# gcal: Another Google Calendar API library for rust-lang I wrote this by hand because I found other clients hard to use for my use-cases. This provides an API layer into the Google Calendar API that is very minimal but also mostly complete. Types are fully represented. ## Example ```rust use gcal::*; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let access_key = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("Provide an access key"); let now = chrono::Local::now(); let client = Client::new(access_key); let client = EventClient::new(client); let list = client.list(now - chrono::Duration::days(1), now).await?; for event in &list { eprintln!("{} {}", event.id, event.summary); } } ``` ## Status This library is being maintained by hand and is not generated from any API source e.g. OpenAPI, because I can't seem to find an example of Google providing that directly. As a result, calls may be incorrect in spots, especially where they are supplied for completeness and not used in [saturn](https://github.com/erikh/saturn) which is what this library was built to power. If documentation is sparse, I am sorry, if you need explanations please feel free to put in a ticket. I am happy to maintain the work within reason, but the goal is mostly to prop up saturn, and any major overhauls that would alter that charter would likely be rejected. ## Author Erik Hollensbe