use bevy::color::palettes::tailwind; use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_framepace::FramepacePlugin; use haalka::prelude::*; use futures_signals_component_macro::component; #[component(render_fn = cool_button)] struct CoolButton ()) + Send + Sync = fn() -> ()> { /// A label field which can be used as either a signal or a constant value /// This will cause the cool_button! macro to have both .label() and .label_signal() methods /// for providing a label value #[signal] #[send] // We need to explicitly declare the label signal as Send, since we don't know that String is send compile time when generating the code #[default("".to_string())] label: String, #[default(|| {})] on_click: FOnClick, } fn cool_button(props: impl CoolButtonPropsTrait + 'static) -> impl Element { // Extract the prop fields into variables. This trick allows us to use sized types without // a generic type explosion let CoolButtonProps { label, on_click } = props.take(); let hovered = Mutable::new(false); let text_details = map_ref! { let hovered = hovered.signal(), let label = label => { let color = if *hovered { tailwind::EMERALD_500 } else { tailwind::EMERALD_50 }; (Color::Srgba(color), label.clone()) } }; Stack::::new() .background_color(BackgroundColor(Color::Srgba(tailwind::SLATE_800))) .style(Style { padding: UiRect::all(Val::Px(10.0)), ..default() }) .on_click(on_click) .hovered_sync(hovered.clone()) .align_content(Align::center()) .layer(El::::new() .text_signal( |(color, label)| { Text::from_section( label, TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, color, ..default() }, ) }))) } /// This system initialized the UI root in the world fn ui_root(world: &mut World) { let label = Mutable::new("Click me!".to_string()); // Create a button instance. The return value of cool_button! is the return value of its render_fn (cool_button() -> impl Element in this case) let button = cool_button!({ .on_click(clone!((label) move || { label.set("Yay, I am clicked!".to_string()) })) .label_signal(label.signal_cloned()) }); let inert_button = cool_button!({ .label("I do nothing".to_string()) }); El::::new() .width(Val::Percent(100.0)) .height(Val::Percent(100.0)) .align_content(Align::center()) .child(Column::::new() .item(button) .item(inert_button) ) .spawn(world); } fn setup(mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(( DefaultPlugins, HaalkaPlugin, )) .add_plugins(FramepacePlugin) .insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::srgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))) .add_systems(Startup, (setup, ui_root).chain()) .run(); }