use core::marker; /// Raw register type pub trait RegisterSpec { /// Raw register type (`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, ...). type Ux: Copy; } /// Trait implemented by readable registers to enable the `read` method. /// /// Registers marked with `Writable` can be also `modify`'ed. pub trait Readable: RegisterSpec { /// Result from a call to `read` and argument to `modify`. type Reader: From> + core::ops::Deref>; } /// Trait implemented by writeable registers. /// /// This enables the `write`, `write_with_zero` and `reset` methods. /// /// Registers marked with `Readable` can be also `modify`'ed. pub trait Writable: RegisterSpec { /// Writer type argument to `write`, et al. type Writer: From> + core::ops::DerefMut>; } /// Reset value of the register. /// /// This value is the initial value for the `write` method. It can also be directly written to the /// register by using the `reset` method. pub trait Resettable: RegisterSpec { /// Reset value of the register. fn reset_value() -> Self::Ux; } /// This structure provides volatile access to registers. #[repr(transparent)] pub struct Reg { register: vcell::VolatileCell, _marker: marker::PhantomData, } unsafe impl Send for Reg where REG::Ux: Send {} impl Reg { /// Returns the underlying memory address of register. /// /// ```ignore /// let reg_ptr = periph.reg.as_ptr(); /// ``` #[inline(always)] pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut REG::Ux { self.register.as_ptr() } } impl Reg { /// Reads the contents of a `Readable` register. /// /// You can read the raw contents of a register by using `bits`: /// ```ignore /// let bits =; /// ``` /// or get the content of a particular field of a register: /// ```ignore /// let reader =; /// let bits = reader.field1().bits(); /// let flag = reader.field2().bit_is_set(); /// ``` #[inline(always)] pub fn read(&self) -> REG::Reader { REG::Reader::from(R { bits: self.register.get(), _reg: marker::PhantomData, }) } } impl Reg { /// Writes the reset value to `Writable` register. /// /// Resets the register to its initial state. #[inline(always)] pub fn reset(&self) { self.register.set(REG::reset_value()) } /// Writes bits to a `Writable` register. /// /// You can write raw bits into a register: /// ```ignore /// periph.reg.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(rawbits) }); /// ``` /// or write only the fields you need: /// ```ignore /// periph.reg.write(|w| w /// .field1().bits(newfield1bits) /// .field2().set_bit() /// .field3().variant(VARIANT) /// ); /// ``` /// In the latter case, other fields will be set to their reset value. #[inline(always)] pub fn write(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut REG::Writer) -> &mut W, { self.register.set( f(&mut REG::Writer::from(W { bits: REG::reset_value(), _reg: marker::PhantomData, })) .bits, ); } } impl Reg where REG::Ux: Default, { /// Writes 0 to a `Writable` register. /// /// Similar to `write`, but unused bits will contain 0. #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn write_with_zero(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut REG::Writer) -> &mut W, { self.register.set( (*f(&mut REG::Writer::from(W { bits: REG::Ux::default(), _reg: marker::PhantomData, }))) .bits, ); } } impl Reg { /// Modifies the contents of the register by reading and then writing it. /// /// E.g. to do a read-modify-write sequence to change parts of a register: /// ```ignore /// periph.reg.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits( /// r.bits() | 3 /// ) }); /// ``` /// or /// ```ignore /// periph.reg.modify(|_, w| w /// .field1().bits(newfield1bits) /// .field2().set_bit() /// .field3().variant(VARIANT) /// ); /// ``` /// Other fields will have the value they had before the call to `modify`. #[inline(always)] pub fn modify(&self, f: F) where for<'w> F: FnOnce(®::Reader, &'w mut REG::Writer) -> &'w mut W, { let bits = self.register.get(); self.register.set( f( ®::Reader::from(R { bits, _reg: marker::PhantomData, }), &mut REG::Writer::from(W { bits, _reg: marker::PhantomData, }), ) .bits, ); } } /// Register reader. /// /// Result of the `read` methods of registers. Also used as a closure argument in the `modify` /// method. pub struct R { pub(crate) bits: REG::Ux, _reg: marker::PhantomData, } impl R { /// Reads raw bits from register. #[inline(always)] pub fn bits(&self) -> REG::Ux { self.bits } } impl PartialEq for R where REG::Ux: PartialEq, FI: Copy + Into, { #[inline(always)] fn eq(&self, other: &FI) -> bool { self.bits.eq(&(*other).into()) } } /// Register writer. /// /// Used as an argument to the closures in the `write` and `modify` methods of the register. pub struct W { ///Writable bits pub(crate) bits: REG::Ux, _reg: marker::PhantomData, } impl W { /// Writes raw bits to the register. #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn bits(&mut self, bits: REG::Ux) -> &mut Self { self.bits = bits; self } } /// Field reader. /// /// Result of the `read` methods of fields. pub struct FieldReader { pub(crate) bits: U, _reg: marker::PhantomData, } impl FieldReader where U: Copy, { /// Creates a new instance of the reader. #[allow(unused)] #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(bits: U) -> Self { Self { bits, _reg: marker::PhantomData, } } /// Reads raw bits from field. #[inline(always)] pub fn bits(&self) -> U { self.bits } } impl PartialEq for FieldReader where U: PartialEq, FI: Copy + Into, { #[inline(always)] fn eq(&self, other: &FI) -> bool { self.bits.eq(&(*other).into()) } } impl FieldReader { /// Value of the field as raw bits. #[inline(always)] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { self.bits } /// Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0). #[inline(always)] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } /// Returns `true` if the bit is set (1). #[inline(always)] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } }