; Verifies LCD timing when turning on. Necessary for ; timing tests to work right. ; With LCD off, turning it on synchronizes to beginning ; of first visible scanline .include "oam_bug.inc" main: set_test 2,"Turning LCD on starts too late in scanline" call disable_lcd ld a,$81 ldh (LCDC-$FF00),a ; LCD on delay 109 ldh a,(LY-$FF00) ; just before LY increments cp 0 jp nz,test_failed set_test 3,"Turning LCD on starts too early in scanline" call disable_lcd ld a,$81 ldh (LCDC-$FF00),a ; LCD on delay 110 ldh a,(LY-$FF00) ; just after LY increments cp 1 jp nz,test_failed jp tests_passed