load("@toolchains//rover:macros.bzl", "supergraph", "diff_check", "dev_update_file") load( ":tilt.bzl", "tilt",) # Bring up the full set of services for development tilt( name = "up", subcmd = "up", ) # Bring down any remaining/running services tilt( name = "down", subcmd = "down", ) python_bootstrap_binary( name = "healthcheck", main = "healthcheck.py", visibility = ["PUBLIC"], ) supergraph( name = "supergraph", config = "config/apollo-federation/supergraph-config.yaml", subgraphs = { "API_KEYS_SCHEMA": "//core/api-keys:sdl", "NOTIFICATIONS_SCHEMA": "//core/notifications:sdl", "PUBLIC_SCHEMA": "//core/api:public-sdl", }, ) diff_check( name = "supergraph-diff", original = "config/apollo-federation/supergraph.graphql", new = ":supergraph" ) test_suite( name = "check-sdls", tests = [ ":supergraph-diff", "//core/api:public-schema-diff", "//core/api:admin-schema-diff", "//core/api-keys:schema-diff", "//core/notifications:schema-diff", ], ) dev_update_file( name = "update-supergraph", generated = ":supergraph", out = "config/apollo-federation/supergraph.graphql" ) dev_update_file( name = "update-core-supergraph", generated = ":supergraph", out = "../core/api/dev/apollo-federation/supergraph.graphql" ) sh_binary( name = "update-schemas", main = "bin/update-schemas.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "init-onchain", main = "bin/init-onchain.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "init-lightning", main = "bin/init-lightning.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "init-user", main = "bin/init-user.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "setup-hydra-client", main = "bin/setup-hydra-client.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "stoppable-trigger", main = "bin/run-stoppable-trigger.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "add-test-users-with-usernames", main = "bin/add-test-users-with-usernames.sh", ) sh_binary( name = "fund-user", main = "bin/fund-user.sh", )