use std::collections::HashMap; use garble_lang::{ compile, compile_with_constants, literal::Literal, token::UnsignedNumType, Error, }; fn pretty_print>(e: E, prg: &str) -> Error { let e: Error = e.into(); let pretty = e.prettify(prg); println!("{pretty}"); e } #[test] fn compile_xor() -> Result<(), Error> { for y in [true, false] { let prg = format!( " pub fn main(x: bool) -> bool {{ x ^ {y} }} " ); let compiled = compile(&prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; for x in [true, false] { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; assert_eq!( bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?, x ^ y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_add() -> Result<(), Error> { for y in 0..127 { let prg = format!( " pub fn main(x: u8) -> u8 {{ x + {y} }} " ); let compiled = compile(&prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; for x in 0..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?, x + y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_add_with_int_coercion() -> Result<(), Error> { for y in 240..280 { let prg = format!( " pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 {{ x + {y} }} " ); let compiled = compile(&prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; for x in 240..280 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?, x + y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_let_expr() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { let y = x + 1; y + 1 } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 257 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_static_fn_defs() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { inc(x) } fn inc(x: u16) -> u16 { add(x, 1) } fn add(x: u16, y: u16) -> u16 { x + y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 256 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_if() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: bool) -> u8 { if (true & false) ^ x { 100 } else { 50 } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for b in [true, false] { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = if b { 100 } else { 50 }; eval.set_bool(b); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_bit_ops_for_numbers() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u16, y: u16, z: u16) -> u16 { x | (y & (z ^ 2)) } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 10..20 { for y in 10..20 { for z in 10..20 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = x | (y & (z ^ 2)); eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u16(y); eval.set_u16(z); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_greater_than_and_less_than() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u16, y: u16) -> bool { (x > y) & (x < 10) } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 5..15 { for y in 5..15 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = (x > y) && (x < 10); eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u16(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_equals_and_not_equals() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u16, y: u16) -> bool { (x == y) & (x != 0) } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..2 { for y in 0..2 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = (x == y) && (x != 0); eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u16(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unsigned_casts() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u16, y: u8) -> u16 { (x as u8) as u16 + y as u16 } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 200..300 { for y in 0..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = (x as u8) as u16 + y as u16; eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_bool_casts() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: bool, y: u8) -> u16 { x as u16 + y as u16 } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in [true, false] { for y in 0..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = (x as u16) + (y as u16); eval.set_bool(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_bit_shifts() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(mode: bool, x: u16, y: u8) -> u16 { if mode { x << y } else { x >> y } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for mode in [true, false] { for x in 240..270 { for y in 0..20 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(mode); eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = u16::try_from(result); if y >= 16 { assert!( output.is_err(), "{x} {} {y}", if mode { "<<" } else { ">>" } ) } else { let expected = if mode { x << y } else { x >> y }; assert!(output.is_ok(), "{x} {} {y}", if mode { "<<" } else { ">>" }); assert_eq!( output.unwrap(), expected, "{x} {} {y}", if mode { "<<" } else { ">>" } ); } } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_bit_shifts_u16() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(mode: bool, x: u16, y: u8) -> u16 { if mode { (x << y) } else { (x >> y) } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let eval = |x: u16, y: u8| -> Result<(u16, u16), Error> { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(true); eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let result1 = u16::try_from(result)?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(false); eval.set_u16(x); eval.set_u8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let result2 = u16::try_from(result)?; Ok((result1, result2)) }; for x in [u16::MAX, u16::MAX >> 1, 1, 0] { for shifts in 0..(u16::BITS as u8 - 1) { assert_eq!(((x << shifts), (x >> shifts)), eval(x, shifts)?); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_nums() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8) -> i8 { x } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -128..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_add() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8, y: i8) -> i8 { x + y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -64..64 { for y in -64..63 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x + y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_bit_ops_for_signed_numbers() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i16, y: i16, z: i16) -> i16 { x | (y & (z ^ 2)) } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -10..10 { for y in -10..10 { for z in -10..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = x | (y & (z ^ 2)); eval.set_i16(x); eval.set_i16(y); eval.set_i16(z); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_greater_than_and_less_than() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i16, y: i16) -> bool { (x > y) & (y < x) } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -10..10 { for y in -10..