use games::{ cards::{StandardCard, StandardCardFace}, solitaire::{Area, Solitaire, SolitaireCard}, }; #[test] fn waste() { // Waste should be empty assert!(Solitaire::new().waste.is_empty()); } #[test] fn tablue() { // Tablue let st = ::games::solitaire::Solitaire::new(); { // Verify The Card Lengths { assert_eq!(1usize, st.tablue[0].len()); assert_eq!(2usize, st.tablue[1].len()); assert_eq!(3usize, st.tablue[2].len()); assert_eq!(4usize, st.tablue[3].len()); assert_eq!(5usize, st.tablue[4].len()); assert_eq!(6usize, st.tablue[5].len()); assert_eq!(7usize, st.tablue[6].len()); } // Verify The Card states { // Verify every row only has one face up card assert_eq!( 7u8, st.tablue .iter() .map(|i| i.iter().filter(|c| !c.is_facedown()).count() as u8) .sum() ); // Verify the row's face down count // // Row 1/7 assert_eq!( 0usize, st.tablue[0].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); // Row 2/7 assert_eq!( 1usize, st.tablue[1].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); // Row 3/7 assert_eq!( 2usize, st.tablue[2].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); // Row 4/7 assert_eq!( 3usize, st.tablue[3].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); // Row 5/7 assert_eq!( 4usize, st.tablue[4].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); // Row 6/7 assert_eq!( 5usize, st.tablue[5].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); // Row 7/7 assert_eq!( 6usize, st.tablue[6].iter().filter(|c| c.is_facedown()).count() ); } } // Verify no jokers assert!(st.tablue[0] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); assert!(st.tablue[1] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); assert!(st.tablue[2] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); assert!(st.tablue[3] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); assert!(st.tablue[4] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); assert!(st.tablue[5] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); assert!(st.tablue[6] .iter() .any(|c| c.card().face() != ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)); } #[test] fn foundation() { let st = Solitaire::new(); // Verify foundation pile is empty assert!(; } #[test] fn stockpile() { let st = Solitaire::new(); // Verify the stockpile size assert_eq!(24usize, st.stockpile.len()); // Verify no joker assert!(!st .stockpile .into_iter() .any(|c| c.face() == ::games::cards::StandardCardFace::Joker)) } #[test] fn accurate_peek() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); // Draw metod for _ in 0..10 { s.peek() .and_then(|card| { s.stockpile .draw() .map_err(|_| games::solitaire::SolitaireError::OutOfRangeError) .map(|card2| { assert_eq!(card, card2); }) }) .expect("There should be a positive result"); } // Get card method for _ in 0..10 { s.peek() .and_then(|card| { s.draw_card().map(|card2| { assert_eq!(card, card2); }) }) .expect("There should be a positive result") } } // ---- Tablue Movement ---- // Tablue -> Tablue #[test] fn tablue_to_tablue() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.tablue[1] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Diamonds( StandardCardFace::King, ))]; s.tablue[2] = vec![]; s.move_to( Area::Tablue { row: 1, amount: 1 }, Area::Tablue { row: 2, amount: 0 }, ) .unwrap(); } // Tablue -> Foundation #[test] fn tablue_to_foundation() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.tablue[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Hearts( StandardCardFace::Ace, ))];[0] = vec![]; s.move_to( Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 1 }, Area::Foundation { row: 0 }, ) .expect("Expected move to be ok, but it failed"); s.tablue[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Spades( StandardCardFace::King, ))]; s.move_to( Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 1 }, Area::Foundation { row: 1 }, ) .expect_err("Expected an error, only ace can be on the bottom of the foundation pile"); } // Tablue -> Waste (Illegal) #[test] fn tablue_to_waste() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.move_to(Area::Tablue { row: 3, amount: 1 }, Area::Waste) .expect_err("Expected error for illegal movement"); } // Tablue -> Stockpile (Illegal) #[test] fn tablue_to_stockpile() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.move_to(Area::Tablue { row: 3, amount: 1 }, Area::Stockpile) .expect_err("Expected error for illegal movement"); } // ---------------------------- // ---- Stockpile Movement ---- // Stockpile -> Waste #[test] fn stockpile_to_waste() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Waste) .expect("Expect valid movement"); s.stockpile.draw_rest(); s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Waste) .expect_err("No cards in the stockpile to move"); } // Stockpile -> Stockpile #[test] fn stockpile_to_stockpile() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Stockpile) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Stockpile -> Foundation #[test] fn stockpile_to_foundation() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.stockpile = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::Ace)] .into_iter() .collect(); s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Foundation { row: 0 }) .expect("Valid movement"); s.stockpile = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::King)] .into_iter() .collect(); s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Foundation { row: 1 }) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Stockpile -> Tablue #[test] fn stockpile_to_tablue() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.waste = vec![]; s.stockpile = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::King)] .into_iter() .collect(); s.tablue[0] = vec![]; s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 1 }) .expect("Valid movement"); s.stockpile = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::Ace)] .into_iter() .collect(); s.tablue[0] = vec![]; s.move_to(Area::Stockpile, Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 1 }) .expect_err("Invalid movement"); } // ---------------------------- // ---- Waste movement ---- // Waste -> Waste #[test] fn waste_to_waste() { Solitaire::new() .move_to(Area::Waste, Area::Waste) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Waste -> Stockpile #[test] fn waste_to_stockpile() { Solitaire::new() .move_to(Area::Waste, Area::Stockpile) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Waste -> Tablue #[test] fn waste_to_tablue() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.waste = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::King)]; s.tablue[0] = vec![]; s.move_to(Area::Waste, Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 0 }) .expect("Valid movement"); s.waste = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::Ace)]; s.tablue[0] = vec![]; s.move_to(Area::Waste, Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 0 }) .expect_err("Invalid movement"); } // Waste -> Foundation #[test] fn waste_to_foundation() { let mut s = Solitaire::new(); s.waste = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::Ace)];[0] = vec![]; s.move_to(Area::Waste, Area::Foundation { row: 0 }) .expect("Valid movement"); s.waste = vec![StandardCard::Spades(StandardCardFace::King)];[0] = vec![]; s.move_to(Area::Waste, Area::Foundation { row: 0 }) .expect_err("Invalid movement"); } // ---------------------------- // ---- Foundation Movement ---- // Foundation -> Waste #[test] fn foundation_to_waste() { let mut s = Solitaire::new();[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Spades( StandardCardFace::Ace, ))]; s.move_to(Area::Foundation { row: 0 }, Area::Waste) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Foundation -> Stockpile #[test] fn foundation_to_stockpile() { let mut s = Solitaire::new();[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Spades( StandardCardFace::Ace, ))]; s.move_to(Area::Foundation { row: 0 }, Area::Stockpile) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Foundation -> Tablue #[test] fn foundation_to_tablue() { let mut s = Solitaire::new();[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Spades( StandardCardFace::King, ))]; s.tablue[0] = vec![]; s.move_to( Area::Foundation { row: 0 }, Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 0 }, ) .expect("legal movement");[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Spades( StandardCardFace::Ace, ))]; s.tablue[0] = vec![]; s.move_to( Area::Foundation { row: 0 }, Area::Tablue { row: 0, amount: 0 }, ) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); } // Foundation -> Foundation #[test] fn foundation_to_foundation() { let mut s = Solitaire::new();[0] = vec![SolitaireCard::new_up(StandardCard::Spades( StandardCardFace::Ace, ))]; s.move_to(Area::Foundation { row: 0 }, Area::Foundation { row: 1 }) .expect_err("Illegal movement"); }