use garble_lang::{ ast::{ Op::{self, *}, Type, }, compile, eval::EvalError, literal::Literal::{self, NumSigned, NumUnsigned}, token::{ SignedNumType::{self, *}, UnsignedNumType::{self, *}, }, Error, }; use quickcheck::Arbitrary; use quickcheck_macros::quickcheck; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct OperatorTestCase { x: Literal, y: Literal, result: Option, prg: String, } impl Arbitrary for OperatorTestCase { fn arbitrary(g: &mut quickcheck::Gen) -> Self { let ops = [ Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, BitAnd, BitXor, BitOr, GreaterThan, LessThan, Eq, NotEq, ShiftLeft, ShiftRight, ]; let op = g.choose(&ops).unwrap(); let num_tys = [ Type::Unsigned(U8), Type::Unsigned(U16), Type::Unsigned(U32), Type::Unsigned(U64), Type::Signed(I8), Type::Signed(I16), Type::Signed(I32), Type::Signed(I64), ]; let (x, ty_x, y, ty_y, result, ty_result, op) = match op { Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod | BitAnd | BitXor | BitOr => { let ty = g.choose(&num_tys).unwrap(); let x = arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g, ty); let y = arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g, ty); let result = apply_operator(op, &x, &y); (x, ty.clone(), y, ty.clone(), result, ty.clone(), op) } GreaterThan | LessThan | Eq | NotEq => { let ty = g.choose(&num_tys).unwrap(); let x = arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g, ty); let y = arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g, ty); let result = apply_operator(op, &x, &y); (x, ty.clone(), y, ty.clone(), result, Type::Bool, op) } ShiftLeft => { let ty = g.choose(&num_tys).unwrap(); let ty_u8 = Type::Unsigned(U8); let x = arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g, ty); let y_u8 = u8::arbitrary(g); let y = NumUnsigned(y_u8 as u64, U8); let result = match x { NumUnsigned(x, unsigned_ty) => match unsigned_ty { Usize => unreachable!("usize types must not be tested"), U8 => (x as u8).checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), U16 => (x as u16).checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), U32 => (x as u32).checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), U64 => x.checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), UnsignedNumType::Unspecified => unreachable!(), }, NumSigned(x, signed_ty) => match signed_ty { I8 => (x as i8).checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), I16 => (x as i16).checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), I32 => (x as i32).checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), I64 => x.checked_shl(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), SignedNumType::Unspecified => unreachable!(), }, _ => unreachable!("shift expects a num type"), }; (x, ty.clone(), y, ty_u8, result, ty.clone(), op) } ShiftRight => { let ty = g.choose(&num_tys).unwrap(); let ty_u8 = Type::Unsigned(U8); let x = arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g, ty); let y_u8 = u8::arbitrary(g); let y = NumUnsigned(y_u8 as u64, U8); let result = match x { NumUnsigned(x, unsigned_ty) => match unsigned_ty { Usize => unreachable!("usize types must not be tested"), U8 => (x as u8).checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), U16 => (x as u16).checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), U32 => (x as u32).checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), U64 => x.checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), UnsignedNumType::Unspecified => unreachable!(), }, NumSigned(x, signed_ty) => match signed_ty { I8 => (x as i8).checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), I16 => (x as i16).checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), I32 => (x as i32).checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), I64 => x.checked_shr(y_u8 as u32).map(|z| z.into()), SignedNumType::Unspecified => unreachable!(), }, _ => unreachable!("shift expects a num type"), }; (x, ty.clone(), y, ty_u8, result, ty.clone(), op) } ShortCircuitAnd | ShortCircuitOr => unreachable!("&& and || expect bool types"), }; let prg = format!("pub fn main(x: {ty_x}, y: {ty_y}) -> {ty_result} {{ x {op} y }}"); OperatorTestCase { x, y, result, prg } } } fn arbitrary_literal_of_ty(g: &mut quickcheck::Gen, ty: &Type) -> Literal { match ty { Type::Unsigned(ty) => match ty { Usize => unreachable!("usize is not supported"), U8 => NumUnsigned(u8::arbitrary(g) as u64, *ty), U16 => NumUnsigned(u16::arbitrary(g) as u64, *ty), U32 => NumUnsigned(u32::arbitrary(g) as u64, *ty), U64 => NumUnsigned(u64::arbitrary(g), *ty), UnsignedNumType::Unspecified => unreachable!(), }, Type::Signed(ty) => match ty { I8 => NumSigned(i8::arbitrary(g) as i64, *ty), I16 => NumSigned(i16::arbitrary(g) as i64, *ty), I32 => NumSigned(i32::arbitrary(g) as i64, *ty), I64 => NumSigned(i64::arbitrary(g), *ty), SignedNumType::Unspecified => unreachable!(), }, _ => unreachable!("only num types are supported"), } } fn apply_operator(op: &Op, x: &Literal, y: &Literal) -> Option { match (x, y) { (NumUnsigned(x, U8), NumUnsigned(y, U8)) => apply!(op, x: u8, y: u8), (NumUnsigned(x, U16), NumUnsigned(y, U16)) => apply!(op, x: u16, y: u16), (NumUnsigned(x, U32), NumUnsigned(y, U32)) => apply!(op, x: u32, y: u32), (NumUnsigned(x, U64), NumUnsigned(y, U64)) => apply!(op, x: u64, y: u64), (NumSigned(x, I8), NumSigned(y, I8)) => apply!(op, x: i8, y: i8), (NumSigned(x, I16), NumSigned(y, I16)) => apply!(op, x: i16, y: i16), (NumSigned(x, I32), NumSigned(y, I32)) => apply!(op, x: i32, y: i32), (NumSigned(x, I64), NumSigned(y, I64)) => apply!(op, x: i64, y: i64), (x, y) => unreachable!("Incompatible x and y: {x}, {y}"), } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! apply { ( $op:ident, $x:ident:$x_ty:ty, $y:ident:$y_ty:ty ) => {{ let $x = *$x as $x_ty; let $y = *$y as $y_ty; match $op { Add => $x.checked_add($y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), Sub => $x.checked_sub($y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), Mul => $x.checked_mul($y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), Div => $x.checked_div($y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), Mod => $x.checked_rem($y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), BitAnd => Some($x & $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), BitXor => Some($x ^ $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), BitOr => Some($x | $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), GreaterThan => Some($x > $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), LessThan => Some($x < $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), Eq => Some($x == $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), NotEq => Some($x != $y).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), ShiftLeft => $x.checked_shl($y as u32).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), ShiftRight => $x.checked_shr($y as u32).map(|z| Literal::from(z)), ShortCircuitAnd => unreachable!("&& can only be applied to bools"), ShortCircuitOr => unreachable!("|| can only be applied to bools"), } }}; } #[quickcheck] fn quickcheck_operator(test_case: OperatorTestCase) -> Result<(), Error> { let OperatorTestCase { x, y, result, prg } = test_case; let compiled = compile(&prg)?; let mut eval = compiled.evaluator(); eval.set_literal(x)?; eval.set_literal(y)?; let output =; let output = output.into_literal(); match output { Ok(output) => assert_eq!(result, Some(output)), Err(EvalError::Panic(_)) => assert_eq!(result, None), Err(e) => return Err(e.into()), } Ok(()) }