/*========================================================================= Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkDoubleArray.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkPolyData.h" #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h" #include "vtkFloatArray.h" #include "vtkCellArray.h" #include "vtkCellData.h" #include "vtkErrorCode.h" #include "vtkMedicalImageProperties.h" #include "vtkRTStructSetProperties.h" #include "vtkVersion.h" #include "gdcmSystem.h" #include "gdcmWriter.h" #include "gdcmUIDs.h" #include "gdcmUIDGenerator.h" #include "gdcmSmartPointer.h" #include "gdcmAttribute.h" #include "gdcmSmartPointer.h" #include "gdcmSequenceOfItems.h" #include "gdcmAnonymizer.h" #include "gdcmIPPSorter.h" #include "gdcmAttribute.h" #include "gdcmDirectoryHelper.h" //vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter, "$Revision: 1.74 $") vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter) vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter,MedicalImageProperties,vtkMedicalImageProperties) vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter,RTStructSetProperties,vtkRTStructSetProperties) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter() { this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(1); this->MedicalImageProperties = vtkMedicalImageProperties::New(); this->RTStructSetProperties = vtkRTStructSetProperties::New(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::~vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter() { this->MedicalImageProperties->Delete(); this->RTStructSetProperties->Delete(); } static void SetStringValueFromTag(const char *s, const gdcm::Tag& t, gdcm::Anonymizer & ano) { if( s && *s ) { #if 0 gdcm::DataElement de( t ); de.SetByteValue( s, strlen( s ) ); const gdcm::Global& g = gdcm::Global::GetInstance(); const gdcm::Dicts &dicts = g.GetDicts(); // FIXME: we know the tag at compile time we could save some time // Using the static dict instead of the run-time one: const gdcm::DictEntry &dictentry = dicts.GetDictEntry( t ); de.SetVR( dictentry.GetVR() ); ds.Insert( de ); #else ano.Replace(t, s); #endif } } using namespace gdcm; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::WriteData() { if ( this->FileName == NULL) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Please specify FileName to write"); this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::NoFileNameError); return; } Writer writer; writer.SetFileName( this->FileName ); File &file = writer.GetFile(); this->WriteRTSTRUCTInfo(file); int numInputs = this->GetNumberOfInputPorts(); for(int input = 0; input < numInputs; ++input ) { this->WriteRTSTRUCTData(file, input); } if( !writer.Write() ) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Could not write"); this->SetErrorCode(vtkErrorCode::FileFormatError); return; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::WriteRTSTRUCTInfo(gdcm::File &file) { DataSet& ds = file.GetDataSet(); { const Tag sisq(0x3006,0x0039); DataElement de( sisq ); de.SetVR( VR::SQ ); SmartPointer sqi1 = 0; sqi1 = new SequenceOfItems; de.SetValue( *sqi1 ); de.SetVLToUndefined(); ds.Insert( de ); } UIDGenerator uid; { const char *sop = uid.Generate(); DataElement de( Tag(0x0008,0x0018) ); VL::Type strlenSOP = (VL::Type) strlen(sop); de.SetByteValue( sop, strlenSOP ); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0008, 0x0018>::GetVR() ); ds.ReplaceEmpty( de ); } { //this is incorrect. //the study MUST be the same as the image from which this object is derived. // const char *study = uid.Generate(); // DataElement de( Tag(0x0020,0x000d) ); // VL::Type strlenStudy= (VL::Type)strlen(study); // de.SetByteValue( study, strlenStudy ); // de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0020, 0x000d>::GetVR() ); // ds.ReplaceEmpty( de ); } { const char *series = uid.Generate(); DataElement de( Tag(0x0020,0x000e) ); VL::Type strlenSeries= (VL::Type)strlen(series); de.SetByteValue( series, strlenSeries ); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0020, 0x000e>::GetVR() ); ds.ReplaceEmpty( de ); } FileMetaInformation &fmi = file.GetHeader(); TransferSyntax ts = TransferSyntax::ImplicitVRLittleEndian; { const char *tsuid = TransferSyntax::GetTSString( ts ); DataElement de( Tag(0x0002,0x0010) ); VL::Type strlenTSUID = (VL::Type)strlen(tsuid); de.SetByteValue( tsuid, strlenTSUID ); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0002, 0x0010>::GetVR() ); fmi.Replace( de ); fmi.SetDataSetTransferSyntax(ts); } MediaStorage ms = MediaStorage::RTStructureSetStorage ; const char* msstr = MediaStorage::GetMSString(ms); { DataElement de( Tag(0x0008, 0x0016 ) ); VL::Type strlenMsstr = (VL::Type)strlen(msstr); de.SetByteValue( msstr, strlenMsstr); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0008, 0x0016>::GetVR() ); ds.Insert( de ); } int year, month, day; gdcm::Anonymizer ano; ano.SetFile( file ); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetLabel(), gdcm::Tag(0x3006,0x0002), ano); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetName(), gdcm::Tag(0x3006,0x0004), ano); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetDate(), gdcm::Tag(0x3006,0x0008), ano); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x3006,0x0009), ano); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetSOPInstanceUID(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0018), ano); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStudyInstanceUID(), gdcm::Tag(0x0020,0x000d), ano); SetStringValueFromTag(this->RTStructSetProperties->GetSeriesInstanceUID(), gdcm::Tag(0x0020,0x000e), ano); { SmartPointer sqi; sqi = new SequenceOfItems; vtkIdType n = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetNumberOfReferencedFrameOfReferences(); for( vtkIdType id = 0; id < n; ++id ) { const char *sopclass = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetReferencedFrameOfReferenceClassUID(id); const char *instanceuid = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetReferencedFrameOfReferenceInstanceUID(id); Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &subds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); { Attribute<0x0008,0x1150> at; at.SetValue( sopclass ); subds.Insert( at.GetAsDataElement() ); } { Attribute<0x0008,0x1155> at; at.SetValue( instanceuid ); subds.Insert( at.GetAsDataElement() ); } sqi->AddItem( item ); } DataElement de1( Tag(0x3006,0x0010) ); de1.SetVR( VR::SQ ); SmartPointer sqi1 = new SequenceOfItems; de1.SetValue( *sqi1 ); de1.SetVLToUndefined(); ds.Insert( de1 ); Item item1; item1.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &ds2 = item1.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x0020,0x052> frameofreferenceuid; if( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetReferenceFrameOfReferenceUID() ) frameofreferenceuid.SetValue( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetReferenceFrameOfReferenceUID() ); ds2.Insert( frameofreferenceuid.GetAsDataElement() ); DataElement de2( Tag(0x3006,0x0012) ); de2.SetVR( VR::SQ ); SmartPointer sqi2 = new SequenceOfItems; de2.SetValue( *sqi2 ); de2.SetVLToUndefined(); ds2.Insert( de2 ); Item item2; item2.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &ds3 = item2.GetNestedDataSet(); Attribute<0x0008,0x1150> refsopclassuid; const char *rtuid = gdcm::UIDs::GetUIDString( gdcm::UIDs::RTStructureSetStorage); refsopclassuid.SetValue ( rtuid ); ds3.Insert( refsopclassuid.GetAsDataElement() ); Attribute<0x0008,0x1155> refsopinstuid; if( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStudyInstanceUID() ) refsopinstuid.SetValue ( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStudyInstanceUID() ); ds3.Insert( refsopinstuid.GetAsDataElement() ); DataElement de3( Tag(0x3006,0x0014) ); de3.SetVR( VR::SQ ); SmartPointer sqi3 = new SequenceOfItems; de3.SetValue( *sqi3 ); de3.SetVLToUndefined(); ds3.Insert( de3 ); Item item3; item3.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &ds4 = item3.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x0020,0x000e> seriesinstanceuid; if ( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetReferenceSeriesInstanceUID() ) seriesinstanceuid.SetValue( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetReferenceSeriesInstanceUID() ); ds4.Insert( seriesinstanceuid.GetAsDataElement() ); DataElement de4( Tag(0x3006,0x0016) ); de4.SetVR( VR::SQ ); //SmartPointer sqi4 = new SequenceOfItems; de4.SetValue( *sqi ); de4.SetVLToUndefined(); ds4.Insert( de4 ); //Item item4; //item4.SetVLToUndefined(); //DataSet &ds5 = item4.GetNestedDataSet(); //sqi4->AddItem( item4 ); sqi3->AddItem( item3 ); sqi2->AddItem( item2 ); sqi1->AddItem( item1 ); } { SmartPointer sqi; sqi = new SequenceOfItems; SmartPointer sqiobs; sqiobs = new SequenceOfItems; vtkIdType n = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetNumberOfStructureSetROIs(); for( vtkIdType id = 0; id < n; ++id ) { int roinumber = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROINumber(id); const char *refframerefuid = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROIRefFrameRefUID(id); const char *roiname = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROIName(id); const char *roigenalgo = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROIGenerationAlgorithm(id); const char *roidesc = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROIDescription(id); Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &subds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0022> atroinumber; atroinumber.SetValue( roinumber ); subds.Insert( atroinumber.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0024> atrefframeuid; atrefframeuid.SetValue( refframerefuid ); subds.Insert( atrefframeuid.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0026> atroiname; atroiname.SetValue( roiname ); subds.Insert( atroiname.GetAsDataElement() ); if( roidesc && *roidesc ) { gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0028> atroidesc; atroidesc.SetValue( roidesc ); subds.Insert( atroidesc.GetAsDataElement() ); } gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0036> atroigenalg; atroigenalg.SetValue( roigenalgo ); subds.Insert( atroigenalg.GetAsDataElement() ); // do the obs stuff Item itemobs; itemobs.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &subdsobs = itemobs.GetNestedDataSet(); int observationnumber = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetObservationNumber(id); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0082> atobservationnumber; atobservationnumber.SetValue( observationnumber ); subdsobs.Insert( atobservationnumber.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0084> atreferencedroinumber; atreferencedroinumber.SetValue( roinumber ); subdsobs.Insert( atreferencedroinumber.GetAsDataElement() ); const char *roiobservationlabel = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROIObservationLabel(id); if( roiobservationlabel && *roiobservationlabel ) { gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0085> atroiobservationlabel; atroiobservationlabel.SetValue( roiobservationlabel ); subdsobs.Insert( atroiobservationlabel.GetAsDataElement() ); } const char *rtroiinterpretedtype = this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetRTROIInterpretedType(id); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x00a4> atrtroiinterpretedtype; atrtroiinterpretedtype.SetValue( rtroiinterpretedtype ); subdsobs.Insert( atrtroiinterpretedtype.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x00a6> atroiinterpreter; //atroiinterpreter.SetValue( rtroiinterpretedtype ); subdsobs.Insert( atroiinterpreter.GetAsDataElement() ); sqiobs->AddItem( itemobs ); sqi->AddItem( item ); } DataElement de1( Tag(0x3006,0x0020) ); de1.SetVR( VR::SQ ); de1.SetValue( *sqi ); de1.SetVLToUndefined(); ds.Insert( de1 ); DataElement de2( Tag(0x3006,0x0080) ); de2.SetVR( VR::SQ ); de2.SetValue( *sqiobs ); de2.SetVLToUndefined(); ds.Insert( de2 ); } // For ex: DICOM (0010,0010) = DOE,JOHN SetStringValueFromTag(this->MedicalImageProperties->GetPatientName(), gdcm::Tag(0x0010,0x0010), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0010,0020) = 1933197 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetPatientID(), gdcm::Tag(0x0010,0x0020), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0010,1010) = 031Y SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetPatientAge(), gdcm::Tag(0x0010,0x1010), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0010,0040) = M SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetPatientSex(), gdcm::Tag(0x0010,0x0040), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0010,0030) = 19680427 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetPatientBirthDate(), gdcm::Tag(0x0010,0x0030), ano); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 || ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && VTK_MINOR_VERSION > 0 ) // For ex: DICOM (0008,0020) = 20030617 