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = (x > y) && (y < x); eval.set_i16(x); eval.set_i16(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_bit_shifts() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(mode: bool, x: i16, y: u8) -> i16 { if mode { x << y } else { x >> y } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let test_values = (-20..20).chain(vec![i16::MAX, i16::MIN]); for x in test_values { for mode in [true, false] { for y in 0..20 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(mode); eval.set_i16(x); eval.set_u8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = i16::try_from(result); if y >= 16 { assert!( output.is_err(), "{x} {} {y}", if mode { "<<" } else { ">>" } ) } else { let expected = if mode { x << y } else { x >> y }; assert!(output.is_ok(), "{x} {} {y}", if mode { "<<" } else { ">>" }); assert_eq!( output.unwrap(), expected, "{x} {} {y}", if mode { "<<" } else { ">>" } ); } } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_add_with_signed_int_coercion() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i16) -> i16 { x + -10 } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -10..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = x + -10; eval.set_i16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unsigned_sub() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 { x - y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in (0..=255).step_by(3) { for y in (0..=255).step_by(3) { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = u8::try_from(result); if (x as i16 - y as i16) < 0 { assert!(output.is_err(), "{x} - {y}"); } else { assert!(output.is_ok(), "{x} - {y}"); assert_eq!(output.unwrap(), x - y, "{x} - {y}"); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_sub() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8, y: i8) -> i8 { x - y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in (-128..=127).step_by(3) { for y in (-128..=127).step_by(3) { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = i8::try_from(result); if (x as i16 - y as i16) < i8::MIN as i16 || (x as i16 - y as i16) > i8::MAX as i16 { assert!(output.is_err(), "{x} - {y}"); } else { assert!(output.is_ok(), "{x} - {y}"); assert_eq!(output.unwrap(), x - y, "{x} - {y}"); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unary_negation() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i16) -> i16 { -x } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -127..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, -x); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unary_not() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i16) -> i16 { !x } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -127..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, !x); } let prg = " pub fn main(x: bool) -> bool { !x } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for b in [true, false] { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(b); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, !b ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unsigned_mul() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 { x * y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in (0..=255).step_by(3) { for y in (0..=255).step_by(3) { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = u8::try_from(result); if (x as u16 * y as u16) > u8::MAX as u16 { assert!(output.is_err(), "{x} * {y}"); } else { assert!(output.is_ok(), "{x} * {y}"); assert_eq!(output.unwrap(), x * y, "{x} * {y}"); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_mul() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8, y: i8) -> i8 { x * y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in (-128..=127).step_by(3) { for y in (-128..=127).step_by(3) { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let result =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = i8::try_from(result); if (x as i16 * y as i16) < i8::MIN as i16 || (x as i16 * y as i16) > i8::MAX as i16 { assert!(output.is_err(), "{x} * {y}"); } else { assert!(output.is_ok(), "{x} * {y}"); assert_eq!(output.unwrap(), x * y, "{x} * {y}"); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unsigned_div() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 { x / y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..255 { for y in 1..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x / y ); } for y in 250..255 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x / y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_unsigned_mod() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 { x % y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..255 { for y in 1..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x % y ); } for y in 250..255 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x % y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_div() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8, y: i8) -> i8 { x / y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -128..127 { for y in -4..5 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); if y == -1 || y == 0 { continue; } eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x / y ); } for y in 120..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x / y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_mod() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8, y: i8) -> i8 { x % y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -128..127 { for y in -4..5 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); if y == -1 || y == 0 { continue; } eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x % y ); } for y in 120..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_i8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x % y ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_array_repeat_literal_access() -> Result<(), Error> { let array_size = 256; let prg = &format!( " pub fn main(x: i8, i: usize) -> i8 {{ [x; {array_size}][i] }} " ); let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -10..10 { for i in 0..array_size { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_usize(i); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_array_assignment() -> Result<(), Error> { let array_size = 8; let prg = &format!