//! ENC28J60 demo: pong server + UDP echo server //! //! This program: //! //! - Responds to ARP requests //! - Responds to ICMP echo requests, thus you can `ping` the device //! - Responds to *all* UDP datagrams by sending them back //! //! You can test this program by running the following commands: //! //! - `ping`. The device should respond and toggle the state of the LED on every `ping` //! request. //! - `nc -u 1337` and sending any string. The device should respond back by sending //! back the received string; the LED will toggle each time a UDP datagram is sent. #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(warnings)] #![feature(nll)] #![no_std] #![no_main] extern crate cortex_m_rt as rt; #[macro_use] extern crate cortex_m; extern crate enc28j60; extern crate heapless; extern crate jnet; extern crate panic_itm; extern crate stm32f1xx_hal as hal; use enc28j60::Enc28j60; use hal::delay::Delay; use hal::prelude::*; use hal::spi::Spi; use hal::stm32f103xx; use heapless::consts::*; use heapless::FnvIndexMap; use jnet::{arp, ether, icmp, ipv4, mac, udp, Buffer}; use rt::{entry, exception, ExceptionFrame}; // uncomment to disable tracing // macro_rules! iprintln { // ($($tt: tt)*) => {}; // } /* Configuration */ const MAC: mac::Addr = mac::Addr([0x20, 0x18, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]); const IP: ipv4::Addr = ipv4::Addr([192, 168, 1, 33]); /* Constants */ const KB: u16 = 1024; // bytes #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let mut cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let dp = stm32f103xx::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let mut rcc = dp.RCC.constrain(); let mut afio = dp.AFIO.constrain(&mut rcc.apb2); let mut flash = dp.FLASH.constrain(); let mut gpioa = dp.GPIOA.split(&mut rcc.apb2); let _stim = &mut cp.ITM.stim[0]; let clocks = rcc.cfgr.freeze(&mut flash.acr); cp.DWT.enable_cycle_counter(); // LED let mut gpioc = dp.GPIOC.split(&mut rcc.apb2); let mut led = gpioc.pc13.into_push_pull_output(&mut gpioc.crh); // turn the LED off during initialization led.set_high(); // SPI let mut ncs = gpioa.pa4.into_push_pull_output(&mut gpioa.crl); ncs.set_high(); let sck = gpioa.pa5.into_alternate_push_pull(&mut gpioa.crl); let miso = gpioa.pa6; let mosi = gpioa.pa7.into_alternate_push_pull(&mut gpioa.crl); let spi = Spi::spi1( dp.SPI1, (sck, miso, mosi), &mut afio.mapr, enc28j60::MODE, 1.mhz(), clocks, &mut rcc.apb2, ); // ENC28J60 let mut reset = gpioa.pa3.into_push_pull_output(&mut gpioa.crl); reset.set_high(); let mut delay = Delay::new(cp.SYST, clocks); let mut enc28j60 = Enc28j60::new( spi, ncs, enc28j60::Unconnected, reset, &mut delay, 7 * KB, MAC.0, ) .ok() .unwrap(); // LED on after initialization led.set_low(); // FIXME some frames are lost when sent right after initialization delay.delay_ms(100_u8); // ARP cache let mut cache = FnvIndexMap::<_, _, U8>::new(); let mut buf = [0; 256]; loop { let mut buf = Buffer::new(&mut buf); let len = enc28j60.receive(buf.as_mut()).ok().unwrap(); buf.truncate(len); if let Ok(mut eth) = ether::Frame::parse(buf) { iprintln!(_stim, "\nRx({})", eth.as_bytes().len()); iprintln!(_stim, "* {:?