use garden::cmd; use garden::display; use garden::errors; use garden::model; use garden::string; use anyhow::Result; use assert_cmd::prelude::CommandCargoExt; use std::process::Command; fn initialize_environment() { // Simplify testing by using a canned environment. std::env::set_var("HOME", "/home/test"); std::env::set_var("PATH", "/usr/bin:/bin"); std::env::set_var("EMPTY", ""); std::env::remove_var("PYTHONPATH"); } pub fn garden_context_from_string( string: &str, ) -> Result { initialize_environment(); model::ApplicationContext::from_string(string) } pub fn garden_context() -> Result { let string = string!( r#" garden: root: ${root} variables: echo_cmd: echo cmd echo_cmd_exec: $ ${echo_cmd} test: TEST local: ${test}/local src: src root: ~/${src} environment: EXAMPLE_VALUE=: ${GARDEN_ROOT} PATH: /home/test/bin templates: makefile: variables: prefix: ${TREE_PATH}/local commands: build: make -j prefix=${prefix} all install: make -j prefix=${prefix} install test: make test python: environment: PYTHONPATH: ${TREE_PATH} local: url: ${local}/${TREE_NAME} trees: git: url: templates: makefile variables: prefix: ~/.local gitconfig: A U Thor cola: url: path: git-cola templates: [makefile, python] variables: prefix: ${TREE_PATH}/local environment: PATH: - ${prefix}/bin - ${TREE_PATH}/bin PYTHONPATH: ${GARDEN_ROOT}/python/send2trash commands: test: - git status --short - make tox remotes: davvid: python/qtpy: url: templates: python tmp: environment: EMPTY: [a, b] ${TREE_NAME}_VALUE=: ${TREE_PATH} path: /tmp templates: local annex/data: url: gitconfig: remote.origin.annex-ignore: true remotes: local: ${GARDEN_ROOT}/annex/local annex/local: extend: annex/data oneline: groups: cola: [git, cola, python/qtpy] test: [a, b, c] reverse: [cola, git] annex: annex/* annex-1: annex/data annex-2: annex/local gardens: cola: groups: cola variables: prefix: ~/apps/git-cola/current environment: GIT_COLA_TRACE=: full PATH+: ${prefix}/bin commands: summary: - git branch - git status --short git: groups: cola trees: gitk gitconfig: A U Thor annex/group: groups: annex annex/wildcard-groups: groups: annex-* annex/wildcard-trees: trees: annex/* "# ); garden_context_from_string(&string) } /// Execute the "garden" command with the specified arguments. pub fn exec_garden(args: &[&str]) -> Result<()> { let mut argv: Vec<&str> = vec!["garden"]; argv.extend(args); display::print_command_vec(&argv); let mut exec = Command::cargo_bin("garden").expect("garden not found"); exec.args(args); assert!(exec.status().expect("garden returned an error").success()); Ok(()) } /// Execute a command and ensure that exit status 0 is returned. /// Return the captured stdout value as a string. pub fn garden_capture(args: &[&str]) -> String { let mut argv: Vec<&str> = vec!["garden"]; argv.extend(args); display::print_command_vec(&argv); let mut exec = Command::cargo_bin("garden").expect("garden not found"); exec.args(args); let capture = exec.output(); assert!(capture.is_ok()); let utf8_result = String::from_utf8(capture.unwrap().stdout); assert!(utf8_result.is_ok()); utf8_result.unwrap().trim_end().into() } /// Execute a command and ensure that the exit status is returned. pub fn assert_cmd_status(cmd: &[&str], directory: &str, status: i32) { display::print_command_vec(cmd); let exec = cmd::exec_in_dir(cmd, directory); let cmd_status = cmd::status(exec); assert_eq!(cmd_status, status); } /// Execute a command and ensure that exit status 0 is returned. pub fn assert_cmd(cmd: &[&str], directory: &str) { assert_cmd_status(cmd, directory, errors::EX_OK); } /// Execute a command and ensure that exit status 0 is returned. Return the Exec object. pub fn assert_cmd_capture(cmd: &[&str], directory: &str) -> String { display::print_command_vec(cmd); let exec = cmd::exec_in_dir(cmd, directory); let capture = cmd::stdout_to_string(exec); assert!(capture.is_ok()); capture.unwrap() } /// Assert that the specified path exists. pub fn assert_path(path: &str) { let pathbuf = std::path::PathBuf::from(path); assert!(pathbuf.exists()); } /// Assert that the specified path is a Git worktree. pub fn assert_git_worktree(path: &str) { assert_path(&format!("{path}/.git")); } /// Assert that the Git ref exists in the specified repository. pub fn assert_ref(repository: &str, refname: &str) { let cmd = ["git", "rev-parse", "--quiet", "--verify", refname]; assert_cmd(&cmd, repository); } /// Assert that the Git ref does not exist in the specified repository. pub fn assert_ref_missing(repository: &str, refname: &str) { let cmd = ["git", "rev-parse", "--quiet", "--verify", refname]; assert_cmd_status(&cmd, repository, 1); } /// Cleanup and create a bare repository for cloning fn setup_tmp_bare_repo(name: &str, path: &str) { let cmd = ["../integration/", name]; assert_cmd(&cmd, path); } fn teardown_tmp_test_data(path: &str) { if let Err(err) = std::fs::remove_dir_all(path) { panic!("unable to remove '{path}': {err}"); } } /// Provide a bare repository fixture for the current test. pub struct BareRepoFixture<'a> { name: &'a str, } impl<'a> BareRepoFixture<'a> { /// Create the test bare repository. pub fn new(name: &'a str) -> Self { setup_tmp_bare_repo(name, "tests/tmp"); Self { name } } /// Return the temporary directory for the current test. pub fn root(&self) -> String { format!("tests/tmp/{}", } /// Return a pathbuf pub fn root_pathbuf(&self) -> std::path::PathBuf { std::path::PathBuf::from(self.root()) } /// Return the root as a worktree and verify that it is a worktree. pub fn root_worktree_pathbuf(&self) -> std::path::PathBuf { let worktree = self.root(); self.assert_worktree(&worktree); worktree.into() } /// Verify that the path is a valid Git worktree. pub fn assert_worktree(&self, path: &str) { assert_git_worktree(path); } /// Return a path relative to the temporary directory for the current test. pub fn path(&self, path: &str) -> String { let fixture_path = format!("{}/{}", self.root(), path); assert_path(&fixture_path); fixture_path } /// Return a PathBuf relative to the temporary directory for the current test. pub fn pathbuf(&self, path: &str) -> std::path::PathBuf { std::path::PathBuf::from(self.path(path)) } /// Asserts that the path is a Git worktree. /// Returns the path to the specified worktree. pub fn worktree(&self, path: &str) -> String { let worktree = self.path(path); assert_git_worktree(&worktree); worktree } /// Asserts that the path is a Git worktree. /// Returns a PathBuf for the specified worktree. pub fn worktree_pathbuf(&self, path: &str) -> std::path::PathBuf { std::path::PathBuf::from(self.worktree(path)) } } impl Drop for BareRepoFixture<'_> { /// Teardown the test repository filesystem data. fn drop(&mut self) { teardown_tmp_test_data(&self.root()); } }