollڔ*Optionٔ*Cloneٔ* IntoIterator#ٔ*Sized ٔ*mem ٔ*Streamڔ* PartialOrdٔ*FnMutٔ*Noneٔ*. )2cfg222 feature22 use_std1*******..***i Eܔs .  ܔ| * S ܔܔ=ݔ*ݔ*ߓ0S ݔݔ=self ߓ0/ *ݔ^ * *ݔ*-ޔߓ0*ޔ***ߓ0S ޔޔB*ߔ/***ߔ**self0!/ *ߔ * *ߔ*.executor*Stream** )2cfg222 feature22 use_std1**..***^E****. S >self 0Պ A'IdocIII/// Acquires a reference to the underlying stream that this combinator isI(doc/// pulling from. * **self 0 I(CdocCCC/// Acquires a mutable reference to the underlying stream that thisC(doc/// combinator is pulling from.(doc///(IdocIII/// Note that care must be taken to avoid tampering with the state of theI(7doc777/// stream which may otherwise confuse this combinator.7 * **self0  E(>doc>>>/// Consumes this combinator, returning the underlying stream.>(doc///(HdocHHH/// Note that this may discard intermediate state of this combinator, soH(GdocGGG/// care should be taken to avoid losing resources when this is called.G * **s 0  _ * S =!0***0S @*&ڵ**self00! *R * **-Async!*Future*fmt*Send/ *mpsc *Poll*Any *Error*Sink*Stream*  )2cfg222 feature22 use_std1(cfg featurewith-deprecated$(  deprecated since0.1.4 note!use sync::mpsc::channel insteadI(allow deprecated************....*..****++0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead.  .   (FdocFFF/// Creates an in-memory channel implementation of the `Stream` trait.F(doc///(MdocMMM/// This method creates a concrete implementation of the `Stream` trait whichM(JdocJJJ/// can be used to send values across threads in a streaming fashion. ThisJ(LdocLLL/// channel is unique in that it implements back pressure to ensure that theL(KdocKKK/// sender never outpaces the receiver. The `Sender::send` method will onlyK(LdocLLL/// allow sending one message and the next message can only be sent once theL(doc/// first was consumed.(doc///(OdocOOO/// The `Receiver` returned implements the `Stream` trait and has access to anyO(EdocEEE/// number of the associated combinators for transforming the result.E0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead *  TE    ' #)(QdocֺQQQ/// Error type for sending, used when the receiving end of the channel is droppedQ0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead*  TE   }' #* 0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead ** B' 0  *)0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead   **) ))0) )) ' A0**0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE  u'#selffmt 0  *0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead *  **[' A0**0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE  u'#selffmt0  *рz0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead *  *؀*Z' ԁׁ0*ρ*0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE ԁ ׁ$ '#self0# *T0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead *  **Z' 0*삕***0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE  y'#*0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead **B'*0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead **B'self 0 *0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead *  *ǃ*[' *+0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE  t'#selft0 .   s(9doc999/// Sends a new value along this channel to the receiver.9(doc///(KdocKKK/// This method consumes the sender and returns a future which will resolveK(͇>doc͇>͇>>/// to the sender again when the value sent has been consumed.͇>0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead +  ++' 0*+++0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE  y'#*0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0++B'*ԉ0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0++B'self 0!00 1*0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead +  ++[' Async!+ StartSend& +fmt+ AsyncSink! +Poll+BiLock2Ō +AnyՋ +Error苕+Sink+Stream+  )2cfg222 feature22 use_std1+++++++++++..++..+++++++E++. S :selfother0.  +  - k(ύDdoc޽ύDύDF/// Attempts to put the two \"halves\" of a split `Stream + Sink` backύD(Jdoc߽JJJ/// together. Succeeds only if the `SplitStream` and `SplitSink` areJ(玕Fdoc玕F玕FF/// a matching pair originating from the same call to `Stream::split`.玕F + ++0++++0S B+ѐ+++ꐕ++self 0 + + ++.++0S 4selfother000  (ғDdocғDғDF/// Attempts to put the two \"halves\" of a split `Stream + Sink` backғD(JdocJJJ/// together. Succeeds only if the `SplitStream` and `SplitSink` areJ(ꔕFdocꔕFꔕFF/// a matching pair originating from the same call to `Stream::split`.ꔕF + ++0++++++0S ޕF++++ϗ++selfitem 0 + + ++.self0ޗ + + ++.self0ޗ +웕 + ++.ɝs 00  + S ɝ̝ޕ՝GA(NdocNNN/// Error indicating a `SplitSink` and `SplitStream` were not two halvesN(ǟ<docǟ<ǟ<self0# +s + ++-SeqCstۦ+Release즕+Acquire㦕+ task_implȨ+SeqCstۦ+ FromIterator#ݥ+ UnsafeNotify +Weakç+Acquire㦕+ PhantomData+ NotifyHandle +usize<Χ + UnsafeCell+Async!+DebugAѥ+ PhantomData +Future+fmt˥+Notify+RelaxedҦ+AcqRel+task৕+ptr + AtomicTaskΨ + AtomicPtr +RelaxedҦ+Poll+AcqRel+ AtomicBool +Arc+mem +Stream槕+Release즕+!)2cfg222 feature22 use_std1( doc   //! An unbounded set of futures. +++++++++++++++++++++++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.3,,,,,,,,,,,,------Iﵕӵj(ܨ docܨ ܨ  /// An unbounded set of futures.ܨ (doc///(OdocOOQ/// This \"combinator\" also serves a special function in this library, providingO(ѩMdocѩMѩMM/// the ability to maintain a set of futures that and manage driving them allѩM(doc/// to completion.(doc///(MdocMMM/// Futures are pushed into this set and their realized values are yielded asM(KdocKKK/// they are ready. This structure is optimized to manage a large number ofK(ЫPdocЫPЫPP/// futures. Futures managed by `FuturesUnordered` will only be polled when theyЫP(NdocNNN/// generate notifications. This reduces the required amount of work needed toN((doc(((/// coordinate large numbers of futures.