# fwd A port-forwarding utility. Here's how it works: 1. Get the latest [release](https://github.com/DeCarabas/fwd/releases) of `fwd` 2. You install `fwd` on the server somewhere in your `$PATH` (like `/usr/bin/`) 3. You install `fwd` on the client (like your laptop) 4. You run `fwd` on the client to connect to the server, like so: ```bash doty@my.laptop$ fwd some.server ``` `fwd` will connect to `some.server` via ssh, and then show you a screen listing all of the ports that the server is listening on locally. Use the up and down arrow keys (or `j`/`k`) to select the port you're interested in and press `e` to toggle forwarding of that port. Now, connections to that port locally will be forwarded to the remote server. If the port is something that might be interesting to a web browser, you can press `` with the port selected to open a browser pointed at that port. If something is going wrong, pressing `l` will toggle logs that might explain it. Press `q` to quit. ## Future Improvements: - Clipboard integration: send something from the remote end of the pipe to the host's clipboard. (Sometimes you *really* want to copy some big buffer from the remote side and your terminal just can't make that work.) - Client heartbeats: I frequently wind up in a situation where the pipe is stalled: not broken but nothing is getting through. (This happens with my coder.com pipes all the time.)