# gbump Git tag semantic version bumper [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/gbump.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/gbump) [![Build Status](https://github.com/nbari/gbump/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/nbari/gbump/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/nbari/gbump/graph/badge.svg?token=GHFDXUVNI0)](https://codecov.io/gh/nbari/gbump) What does it do? ================ Will print the current semver version if any and the bumped version. If the option `-q` (quiet) is used it will only print the bumped version. If the option `-t` (tag) is used then it will create a git tag with the bumped version. How to use it? ============== To install: cargo install gbump You can copy `gbump` to `/usr/local/bin/gbump` or somewhere available in your path For usage type: $ gbump -h `SemVer` options are: `patch`, `minor`, `major`. (defaults to patch) For example if current version tag is `0.1.1`: Using `patch` will bump `0.1.1` to `0.1.2` $ gbump patch 0.1.1 --> 0.1.2 Using `minor` will bump `0.1.1` to `0.2.0` $ gbump minor 0.1.1 --> 0.2.0 Using `major` will bump `0.1.1` to `1.0.0` $ gbump major 0.1.1 --> 1.0.0 ## Quiet mode If only need the next `semver`, use option `-q`. for example: $ gbump -q major 1.0.0 ## --tag (git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "X.Y.Z") To create a git tag using the latest bump use the flag `-t`: $ gbump -t minor Tag: 0.2.0 created: 5b1eca044a538fd2f74c4f043f28ca4a46b8f7b7