((doc///(PdocPPP/// When a `FuturesUnordered` is first created, it does not contain any futures.P(NdocNNN/// Calling `poll` in this state will result in `Ok(Async::Ready(None))` to beN(IdocIII/// returned. Futures are submitted to the set using `push`; however, theI(MdocMMM/// future will **not** be polled at this point. `FuturesUnordered` will onlyM(կMdocկMկMM/// poll managed futures when `FuturesUnordered::poll` is called. As such, itկM(:doc:::/// is important to call `poll` after pushing new futures.:(ްdocްް///ް(ⰕPdocⰕPⰕPP/// If `FuturesUnordered::poll` returns `Ok(Async::Ready(None))` this means thatⰕP(LdocLLL/// the set is currently not managing any futures. A future may be submittedL(8doc888/// to the set at a later time. At that point, a call to8(KdocKKL/// `FuturesUnordered::poll` will either return the future\'s resolved valueK(EdocEEE/// **or** `Ok(Async::NotReady)` if the future has not yet completed.E(˳doc˳˳///˳(ϳDdocϳDϳDD/// Note that you can create a ready-made `FuturesUnordered` via theϳD(QdocQQQ/// `futures_unordered` function in the `stream` module, or you can start with anQ(洕;doc洕;洕;;/// empty set with the `FuturesUnordered::new` constructor.洕;(must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0, ,,F ﵕ +, ,, &+ ,, + , ,, " ˶ ,  +41T ˶פζ; 1+41T   A•+•(allow• missing_debug_implementations', ,T • Q+•,, +Õ", ,, &+Õ* 1,, " +Õ1,, ĕ+Õ1-T ĕ A+ĕ,, +ŕ$1,, +ŕ$1,, +ƕ"1,, +Ǖ1,, +Ǖ$,, ȕ+ȕJ, T ȕ 9+ȕ1,, 11  +ȕ  ,,ȕ,1ȕȕȕ1ȕ1ȕȕ +ȕ1,, +ȕ 1,, ȕ1+ȕ|,1T ȕ!ɕ=1 +ɕ< , ,,&ɕ+ɕ,1T ɕ!ʕ=1 ˕(ʕ.docʕ.ʕ../// Constructs a new, empty `FuturesUnordered`ʕ.(ʕdocʕʕ///ʕ(ʕMdocʕMʕMM/// The returned `FuturesUnordered` does not contain any futures and, in thisʕM(˕Idoc˕I˕II/// state, `FuturesUnordered::poll` will return `Ok(Async::Ready(None))`.˕I , ,,ҕ+ѕ!,,,,,,,1T ҕ@self 1 ӕ3(ҕ7docҕ7ҕ77/// Returns the number of futures contained in the set.ҕ7(ҕdocҕҕ///ҕ(ҕ:docҕ:ҕ::/// This represents the total number of in-flight futures.ҕ: , ,ӕ,self1  ԕ<(ӕ1docӕ1ӕ11/// Returns `true` if the set contains no futuresӕ1 , ,ԕ,]selffuture 1   ו(ԕdocԕԕ/// Push a future into the set.ԕ(ԕdocԕԕ///ԕ(ԕHdocԕHԕHH/// This function submits the given future to the set for managing. ThisԕH(ՕJdocՕJՕJJ/// function will not call `poll` on the submitted future. The caller mustՕJ(֕Kdoc֕K֕KK/// ensure that `FuturesUnordered::poll` is called in order to receive task֕K(֕doc֕֕/// notifications.֕ , ,ו,self1.  ߕ(ޕEdocޕEޕEE/// Returns an iterator that allows modifying each future in the set.ޕE , ,ߕ,qselfnode11 + , ,,.selfnode111 +(4doc444/// Insert a new node into the internal linked list.4 , ,,`selfnode111 +(EdocEEE/// Remove the node from the linked list tracking all nodes currentlyE("doc"""/// managed by `FuturesUnordered`." , ,,1+(,,,1T !B+ߘ!,,+!,,self1!ߘ!! &+' , ,,.⋖+ҋ,'a 'aT ⋖ 'a勖ֱ1ҋ v'+" 'a, ,, *+, ,, -,'a +,1'aT B!self 1 + ,'a ,,8ΛA1+ɛ,1T Λ!ћ>selffmt1  +p , ,,-1+ ,1T 5self1  + , ,,.#1  +,1F  >iter 1 +稖 ,  ,T, #  # f !.'a +,,,1'aF F!+ʬ 'a ,,$ self 11 +欖 ,'a ,,8self 1% +үX ,'a ,߯,7".'a +31'aF ?!谖+㰖,,,1T 谖8selfnode 11 +ʱ(KdocKKK/// The enqueue function from the 1024cores intrusive MPSC queue algorithm.K , ,ձ,wselfҾ11 +(JdocJJJ/// The dequeue function from the 1024cores intrusive MPSC queue algorithmJ(doc///(JdocJJJ/// Note that this unsafe as it required mutual exclusion (only one threadJ(߶.doc߶.߶../// can call this) to be guaranteed elsewhere.߶. , ,,selfҾ11 +ؾ< , ,ྖ,-1+,1T 5self 1 + , ,,.Ɩ+Ŗ1(ŖallowŖŖŖ missing_debug_implementationsŖ','a 'aT Ɩ 'aƖ1Ŗ1 Q'+Ɩ 'aײ1,, $ 11  +Ŗ1 'a ,,Ŗ1 ײ1Ŗ1Ŗ1, Ŗ11Ŗ1Ŗ1 Ɩ,'a +Ɩn,1'aT ƖA!self 11 +Ɩ< ,'a ,Ɩ,7ǖ,'a +ǖ,'aT ǖB!handle1 +ǖ ,'a ,,2ɖ+ɖ", T ɖ <+ɖ ,,  1  +ɖ"  ,,ɖ" ɖ"ɖ"1ɖ" ɖ"ɖ" ˖ 1+ʖ%1T ˖2˖ 1+˖%1T ˖2˖1+˖,1T ˖5self_id 1 +˖ , ,˖,.͖1+͖--1T ͖7self1 +Ζ - ,Ζ,.self1  +ϖ - ,Ж,.іp 1"  +іl - T і7Җ+Җ-1T Җ4me 1 +Җ - -Җ-.ۖ1+ۖ-1T ۖ5self 1 +ۖ - -ۖ-.ptr  +r - T 7ptr1  + - T 8s#  + -! +- +1-- !1+-1self 1 +Z ---(Async!-DebugA-Future-fmt-Eq-Ordering- FromIterator#-Ord-Poll- BinaryHeap- PartialEq - IntoFuture -Stream- PartialOrd -FuturesUnordered,-)2cfg222 feature22 use_std1------------------.3------------ E. 1-z-1T 4selfother 1 1  -L - ---1-!1T 211 --1T 5selfother11  -] - ---1--1T 5selfother111  - - --.1----1T !B-".ߘ!-- -!--self 1!11 1- - --.("doc"""/// An unbounded queue of futures."(doc///(OdocOOQ/// This \"combinator\" is similar to `FuturesUnordered`, but it imposes an orderO(GdocGGG/// on top of the set of futures. While futures in the set will race toG(LdocLLL/// completion in parallel, results will only be returned in the order theirL(0doc000/// originating futures were added to the queue.0(doc///(OdocOOO/// Futures are pushed into this queue and their realized values are yielded inO(KdocKKK/// order. This structure is optimized to manage a large number of futures.K(NdocNNN/// Futures managed by `FuturesOrdered` will only be polled when they generateN)PdocPPP/// notifications. This reduces the required amount of work needed to coordinateP)doc/// large numbers of futures.)doc///)NdocNNN/// When a `FuturesOrdered` is first created, it does not contain any futures.N)NdocNNN/// Calling `poll` in this state will result in `Ok(Async::Ready(None))` to beN)KdocKKK/// returned. Futures are submitted to the queue using `push`; however, theK)KdocKKK/// future will **not** be polled at this point. `FuturesOrdered` will onlyK)KdocKKK/// poll managed futures when `FuturesOrdered::poll` is called. As such, itK):doc:::/// is important to call `poll` after