DEV_DIR="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")")" source "${DEV_DIR}/helpers/" source "${DEV_DIR}/helpers/" fund_user_onchain() { local token=$1 local wallet_currency=$2 local btc_amount_in_btc=${3:-"0.01"} response="$(exec_graphql "$token" "wallets-for-account")" wallet_id=$(echo "$response" | jq -r --arg wc "$wallet_currency" '[] | select(.walletCurrency == $wc) .id') echo "Creating variables for GraphQL query for :====> $wallet_id wallet ID i.e :===> $wallet_currency" variables=$( jq -n \ --arg wallet_id "$wallet_id" \ '{input: {walletId: $wallet_id}}' ) response=$(exec_graphql "$token" 'on-chain-address-create' "$variables") address=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.data.onChainAddressCreate.address') [[ "${address}" != "null" ]] || exit 1 bitcoin_cli -regtest loadwallet "outside" bitcoin_cli -regtest listwallets bitcoin_cli -regtest sendtoaddress "$address" "$btc_amount_in_btc" bitcoin_cli -regtest -generate 4 variables=$( jq -n \ --argjson first "1" \ '{"first": $first}' ) local success=false for i in {1..60}; do response=$(exec_graphql "$token" 'transactions' "$variables") jq_query='[] | select(.node.initiationVia.address == $address) .node' transaction_info=$(echo $response \ | jq -r --arg address "$address" "$jq_query") settled_status=$(echo "$transaction_info" | jq -r ".status") settled_currency=$(echo "$transaction_info" | jq -r ".settlementCurrency") if [[ "${settled_status}" == "SUCCESS" && "${settled_currency}" == "$wallet_currency" ]]; then echo "Transaction successful with correct settlement currency" success=true break fi sleep 1 done if [[ $success != true ]]; then echo "Failed to fund user: response ==> $response" exit 1 fi }