use std::sync::Arc; use http::header::{ ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, }; use hyper::{body::Body, body::Incoming as IncomingBody, Request, Response, StatusCode}; use garage_model::bucket_table::{BucketParams, CorsRule as GarageCorsRule}; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use crate::common_error::{ helper_error_as_internal, CommonError, OkOrBadRequest, OkOrInternalError, }; use crate::helpers::*; pub fn find_matching_cors_rule<'a, B>( bucket_params: &'a BucketParams, req: &Request<B>, ) -> Result<Option<&'a GarageCorsRule>, CommonError> { if let Some(cors_config) = bucket_params.cors_config.get() { if let Some(origin) = req.headers().get("Origin") { let origin = origin.to_str()?; let request_headers = match req.headers().get(ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS) { Some(h) => h.to_str()?.split(',').map(|h| h.trim()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), None => vec![], }; return Ok(cors_config.iter().find(|rule| { cors_rule_matches(rule, origin, req.method().as_ref(), request_headers.iter()) })); } } Ok(None) } pub fn cors_rule_matches<'a, HI, S>( rule: &GarageCorsRule, origin: &'a str, method: &'a str, mut request_headers: HI, ) -> bool where HI: Iterator<Item = S>, S: AsRef<str>, { rule.allow_origins.iter().any(|x| x == "*" || x == origin) && rule.allow_methods.iter().any(|x| x == "*" || x == method) && request_headers.all(|h| { rule.allow_headers .iter() .any(|x| x == "*" || x == h.as_ref()) }) } pub fn add_cors_headers( resp: &mut Response<impl Body>, rule: &GarageCorsRule, ) -> Result<(), http::header::InvalidHeaderValue> { let h = resp.headers_mut(); h.insert( ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, rule.allow_origins.join(", ").parse()?, ); h.insert( ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, rule.allow_methods.join(", ").parse()?, ); h.insert( ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, rule.allow_headers.join(", ").parse()?, ); h.insert( ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, rule.expose_headers.join(", ").parse()?, ); Ok(()) } pub async fn handle_options_api( garage: Arc<Garage>, req: &Request<IncomingBody>, bucket_name: Option<String>, ) -> Result<Response<EmptyBody>, CommonError> { // FIXME: CORS rules of buckets with local aliases are // not taken into account. // If the bucket name is a global bucket name, // we try to apply the CORS rules of that bucket. // If a user has a local bucket name that has // the same name, its CORS rules won't be applied // and will be shadowed by the rules of the globally // existing bucket (but this is inevitable because // OPTIONS calls are not auhtenticated). if let Some(bn) = bucket_name { let helper = garage.bucket_helper(); let bucket_id = helper .resolve_global_bucket_name(&bn) .await .map_err(helper_error_as_internal)?; if let Some(id) = bucket_id { let bucket = garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(id) .await .map_err(helper_error_as_internal)?; let bucket_params = bucket.state.into_option().unwrap(); handle_options_for_bucket(req, &bucket_params) } else { // If there is a bucket name in the request, but that name // does not correspond to a global alias for a bucket, // then it's either a non-existing bucket or a local bucket. // We have no way of knowing, because the request is not // authenticated and thus we can't resolve local aliases. // We take the permissive approach of allowing everything, // because we don't want to prevent web apps that use // local bucket names from making API calls. Ok(Response::builder() .header(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*") .header(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, "*") .status(StatusCode::OK) .body(EmptyBody::new())?) } } else { // If there is no bucket name in the request, // we are doing a ListBuckets call, which we want to allow // for all origins. Ok(Response::builder() .header(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*") .header(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, "GET") .status(StatusCode::OK) .body(EmptyBody::new())?) } } pub fn handle_options_for_bucket<B>( req: &Request<B>, bucket_params: &BucketParams, ) -> Result<Response<EmptyBody>, CommonError> { let origin = req .headers() .get("Origin") .ok_or_bad_request("Missing Origin header")? .to_str()?; let request_method = req .headers() .get(ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD) .ok_or_bad_request("Missing Access-Control-Request-Method header")? .to_str()?; let request_headers = match req.headers().get(ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS) { Some(h) => h.to_str()?.split(',').map(|h| h.trim()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), None => vec![], }; if let Some(cors_config) = bucket_params.cors_config.get() { let matching_rule = cors_config .iter() .find(|rule| cors_rule_matches(rule, origin, request_method, request_headers.iter())); if let Some(rule) = matching_rule { let mut resp = Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .body(EmptyBody::new())?; add_cors_headers(&mut resp, rule).ok_or_internal_error("Invalid CORS configuration")?; return Ok(resp); } } Err(CommonError::Forbidden( "This CORS request is not allowed.".into(), )) }