; Verifies corruption at timing edges: ; * Beginning of first scanline, and 18 cycles later ; * Beginning of second scanline ; * End of last scanline .include "oam_bug.inc" main: set_test 2,"Should corrupt at beginning of first scanline" call begin call end set_test 3,"Should corrupt at +18 of first scanline" call begin delay 18 call end set_test 4,"Should corrupt at beginning of second scanline" call begin delay 114 call end set_test 5,"Should corrupt at +18 of last scanline" call begin delay 114*143+18 call end jp tests_passed begin: call disable_lcd call fill_oam wreg LCDC,$81 delay 70224 - 15 ret end: ld de,$FE00 inc de call disable_lcd call cp_oam jp z,test_failed ret