( " pub fn main(x: i8, i: usize, j: usize) -> i8 {{ let mut arr = [x; {array_size}]; arr[i] = x * 2; arr[j] }} " ); let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let x = -5; for i in 0..array_size { for j in 0..array_size { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = if i == j { x * 2 } else { x }; eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_usize(i); eval.set_usize(j); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_fold() -> Result<(), Error> { let array_size = 8; let prg = &format!( " pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 {{ let mut arr = [x; {array_size}]; let mut acc = 0; for elem in arr {{ acc = acc + elem; }} acc }} " ); let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -10..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, array_size * x ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_map() -> Result<(), Error> { let array_size = 8; let prg = &format!( " pub fn main(x: i8, i: usize) -> i8 {{ let mut arr = [x; {array_size}]; for j in 0..{array_size} {{ arr[j] = arr[j] * 2; }} arr[i] }} " ); let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -10..10 { for i in 0..array_size { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); eval.set_usize(i); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x * 2 ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_signed_casts() -> Result<(), Error> { // signed to unsigned: let prg = "pub fn main(x: i16) -> u8 { x as u8 }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -200..200 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x as u8 ); } let prg = "pub fn main(x: i8) -> u16 { x as u16 }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -128..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x as u16 ); } // unsigned to signed: let prg = "pub fn main(x: u16) -> i8 { x as i8 }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 200..300 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x as i8 ); } let prg = "pub fn main(x: u8) -> i16 { x as i16 }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 200..255 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x as i16 ); } // signed to signed: let prg = "pub fn main(x: i16) -> i8 { x as i8 }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -200..200 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i16(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x as i8 ); } let prg = "pub fn main(x: i8) -> i16 { x as i16 }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -128..127 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x as i16 ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_range() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(_x: u8) -> i32 { let arr = 1..101; let mut acc = 0; for i in arr {{ acc = acc + i as i32; }} acc } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(0); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 50 * 101 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_tuple() -> Result<(), Error> { for (t, i) in [("i32", 0), ("i16", 1), ("i8", 2), ("bool", 3), ("bool", 4)] { let prg = &format!( " pub fn main(x: bool) -> {t} {{ let t = (-3, -2i16, -1i8, true, false); t.{i} }} " ); let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(false); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; match i { 0 => assert_eq!(i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, -3), 1 => assert_eq!(i16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, -2), 2 => assert_eq!(i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, -1), 3 => assert!(bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?), 4 => assert!(!(bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?)), _ => unreachable!(), } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_exhaustive_bool_pattern() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " enum Foobar { Foo, Bar(bool, bool), } pub fn main(b: bool) -> i32 { let choice = if b { Foobar::Bar(true, false) } else { Foobar::Foo }; match choice { Foobar::Bar(false, false) => 1, Foobar::Bar(false, true) => 2, Foobar::Bar(_, false) => 3, Foobar::Bar(true, true) => 4, Foobar::Foo => 5, } } "; for b in [false, true] { let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(b); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let result = i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; if b { assert_eq!(result, 3); } else { assert_eq!(result, 5); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_exhaustive_enum_pattern() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " enum Foobar { Foo, Bar(u8) } pub fn main(b: bool) -> u8 { let choice = if b { Foobar::Bar(6) } else { Foobar::Foo }; match choice { Foobar::Foo => 5, Foobar::Bar(x) => x } } "; for b in [false, true] { let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_bool(b); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, (b as u8) + 5 ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_exhaustive_enum_pattern_with_literals() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " enum Ops { Mul(u8, u8), Div(u8, u8), } pub fn main(choice: u8, x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 { let op = if choice == 0 { Ops::Mul(x, y) } else { Ops::Div(x, y) }; match op { Ops::Div(x, 0) => 42, Ops::Div(x, y) => x / y, Ops::Mul(x, y) => x * y, } } "; for choice in [0, 1] { for y in [0, 4] { let x = 10; let expected = if choice == 0 { x * y } else if y == 0 { 42 } else { x / y }; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(choice); eval.set_u8(x); eval.set_u8(y); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_exhaustive_range_pattern() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8) -> u8 { match x { 0..10 => 1, 10 => 2, 11 => 2, 13 => 2, 12..100 => 2, 100..=255 => 3, } } "; for x in 0..255 { let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let expected = if x <= 9 { 1 } else if x <= 99 { 2 } else { 3 }; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_exhaustive_tuple_pattern() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8) -> u8 { let x = (false, x, -5); match x { (true, x, y) => 1, (false, 0, y) => 2, (false, x, y) => x, } } "; for x in 0..10 { let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let expected = if x == 0 { 2 } else { x }; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_exhaustive_nested_pattern() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: u8) -> u8 { let x = (x, (x * 2, 1u8)); match x { (0, _) => 1, (1..=255, (x_twice, 1)) => x_twice, (1..=255, (_, 1..=255)) => 2, (1..=255, (_, 0)) => 3, } } "; for x in 0..10 { let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let expected = if x == 0 { 1 } else { x * 2 }; assert_eq!