}", eth); let src_mac = eth.get_source(); match eth.get_type() { ether::Type::Arp => { if let Ok(arp) = arp::Packet::parse(eth.payload_mut()) { match arp.downcast() { Ok(mut arp) => { iprintln!(_stim, "** {:?}", arp); if !arp.is_a_probe() { cache.insert(arp.get_spa(), arp.get_sha()).ok(); } // are they asking for us? if arp.get_oper() == arp::Operation::Request && arp.get_tpa() == IP { // reply to the ARP request let tha = arp.get_sha(); let tpa = arp.get_spa(); arp.set_oper(arp::Operation::Reply); arp.set_sha(MAC); arp.set_spa(IP); arp.set_tha(tha); arp.set_tpa(tpa); iprintln!(_stim, "\n** {:?}", arp); let arp_len = arp.len(); // update the Ethernet header eth.set_destination(tha); eth.set_source(MAC); eth.truncate(arp_len); iprintln!(_stim, "* {:?}", eth); iprintln!(_stim, "Tx({})", eth.as_bytes().len()); enc28j60.transmit(eth.as_bytes()).ok().unwrap(); } } Err(_arp) => { // Not a Ethernet/IPv4 ARP packet iprintln!(_stim, "** {:?}", _arp); } } } else { // malformed ARP packet iprintln!(_stim, "Err(A)"); } } ether::Type::Ipv4 => { if let Ok(mut ip) = ipv4::Packet::parse(eth.payload_mut()) { iprintln!(_stim, "** {:?}", ip); let src_ip = ip.get_source(); if !src_mac.is_broadcast() { cache.insert(src_ip, src_mac).ok(); } match ip.get_protocol() { ipv4::Protocol::Icmp => { if let Ok(icmp) = icmp::Packet::parse(ip.payload_mut()) { match icmp.downcast::() { Ok(request) => { // is an echo request iprintln!(_stim, "*** {:?}", request); let src_mac = cache .get(&src_ip) .unwrap_or_else(|| unimplemented!()); let _reply: icmp::Packet<_, icmp::EchoReply, _> = request.into(); iprintln!(_stim, "\n*** {:?}", _reply); // update the IP header let mut ip = ip.set_source(IP); ip.set_destination(src_ip); let _ip = ip.update_checksum(); iprintln!(_stim, "** {:?}", _ip); // update the Ethernet header eth.set_destination(*src_mac); eth.set_source(MAC); iprintln!(_stim, "* {:?}", eth); led.toggle(); iprintln!(_stim, "Tx({})", eth.as_bytes().len()); enc28j60.transmit(eth.as_bytes()).ok().unwrap(); } Err(_icmp) => { iprintln!(_stim, "*** {:?}", _icmp); } } } else { // Malformed ICMP packet iprintln!(_stim, "Err(B)"); } } ipv4::Protocol::Udp => { if let Ok(mut udp) = udp::Packet::parse(ip.payload_mut()) { iprintln!(_stim, "*** {:?}", udp); if let Some(src_mac) = cache.get(&src_ip) { let src_port = udp.get_source(); let dst_port = udp.get_destination(); // update the UDP header udp.set_source(dst_port); udp.set_destination(src_port); udp.zero_checksum(); iprintln!(_stim, "\n*** {:?}", udp); // update the IP header let mut ip = ip.set_source(IP); ip.set_destination(src_ip); let ip = ip.update_checksum(); let ip_len = ip.len(); iprintln!(_stim, "** {:?}", ip); // update the Ethernet header eth.set_destination(*src_mac); eth.set_source(MAC); eth.truncate(ip_len); iprintln!(_stim, "* {:?}", eth); led.toggle(); iprintln!(_stim, "Tx({})", eth.as_bytes().len()); enc28j60.transmit(eth.as_bytes()).ok().unwrap(); } } else { // malformed UDP packet iprintln!(_stim, "Err(C)"); } } _ => {} } } else { // malformed IPv4 packet iprintln!(_stim, "Err(D)"); } } _ => {} } } else { // malformed Ethernet frame iprintln!(_stim, "Err(E)"); } } } #[exception] fn HardFault(ef: &ExceptionFrame) -> ! { panic!("{:#?}", ef); } #[exception] fn DefaultHandler(irqn: i16) { panic!("Unhandled exception (IRQn = {})", irqn); }