/*========================================================================= Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkGDCMImageReader.h" #include "vtkImageData.h" #include "vtkStringArray.h" #include "gdcmIPPSorter.h" #include "gdcmFilename.h" #include "gdcmTesting.h" #include "gdcmSystem.h" #include "gdcmTrace.h" #include "gdcmDirectory.h" #include "gdcmScanner.h" #include /* * There is special case we need to handle here: * What if the Series we are trying to read contained a changing shift/scale ? */ int TestvtkGDCMImageRead3(const char *dir, const char *studyuid) { std::cout << "Working on : " << dir << std::endl; int ret = 0; gdcm::Directory d; d.Load( dir ); const gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType &l1 = d.GetFilenames(); const size_t nfiles = l1.size(); (void)nfiles; // Sub-select only the DICOM files in this directory: gdcm::Scanner s; const gdcm::Tag t1(0x0020,0x000d); // Study Instance UID const gdcm::Tag t2(0x0020,0x000e); // Series Instance UID const gdcm::Tag t3(0x0028,0x1052); // Rescale Intercept const gdcm::Tag t4(0x0028,0x1053); // Rescale Slope s.AddTag( t1 ); s.AddTag( t2 ); s.AddTag( t3 ); s.AddTag( t4 ); bool b = s.Scan( d.GetFilenames() ); if( !b ) { std::cerr << "Scanner failed" << std::endl; return 1; } //s.Print( std::cout ); //std::cout << dir1 << std::endl; //gdcm::Scanner::ValuesType const &v = s.GetValues(); //std::cout << v.size() << std::endl; //std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), // std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, "\n")); // Let take all the following files and pretend there are part of the // same Series: // (0020,000d) UI [] # 40, 1 StudyInstanceUID // ... footnote : they are part of the same Study, but separate Series gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType keys = s.GetKeys(); gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); std::vector wholebuffer; vtkStringArray *sarray = vtkStringArray::New(); for(; it != keys.end() /*&& i < 2*/; ++it) { const char *filename = it->c_str(); assert( s.IsKey( filename ) ); const gdcm::Tag &reftag = t1; const char *value = s.GetValue( filename, reftag ); if( value && strcmp( value, studyuid ) == 0 ) { //std::cout << "file: " << filename << std::endl; sarray->InsertNextValue( filename ); // Read each file vtkGDCMImageReader *singlereader = vtkGDCMImageReader::New(); singlereader->SetFileName( filename ); singlereader->Update(); vtkImageData* img = singlereader->GetOutput(); int ssize = img->GetScalarSize(); vtkIdType npts = img->GetNumberOfPoints(); char * ptr = (char*)img->GetScalarPointer(); //std::vector buffer(ptr, ptr+npts*ssize); wholebuffer.insert(wholebuffer.end(), ptr, ptr+npts*ssize); singlereader->Delete(); } } std::cout << "Found " << sarray->GetSize() << " files belonging to StudyUID: " << studyuid << std::endl; vtkGDCMImageReader *reader = vtkGDCMImageReader::New(); reader->SetFileNames( sarray ); sarray->Delete(); reader->Update(); vtkImageData* img = reader->GetOutput(); size_t ssize = img->GetScalarSize(); vtkIdType npts = img->GetNumberOfPoints(); char * ptr = (char*)img->GetScalarPointer(); if( wholebuffer.size() != npts * ssize || wholebuffer.empty() ) { std::cerr << "Something went terribly wrong" << std::endl; ret = 1; } if( memcmp(&wholebuffer[0], ptr, wholebuffer.size() ) != 0 ) { std::cerr << "BUG: (n) Readers are not equivalent to a single reader !" << std::endl; ret = 1; } #if 0 std::ofstream o1("/tmp/debug1.raw", std::ios::binary); o1.write(&wholebuffer[0], wholebuffer.size()); o1.close(); std::ofstream o2("/tmp/debug2.raw", std::ios::binary); o2.write(ptr, wholebuffer.size()); o2.close(); #endif reader->Delete(); return ret; } int TestvtkGDCMImageReader3(int , char *[]) { int ret = 0; gdcm::Trace::DebugOff(); gdcm::Trace::WarningOff(); const char *root = gdcm::Testing::GetDataExtraRoot(); std::string dir1 = root; std::string dir2 = root; std::string dir3 = root; // dir1 & dir2 have changing 'Rescale Slope': dir1 += "/gdcmSampleData/Philips_Medical_Images/mr711-mr712/"; dir2 += "/gdcmSampleData/ForSeriesTesting/Perfusion/images/"; // dir3 has RescaleSlope == 0 ! dir3 += "/gdcmSampleData/ForSeriesTesting/Dentist/images/"; const char *studyuids[] = { "", "", "1.76.380.18.1.10713.1.1335" }; ret += TestvtkGDCMImageRead3(dir1.c_str(), studyuids[0]); ret += TestvtkGDCMImageRead3(dir2.c_str(), studyuids[1]); ret += TestvtkGDCMImageRead3(dir3.c_str(), studyuids[2]); return ret; }