use futures::channel::mpsc::{self, UnboundedSender}; use futures::executor::ThreadPool; use futures::StreamExt; use futures::{executor, Future}; use futures_rate::GateKeeper; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { let pool = ThreadPool::new().expect("Failed to build pool"); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded::(); let gatekeeper = GateKeeper::new(1); let fut_values = async { let fut_1 = build_fut(&tx, &gatekeeper); pool.spawn_ok(fut_1); let fut_2 = build_fut(&tx, &gatekeeper); pool.spawn_ok(fut_2); drop(tx);|v| v * 2).collect().await }; println!("Running ... "); let values: Vec = executor::block_on(fut_values); println!("Values={:?}", values); } fn build_fut(tx: &UnboundedSender, gatekeeper: &GateKeeper) -> impl Future { let tx_clone = tx.clone(); gatekeeper .issue(async move { (0..100).for_each(|v| { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)); tx_clone.unbounded_send(v).expect("Failed to send"); }); }) .unwrap() }