_svd: ../GD32VF103.svd RTC: "PSCH,PSCL": _modify: PSC: access: write-only _modify: "ALRMH,ALRML": access: write-only ECLIC: _modify: # Fix offsets CLICINTIP_85: addressOffset: "0x1154" CLICINTIP_86: addressOffset: "0x1158" # Fix displayName: # * CLICINTATTR_* registers have CLICINTIE_* there # * Prepare for merging into a cluster: strip the "_xx" part "CLICINTIP_*": displayName: CLICINTIP "CLICINTIE_*": displayName: CLICINTIE "CLICINTATTR_*": displayName: CLICINTATTR "CLICINTCTL_*": displayName: CLICINTCTL _cluster: "CLICINTS[%s]": description: "Core-local Interrupt Controller Interrupt Registers" "CLICINTIP_*": name: CLICINTIP "CLICINTIE_*": name: CLICINTIE "CLICINTATTR_*": name: CLICINTATTR "CLICINTCTL_*": name: CLICINTCTL _add: _interrupts: INT_SFT: value: 3 description: "Software interrupt" INT_TMR: value: 7 description: "Timer interrupt" INT_BWEI: value: 17 description: "Bus Error interrupt" INT_PMOVI: value: 18 description: "Performance Monitor interrupt" _add: CTIMER: description: "Core timer" baseAddress: 0xD1000000 addressBlock: offset: 0x0000 size: 0x1000 usage: registers registers: mtime_lo: description: Timer value (lower half) addressOffset: 0x000 access: read-write resetValue: 0x00000000 mtime_hi: description: Timer value (upper half) addressOffset: 0x004 access: read-write resetValue: 0x00000000 mtimecmp_lo: description: Timer comparison value (lower half) addressOffset: 0x008 access: read-write resetValue: 0xffffffff mtimecmp_hi: description: Timer comparison value (upper half) addressOffset: 0x00c access: read-write resetValue: 0xffffffff mstop: description: Timer control register addressOffset: 0xff8 access: read-write resetValue: 0x00000000 fields: TIMESTOP: description: Pause (1) or run (0) the timer bitOffset: 0 bitWidth: 1 msip: description: Software interrupt register addressOffset: 0xffc access: read-write resetValue: 0x00000000 fields: MSIP: description: Generate software interrupts bitOffset: 0 bitWidth: 1 WWDGT: _modify: _interrupts: WWDGT: value: 19 EXTI: _add: _interrupts: EXTI_LVD: value: 20 I2C0: _add: _registers: FMPCFG: description: "Fast mode plus configure register" addressOffset: 0x90 size: 0x10 access: read-write resetValue: 0x0000 fields: FMPEN: description: Fast mode plus enable bitOffset: 0 bitWidth: 1 TIMER1: _modify: "CH*CV": size: 0x10 DMATB: size: 0x10