( u8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_main_with_tuple_io() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(values: (u8, u8)) -> (u8, u8) { (values.0 + 1, values.1 + 1) } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let input = compiled.parse_arg(0, "(2, 3)")?; eval.set_literal(input.as_literal())?; let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(format!("{r}"), "(3, 4)"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_main_with_enum_io() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " enum Op { Zero, Div(u8, u8), } enum OpResult { DivByZero, Ok(u8), } pub fn main(op: Op) -> OpResult { match op { Op::Zero => OpResult::Ok(0), Op::Div(x, 0) => OpResult::DivByZero, Op::Div(x, y) => OpResult::Ok(x / y), } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let input = compiled.parse_arg(0, "Op::Div(10, 2)")?; eval.set_literal(input.as_literal())?; let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "OpResult::Ok(5)"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_array_literal_access() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(i: usize) -> i32 { [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2][i] }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for i in 0..5 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_usize(i); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, i as i32 - 2 ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_main_with_array_io() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(nums: [u8; 5]) -> [u8; 5] { let mut sum = 0u16; for n in nums { sum = sum + n as u16; } let mut nums = [0u8; 5]; for i in 0..5 { nums[i] = sum as u8; } nums } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let input = compiled.parse_arg(0, "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]")?; eval.set_literal(input.as_literal())?; let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "[15, 15, 15, 15, 15]"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_if_elseif_else() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i8) -> i8 { if x < 0 { -1 } else if x == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = if x < 0 { -1 } else if x == 0 { 0 } else { 1 }; eval.set_i8(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i8::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_if_elseif_else_assignment() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(income: u32) -> bool { let mut points = 0; if income >= 10000 { points = points + 200 } else if income >= 2000 { points = points + 50 } else { points = points + 0 } if points > 150 { true } else { false } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in [0, 10000] { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let expected = x != 0; eval.set_u32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( bool::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_lexically_scoped_block() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 { let y = x + 1; let z = { let y = x + 10; y }; y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..10 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(output, x + 1); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_struct_type() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " struct FooBar { foo: i32, bar: i32, } pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 { let foobar = FooBar { foo: x, bar: 2 }; } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(5); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let output = i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(output, 2); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_struct_pattern() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " struct FooBarBaz { foo: i32, bar: u8, baz: bool, } pub fn main(x: FooBarBaz) -> FooBarBaz { match x { FooBarBaz { foo: 1, bar: 0, baz: false } => FooBarBaz { baz: true, foo: 1, bar: 1 }, FooBarBaz { foo: 1, baz, bar: 0 } => FooBarBaz { foo: 1, bar: 1, baz }, FooBarBaz { bar, baz: false, foo } => FooBarBaz { foo, bar, baz: true }, FooBarBaz { foo, bar, baz } => FooBarBaz { foo, bar: 1, baz }, FooBarBaz { foo, .. } => FooBarBaz { foo, bar: 1, baz: true }, } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let input = compiled.parse_arg(0, "FooBarBaz { foo: 1, bar: 0, baz: true }")?; eval.set_literal(input.as_literal())?; let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "FooBarBaz {bar: 1, baz: true, foo: 1}"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_comments() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " /* fn unused_fn(x: ...) -> ... { /* nested block comment */ // normal comment within block comment } */ pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { // comment including '/*' x + /* ... */ 1 } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(1); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 2); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_let_destructuring() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " struct FooBar { foo: i32, bar: (i32, i32), } pub fn main(x: (i32, i32)) -> i32 { let (a, b) = x; let bar = (0, 0); let foobar = FooBar { foo: 0, bar }; let FooBar { bar, .. } = foobar; let (y, z) = bar; a + y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_literal(compiled.parse_arg(0, "(1, 2)")?.as_literal())?; let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 1); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_struct_sugar() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " struct FooBar { foo: i32, bar: i32, } pub fn main(x: (i32, i32)) -> i32 { let (foo, bar) = x; let foobar = FooBar { foo, bar }; match foobar { FooBar { foo: 0, .. } => 1, FooBar { foo, .. } => foo, } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_literal(compiled.parse_arg(0, "(2, 3)")?.as_literal())?; let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 2); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_struct_shorthand() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " struct FooBar { foo: i32, bar: (i32, i32), baz: (i32, i32, i32), } pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 { let foobar = FooBar { foo: 1, bar: (2, 3), baz: (4, 5, 6), }; match x { 0 => { let FooBar { foo, .. } = foobar; foo }, 1 => { let FooBar { bar, .. } = foobar; let (x, y) = bar; y }, _ => { let FooBar { baz, .. } = foobar; let (x, y, z) = baz; z } } } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in [0, 1, 2] { let expected = match x { 0 => 1, 1 => 3, _ => 6, }; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_mutable_bindings() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 { let mut y = 0; y = x; y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in -20..20 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_mutable_bindings_inside_if() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i32, b: bool) -> i32 { let mut y = 0; if b { y = x; } y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for b in [true, false] { for x in -20..20 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); eval.set_bool(b); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let expected = if b { x } else { 0 }; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_mutable_bindings_inside_match() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 { let mut y = 0; match x { 0 => {}, 1..10 => { y = 1; }, 10..100 => { y = 2; }, _ => { y = 3; } } y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..110 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let expected = match x { 0 => 0, 1..