pushing new futures.:)doc///)NdocNNN/// If `FuturesOrdered::poll` returns `Ok(Async::Ready(None))` this means thatN)NdocNNN/// the queue is currently not managing any futures. A future may be submittedN):doc:::/// to the queue at a later time. At that point, a call to:)IdocIIJ/// `FuturesOrdered::poll` will either return the future\'s resolved valueI)JdocJJJ/// **or** `Ok(Async::NotReady)` if the future has not yet completed. WhenJ)LdocLLL/// multiple futures are submitted to the queue, `FuturesOrdered::poll` willL)JdocJJJ/// return `Ok(Async::NotReady)` until the first future completes, even ifJ)5doc555/// some of the later futures have already completed.5)doc///)BdocBBB/// Note that you can create a ready-made `FuturesOrdered` via theB)OdocOOO/// `futures_ordered` function in the `stream` module, or you can start with anO);doc;;;/// empty queue with the `FuturesOrdered::new` constructor.;)must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0- -T ! !-.,1-- -11-- --- --- futures-Ѡ )KdocKKK/// Converts a list of futures into a `Stream` of results from the futures.K)doc///)KdocKKK/// This function will take an list of futures (e.g. a vector, an iterator,K)ɀIdocɀIɀII/// etc), and return a stream. The stream will yield items as they becomeɀI)LdocLLL/// available on the futures internally, in the order that their originatingL)NdocNNN/// futures were submitted to the queue. If the futures complete out of order,N)OdocOOO/// items will be stored internally within `FuturesOrdered` until all precedingO)doc/// items have been yielded.)doc///)JdocJJJ/// Note that the returned queue can also be used to dynamically push moreJ)냗4doc냗4냗44/// futures into the queue as they become available.냗4 -I    Ɔ2-x-2T Ɔ!=2 -: - --&- ----2T !⇗C2 ĉ),doc,,,/// Constructs a new, empty `FuturesOrdered`,)doc///)KdocKKK/// The returned `FuturesOrdered` does not contain any futures and, in thisK)GdocGGG/// state, `FuturesOrdered::poll` will return `Ok(Async::Ready(None))`.G - --self 2 ɍ])9doc999/// Returns the number of futures contained in the queue.9)doc///)?doc???/// This represents the total number of in-flight futures, both?)Ɍ@docɌ@Ɍ@@/// those currently processing and those that have completed butɌ@)6doc666/// which are waiting for earlier futures to complete.6 - -ԍ-self2  䎗l)3doc333/// Returns `true` if the queue contains no futures3 - --_selffuture 2   )֏!doc֏!֏!!/// Push a future into the queue.֏!)doc///)LdocLLL/// This function submits the given future to the internal set for managing.L)ՐJdocՐJՐJJ/// This function will not call `poll` on the submitted future. The callerՐJ)IdocIII/// must ensure that `FuturesOrdered::poll` is called in order to receiveI)doc/// task notifications. - --2----2T !B-ߘ!---ٔ!--self2!22 2- - --.A2--2T !!Gselffmt2  -œn - -ɜ--#-  --2F  >iter 2 - -  -T- 11W Q)2cfg222 feature22 use_std1))doc))& A type alias for `Box`))doc hidden)  deprecated noteremoved without replacement, recommended to use a \ local extension trait or function if needed, more \ details in without replacement, recommended to use a local extension trait or function if needed, more details in   TE  !#  )2cfg222 feature22 use_std1...2S}E....self 2!22 8c . ..+ M'ܪ-docܪ-ܪ--/// Stream for the `catch_unwind` combinator.ܪ-'doc///'9doc999/// This is created by the `Stream::catch_unwind` method.9'۫must_use䫔櫔" streams do nothing unless polled٫0/S  ). .. ѫA/)ѫ)ѫautomatically_derivedѫ)ѫallowѫѫѫ unused_qualificationsѫ./S ѫΩѫtselff /  )ѫ . .ѫ.-)>ٲ2S  3) ..  ٲ2  )   .. .    ٲ2    )ٲ2.. )ٲ2.. Aٲ2))automatically_derived)allow unused_qualifications.ٲ2S Ωtselff ٲ2  ) . ..-ּļ'3doc333/// An adaptor that chunks up elements in a vector.3'doc///'MdocMMM/// This adaptor will buffer up a list of items in the stream and pass on theM'NdocNNN/// vector used for buffering when a specified capacity has been reached. ThisN'ӻ.docӻ.ӻ../// is created by the `Stream::chunks` method.ӻ.'must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0/*S ּ演 )/.. ).. ! ).. ) .. A/))automatically_derived)allow unused_qualifications./S Ω演Atselff/  ) . ..-ܔ۔Q'ڔHdocڔHڔHH/// A future which collects all of the values of a stream into a vector.ڔH'ڔdocڔڔ///ڔ'ڔ;docڔ;ڔ;;/// This future is created by the `Stream::collect` method.ڔ;'۔must_use۔۔" streams do nothing unless polled۔0ߓ0*S ܔܔ *ܔ .. *ܔ/.. ۔Aߓ0*۔)۔automatically_derived۔)۔allow۔۔۔ unused_qualifications۔.ߓ0S ۔Ω۔ܔ۔tselff ߓ0  *۔ . .۔.-6'MdocMMM/// A stream combinator which converts an asynchronous stream to a **blockingM'doc/// iterator**.'doc///'MdocMMM/// Created by the `Stream::wait` method, this function transforms any streamM'PdocPPP/// into a standard iterator. This is implemented by blocking the current threadP':doc::;/// while items on the underlying stream aren\'t ready yet.:'must_use&$iterators do nothing unless advanced40*S  *.. A0*)automatically_derived)allow unused_qualifications.0S Ωtselff0  * . ..-B(CdocCCC/// The transmission end of a channel which is used to send values.C(doc///(CdocCCC/// This is created by the `channel` method in the `stream` module.C0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0+TE   '#*!0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead1 .. H'A0*)automatically_derived)allow unused_qualifications.0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE ! $t'#selff 0  *0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead .  ..Z' F(GdocGGG/// The receiving end of a channel which implements the `Stream` trait.G(doc///(PdocPPP/// This is a concrete implementation of a stream which can be used to representP(GdocGGG/// a stream of values being computed elsewhere. This is created by theG(,doc,,,/// `channel` method in the `stream` module.,(must_use" streams do nothing unless polled00.