# - Find MONO # This module finds an installed MONO. It sets the following variables: # MONO_FOUND - set to true if MONO is found # MONO_DIR - the directory where swig is installed # MONO_EXECUTABLE - the path to the swig executable # MONO_VERSION - the version number of the swig executable # # All information are collected from the MONO_EXECUTABLE so the # version to be found can be changed from the command line by # means of setting MONO_EXECUTABLE # # Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New # BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # set(MONO_FOUND FALSE) # apt-get install mono-jit mono-mcs mono-gac mono-gmcs # eg. # $ gmcs HelloWorld.cs # $ mono HelloWorld.exe # TODO: what are 'cscc' and 'ilrun' ? find_program(MONO_EXECUTABLE mono) find_program(MCS_EXECUTABLE mcs) # 1.0 (mono >= 2.11 => target all version) find_program(GMCS_EXECUTABLE mono-csc gmcs) # 2.0 find_program(SMCS_EXECUTABLE smcs) # 3.0 find_program(DMCS_EXECUTABLE dmcs) # 4.0 # mono-gac: /usr/bin/gacutil find_program(GACUTIL_EXECUTABLE gacutil) # gacutil - Global Assembly Cache management utility. # mono-1.0-devel: /usr/bin/ilasm find_program(ILASM_EXECUTABLE ilasm) # ilasm, ilasm2 - Mono IL assembler # mono-1.0-devel: /usr/bin/sn find_program(SN_EXECUTABLE sn) # sn - Digitally sign/verify/compare strongnames on CLR assemblies. # We decide to declare mono found when both interpreter and compiler 1.0 are found. if(MONO_EXECUTABLE AND MCS_EXECUTABLE) set(MONO_FOUND TRUE) # TODO get version # TODO: there are multiple 'mcs' command on unix, need to check this is Mono: # mcs --version should return "Mono C# compiler version" elseif(MONO_EXECUTABLE AND GMCS_EXECUTABLE) set(MONO_FOUND TRUE) elseif(MONO_EXECUTABLE AND SMCS_EXECUTABLE) set(MONO_FOUND TRUE) elseif(MONO_EXECUTABLE AND DMCS_EXECUTABLE) set(MONO_FOUND TRUE) endif() if(NOT MONO_FOUND) if(NOT MONO_FIND_QUIETLY) if(MONO_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "MONO was not found. Please specify mono/mcs executable location") else() message(STATUS "MONO was not found. Please specify mono/mcs executable location") endif() endif() endif() get_filename_component(current_list_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) set(MONO_USE_FILE ${current_list_path}/UseMONO.cmake) mark_as_advanced( MONO_EXECUTABLE MCS_EXECUTABLE GMCS_EXECUTABLE SMCS_EXECUTABLE DMCS_EXECUTABLE GACUTIL_EXECUTABLE ILASM_EXECUTABLE SN_EXECUTABLE )