use std::sync::Arc; use hyper::{body::Incoming as IncomingBody, Method, Request, Response}; use tokio::sync::watch; use opentelemetry::{trace::SpanRef, KeyValue}; use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError; use garage_util::socket_address::UnixOrTCPSocketAddress; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_api_common::cors::*; use garage_api_common::generic_server::*; use garage_api_common::helpers::*; use garage_api_common::signature::verify_request; use crate::batch::*; use crate::error::*; use crate::index::*; use crate::item::*; use crate::router::Endpoint; pub use garage_api_common::signature::streaming::ReqBody; pub type ResBody = BoxBody<Error>; pub struct K2VApiServer { garage: Arc<Garage>, } pub struct K2VApiEndpoint { bucket_name: String, endpoint: Endpoint, } impl K2VApiServer { pub async fn run( garage: Arc<Garage>, bind_addr: UnixOrTCPSocketAddress, s3_region: String, must_exit: watch::Receiver<bool>, ) -> Result<(), GarageError> { ApiServer::new(s3_region, K2VApiServer { garage }) .run_server(bind_addr, None, must_exit) .await } } impl ApiHandler for K2VApiServer { const API_NAME: &'static str = "k2v"; const API_NAME_DISPLAY: &'static str = "K2V"; type Endpoint = K2VApiEndpoint; type Error = Error; fn parse_endpoint(&self, req: &Request<IncomingBody>) -> Result<K2VApiEndpoint, Error> { let (endpoint, bucket_name) = Endpoint::from_request(req)?; Ok(K2VApiEndpoint { bucket_name, endpoint, }) } async fn handle( &self, req: Request<IncomingBody>, endpoint: K2VApiEndpoint, ) -> Result<Response<ResBody>, Error> { let K2VApiEndpoint { bucket_name, endpoint, } = endpoint; let garage = self.garage.clone(); // The OPTIONS method is processed early, before we even check for an API key if let Endpoint::Options = endpoint { let options_res = handle_options_api(garage, &req, Some(bucket_name)) .await .ok_or_bad_request("Error handling OPTIONS")?; return Ok(|_empty_body: EmptyBody| empty_body())); } let verified_request = verify_request(&garage, req, "k2v").await?; let req = verified_request.request; let api_key = verified_request.access_key; let bucket_id = garage .bucket_helper() .resolve_bucket(&bucket_name, &api_key) .await .map_err(pass_helper_error)?; let bucket = garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await .map_err(helper_error_as_internal)?; let bucket_params = bucket.state.into_option().unwrap(); let allowed = match endpoint.authorization_type() { Authorization::Read => api_key.allow_read(&bucket_id), Authorization::Write => api_key.allow_write(&bucket_id), Authorization::Owner => api_key.allow_owner(&bucket_id), _ => unreachable!(), }; if !allowed { return Err(Error::forbidden("Operation is not allowed for this key.")); } // Look up what CORS rule might apply to response. // Requests for methods different than GET, HEAD or POST // are always preflighted, i.e. the browser should make // an OPTIONS call before to check it is allowed let matching_cors_rule = match *req.method() { Method::GET | Method::HEAD | Method::POST => { find_matching_cors_rule(&bucket_params, &req) .ok_or_internal_error("Error looking up CORS rule")? .cloned() } _ => None, }; let ctx = ReqCtx { garage, bucket_id, bucket_name, bucket_params, api_key, }; let resp = match endpoint { Endpoint::DeleteItem { partition_key, sort_key, } => handle_delete_item(ctx, req, &partition_key, &sort_key).await, Endpoint::InsertItem { partition_key, sort_key, } => handle_insert_item(ctx, req, &partition_key, &sort_key).await, Endpoint::ReadItem { partition_key, sort_key, } => handle_read_item(ctx, &req, &partition_key, &sort_key).await, Endpoint::PollItem { partition_key, sort_key, causality_token, timeout, } => { handle_poll_item(ctx, &req, partition_key, sort_key, causality_token, timeout).await } Endpoint::ReadIndex { prefix, start, end, limit, reverse, } => handle_read_index(ctx, prefix, start, end, limit, reverse).await, Endpoint::InsertBatch {} => handle_insert_batch(ctx, req).await, Endpoint::ReadBatch {} => handle_read_batch(ctx, req).await, Endpoint::DeleteBatch {} => handle_delete_batch(ctx, req).await, Endpoint::PollRange { partition_key } => { handle_poll_range(ctx, &partition_key, req).await } Endpoint::Options => unreachable!(), }; // If request was a success and we have a CORS rule that applies to it, // add the corresponding CORS headers to the response let mut resp_ok = resp?; if let Some(rule) = matching_cors_rule { add_cors_headers(&mut resp_ok, &rule) .ok_or_internal_error("Invalid bucket CORS configuration")?; } Ok(resp_ok) } } impl ApiEndpoint for K2VApiEndpoint { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { } fn add_span_attributes(&self, span: SpanRef<'_>) { span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new("bucket", self.bucket_name.clone())); } }