=== security_bit.pld === GAL16V8_badname.pld Error in line 1: type of GAL expected === GAL16V8_combinatorial.pld === GAL16V8_complex_12.pld Error in line 9: pin 12 can't be used as input in complex mode === GAL16V8_complex_19.pld Error in line 9: pin 19 can't be used as input in complex mode === GAL16V8_complex_feedback.pld === GAL16V8_complex_in.pld === GAL16V8_reg.pld === GAL16V8_reg_1.pld Error in line 7: pin 1 is reserved for 'Clock' in registered mode === GAL16V8_reg_11.pld Error in line 7: pin 11 is reserved for '/OE' in registered mode === GAL16V8_tri.pld === GAL20RA10_badname.pld Error in line 1: type of GAL expected === GAL20RA10_combinatorial.pld === GAL20RA10_pin1.pld Error in line 7: pin 1 is reserved for '/PL' on GAL20RA10 devices and can't be used in equations === GAL20RA10_pin13.pld Error in line 7: pin 13 is reserved for '/OE' on GAL20RA10 devices and can't be used in equations === GAL20RA10_reg.pld === GAL20RA10_rst.pld === GAL20RA10_tri.pld === GAL20V8_badname.pld Error in line 1: type of GAL expected === GAL20V8_combinatorial.pld === GAL20V8_complex.pld === GAL20V8_complex_15.pld Error in line 9: pin 15 can't be used as input in complex mode === GAL20V8_complex_22.pld Error in line 9: pin 22 can't be used as input in complex mode === GAL20V8_complex_feedback.pld === GAL20V8_complex_in.pld Error in line 5: pinname I8 is defined twice === GAL20V8_reg.pld === GAL20V8_reg_1.pld Error in line 7: pin 1 is reserved for 'Clock' in registered mode === GAL20V8_reg_13.pld Error in line 7: pin 13 is reserved for '/OE' in registered mode === GAL20V8_tri.pld === GAL22V10_arsp.pld === GAL22V10_badname.pld Error in line 1: type of GAL expected === GAL22V10_combinatorial.pld === GAL22V10_reg.pld === GAL22V10_tri.pld === arbad.pld Error in line 5: GAL22V10: AR is not allowed as pinname === arspok.pld === badarext.pld Error in line 23: no suffix is allowed for AR === badarusage.pld Error in line 21: use of AR is not allowed in equations === badclk.pld Error in line 7: .CLK is not allowed when this type of GAL is used === badgnd.pld Error in line 4: pin 8 cannot be named GND, because the name is reserved for pin 10 === badname.pld Error in line 1: type of GAL expected === badpinstart.pld Error in line 4: illegal character in pin declaration === badprst.pld Error in line 7: .APRST is not allowed when this type of GAL is used === badrst.pld Error in line 7: .ARST is not allowed when this type of GAL is used === badspext.pld Error in line 23: no suffix is allowed for SP === badspusage.pld Error in line 21: use of SP is not allowed in equations === badvcc.pld Error in line 4: pin 8 cannot be named VCC, because the name is reserved for pin 20 === gnd.pld === inputonly.pld Error in line 7: this pin can't be used as output === logicgnd.pld Error in line 7: use of VCC and GND is not allowed in equations === logicvcc.pld Error in line 7: use of VCC and GND is not allowed in equations === longext.pld Error in line 7: unknown suffix found === multiar.pld Error in line 23: only one product term allowed (no OR) === multiclk.pld Error in line 22: only one product term allowed (no OR) === multiena.pld Error in line 15: only one product term allowed (no OR) === multiprst.pld Error in line 22: only one product term allowed (no OR) === multirst.pld Error in line 22: only one product term allowed (no OR) === multisp.pld Error in line 23: only one product term allowed (no OR) === nclhs.pld Error in line 17: NC (Not Connected) is not allowed in logic equations === ncpin.pld Error in line 9: NC (Not Connected) is not allowed in logic equations === negaprst.pld Error in line 25: negation of .APRST is not allowed === negar.pld Error in line 23: negation of AR is not allowed === negarst.pld Error in line 24: negation of .ARST is not allowed === negclk.pld Error in line 8: negation of .CLK is not allowed === negena.pld Error in line 17: negation of .E is not allowed === neggnd.pld Error in line 7: GND cannot be negated, use VCC instead of /GND === negpin.pld === negsp.pld Error in line 25: negation of SP is not allowed === negvcc.pld Error in line 7: VCC cannot be negated, use GND instead of /VCC === noclk.pld Error in line 7: missing clock definition (.CLK) of registered output === noequals.pld Error in line 7: bad character in input === nognd.pld Error in line 4: pin 10 must be named GND === norhs.pld Error in line 7: unexpected end of file === norhs2.pld Error in line 7: unexpected end of file === norhs3.pld Error in line 7: unexpected end of line === novcc.pld Error in line 5: pin 20 must be named VCC === oneline.pld Error in line 1: unexpected end of file === onlyclk.pld Error in line 10: the output must be defined to use .CLK === onlyenable.pld Error in line 10: the output must be defined to use .E === onlyprst.pld Error in line 10: the output must be defined to use .APRST === onlyrst.pld Error in line 10: the output must be defined to use .ARST === pinbadneg.pld Error in line 4: pinname expected after '/' === pinrepeated.pld Error in line 4: pinname I5 is defined twice === plaintri.pld Error in line 8: tristate control without previous '.T' === regtri.pld Error in line 8: GAL16V8/20V8: tri. control for reg. output is not allowed === repar.pld Error in line 25: AR is defined twice === reparst.pld Error in line 26: multiple .APRST definitions for the same output === repclk.pld Error in line 9: multiple .CLK definitions for the same output === repena.pld Error in line 19: multiple .E definitions for the same output === reppin.pld Error in line 17: same pin is defined multible as output === reprst.pld Error in line 26: multiple .ARST definitions for the same output === repsp.pld Error in line 25: SP is defined twice === security_bit.pld === spbad.pld Error in line 5: GAL22V10: SP is not allowed as pinname === threeline.pld Error in line 2: unexpected end of file === toofewpins.pld Error in line 5: wrong number of pins === toomanyterms.pld Error in line 15: too many product terms === twoline.pld Error in line 2: unexpected end of file === unkext.pld Error in line 7: unknown suffix found === unklhs.pld Error in line 17: unknown pinname === unkpin.pld Error in line 9: unknown pinname === unregclk.pld Error in line 11: use of .CLK is only allowed for registered outputs === unregprst.pld Error in line 11: use of .APRST is only allowed for registered outputs === unregrst.pld Error in line 11: use of .ARST is only allowed for registered outputs === vcc.pld