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE   '#*#0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead1 .. H'A0*)automatically_derived)allow unused_qualifications.0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE ! $t'#selff 0  *0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead .  ..Z' N(&doc&&&/// Future returned by `Sender::send`.&0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE   R'#*'0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead/2.. H'A0*)automatically_derived)allow unused_qualifications.0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead0TE ! $t'#selff 0  *0.1.4use sync::mpsc::channel instead .  ..Z' %(Ԍ%docԌ%Ԍ%%/// A `Stream` part of the split pairԌ%0+S  Q+ 2 .. 20  +%  ..%2%%0%2%% A0+*automatically_derived*allow unused_qualifications.0S Ωtselff 0  + . ..-#(ݒ#docݒ#ݒ##/// A `Sink` part of the split pairݒ#0+S  O+ 2.. 20  +#  ..#2##0#2## A0+*automatically_derived*allow unused_qualifications.0S Ωtselff 0  + . ..-(ݪ;docݪ;ݪ;;/// Mutable iterator over all futures in the unordered set.ݪ;.'a 'aF  'a2 g'+ , .. " +׫ .. +竖1  'a, .. 0-91T  6- .. - ..       Odoc O OO/// Sink for the `Sink::with` combinator, chaining a computation to run *prior* O 0doc 0 00/// to pushing a value into the underlying sink. 0 must_use  sinks do nothing unless polled .SUFFut   ȥ ޕ  ̸  C  ..  Đ ..  &... )    .. &    A * automatically_derived * allow    unused_qualifications .SUFFut̸ Ω  ͣ/  ) ȥ A ޕ    A3 A mCselff    . Đ . .:     * automatically_derived * allow    unused_qualifications .SUFFut̸     Đ ȥ  ޕ    3  mCself  * inline  . Đ . .U   DFutT   M% ..   ..  ..      .. .             .. .          A * automatically_derived * allow    unused_qualifications .FutT A  A m%selff޵    . . .0    * automatically_derived * allow    unused_qualifications .FutT   " m%self޵  * inline  . . .K  bdocbbb/// Sink for the `Sink::with_flat_map` combinator, chaining a computation that returns an iteratorb<doc<<1doc111/// Sink for the `Sink::sink_map_err` combinator.1must_use sinks do nothing unless polled.SF   # //  ՘*// A*automatically_derived*allow unused_qualifications/SF Ω )m#selff    /  //0  *automatically_derived*allow unused_qualifications/SF ։3  m#self3 *inline /  //K  ؄MS ޕ > // // ЄAЄ*Єautomatically_derivedЄ*ЄallowЄЄЄ unused_qualificationsЄ/S ЄޕΩЄ3ЄmselffƷ  Є / /Є/+ StartSend& / AsyncSink! /Pollܠ/VecDeque/Sink /Stream/Async!⠗/ *2cfg222 feature22 use_std1/////////00////oEsinkamt 0   / S ޕ>Υ/ɥ////3S ΥޕѥCself 3Պ 6*祗-doc祗-祗--/// Get a shared reference to the inner sink.祗- / //Yself 3 B*զ.docզ.զ../// Get a mutable reference to the inner sink.զ. / //Zself3  6*Ч<docЧ<Ч<` '   TE  !# 2 *2cfg222 feature22 use_std1000002Sޕ E 00 00selfitem22!32 2  0 0 0, self23  i 0 0 0+ self23  Y 0 0 0+ *JdocJJJ/// Sink for the `Sink::buffer` combinator, which buffers up to some fixedJ*GdocGGG/// number of values when the underlying sink is unable to accept them.G*Ѣmust_useڢܢ sinks do nothing unless polledϢ.3/S ޕ / 00 /00 / 00 ǢA3/Ǣ*Ǣautomatically_derivedǢ*ǢallowǢǢǢ unused_qualificationsǢ03S ǢޕΩǢ3Ǣtselff3  /Ǣ 0 0Ǣ0-4*IdocIII/// A sink combinator which converts an asynchronous sink to a **blockingI*Է docԷ Է  /// sink**.Է *෗doc෗෗///෗*䷗Pdoc䷗P䷗PP/// Created by the `Sink::wait` method, this function transforms any sink into a䷗P*OdocOOO/// blocking version. This is implemented by blocking the current thread when aO*.doc.../// sink is otherwise unable to make progress..*must_usesinks do nothing unless used,3/S  /00 깗A3/깗*깗automatically_derived깗*깗allow깗깗깗 unused_qualifications깗03S 깗Ω깗tselff 3  /깗 0 0깗0-Gӑ?docӑ?ӑ?A/// A \"mutex\" around a value, similar to `std::sync::Mutex`.ӑ?doc///KdocKKK/// This lock only supports the `try_lock` operation, however, and does notKdoc/// implement poisoning.T  $00  00 A*automatically_derived*allow unused_qualifications0T !mselffܧ   0 00+ ;+;rustc_copy_clone_marker;0'a'a `+   'a00 (44  ; 'a00;  ;;0;4;;  0'a+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications04'amself 44 +inline 0'a00K   0'a+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualificationsؚ4'amQ+Qrustc_copy_clone_markerQ0'a'a'a'aQ v+  'a'a00 =& 00 0'a+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications04'amself 44 +inline 0'a00K   0'a+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualificationsԠ4'am 00 +automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications0mself +inline 000A 8doc889/// A key for task-local data stored in a future\'s task.8doc///GdocGGG/// This type is generated by the `task_local!` macro and performs veryGMdocMMM/// similarly to the `thread_local!` macro and `std::thread::LocalKey` types.MMdocMMN/// Data associated with a `LocalKey` is stored inside of a future\'s task,MJdocJJJ/// and the data is destroyed when the future is completed and the task isJdoc/// destroyed.doc///KdocKKK/// Task-local data can migrate between threads and hence requires a `Send`KMdocMMN/// bound. Additionally, task-local data also requires the `\'static` bound toMNdocNNN/// ensure it lives long enough. When a key is accessed for the first time theNMdocMMN/// task\'s data is initialized with the provided initialization expression toMdoc/// the macro.T    doc hidden  00 O3doc hidden   00 O3A+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications0T !mselff    0 00+ ݣˣPKdocKKL/// A reference to a piece of data that\'s accessible only within a specificK͡ doc͡ ͡  /// `Task`.