=9 => 1, 10..=99 => 2, _ => 3, }; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, expected ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_for_loop() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(x: i32) -> i32 { let mut y = x; for i in 0..10 { y = y + i as i32; } y } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..110 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, x + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9, ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_for_loop_over_array() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(_x: i32) -> i32 { let mut sum = 0; for i in [2, 4, 6, 8] { sum = sum + i } sum } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..110 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8, ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_array_assign_inside_for_loop() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(_x: i32) -> [i32; 5] { let mut array = [0; 5]; for i in 0..5 { array[i as usize] = i as i32 * 2; } array } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(0); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_arrays_copied_by_value() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(replacement: i32) -> [i32; 4] { let mut array1 = [10, 20, 30, 40]; let second_val = array1[1]; // will be `20` let mut array2 = array1; array2[1] = replacement; let second_val1 = array1[1]; // will still be `20` let second_val2 = array2[1]; // will be equal to the value of `replacement` array2 } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..110 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), format!("[10, {x}, 30, 40]")); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_operator_examples() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(_a: i32, _b: i32) -> () { let add = 0 + 1; let sub = 1 - 1; let mul = 2 * 1; let div = 2 / 1; let rem = 5 % 2; let bit_xor = 4 ^ 6; let bit_and = 4 & 6; let bit_or = 4 | 6; let bit_shiftl = 4 << 1; let bit_shiftr = 4 >> 1; let and = true & false; let or = true | false; let eq = true == false; let neq = true != false; let gt = 5 > 4; let lt = 4 < 5; let gte = 5 >= 4; let lte = 4 <= 5; let unary_not = !true; let unary_minus = -5; let unary_bitflip = !5; } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(0); eval.set_i32(0); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "()"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: u16 = PARTY_0::MY_CONST; pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { x + MY_CONST } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "PARTY_0".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U16), )]), )]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 257 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const_literal() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: u16 = 2u16; pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { x + MY_CONST } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 257 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const_usize() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: usize = PARTY_0::MY_CONST; pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { let array = [2; MY_CONST]; x + array[1] } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "PARTY_0".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), )]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 257 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const_aggregated_max() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: usize = max(PARTY_0::MY_CONST, PARTY_1::MY_CONST); pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { let array = [2; MY_CONST]; x + array[1] } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![ ( "PARTY_0".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ( "PARTY_1".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 257 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const_aggregated_min() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: usize = min(PARTY_0::MY_CONST, PARTY_1::MY_CONST); pub fn main(x: u16) -> u16 { let array = [2; MY_CONST]; x + array[1] } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![ ( "PARTY_0".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(3, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ( "PARTY_1".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u16(255); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 257 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const_size_in_fn_param() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: usize = max(PARTY_0::MY_CONST, PARTY_1::MY_CONST); pub fn main(array: [u16; MY_CONST]) -> u16 { array[1] } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![ ( "PARTY_0".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ( "PARTY_1".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.parse_literal("[7, 8]").unwrap(); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 8); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_const_size_for_each_loop() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " const MY_CONST: usize = max(PARTY_0::MY_CONST, PARTY_1::MY_CONST); pub fn main(array: [u16; MY_CONST]) -> u16 { let mut result = 0u16; for elem in array { result = result + elem; } result } "; let consts = HashMap::from_iter(vec![ ( "PARTY_0".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ( "PARTY_1".to_string(), HashMap::from_iter(vec![( "MY_CONST".to_string(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::Usize), )]), ), ]); let compiled = compile_with_constants(prg, consts).