# GCad **WARNING: WIP** A scripting language inspired by OpenSCAD for making quick and dirty CNC programs. Want to make a quick set of counterbored holes? Here's an example: ``` board_thickness = 12.2mm; board_height = 812.5mm - 6.35mm/2; board_width = 5in; cutter_diameter(6.35mm); material('BALTIC_BIRCH_PLYWOOD'); comment('Holes for threaded inserts for ceiling brackets'); for y in linspace(1.5in, board_height - 1.5in, 2) { for x in linspace(3/4in, 3.25in, 2) { comment('Counterbore'); circle_pocket(x, y, radius=6.35mm, depth=3mm); comment('Threaded insert hole'); circle_pocket(x, y, radius=4.75mm, depth=board_thickness); } } // Hole which the LED strip wires pass through material('ALUMINUM'); comment('LED strip wire hole'); drill(groove_x + groove_width / 2, board_height - 1mm, board_thickness); ``` Then: `gcad -o output.nc input.gcad` Done!