mod fuzzy; use std::future::pending; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::*; use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier, Mutex}; use std::thread; use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot}; use futures::executor::{block_on, LocalPool, ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder}; use futures::task::Spawn; use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt}; use futures_scopes::local::LocalScope; use futures_scopes::relay::{new_relay_scope, RelayScope, RelayScopeLocalSpawning, RelayScopeSpawning}; use futures_scopes::{ScopedSpawn, ScopedSpawnExt, SpawnScope}; #[test] fn test_mutate_outer() { let mut called = true; { let scope = new_relay_scope!(); let pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap(); pool.spawn_scope(scope).unwrap(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async { called = true; }) .unwrap(); block_on(scope.until_empty()); } assert!(called); } #[test] fn test_drop_without_spawner() { let counter = Arc::new(()); { let scope = new_relay_scope!(); for _ in 0..50 { let counter = counter.clone(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { let _counter = counter; pending::<()>().await }) .unwrap(); } } assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&counter)); } #[test] fn test_futures_are_dropped() { let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); let counter = Arc::new(()); { let scope = new_relay_scope!(pool.spawner()); for _ in 0..50 { let counter = counter.clone(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { let _counter = counter; pending::<()>().await; }) .unwrap(); } pool.run_until_stalled(); let counter = counter.clone(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { let _counter = counter; }) .unwrap(); } assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&counter)); } #[test] fn test_spawner_status() { let spawner = { let scope = new_relay_scope!(); let spawner = scope.spawner(); spawner.status().unwrap(); spawner.status_scoped().unwrap(); spawner }; spawner.status().unwrap_err(); spawner.status_scoped().unwrap_err(); } #[test] fn test_panic_in_spawned() { let counter = Arc::new(()); let pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap(); let scope = new_relay_scope!(pool); let inner_counter = counter.clone(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async { let _counter = inner_counter; panic!("test panic in spawned scoped future"); }) .unwrap(); block_on(scope.until_empty()); assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&counter), "inner_counter should have been dropped"); } #[test] fn test_can_continue_after_panic() { let mut called = false; { let scope = new_relay_scope!(); let pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().pool_size(2).create().unwrap(); pool.spawn_scope(scope).unwrap(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async { panic!("test panic in spawned scoped future"); }) .unwrap(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async { called = true; }) .unwrap(); block_on(scope.until_empty()); } assert!(called); } #[test] fn test_on_local_pool() { let called = Mutex::new(0); { let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); let scope = new_relay_scope!(pool.spawner()); for _ in 0..50 { scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async { *called.lock().unwrap() += 1; }) .unwrap(); } pool.run_until(scope.until_empty()); } assert_eq!(called.into_inner().unwrap(), 50); } #[test] fn test_pool_drop() { let called = &Mutex::new(0); { let scope = new_relay_scope!(); let (sx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { *called.lock().unwrap() += 1; let _ = rx.await; *called.lock().unwrap() += 1; }) .unwrap(); { assert_eq!(*called.lock().unwrap(), 0); let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); pool.spawner().spawn_scope(scope).unwrap(); let did_run_one = pool.try_run_one(); assert!(did_run_one); assert_eq!(*called.lock().unwrap(), 1); sx.send(()).unwrap(); } { let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); scope.relay_to_local(&pool.spawner()).unwrap(); pool.run_until(scope.until_empty()); assert_eq!