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.parse_literal("[7, 8]").unwrap(); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 15); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_join_loop() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(rows1: [([u8; 3], u16); 4], rows2: [([u8; 3], u16, u16); 3]) -> u16 { let mut result = 0u16; for row in join(rows1, rows2) { let ((_, field1), (_, field2, field3)) = row; result = result + field1 + field2 + field3; } result } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let id_aaa = Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(97, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(97, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(97, UnsignedNumType::U8), ]); let id_bar = Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(98, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(97, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(114, UnsignedNumType::U8), ]); let id_baz = Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(98, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(97, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(122, UnsignedNumType::U8), ]); let id_foo = Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(102, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(111, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(111, UnsignedNumType::U8), ]); let id_qux = Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(113, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(117, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(120, UnsignedNumType::U8), ]); eval.set_literal(Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_aaa.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(0, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_bar.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_baz.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_qux.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(3, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), ])) .unwrap(); eval.set_literal(Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_baz.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(4, UnsignedNumType::U16), Literal::NumUnsigned(5, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_foo.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(6, UnsignedNumType::U16), Literal::NumUnsigned(7, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ id_qux.clone(), Literal::NumUnsigned(8, UnsignedNumType::U16), Literal::NumUnsigned(9, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), ])) .unwrap(); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 8 + 9 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_multiple_join_loops() -> Result<(), Error> { for joined in 0..4 { for only_a in 0..4 { for only_b in 1..4 { println!("Testing join loops for {joined} / {only_a} / {only_b} elements"); let a = joined + only_a; let b = joined + only_b; let prg = format!( " pub fn main(rows1: [(u8, u16); {a}], rows2: [(u8, u16, u16); {b}]) -> u16 {{ let mut result = 0u16; for row in join(rows1, rows2) {{ let ((_, field1), (_, field2, field3)) = row; result = result + field1 + field2 + field3; }} result }} " ); let compiled = compile(&prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; compiled.circuit.validate().unwrap(); let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); let mut rows_a = vec![]; let mut rows_b = vec![]; for i in 0..joined { rows_a.push(Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(i, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U16), ])); rows_b.push(Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(i, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U16), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U16), ])); } for i in joined..joined + only_a { rows_a.push(Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(i, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U16), ])); } for i in joined + only_a..joined + only_a + only_b { rows_b.push(Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(i, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U16), Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U16), ])); } eval.set_literal(Literal::Array(rows_a)).unwrap(); eval.set_literal(Literal::Array(rows_b)).unwrap(); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, &prg))?, joined as u16 * 4 ); } } } Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_add_assign() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(a: u32) -> u32 { let mut x = 3u32; x += a; x += 2; x }"; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_u32(10); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "15"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_operator_assignment_examples() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(_a: i32, _b: i32) -> () { let mut x = 0i32; x += 5; x -= 3; x *= 3; x /= 2; x %= 1; let mut x = 0u32; x ^= 4; x &= 3; x |= 2; x <<= 1; x >>= 1; let mut b = true; b ^= true; b &= true; b |= true; } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(0); eval.set_i32(0); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let r = output.into_literal().map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!(r.to_string(), "()"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_join_loop_destructuring() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(rows1: [(u8, u16); 3], rows2: [(u8, u16); 3]) -> u16 { let mut result = 0u16; for ((_, a), (_, b)) in join(rows1, rows2) { result += a + b; } result } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_literal(Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(4, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(3, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(6, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), ])) .unwrap(); eval.set_literal(Literal::Array(vec![ Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(1, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(2, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(4, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), Literal::Tuple(vec![ Literal::NumUnsigned(4, UnsignedNumType::U8), Literal::NumUnsigned(8, UnsignedNumType::U16), ]), ])) .unwrap(); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( u16::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn compile_for_loop_destructuring() -> Result<(), Error> { let prg = " pub fn main(_x: i32) -> i32 { let mut sum = 0i32; for (a, b) in [(2, 4), (6, 8)] { sum += a + b; } sum } "; let compiled = compile(prg).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; for x in 0..110 { let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_i32(x); let output =|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?; assert_eq!( i32::try_from(output).map_err(|e| pretty_print(e, prg))?, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8, ); } Ok(()) }