if( vtkMedicalImageProperties::GetDateAsFields( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStudyDate(), year, month, day ) ) SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStudyDate(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0020), ano); #endif // For ex: DICOM (0008,0022) = 20030617 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetAcquisitionDate(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0022), ano); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 || ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && VTK_MINOR_VERSION > 0 ) // For ex: DICOM (0008,0030) = 162552.0705 or 230012, or 0012 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 || ( VTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && VTK_MINOR_VERSION > 4 ) int hour, minute, second; if( vtkMedicalImageProperties::GetTimeAsFields( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStudyTime(), hour, minute, second ) ) #endif SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStudyTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0030), ano); #endif // For ex: DICOM (0008,0032) = 162552.0705 or 230012, or 0012 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetAcquisitionTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0032), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,0023) = 20030617 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetImageDate(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0023), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,0033) = 162552.0705 or 230012, or 0012 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetImageTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0033), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0020,0013) = 1 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetImageNumber(), gdcm::Tag(0x0020,0x0013), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0020,0011) = 902 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetSeriesNumber(), gdcm::Tag(0x0020,0x0011), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,103e) = SCOUT SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetSeriesDescription(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x103e), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0020,0010) = 37481 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStudyID(), gdcm::Tag(0x0020,0x0010), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,1030) = BRAIN/C-SP/FACIAL SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStudyDescription(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x1030), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,0060)= CT SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetModality(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0060), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,0070) = Siemens SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetManufacturer(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0070), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,1090) = LightSpeed QX/i SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetManufacturerModelName(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x1090), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,1010) = LSPD_OC8 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetStationName(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x1010), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0008,0080) = FooCity Medical Center SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetInstitutionName(), gdcm::Tag(0x0008,0x0080), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,1210) = Bone SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetConvolutionKernel(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x1210), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,0050) = 0.273438 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetSliceThickness(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x0050), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,0060) = 120 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetKVP(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x0060), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,1120) = 15 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetGantryTilt(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x1120), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,0081) = 