# - Find PHP5 # This module finds if PHP5 is installed and determines where the include files # and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This # code sets the following variables: # # PHP5_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where php.h can be found # PHP5_EXECUTABLE = full path to the php5 binary # # Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New # BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # set(PHP5_POSSIBLE_INCLUDE_PATHS /usr/include/php5 /usr/local/include/php5 /usr/include/php /usr/local/include/php /usr/local/apache/php ) set(PHP5_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATHS /usr/lib ) find_path(PHP5_FOUND_INCLUDE_PATH main/php.h ${PHP5_POSSIBLE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) if(PHP5_FOUND_INCLUDE_PATH) set(php5_paths "${PHP5_POSSIBLE_INCLUDE_PATHS}") foreach(php5_path Zend main TSRM) set(php5_paths ${php5_paths} "${PHP5_FOUND_INCLUDE_PATH}/${php5_path}") endforeach() set(PHP5_INCLUDE_PATH "${php5_paths}" CACHE INTERNAL "PHP5 include paths") endif() find_program(PHP5_EXECUTABLE NAMES php5 php ) mark_as_advanced( PHP5_EXECUTABLE PHP5_FOUND_INCLUDE_PATH ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(PHP5 DEFAULT_MSG PHP5_EXECUTABLE PHP5_INCLUDE_PATH)