`fzf-make` is a command line tool that executes make target using fuzzy finder with preview window. ![License:MIT](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=License&message=MIT&color=blue&style=flat-square) [![Latest Release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/kyu08/fzf-make?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/kyu08/fzf-make/releases/latest) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/fzf-make?style=flatflat-square)](https://crates.io/crates/fzf-make) ![Crates.io Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/fzf-make)

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# 🛠️ Features - Select and execute a make target using fuzzy-finder with a preview window by running `fzf-make`! - Execute the last executed target(By running `fzf-make --repeat`.) - Command history - Support `include` directive - **(Scheduled to be developed)** Support config file # 👓 Prerequisites - **(If you install fzf-make via a package manager other than Homebrew)** [bat](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat) - In the future, we intend to make it work with `cat` as well, but currently it only works with `bat`. # 📦 Installation ## macOS ### Homebrew You don't need to install `bat` because `fzf-make` will install it automatically via Homebrew. ```sh # install brew install kyu08/tap/fzf-make ``` ```sh # update brew update brew upgrade fzf-make ``` ## Arch Linux `fzf-make` can be installed from the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fzf-make) using an [AUR helper](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_helpers). For example: ```sh paru -S fzf-make ``` ## NixOS / Nix (package manager) `fzf-make` can be run from the repository (latest version) ```sh nix run github:kyu08/fzf-make ``` Or from the nixpkgs (channel >= 23.05) ```sh nix run nixpkgs#fzf-make ``` > **Note** > You may need to enable experimental feature. In that case, execute the following command to enable them > `echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" | tee ~/.config/nix/nix.conf` ## OS-independent method ### Cargo ```sh cargo install --locked fzf-make ``` # 💡 Usage ## Run target using fuzzy finder 1. Execute `fzf-make` in the directory include makefile(file name should be one of `GNUmakefile`, `makefile`, `Makefile`) 1. Select make command you want to execute. If you type some characters, the list will be filtered. demo demo ## Run target from history 1. Execute `fzf-make` in the directory include makefile(file name should be one of `GNUmakefile`, `makefile`, `Makefile`) 1. Press `Tab` to move to the history pane. 1. Select make command you want to execute. demo ## Commands Supported | Command | Description | |--------|--------| | `fzf-make` | Launch fzf-make | | `fzf-make --repeat` / `fzf-make -r` / `fzf-make repeat` | Execute last executed target | | `fzf-make --history` / `fzf-make -h` / `fzf-make history` | Launch fzf-make with the history pane focused | | `fzf-make --help` / `fzf-make help` | Show help | | `fzf-make --version` / `fzf-make -v` / `fzf-make version` | Show version | # 💻 Development 1. Clone this repository 1. Change the codes 1. Run `make run` To execute test, run `make test`(needs `nextest`). ## nix Or you can use `nix` to create a development shell with the project dependencies. Within the repo root, execute the following command: ```nix nix develop ``` # 👥 Contribution - Contributions are welcome! - If you have a Feature request, please create an issue first. - If you have added fzf-make to some package manager, please let me know. (or please send a PR to add how to install via the package manager in the `README.md`) - If you have any questions, feel free to create an issue and ask. # 🗒 Related Article(s) - (Japanese)[Makefileに定義されたtargetをfzfで選択して実行するCLIツールをRustでつくった](https://blog.kyu08.com/posts/fzf-make)