͡ ١doc١١///١ݡLdocݡLݡLL/// This data is `Send` even when `A` is not `Sync`, because the data storedݡLLdocLLL/// within is accessed in a single-threaded way. The thread accessing it mayLBdocBBB/// change over time, if the task migrates, so `A` must be `Send`.B0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusionA ݣ [0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion00 u[0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion 00 [ãAã+ãautomatically_derivedã+ãallowããã unused_qualificationsã00.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusionA ã ãm[selff  ã0.1.4Sreplaced with `BiLock` in many cases, otherwise slated for removal due to confusion 0 0ã0[ { #[inline] fn __init() -> Cell<*mut u8> { ::new(ptr::null_mut()) } unsafe fn __getit() -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $crate::cell::UnsafeCell<$crate::option::Option>>> { #[thread_local] #[cfg(all(target_thread_local, not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_feature = "atomics")))))] static __KEY: $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner> = <$crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner>::new(); __KEY.get() } unsafe { <$crate::thread::LocalKey>::new(__getit, __init) } }՗Ӓԗԗԗ 04  Ӓ ԗԗԗ 04 Ӓ ԗ9ԗ$ Ӓ4՗՗ԗD4՗%4ԗ4ԗ  ԗ$4՗Ӓ ͗ +͗inline͗ 44 4 ͗4їx+З  thread_localЗ+ЗcfgЗїЗ allЗїЗ target_thread_localЗЗ notЗїЗ allЗїЗ target_archЗЗwasm32ЗЗ notЗїЗ target_featureїї atomicsїЗyӒї4ї/ Ӓ4їxїx4ї0  ї/4їx\ӣallowأ٣ deprecatedѣ+\rustc_copy_clone_marker\0'a'a'a'a\ d  'a00 # 0'a00 $ 44   'a000 4  44   'a00004  0'aɣ+ɣautomatically_derivedƄɣ+ɣallowDŽɣɣɣ unused_qualificationsɣӣallowȄأ٣ deprecatedѣ04'aself 44 ɣ+ɣinlineԄɣ 0'a0ɣ0K   0'aã+ãautomatically_derivedã+ãallowããã unused_qualificationsãӣallowأ٣ deprecatedѣ4'a[ݤallow deprecatedۤ+[rustc_copy_clone_marker[0'a'a'a'a[ d  'a00 #  'a400 # 400 444  , 'a00,0,0,,,,,,,  0'aӤ+Ӥautomatically_derivedӤ+ӤallowӤӤӤ unused_qualificationsӤݤallow deprecatedۤ04'aself 44 Ӥ+ӤinlineӤ 0'a0Ӥ0K   0'aͤ+ͤautomatically_derivedʅͤ+ͤallow˅ͤͤͤ unused_qualificationsͤݤallow̅ deprecatedۤ4'aޥa  00 00   allow؅ deprecated 00044 9   000 ֥+֥automatically_derived֥+֥allow֥֥֥ unused_qualifications֥0mselfʫ ֥+֥inline֥ 00֥0A WԦallow٦ڦ deprecatedҦ R9 00  00  00    000 4   00044 ʦ+ʦautomatically_derivedʦ+ʦallowʦʦʦ unused_qualificationsʦԦallow٦ڦ deprecatedҦ0self ʦ+ʦinline†ʦ 00ʦ0A { #[inline] fn __init() -> Arc { ::new(ThreadNotify{state: ::new(IDLE), mutex: ::new(()), condvar: ::new(),}) } unsafe fn __getit() -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $crate::cell::UnsafeCell<$crate::option::Option>>> { #[thread_local] #[cfg(all(target_thread_local, not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_feature = "atomics")))))] static __KEY: $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner> = <$crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner>::new(); __KEY.get() } unsafe { <$crate::thread::LocalKey>::new(__getit, __init) } }՗ԗԗԗ 05   ԗԗԗ 05  ԗ9ԗ$ ҏ5՗՗ԗD5՗%5ԗ5ԗ 4ԗ$ҏ5՗ ͗ +͗inline͗ 54 5 ͗5їx+З  thread_localЗ+ЗcfgЗїЗ allЗїЗ target_thread_localЗЗ notЗїЗ allЗїЗ target_archЗЗwasm32ЗЗ notЗїЗ target_featureїї atomicsїЗyї4ї/ 5їxїx5ї0 4ї/5їxC-doc---/// A set insertion to trigger upon `unpark`.-doc///KdocKKK/// Unpark events are used to communicate information about *why* an unparkKNdocNNN/// occurred, in particular populating sets with event identifiers so that theNKdocKKK/// unparked task can avoid extraneous polling. See `with_unpark_event` forK doc   /// more.   deprecatedܟ note/-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` insteadEallow deprecatedߟ-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` instead /-recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` instead 00 I/ -recommended to use `FuturesUnordered` instead00 H/+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualificationsallow deprecatedߟ0self˙  +inline 000A TKdocKKO/// A handle to a \"task\", which represents a single lightweight \"thread\" ofKȲ-docȲ-Ȳ--/// execution driving a future to completion.Ȳ-doc///MdocMMM/// In general, futures are composed into large units of work, which are thenMȳPdocȳPȳPP/// spawned as tasks onto an *executor*. The executor is responsible for pollingȳPDdocDDD/// the future as notifications arrive, until the future terminates.D޴doc޴޴///޴5doc555/// This is obtained by the `task::current` function.5doc/// doc   /// # FAQ doc///6doc666/// ### Why does `Task` not implement `Eq` and `Hash`?6doc///JdocJJJ/// A valid use case for `Task` to implement these two traits has not beenJdoc/// encountered.doc///ŶJdocŶJŶJJ/// Usually, this question is asked by someone who wants to store a `Task`ŶJJdocJJJ/// instance in a `HashSet`. This seems like an obvious way to implement aJ۷Hdoc۷H۷HH/// future aware, multi-handle structure; e.g. a multi-producer channel.۷Hdoc///NdocNNN/// In this case, the idea is that whenever a `start_send` is called on one ofNOdocOOP/// the channel\'s send handles, if the channel is at capacity, the current taskOǹPdocǹPǹPP/// is stored in a set. Then, when capacity is available, a task is removed fromǹPdoc/// the set and notified.doc///PdocPPP/// The problem with this strategy is that multiple `Sender` handles can be usedPOdocOOO/// on the same task. In this case, when the second handle is used and the taskO׻Gdoc׻G׻GG/// is stored in a set, there already is an entry. Then, when the first׻GGdocGGG/// handle is dropped, this entry is cleared, resulting in a dead lock.Gdoc///NdocNNN/// See [here]( forNdoc/// more discussion.ϽdocϽϽ///Ͻ ! 