# Gallium Gallium is a static site generator with support for handlebars templates and markdown Gallium can be installed as a CLI application from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/gallium) with the following command: `cargo install gallium` Gallium is also available on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/pythondude/gallium) at `pythondude/gallium:` ## Gitlab Pages Gallium was designed to be used in Gitlab Pages. Here is an example `.gitlab-ci.yml`: ```yml image: pythondude/gallium: pages: stage: deploy script: - gallium --input root --templates templates --output public artifacts: paths: - public only: - master ``` You can see Gallium in action on Gitlab pages [here](https://gitlab.com/pythondude325/static-site-test). ## Todo - Make watcher option a feature so it can be excluded from the docker image - Write an HTTP file server library/binary combo with support for live-reloading. Websocket lib: websocket, tungstenite. Live reload script: https://github.com/tapio/live-server/blob/master/injected.html - Write tests - Write CI config for automatic crates.io and docker hub publishing