use cucumber::{ Cucumber, CucumberRegistrar, InvokeResponse, InvokeArgument, }; use support::env::SocketWorld; use support::packets::FromTable; use std::net::UdpSocket; use gaffer_udp::{ CompleteGafferPacket, ToSingleSocketAddr }; pub fn register_steps(c: &mut CucumberRegistrar) { Given!(c, "^a normal socket on (\\d+)$", |_, world: &mut SocketWorld, (port,): (u16,)| { let addr_string = ("", port); world.sockets.remove(&port); UdpSocket::bind(addr_string) .map(|socket| world.sockets.insert(port, socket)) .map(|_| InvokeResponse::Success) .unwrap_or_else(|err| InvokeResponse::fail_from_str(&format!("Could not bind socket, {:?}", err))) }); When!(c, "^the normal socket on (\\d+) sends a CompleteGafferPacket to (\\d+)$", |cuke: &Cucumber, world: &mut SocketWorld, (own_port, remote_port): (u16, u16)| { cuke.invoke(&format!("the normal socket on {} sends a payload to {} matching:", own_port, remote_port), world, Some(InvokeArgument::Table(vec![vec![]]))) }); When!(c, "^the normal socket on (\\d+) sends a CompleteGafferPacket to (\\d+) matching:$", |_, world: &mut SocketWorld, (own_port, remote_port, packet_details): (u16, u16, Vec>)| { match CompleteGafferPacket::from_table(packet_details) { Err(err) => err, Ok(packet) => { world.sockets.get_mut(&own_port).ok_or(InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("No socket at that port")) .and_then(|socket| { socket.send_to(packet.serialized().as_ref(), ("", remote_port)) .map_err(|_| InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("Could not send packet")) }) .map(|_| InvokeResponse::Success) .unwrap_or_else(|v| v) } } }); Then!(c, "^the normal socket on (\\d+) receives a CompleteGafferPacket from (\\d+)$", |_, world: &mut SocketWorld, (own_port, remote_port): (u16, u16)|{ let mut buffer = [0; 1024]; world.sockets.get_mut(&own_port).ok_or(InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("No socket at that port")) .and_then(|socket| { socket.recv_from(&mut buffer) .map_err(|_| InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("Could not receive packet")) }) .map(|(_, source)| { let addr = ("", remote_port).to_single_socket_addr().unwrap(); InvokeResponse::check_eq(source, addr) }) .unwrap_or_else(|v| v) }); Then!(c, "^the normal socket on (\\d+) receives a CompleteGafferPacket from (\\d+) matching:$", |_, world: &mut SocketWorld, (own_port, remote_port, packet_details): (u16, u16, Vec>)|{ match CompleteGafferPacket::from_table(packet_details) { Err(err) => err, Ok(packet) => { let mut buffer = [0; 1024]; world.sockets.get_mut(&own_port).ok_or(InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("No socket at that port")) .and_then(|socket| { socket.recv_from(&mut buffer) .map_err(|_| InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("Could not receive packet")) }) .and_then(|(_, source)| { if source != ("", remote_port).to_single_socket_addr().unwrap() { Err(InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("Packet did not come from expected source")) } else { CompleteGafferPacket::deserialize(buffer.to_vec()).map_err(|_| { InvokeResponse::fail_from_str("Could not deserialize packet") }) } }) .map(|recv_packet| { InvokeResponse::check_eq(packet, recv_packet) }) .unwrap_or_else(|v| v) } } }) }