00 00 00 ܽ+ܽautomatically_derivedܽ+ܽallowܽܽܽ unused_qualificationsܽ0mself  ܽ+ܽinlineܽ 00ܽ0A NBdocBBB/// A stream combinator used to convert a `Stream`B˶$doc˶$˶$$/// to a `Stream>`.˶$doc///AdocAAA/// A poll on this stream will never return an `Err`. As such theAFdocFFF/// actual error type is parameterized, so it can match whatever errorFdoc/// type is needed.doc///?doc???/// This structure is produced by the `Stream::results` method.?must_use" streams do nothing unless polled0"SE    # 00 ̹*00 ޸޸A"޸+޸automatically_derived޸+޸allow޸޸޸ unused_qualifications޸1"SE ޸Ω޸ ޸$޸m#selff "  ޸ 1  1޸10  4PdocۊPPP/// A future representing the completion of a computation happening elsewhere inP doc܊   /// memory. doc݊///7docފ777/// This is created by the `oneshot::channel` function.7must_useߊ" futures do nothing unless polled0#T  #11 A#+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications1#T !mselff #   1 11+ 2MdocMMM/// Represents the completion half of a oneshot through which the result of aMdoc/// computation is signaled.doc///7doc777/// This is created by the `oneshot::channel` function.7#T  511 A#+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications1#T !mselff#   1 11+  MdocMMM/// Internal state of the `Receiver`/`Sender` pair above. This is all used asMJdocJJJ/// the internal synchronization between the two for send/recv operations.J#T  JdocJJJ/// Indicates whether this oneshot is complete yet. This is filled in bothJJdocJJJ/// by `Sender::drop` and by `Receiver::drop`, and both sides interpret itJdoc/// appropriately.doc///JdocJJK/// For `Receiver`, if this is `true`, then it\'s guaranteed that `data` isJ'doc'''/// unlocked and ready to be inspected.'doc///HdocHHH/// For `Sender` if this is `true` then the oneshot has gone away and itH(doc(((/// can return ready from `poll_cancel`.($11  IdocIII/// The actual data being transferred as part of this `Receiver`. This isIAdocAAA/// filled in by `Sender::complete` and read by `Receiver::poll`.Adoc///FdocFFF/// Note that this is protected by `Lock`, but it is in theory safe toFIdocIIJ/// replace with an `UnsafeCell` as it\'s actually protected by `complete`IFdocFFG/// above. I wouldn\'t recommend doing this, however, unless someone isFGdocGGG/// supremely confident in the various atomic orderings here and there.G011 AdocAAA/// Field to store the task which is blocked in `Receiver::poll`.Adoc///KdocKKK/// This is filled in when a oneshot is polled but not ready yet. Note thatKKdocKKK/// the `Lock` here, unlike in `data` above, is important to resolve races.KGdocGGG/// Both the `Receiver` and the `Sender` halves understand that if theyGIdocIIJ/// can\'t acquire the lock then some important interference is happening.I011 8doc888/// Like `rx_task` above, except for the task blocked in8GdocGGG/// `Sender::poll_cancel`. Additionally, `Lock` cannot be `UnsafeCell`.G511 A#+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications1#T !mselff#   1 11+ NdocNNN/// Error returned from a `Receiver` whenever the corresponding `Sender`Ndoc/// is dropped.+structural_match+rustc_copy_clone_marker# #11 A#+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications1#mselff#   111& #+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications1#mself#  +inline+doc hidden 111uM ##  + automatically_derived + allow   unused_qualifications 1#mselfother# #   + inline 111A  #+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications#m#+automatically_derived+allow unused_qualifications1#mself## +inline 111A F$T  6$11 11 A$+automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications1$T !mselff $   1 11+ YOdocȏOOO/// The multi-producer single-consumer structure. This is not cloneable, but itOKdocɏKKK/// may be safely shared so long as it is guaranteed that there is only oneK0docʏ000/// popper at a time (many pushers are allowed).0$T  511 $11 A$,automatically_derivedޏ,allowߏ unused_qualifications1$T !mselff$   1 11+ ۣCdocڐۣCۣCC/// The transmission end of a channel which is used to send values.ۣCdocې///,docܐ,,,/// This is created by the `channel` method.,ϑ%T  &11 #=%11 %11 ٤Aϑ%٤,٤automatically_derived٤,٤allow٤٤٤ unused_qualifications٤1ϑ%T ٤!٤mselff%  ٤ 1 1٤1+ ȩ)CdocϑCCC/// The transmission end of a channel which is used to send values.CdocБ///.docё.../// This is created by the `unbounded` method..͜%T   ϑ%11 ϑ%͜%  ȩ)  11ȩ)ϑ%ȩ)ȩ)͜%ȩ)ϑ%ȩ)ȩ) }A͜%,automatically_derivedۑ,allowܑ unused_qualifications1͜%T !mselff%   1 11+ ج4̪Gdoc̪G̪GG/// The receiving end of a channel which implements the `Stream` trait.̪Gdoc///PdocPPP/// This is a concrete implementation of a stream which can be used to representPGdocGGG/// a stream of values being computed elsewhere. This is created by theGdoc/// `channel` method.ؑ%T  ȃ611 ЬAؑ%Ь,Ьautomatically_derivedЬ,ЬallowЬЬЬ unused_qualificationsЬ1ؑ%T Ь!Ьmselff%  Ь 1 1Ь1+ -GdocGGG/// The receiving end of a channel which implements the `Stream` trait.G֭doc֭֭///֭ڭPdocڭPڭPP/// This is a concrete implementation of a stream which can be used to representڭPGdocGGG/// a stream of values being computed elsewhere. This is created by theGdoc/// `unbounded` method.