105 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetEchoTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x0081), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,0091) = 35 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetEchoTrainLength(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x0091), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,0080) = 2040 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetRepetitionTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x0080), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,1150) = 5 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetExposureTime(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x1150), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,1151) = 400 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetXRayTubeCurrent(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x1151), ano); // For ex: DICOM (0018,1152) = 114 SetStringValueFromTag( this->MedicalImageProperties->GetExposure(), gdcm::Tag(0x0018,0x1152), ano); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::WriteRTSTRUCTData(gdcm::File &file, int pdidx ) { vtkPolyData *input = this->GetInput(pdidx); assert( input ); vtkPoints *pts; vtkCellArray *polys; polys = input->GetPolys(); vtkCellArray* lines = input->GetLines(); pts = input->GetPoints(); vtkDataArray *scalars = input->GetCellData()->GetScalars(); vtkDoubleArray *darray = vtkDoubleArray::SafeDownCast( scalars ); vtkFloatArray *farray = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast( scalars ); if (pts == NULL || polys == NULL || lines == NULL) { vtkWarningMacro(<<"No data to write!");//should be a warning, not an error, because //it's entirely possible to have a blank ROI //return;//ok, you have to put the observation here, even if it's blank //if it's blank, the color and so forth are still defined. Otherwise, //the observation will be incomplete. } /* (3006,0039) ?? (SQ) # u/l,1 ROI Contour Sequence (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length) (3006,002a) ?? (IS) [220\160\120 ] # 12,3 ROI Display Color (3006,0040) ?? (SQ) # u/l,1 Contour Sequence (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length) (3006,0016) ?? (SQ) # u/l,1 Contour Image Sequence (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length) (0008,1150) ?? (UI) [1.2.840.10008.] # 26,1 Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1155) ?? (UI) [] # 28,1 Referenced SOP Instance UID (fffe,e00d) (fffe,e0dd) (3006,0042) ?? (CS) [CLOSED_PLANAR ] # 14,1 Contour Geometric Type (3006,0046) ?? (IS) [139 ] # 4,1 Number of Contour Points (3006,0050) ?? (DS) [-209.81171875\-392.41171875\...] # 5004,3-3n Contour Data (fffe,e00d) */ SmartPointer sqi; sqi = new SequenceOfItems; vtkIdType npts = 0; vtkIdType *indx = 0; double v[3]; unsigned int cellnum = 0; //choose to use either polys or lines //the result of vtk marching cubes->stripper->appendpolydata is a set of lines, //not polys, so favor that one for now. //choose by the number of polys/lines available. vtkCellArray* theCells = lines; if (!lines || lines->GetNumberOfCells() == 0){ theCells = polys; } std::vector cellpoints; for (theCells->InitTraversal(); theCells->GetNextCell(npts,indx); cellnum++ ){ cellpoints.resize(0); for(vtkIdType index = 0; index < npts; ++index){ pts->GetPoint(indx[index],v); //precision problems are _definitely_ here by this point //this a crude hack to the get the 9999's under control, //or pollution by switching from doubles to floats and back again //cellpoints.push_back( (double)((int)(v[0]*10000.0))/10000.0 ); //cellpoints.push_back( (double)((int)(v[1]*10000.0))/10000.0 ); //cellpoints.push_back( (double)((int)(v[2]*10000.0))/10000.0 ); cellpoints.push_back( v[0] ); cellpoints.push_back( v[1] ); cellpoints.push_back( v[2 ]); } Item item0; item0.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &subds0 = item0.GetNestedDataSet(); Attribute<0x3006,0x0050> at; at.SetValues( &cellpoints[0], (unsigned int)cellpoints.size(), false ); subds0.Insert( at.GetAsDataElement() ); Attribute<0x3006,0x0046> numcontpoints; numcontpoints.SetValue( (int)npts ); subds0.Insert( numcontpoints.GetAsDataElement() ); Attribute<0x3006,0x0042> contgeotype; contgeotype.SetValue( "CLOSED_PLANAR " ); subds0.Insert( contgeotype.GetAsDataElement() ); SmartPointer thesqi = new SequenceOfItems; { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &subds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x0008,0x1150> classat; classat.SetValue ( this->RTStructSetProperties-> GetContourReferencedFrameOfReferenceClassUID( pdidx, cellnum )); subds.Insert( classat.