(*called.lock().unwrap(), 2); } } } #[test] fn test_waiting() { fn build_task_chain( scope: &RelayScope<'static>, prev: oneshot::Receiver, n: usize, ) -> oneshot::Receiver { if n == 0 { prev } else { let (sx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let spawn = || { scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { let prev = prev.await.unwrap(); sx.send(prev + 1).unwrap(); }) .unwrap(); }; // Scrumble up the order of the tasks if n % 2 == 0 { let rx = build_task_chain(scope, rx, n - 1); spawn(); rx } else { spawn(); build_task_chain(scope, rx, n - 1) } } } const N: usize = 100; let scope = RelayScope::new(); let (sx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let rx = build_task_chain(&scope, rx, N); let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); scope.relay_to_local(&pool.spawner()).unwrap(); pool.run_until(async move { sx.send(0).unwrap(); println!("sent"); assert_eq!(rx.await.unwrap(), N); }); } #[test] fn test_scope_in_scope() { let pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap(); let outer_scope = new_relay_scope!(pool); let (sx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let outer_spawner = outer_scope.spawner(); outer_scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { let inner_scope = new_relay_scope!(); outer_spawner.spawn_scope(inner_scope).unwrap(); for i in 0..1000 { let mut sx = sx.clone(); inner_scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async move { //println!("running {}", i); if i == 100 { sx.send(()).await.unwrap(); } }) .unwrap(); }; //println!("got message"); }) .unwrap(); block_on(outer_scope.until_empty()); } #[test] fn test_scope_in_scope2() { fn inner(outer: &RelayScope<'_>) { let scope = new_relay_scope!(outer.spawner()); scope.relay_to(&outer.spawner()).unwrap(); } inner(new_relay_scope!()); fn inner_local(outer: &LocalScope<'_>) { let scope = new_relay_scope!(outer.spawner()); scope.relay_to_local(&outer.spawner()).unwrap(); } inner_local(&LocalScope::new()); } #[test] fn test_run_on_multiple_pools() { let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(3)); let id1 = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let id2 = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let (pool1, pool2) = { let id1 = id1.clone(); let barrier1 = barrier.clone(); let pool1 = ThreadPool::builder() .pool_size(1) .after_start(move |i| { assert_eq!(0, i); let id = thread::current().id(); let _ = id1.lock().unwrap().insert(id); barrier1.wait(); }) .create() .unwrap(); let id2 = id2.clone(); let barrier2 = barrier.clone(); let pool2 = ThreadPool::builder() .pool_size(1) .after_start(move |i| { assert_eq!(0, i); let id = thread::current().id(); let _ = id2.lock().unwrap().insert(id); barrier2.wait(); }) .create() .unwrap(); (pool1, pool2) }; barrier.wait(); let id1 = id1.lock().unwrap().unwrap(); let id2 = id2.lock().unwrap().unwrap(); let count1 = AtomicUsize::new(0); let count2 = AtomicUsize::new(0); let scope = new_relay_scope!(pool1, pool2); while count1.load(Relaxed) < 10 && count2.load(Relaxed) < 10 { scope .spawner() .spawn_scoped(async { let id = thread::current().id(); if id == id1 { count1.fetch_add(1, Relaxed); } else if id == id2 { count2.fetch_add(1, Relaxed); } else { panic!("Shouldn't happen"); } }) .unwrap(); } } // An async example function that has access to some kind of spawner async fn example(spawn: &(impl Spawn + Clone + Send + 'static)) { let counter = AtomicUsize::new(0); // Create a scope. // Futures spawned on `scope` can reference everything before new_relay_scope!() let scope = new_relay_scope!(); spawn.spawn_scope(scope).unwrap(); // Create a new Spawner that spawns futures on the scope. // `spawner` is a Spawn+Clone+Send+'static, // so another nested scope can be spawned inside our scope let spawner = scope.spawner(); for i in 1..=100 { // Tell rust not to move the counter into the async fn let counter = &counter; let fut = async move { for _ in 0..100 { // `counter` is not moved into the future but referenced // `i`, however, was moved(copied) into the future counter.fetch_add(i, Relaxed); } }; // spawn the future on the scope spawner.spawn_scoped(fut).unwrap(); } // Wait until all futures have been processed. // This does not block the thread, but returns a future that we can await! scope.until_empty().await; // Gives: 505000 println!("Counter: {}", counter.load(SeqCst)); // The scope is dropped here. // If we wouldn't have waited for all futures to be processed, // the drop would stop the execution of all scope-futures and drop them. // The drop blocks the current thread only minimally // until all currently running futures are have left their poll method // and all futures are destroyed. } #[test] fn test_example() { let pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap(); block_on(example(&pool)); }