֜%T   ؑ%11 ؑ%֜%  -  11-ؑ%--֜%-ؑ%-- }A֜%,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications1֜%T !mselff ֜%   1 11+ ԰˯Gdoc˯G˯GG/// Error type for sending, used when the receiving end of a channel is˯G doc   /// dropped ,structural_match“$T ԰ װ 11  $    11 $  }$,automatically_derivedʓ,allow˓ unused_qualifications1$T  mself$  ,inlineܓ,docݓ hidden 1 11zM  $$  , automatically_derived , allow   unused_qualifications 11$T  ( mselfother$ $   , inline 1 11F selfother$֥6   , inline 1 11F $,automatically_derived̔,allow͔ unused_qualifications1$T mself$$ ,inlineޔ 1 11F =ܰ'docܰ'ܰ''/// Error type returned from `try_send`ܰ',=structural_match=$T  sű1 11 $,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications1$T 6mself$  ,inline,doc hidden 1 11zM  $$  , automatically_derived , allow   unused_qualifications 11$T  ( mselfother$ $   , inline 1 11F selfother$6   , inline 1 11F $,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications1$T mself$$ ,inline 1 11F >,>structural_match>ӫ6T  T$ 11  11  ӫ6    111 ӫ6   ӫ6    111 ӫ6  ӫ6,automatically_derivedȖ,allowɖ unused_qualifications1ӫ6T 6mself ӫ6 ,inlineږ,docۖ hidden 1 11zM  ӫ6ӫ6  , automatically_derived , allow   unused_qualifications 11ӫ6T  ( mselfother6 ӫ6   , inline 1 11F selfother66   , inline 1 11F ӫ6,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications1ӫ6T mself6ӫ6 ,inline 1 11F &T  ?%11 11 111 +1611 11 =211 ! A&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2&T !mselff&   2 22+ ,rustc_copy_clone_marker& M- 22 22  &,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications&m&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2&mselfȚ&& ,inline 222A A&,automatically_derived֛,allowכ unused_qualifications2&mselffȚ&   222& C6 22 22 A6,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications26mselff 6   222& B% 22 22 A%,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2%mselff %   222& 2 PdocܞPPP/// A type of futures-powered synchronization primitive which is a mutex betweenP docݞ/// two possible owners. docޞ/// PdocߞPPP/// This primitive is not as generic as a full-blown mutex but is sufficient forP NdocNNN/// many use cases where there are only two possible owners of a resource. TheN NdocNNN/// implementation of `BiLock` can be more optimized for just the two possibleN  doc   /// owners. doc/// PdocPPQ/// Note that it\'s possible to use this lock through a poll-style interface withP NdocNNN/// the `poll_lock` method but you can also use it as a future with the `lock`N OdocOOO/// method that consumes a `BiLock` and returns a future that will resolve whenO doc/// it\'s locked. doc/// OdocOOQ/// A `BiLock` is typically used for \"split\" operations where data which servesO MdocMMM/// two purposes wants to be split into two to be worked with separately. ForM OdocOOO/// example a TCP stream could be both a reader and a writer or a framing layerO PdocPPP/// could be both a stream and a sink for messages. A `BiLock` enables splittingP MdocMMM/// these two and then using each independently in a futures-powered fashion.MΡ&T   &22 AΡ&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2Ρ&T !mselff&   2 22+ M&T  622 422  A&,automatically_derivedʟ,allow˟ unused_qualifications2&T !mselff &   2 22+ ?!4docš444/// Returned RAII guard from the `poll_lock` method.4!ƛdocơƛƛ///ƛ!ʛLdocǡʛLʛLL/// This structure acts as a sentinel to the data in the `BiLock` itself,ʛL!NdocȡNNN/// implementing `Deref` and `DerefMut` to `T`. When dropped, the lock will beN! docɡ   /// unlocked. 2'a 'aT  'a6? ' 'a2 22 )A2'a ,automatically_derivedס,allowء unused_qualifications26'aT  'a3m!selff 6   2'a 225 =!IdocIII/// Future returned by `BiLock::lock` which will resolve when the lock isI!ɡ docɡ ɡ  /// acquired.ɡ &T  Ρ&22  A&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2&T !mselff &   2 22+ Ө>!4doc444/// Resolved value of the `BiLockAcquire` future.4!doc///!MdocMMM/// This value, like `BiLockGuard`, is a sentinel to the value `T` throughM!KdocKKK/// implementations of `Deref` and `DerefMut`. When dropped will unlock theK!ƧLdocƧLƧLL/// lock, and the original unlocked `BiLock` can be recovered through theƧL!doc/// `unlock` method.&T Ө ܨ622 A&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2&T !mselff&   2 22+ 2 T  ? 22 %22 ؼ22 22 A6,automatically_derived٣,allowڣ unused_qualifications26T !mselff 6   2 22+ >!&docä&&&/// The transmission end of a channel.&!ýdocĤýý///ý!ǽ.docŤǽ.ǽ../// This is created by the `channel` function.ǽ.&T   622 %A&,automatically_derivedӤ,allowԤ unused_qualifications2&T !mselff&   2 22+ /!GdocGGG/// The receiving end of a channel which implements the `Stream` trait.G!doc///!.doc.../// This is created by the `channel` function..&T  2 22 A&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2&T !mselff &   2 22+ L!PdocPPQ/// Possible states of a receiver. We\'re either Open (can receive more messages)P!DdocDDE/// or we\'re closed with a list of messages we have left to receive.D7T  722  622 77    222777 67    222676 A7,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications27T !mselff 7   2 22+ )!1docߦ111/// The transmission end of an unbounded channel.1!doc///!0doc000/// This is created by the `unbounded` function.0&T   &22 &&  )  22)&))&)&)) }A&,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2&T !mselff&   2 22+ -!.doc.../// The receiving end of an unbounded channel..!doc///!0doc000/// This is created by the `unbounded` function.0' T   &22 &'  -  22-&--'-&-- }A',automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications2'T !mselff '   2 22+ <"ƪMdocƪMƪMM/// Represents the completion half of a oneshot through which the result of aƪM"doc/// computation is signaled."doc///"PdocPPP/// This is created by the `unsync::oneshot::channel` function and is equivalentP"MdocMMM/// in functionality to `sync::oneshot::Sender` except that it cannot be sentM"ԬdocԬԬ/// across threads.