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x0008,0x1155> instat; instat.SetValue ( this->RTStructSetProperties-> GetContourReferencedFrameOfReferenceInstanceUID( pdidx, cellnum )); subds.Insert( instat.GetAsDataElement() ); thesqi->AddItem( item ); } DataElement contimsq = DataElement( Tag(0x3006,0x0016) ); contimsq.SetVR( VR::SQ ); contimsq.SetValue( *thesqi ); contimsq.SetVLToUndefined(); subds0.Insert( contimsq ); sqi->AddItem( item0 ); } DataSet& ds = file.GetDataSet(); { const Tag sisq(0x3006,0x0039); SmartPointer sqi1 = 0; sqi1 = ds.GetDataElement( sisq ).GetValueAsSQ(); assert( sqi1 ); Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); DataSet &subds = item.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x0084> referencedroinumber; //referencedroinumber.SetValue ( pdidx ); referencedroinumber.SetValue( this->RTStructSetProperties->GetStructureSetROINumber(pdidx) ); subds.Insert( referencedroinumber.GetAsDataElement() ); //(3006,002a) IS [220\160\120] # 12, 3 ROIDisplayColor gdcm::Attribute<0x3006,0x002a> roidispcolor; int32_t intcolor[3] = {0,0,0}; //assert( darray || farray ); if( darray ) { double tuple[3]; #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 7 || (VTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 7 && VTK_MINOR_VERSION >= 1) darray->GetTypedTuple( 0, tuple ); #else darray->GetTupleValue( 0, tuple ); #endif intcolor[0] = (int32_t)(tuple[0] * 255.); intcolor[1] = (int32_t)(tuple[1] * 255.); intcolor[2] = (int32_t)(tuple[2] * 255.); } else if( farray ) { float ftuple[3]; #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 7 || (VTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 7 && VTK_MINOR_VERSION >= 1) farray->GetTypedTuple( 0, ftuple ); #else farray->GetTupleValue( 0, ftuple ); #endif intcolor[0] = (int32_t)(ftuple[0] * 255.); intcolor[1] = (int32_t)(ftuple[1] * 255.); intcolor[2] = (int32_t)(ftuple[2] * 255.); } else { vtkDebugMacro( "No color" ); } roidispcolor.SetValues( intcolor, 3 ); subds.Insert( roidispcolor.GetAsDataElement() ); if( sqi->GetNumberOfItems() ) { const Tag sisq2(0x3006,0x0040); DataElement de2( sisq2 ); de2.SetVR( VR::SQ ); de2.SetValue( *sqi ); de2.SetVLToUndefined(); subds.Insert( de2 ); } sqi1->AddItem( item ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::SetNumberOfInputPorts(int n) { Superclass::SetNumberOfInputPorts(n); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); } //this function will initialize the contained rtstructset with //the inputs of the writer and the various extra information //necessary for writing a complete rtstructset. //NOTE: inputs must be set BEFORE calling this function! //NOTE: the number of outputs for the appendpolydata MUST MATCH the organ vectors! void vtkGDCMPolyDataWriter::InitializeRTStructSet(vtkStdString inDirectory, vtkStdString inStructLabel, vtkStdString inStructName, vtkStringArray* inROINames, vtkStringArray* inROIAlgorithmName, vtkStringArray* inROIType) { gdcm::Directory::FilenamesType theCTSeries = gdcm::DirectoryHelper::GetCTImageSeriesUIDs(inDirectory); if (theCTSeries.size() > 1) { gdcmWarningMacro("More than one CT series detected, only reading series UID: " << theCTSeries[0]); } if (theCTSeries.empty()) { gdcmWarningMacro("No CT Series found, trying MR."); theCTSeries = gdcm::DirectoryHelper::GetMRImageSeriesUIDs(inDirectory); if (theCTSeries.size() > 1) { gdcmWarningMacro("More than one MR series detected, only reading series UID: " << theCTSeries[0]); } if (theCTSeries.empty()) { gdcmWarningMacro("No CT or MR series found, throwing."); return;// false; } } //load the images in the CT series std::vector theCTDataSets = gdcm::DirectoryHelper::LoadImageFromFiles(inDirectory, theCTSeries[0]); if (theCTDataSets.empty()) { gdcmWarningMacro("No CT or MR Images loaded, throwing."); return;// false; } //now, armed with this set of images, we can begin to properly construct the RTStructureSet vtkRTStructSetProperties* theRTStruct = RTStructSetProperties;//initially, this