use semver::Version; use pkg_config::Config; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; #[cfg(feature = "bindgen")] pub fn write_bindings(include_paths: Vec, out_path: &Path) { // To generate the bindings manually, use // bindgen --constified-enum-module ".*" --ctypes-prefix libc --allowlist-function "(CPL|CSL|GDAL|OGR|OSR|OCT|VSI).*" wrapper.h -- $(pkg-config --cflags-only-I gdal) -fretain-comments-from-system-headers // If you add a new pre-built version, make sure to bump the version in main. let mut builder = bindgen::Builder::default() .size_t_is_usize(true) .header("wrapper.h") .constified_enum_module(".*") .ctypes_prefix("libc") .allowlist_function("CPL.*") .allowlist_function("CSL.*") .allowlist_function("GDAL.*") .allowlist_function("OGR.*") .allowlist_function("OSR.*") .allowlist_function("OCT.*") .allowlist_function("VSI.*"); for path in include_paths { builder = builder .clang_arg("-I") .clang_arg(path) .clang_arg("-fretain-comments-from-system-headers"); } builder .generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings") .write_to_file(out_path) .expect("Unable to write bindings to file"); } fn env_dir(var: &str) -> Option { let dir = env::var_os(var).map(PathBuf::from); if let Some(ref dir) = dir { if !dir.exists() { panic!("{} was set to {}, which doesn't exist.", var, dir.display()); } } dir } fn find_gdal_dll(lib_dir: &Path) -> io::Result> { for e in fs::read_dir(lib_dir)? { let e = e?; let name = e.file_name(); let name = name.to_str().unwrap(); if name.starts_with("gdal") && name.ends_with(".dll") { return Ok(Some(String::from(name))); } } Ok(None) } fn main() { let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join(""); // Hardcode a prebuilt binding version while generating docs. // Otherwise will explode due to not actually having libgdal installed. if std::env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() { let version = Version::parse("3.9.0").expect("invalid version for"); println!( "cargo:rustc-cfg=gdal_sys_{}_{}_{}", version.major, version.minor, version.patch ); // this version string is the result of: // #define GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION(maj,min,rev) ((maj)*1000000+(min)*10000+(rev)*100) let gdal_version_number_string = version.major * 1_000_000 + version.minor * 10_000 + version.patch * 100; println!("cargo:version_number={}", gdal_version_number_string); let binding_path = PathBuf::from(format!( "prebuilt-bindings/gdal_{}.{}.rs", version.major, version.minor )); if !binding_path.exists() { panic!("Missing bindings for (version {})", version); } std::fs::copy(&binding_path, &out_path).expect("Can't copy bindings to output directory"); return; } println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=GDAL_STATIC"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=GDAL_DYNAMIC"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=GDAL_LIB_DIR"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=GDAL_HOME"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=GDAL_VERSION"); let mut need_metadata = true; let mut lib_name = String::from("gdal"); let mut prefer_static = env::var_os("GDAL_STATIC").is_some() && env::var_os("GDAL_DYNAMIC").is_none(); let mut include_dir = env_dir("GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR"); let mut lib_dir = env_dir("GDAL_LIB_DIR"); let home_dir = env_dir("GDAL_HOME"); let mut version = env::var_os("GDAL_VERSION") .map(|vs| vs.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .and_then(|vs| Version::parse(vs.trim()).ok()); let mut found = false; if cfg!(windows) { // first, look for a static library in $GDAL_LIB_DIR or $GDAL_HOME/lib // works in windows-msvc and windows-gnu if let Some(ref lib_dir) = lib_dir { let lib_path = lib_dir.join("gdal_i.lib"); if lib_path.exists() { prefer_static = true; lib_name = String::from("gdal_i"); found = true; } } if !found { if let Some(ref home_dir) = home_dir { let home_lib_dir = home_dir.join("lib"); let lib_path = home_lib_dir.join("gdal_i.lib"); if lib_path.exists() { prefer_static = true; lib_name = String::from("gdal_i"); lib_dir = Some(home_lib_dir); found = true; } } } if !found { // otherwise, look for a gdalxxx.dll in $GDAL_HOME/bin // works in windows-gnu if let Some(ref home_dir) = home_dir { let bin_dir = home_dir.join("bin"); if bin_dir.exists() { if let Some(name) = find_gdal_dll(&bin_dir).unwrap() { prefer_static = false; lib_dir = Some(bin_dir); lib_name = name; } } } } } if let Some(ref home_dir) = home_dir { if include_dir.is_none() { let dir = home_dir.join("include"); if cfg!(feature = "bindgen") && !dir.exists() { panic!( "bindgen was enabled, but GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR was not set and {} doesn't exist.", dir.display() ); } include_dir = Some(dir); } if lib_dir.is_none() { let dir = home_dir.join("lib"); if !dir.exists() { panic!( "GDAL_LIB_DIR was not set and {} doesn't exist.", dir.display() ); } lib_dir = Some(dir); } } if let Some(lib_dir) = lib_dir { let link_type = if prefer_static { "static" } else { "dylib" }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={link_type}={lib_name}"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", lib_dir.to_str().unwrap()); if !prefer_static { need_metadata = false; } } let mut include_paths = Vec::new(); if let Some(ref dir) = include_dir { include_paths.push(dir.as_path().to_str().unwrap().to_string()); } let gdal_pkg_config = Config::new() .statik(prefer_static) .cargo_metadata(need_metadata) .probe("gdal"); if !found && cfg!(target_env = "msvc") && gdal_pkg_config.is_err() { panic!("windows-msvc requires gdal_i.lib to be present in either $GDAL_LIB_DIR or $GDAL_HOME\\lib."); } if let Ok(gdal) = &gdal_pkg_config { for dir in &gdal.include_paths { include_paths.push(dir.to_str().unwrap().to_string()); } if version.is_none() { // development GDAL versions look like 3.7.2dev, which is not valid semver let mut version_string = gdal.version.trim().to_string(); if let Some(idx) = version_string.rfind(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()) { if idx + 1 < version_string.len() && !version_string[idx + 1..].starts_with('-') { version_string.insert(idx + 1, '-'); } } if let Ok(pkg_version) = Version::parse(&version_string) { version.replace(pkg_version); } } } if let Some(gdal_version) = &version { // this version string is the result of: // #define GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION(maj,min,rev) ((maj)*1000000+(min)*10000+(rev)*100) let gdal_version_number_string = gdal_version.major * 1_000_000 + gdal_version.minor * 10_000 + gdal_version.patch * 100; println!("cargo:version_number={}", gdal_version_number_string); } #[cfg(feature = "bindgen")] write_bindings(include_paths, &out_path); #[cfg(not(feature = "bindgen"))] { if let Some(version) = version { println!( "cargo:rustc-cfg=gdal_sys_{}_{}_{}", version.major, version.minor, version.patch ); let binding_path = PathBuf::from(format!( "prebuilt-bindings/gdal_{}.{}.rs", version.major, version.minor )); if !binding_path.exists() { panic!("No pre-built bindings available for GDAL version {}.{}. Enable the `bindgen` feature of the `gdal` or `gdal-sys` crate to generate them during build.", version.major, version.minor); } std::fs::copy(&binding_path, &out_path) .expect("Can't copy bindings to output directory"); } else if let Err(pkg_config_err) = &gdal_pkg_config { // Special case output for this common error if matches!(pkg_config_err, pkg_config::Error::Command { cause, .. } if cause.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound) { panic!("Could not find `pkg-config` in your path. Please install it before building gdal-sys."); } else { panic!("Error while running `pkg-config`: {}", pkg_config_err); } } else { panic!("No GDAL version detected"); } } }