Ԭ' T   2 22 +A' ,automatically_derivedϨ,allowШ unused_qualifications2'T !mselff'    2 22+ /"PdocPPP/// A future representing the completion of a computation happening elsewhere inP" doc   /// memory. "doc///"PdocPPP/// This is created by the `unsync::oneshot::channel` function and is equivalentP"OdocOOO/// in functionality to `sync::oneshot::Receiver` except that it cannot be sentO"doc/// across threads."must_use" futures do nothing unless polledޯ0' T   2 22 ֯A' ֯,֯automatically_derived֯,֯allow֯֯֯ unused_qualifications֯2'T ֯!֯mselff '   ֯ 2 2֯2+ ܰ ѰI7T ܰ / 722   22 ҳ77     222ҳ77ҳ7 7     2227 ɰA7 ɰ,ɰautomatically_derivedɰ,ɰallowɰɰɰ unused_qualificationsɰ27T ɰ!ɰmselff 7   ɰ 2 2ɰ2+ ܱ ϱ_7T ܱ 6 22  22  22 DZA7 DZ,DZautomatically_derivedDZ,DZallowDZDZDZ unused_qualificationsDZ27T DZ!DZmselff 7   DZ 2 2DZ2+ A1-,automatically_derived,allow unused_qualifications31T !tselff1  - 3 33-ժA.'a +ժ,ժautomatically_derivedժ,ժallowժժժ unused_qualificationsժ37'aF ժ 'a)ժt!selff 7  +ժ 3'a 3ժ37ݿěي܊           QQ[[! s   !!sss      777 s    7 7x7>  ;  Đ !!„„„„Đ „ĄĄ„ „„ Đ  7ńńń„DŽ ӄԄ;7  Đ   7Đ ; e„ „Đ „ „ Ąf;Rѽ Đ 7 k  Đ !!;;Đ G -  777k7  Đ  77kѽ resultĐ fѽ 7;kAѽ    #Z ++ ѽ 7Z    ُ          7    77    ُ        7     ؏؏  Ï  ǏǏÏ   Ï  ͏7 Ώ ؏؏؏ ZDD7  77Zѽ a future ѽ ѽ  err   val7Ï  ǏZ A  Ԋ   ++  7 Ԋ     Ԋ  7f7 A ! ٹ ++  ݹ!7ݹٹ7ݹ  77ٹ rڹ7 ٹA7    Đ !!     7 w             Đ  7             7  w          7  Đ  77ѽ aĐ f item7  e7 Đ    A77 Ǡ:  Đ !! ߠ  ѽ   Đ Ͻ 7  ߠߠܠ7ܠǠ: 7Π  Đ  77Ǡ:ѽ aȠĐ fˠ7ߠ Đ Ͻ ѽ Ǡ:A! ++  8!ʽ!  !ʽ  !      !ʽ   !ʽ !ʽ   7  77aeA77  ++   ʒ?ʒ?ʒ? ʒ?ʒhʒ H8ۉ8)88' !ʽ! !ʽ     !ʽ     !ʽ !ʽ  ʒ=8188^ʒ=1eʒ=1'ʒ?ʒ?8ʒ?8ʒ=ʒ? 7 8a 8ʒ?8ʒ?e A Ǭ =   ٬ ٬    ٬     ٬  ٬ ٬   88Ǭ =       Ǭ =ˬ    ʒ8Ǭ =eȬ ٬   ٬ 8٬ 8 8 selfǬ =R /          8         /ؗ8 8x 8  A /          8        /8 ۚ8x ۚ8  A       8       e A     88    8 e A  ߺ   88ߺ    8ߺ eߺ A  ?   !!8 88 88   ՘*  + ؤ8?""""88 "8 + ѥ8;   ; ;8  ٦8   ?      8?e 8՘* ՘*8"8";self?R  ?   !!8 88 88 8՘* ؤ8ؤ8?""""88 "8ѥ8ѥ8;   ; ;8٦8٦8   ?    88?e 8՘* 88"8";self?R  ?   !!8 88 88 8՘* ؤ8ؤ8?""""88 "8ѥ8ѥ8;   ; ;8٦8٦8   ?    88?e 8՘* 88"8";self?RD  !!ццچچ چ   ϰ4چцц  ǹ8ццD   8Dц ц چϰ4چ   цǹ8selfDR   !!!!      ۅ 8     8         8   D D D 8D 8  d  ʺ88    8%1 ‡‡     ؗ8  ؗ88   ׅׅЇ7  !ݿ88  task1 raw_pointer 8dataۅ entry  8 8ʺ8D8D88888 8 8ؗ8 ؗ8  8keyselff$tҰհ     ++     8    8   f8 A   ++     ######"  "  8## 8# #   # ###  # # #  ##   8   ## 8    # ### #      8     !     #     ####    88 notify##"88# err# # #val# 88 e selfR     ++     8    8   s8 A8   ++8     """""  """""  8      88     !ʽ  ڵ     !ʽ            ڵ    !ʽ!ʽ!ʽ    888notify"88888eڵeڵselfR8   ++8      8   88s8valueR8ޗ   ++     8ޗ   8ޗ8s8A8   ++8     ))(8  (  8  )) 8) )   ) ))) ) ) )  )) 9   )) ހ9    )))))   !    )  88 ))))   888notify))(88)err)))val)v 888valueselfc8   ++8     ---"""!8  !  9  "" ޗ9" "   " """ " " "  ""99   ""ހ9ހ9    """" - 9  f  88 " """"  988notify- ""ޗ"ޗ!88"err"""val" 888self R8   ++8     (((8    9  99          99   ހ9ހ9     (99  a  88    988notify(9ޗޗ88errval 888self R8            8   89     8  8notify 9 8fR            9 current selfR 9    (  9( ddd(  9    (  d  dd  99 current(    (  selfR  !Đ !!      ! !˺9 !9   !Đ !!9!9notifyAR  Ҙ!   !     9 Ҙ!  ! ڼ9Ҙ! 8f8 Aڼ9ծ!    !     9 ծ!  ! ڼ9ծ! 8s8 Aڼ9! ē  !    ȓȓՓՓȓʓ  9ړړۓē!ȓ  ! ڼ9!ē8sœ8ȓՓvalueēRڼ9̌   !     9̌  ! ڼ9̌8s8Aޚڼ9̌    !      9 ̌  !9 8s8 Aȟ    !!!     ˟˟ ˟͟͟ 8˟8˟˟  89ПППџȟ ˟     9ȟ ˟9˟8͟fobjȟ  c$$   ++     !!1 !]ӫ6}$   9$$  vӫ6! 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Ҙ!8@8future@R( $ e : expr ) => ( match $ e { Ok ( $ crate :: Async :: Ready ( t ) ) => t , Ok ( $ crate :: Async :: NotReady ) => return Ok ( $ crate :: Async :: NotReady ) , Err ( e ) => return Err ( From :: from ( e ) ) , } )IHAdocHAHAA/// A macro for extracting the successful type of a `Poll`.HAHdocHH///HHIdocHIHII/// This macro bakes propagation of both errors and `NotReady` signals byHIIdocII/// returning early.II  macro_exportI( static $ NAME : ident : $ t : ty = $ e : expr ) => ( static $ NAME : $ crate :: task :: LocalKey < $ t > = { fn __init ( ) -> $ t { $ e } fn __key ( ) -> :: std :: any :: TypeId { struct __A ; :: std :: any :: TypeId :: of :: < __A > ( ) } $ crate :: task :: LocalKey { __init : __init , __key : __key , } } ; )3doc333/// A macro to create a `static` of type `LocalKey`3doc///MdocMMM/// This macro is intentionally similar to the `thread_local!`, and creates aMDdocDDD/// `static` which has a `with` method to access the data on a task.Ddoc///LdocLLL/// The data associated with each task local is per-task, so different tasksL"doc"""/// will contain different values."  macro_export'attempted concatenation of empty stream'^/Users/fox/.cargo/registry/src/^ cannot use MapErr after an error  cannot use MapErr after an error  cannot use MapErr after an error (internal error: entered unreachable code(`/Users/fox/.cargo/registry/src/`::::::Ș: pj߭zp  B]/cwsEtti/Y~.lB3!SUGGR3%W'^5ZwHW m      b  v n7})Vda`aPx6}9\s """&###$l%%%&&g''( ==>1]ffp%}MpU:\O){#.;M<<<)=!>`@@bAA{BBCCCnCCHDtDDDEjGGSHHLSoT*UUkVWWWcd~jklilmmirsCsossEtyzzz={{N{#χlъBG45CđrΔq%Q–za-.b{ġl֢88>ʩQΫ^ȬǭQQWj>  ļBo? ?kݿ2`U((.R%Q'zZ]/?1_55gm97d>;h<pFr sJv3l :fg<iX\   KxRz5|S h3I.\q  b!!!"e"""#O#{##O$&&&q,A-n---s.D//%0Q00,112246,7Y777)8w889?99':i;.<3=>?AA B7BBBGC4DbDDDPEE%F G!IJXKKKLULLM?MkMMSNZOP$Q/STUU(VVV8W%XSXXXoYZ\[[[\s\\]]^e^_mnnneoopVqqq1rrstuwExyyyg.ZA&Ϳw+Nx0J?msXXZ C t--|wZ &b0f25:=@gDJdKKKFLLMO.QQLRRBSVW5WWX}XXXY\,]Ed_eCf2gkg hpq]i:otpKqqq rArurs+ttt&uu vevv:www*xxxxYyyyz^z {{O6EvݙOĚ9P۞3NՊ"yMVi:CL0\xk0}CCnQ_HnaH+*a$  /   A ;w#v>X!$$4%u(c)\73>m>>BYGGyH5IIKVW'Z|\^__N`tflytGx3: yd&t[e^ [кkݻ%e,X¾t%f#o go Yjr)9   C Y      X  Z  9    S     R& - . q2 2 73 3 3 4 r5 9 b: : Q; ; ; N< < = w= = > > :? ? ? 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