function was a static construction //but that doesn't jive with swig wrapping easily theRTStruct->SetStructureSetLabel(inStructLabel.c_str()); theRTStruct->SetStructureSetName(inStructName.c_str()); //theRTStruct->SetSOPInstanceUID(<#const char *_arg#>);//should be autogenerated by the object itself { const ByteValue* theValue = theCTDataSets[0].FindNextDataElement(Tag(0x0020,0x000d)).GetByteValue(); std::string theStringValue(theValue->GetPointer(), theValue->GetLength()); theRTStruct->SetStudyInstanceUID(theStringValue.c_str()); } { const ByteValue* theValue = theCTDataSets[0].FindNextDataElement(Tag(0x0020,0x000e)).GetByteValue(); std::string theStringValue(theValue->GetPointer(), theValue->GetLength()); theRTStruct->SetReferenceSeriesInstanceUID(theStringValue.c_str()); } { const ByteValue* theValue = theCTDataSets[0].FindNextDataElement(Tag(0x0020,0x0052)).GetByteValue(); std::string theStringValue(theValue->GetPointer(), theValue->GetLength()); theRTStruct->SetReferenceFrameOfReferenceUID(theStringValue.c_str()); } //the series UID should be set automatically, and happen during creation //set the date and time to be now char date[22]; const size_t datelen = 8; int res = System::GetCurrentDateTime(date); assert( res ); (void)res;//warning removal//causes java wrapping to fail //the date is the first 8 chars std::string dateString; dateString.insert(dateString.begin(), &(date[0]), &(date[datelen])); theRTStruct->SetStructureSetDate(dateString.c_str()); std::string timeString; const size_t timelen = 6; //for now, only need hhmmss timeString.insert(timeString.begin(), &(date[datelen]), &(date[datelen+timelen])); theRTStruct->SetStructureSetTime(timeString.c_str()); //for each image, we need to fill in the sop class and instance UIDs for the frame of reference std::string theSOPClassID = DirectoryHelper::GetSOPClassUID(theCTDataSets).c_str(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < theCTDataSets.size(); i++) { theRTStruct->AddReferencedFrameOfReference(theSOPClassID.c_str(), DirectoryHelper::RetrieveSOPInstanceUIDFromIndex((int)i,theCTDataSets).c_str()); } //now, we have go to through each vtkPolyData, assign the ROI names per polydata, and then also assign the //reference SOP instance UIDs on a per-plane basis. int theNumPorts = GetNumberOfInputPorts(); for (int j = 0; j < theNumPorts; j++) { int contour = j; theRTStruct->AddStructureSetROI(contour, theRTStruct->GetReferenceFrameOfReferenceUID(), inROINames->GetValue(j).c_str(), inROIAlgorithmName->GetValue(j).c_str()); theRTStruct->AddStructureSetROIObservation(contour, contour, inROIType->GetValue(j).c_str(), ""); //for each organ, gotta go through and add in the right planes in the //order that the tuples appear, as well as the colors //right now, each cell in the vtkpolydata is a contour in an xy plane //that's what MUST be passed in vtkPolyData* theData = dynamic_cast(GetInput(j)); if (theData == NULL) { gdcmWarningMacro("theData for input " << j << " is NULL, continuing"); continue; } unsigned int cellnum = 0; vtkPoints *pts; vtkCellArray *polys; vtkIdType npts = 0; vtkIdType *indx = 0; pts = theData->GetPoints(); polys = theData->GetPolys(); vtkCellArray* lines = theData->GetLines(); //choose to use either polys or lines //the result of vtk marching cubes->stripper->appendpolydata is a set of lines, //not polys, so favor that one for now. //choose by the number of polys/lines available. vtkCellArray* theCells = lines; if (!lines || lines->GetNumberOfCells() == 0) { theCells = polys; } double v[3]; vtkIdType theNumCells = theCells->GetNumberOfCells(); gdcmDebugMacro("The number of cells:" << theNumCells); if (theNumCells == 0) continue;// no observation of blank organs for (theCells->InitTraversal(); theCells->GetNextCell(npts,indx); cellnum++ ) { if (npts < 1) { gdcmWarningMacro("theCells for input " << j << " is less than 1, continuing"); continue; } pts->GetPoint(indx[0],v); double theZ = v[2]; std::string theSOPInstance = DirectoryHelper::RetrieveSOPInstanceUIDFromZPosition(theZ, theCTDataSets); //j is correct here, because it's adding, as in there's an internal vector //that's growing. gdcmDebugMacro("SOP Instance for plane " << theZ << " is " << theSOPInstance); theRTStruct->AddContourReferencedFrameOfReference(contour, theSOPClassID.c_str(), theSOPInstance.c_str()); } } }