/*========================================================================= Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ /* * Command line tool to deal with legacy PAPYRUS 3.0 file * The command line tool can be compiled in two flavour: * * 1. without papyrus 3.0 (more portable) * 2. with papyrus 3.0 * * The (2) is only required when dealing with invalid JPEG Lossless compressed * PAPYRUS 3.0 files */ #include "gdcmReader.h" #include "gdcmDirectionCosines.h" #include "gdcmUIDGenerator.h" #include "gdcmVersion.h" #include "gdcmWriter.h" #include "gdcmAttribute.h" #include "gdcmTrace.h" #include "gdcmImageHelper.h" #include "gdcmSequenceOfItems.h" #include #ifdef GDCM_USE_SYSTEM_PAPYRUS3 extern "C" { #include } #endif static void PrintVersion() { std::cout << "gdcmpap3: gdcm " << gdcm::Version::GetVersion() << " "; const char date[] = "$Date$"; std::cout << date << std::endl; } static void PrintHelp() { PrintVersion(); std::cout << "Usage: gdcmpap3 [OPTION] input.pa3 output.dcm" << std::endl; std::cout << "Convert a PAPYRUS 3.0 file into another DICOM file.\n"; std::cout << "Parameter (required):" << std::endl; std::cout << " -i --input PAPYRUS 3.0 filename" << std::endl; std::cout << " -o --output DICOM filename" << std::endl; std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl; std::cout << " -S --split Split single PAPYRUS 3.0 file into multiples DICOM files." << std::endl; std::cout << " --decomp-pap3 Use PAPYRUS 3.0 for decompressing (can be combined with --split)." << std::endl; std::cout << " --check-iop Check that the Image Orientation (Patient) Attribute is ok (see --split)." << std::endl; std::cout << " --root-uid Specify Root UID." << std::endl; std::cout << "General Options:" << std::endl; std::cout << " -V --verbose more verbose (warning+error)." << std::endl; std::cout << " -W --warning print warning info." << std::endl; std::cout << " -D --debug print debug info." << std::endl; std::cout << " -E --error print error info." << std::endl; std::cout << " -h --help print help." << std::endl; std::cout << " -v --version print version." << std::endl; std::cout << "Env var:" << std::endl; std::cout << " GDCM_ROOT_UID Root UID" << std::endl; } static bool InitPapyrus3( const char *filename, int & outfileNb) { outfileNb = -1; #ifdef GDCM_USE_SYSTEM_PAPYRUS3 /* initialisation of the Papyrus toolkit v3.6 */ Papy3Init(); /* open the pap3 file */ PapyShort fileNb = Papy3FileOpen ((char*)filename, (PAPY_FILE) 0, TRUE, 0); if( fileNb < 0 ) { PAPY3PRINTERRMSG(); return false; } outfileNb = fileNb; return true; #else (void)filename; (void)outfileNb; std::cerr << "No PAPYRUS 3.0 library found" << std::endl; return false; #endif } static bool DecompressPapyrus3( int pap3handle, int itemnum, gdcm::TransferSyntax const & ts, gdcm::File & file ) { #ifdef GDCM_USE_SYSTEM_PAPYRUS3 PapyShort fileNb = (PapyShort)pap3handle; PapyShort imageNb = (PapyShort)(itemnum + 1); if( ts == gdcm::TransferSyntax::JPEGLosslessProcess14_1 ) { SElement *group; PapyUShort *theImage; std::vector dims = gdcm::ImageHelper::GetDimensionsValue(file); gdcm::PixelFormat pf = gdcm::ImageHelper::GetPixelFormatValue(file); gdcm::DataSet & nested = file.GetDataSet(); /* position the file pointer to the begining of the data set */ PapyShort err = Papy3GotoNumber (fileNb, (PapyShort)imageNb, DataSetID); gdcm::DataElement pixeldata( gdcm::Tag(0x7fe0,0x0010) ); /* then goto group 0x7FE0 */ if ((err = Papy3GotoGroupNb (fileNb, 0x7FE0)) == 0) { /* read group 0x7FE0 from the file */ if ((err = Papy3GroupRead (fileNb, &group)) > 0) { /* PIXEL DATA */ theImage = (PapyUShort *)Papy3GetPixelData (fileNb, imageNb, group, ImagePixel); //assert( dims[0] == 512 ); //assert( dims[1] == 512 ); //assert( pf.GetPixelSize() == 2 ); const size_t imglen = dims[0] * dims[1] * pf.GetPixelSize(); pixeldata.SetByteValue( (char*)theImage, (uint32_t)imglen ); /* free group 7FE0 */ err = Papy3GroupFree (&group, TRUE); } /* endif ...group 7FE0 read */ else { PAPY3PRINTERRMSG (); } } /* endif ...group 7FE0 found */ else { PAPY3PRINTERRMSG (); } nested.Replace( pixeldata ); } else { std::cerr << "TransferSyntax: " << ts << " is not handled at this point" << std::endl; return false; } return true; #else (void)pap3handle; (void)itemnum; (void)ts; (void)file; std::cerr << "No PAPYRUS 3.0 library found" << std::endl; return false; #endif } static bool CleanupPapyrus3( int pap3handle ) { #ifdef GDCM_USE_SYSTEM_PAPYRUS3 PapyShort fileNb = (PapyShort)pap3handle; /* close and free the file and the associated allocated memory */ Papy3FileClose (fileNb, TRUE); /* free the allocated global value in the toolkit */ Papy3FreeDataSetModules (); return true; #else (void)pap3handle; return false; #endif } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; std::string filename; std::string outfilename; std::string root; int rootuid = 0; int split = 0; int decomp_pap3 = 0; int check_iop = 0; int verbose = 0; int warning = 0; int debug = 0; int error = 0; int help = 0; int version = 0; while (true) { int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"input", 1, nullptr, 0}, {"output", 1, nullptr, 0}, {"root-uid", 1, &rootuid, 1}, // specific Root (not GDCM) {"split", 0, &split, 1}, {"decomp-pap3", 0, &decomp_pap3, 1}, {"check-iop", 0, &check_iop, 1}, // General options ! {"verbose", 0, &verbose, 1}, {"warning", 0, &warning, 1}, {"debug", 0, &debug, 1}, {"error", 0, &error, 1}, {"help", 0, &help, 1}, {"version", 0, &version, 1}, {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0} }; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "i:o:S:VWDEhv", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 0: { const char *s = long_options[option_index].name; (void)s; //printf ("option %s", s); if (optarg) { if( option_index == 0 ) /* input */ { assert( strcmp(s, "input") == 0 ); assert( filename.empty() ); filename = optarg; } else if( option_index == 1 ) /* output */ { assert( strcmp(s, "output") == 0 ); assert( outfilename.empty() ); outfilename = optarg; } else if( option_index == 2 ) /* root-uid */ { assert( strcmp(s, "root-uid") == 0 ); root = optarg; } //printf (" with arg %s, index = %d", optarg, option_index); } //printf ("\n"); } break; case 'i': //printf ("option i with value '%s'\n", optarg); assert( filename.empty() ); filename = optarg; break; case 'o': //printf ("option o with value '%s'\n", optarg); assert( outfilename.empty() ); outfilename = optarg; break; // case 'S': split = 1; break; // General option case 'V': verbose = 1; break; case 'W': warning = 1; break; case 'D': debug = 1; break; case 'E': error = 1; break; case 'h': help = 1; break; case 'v': version = 1; break; case '?': break; default: printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c); } } // For now only support one input / one output if (optind < argc) { //printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: "); std::vector files; while (optind < argc) { //printf ("%s\n", argv[optind++]); files.emplace_back(argv[optind++] ); } //printf ("\n"); if( files.size() == 2 && filename.empty() && outfilename.empty() ) { filename = files[0]; outfilename = files[1]; } else { PrintHelp(); return 1; } } if( version ) { //std::cout << "version" << std::endl; PrintVersion(); return 0; } if( help ) { //std::cout << "help" << std::endl; PrintHelp(); return 0; } if( filename.empty() ) { //std::cerr << "Need input file (-i)\n"; PrintHelp(); return 1; } if( outfilename.empty() ) { //std::cerr << "Need output file (-o)\n"; PrintHelp(); return 1; } // Debug is a little too verbose gdcm::Trace::SetDebug( (debug > 0 ? true : false)); gdcm::Trace::SetWarning( (warning > 0 ? true : false)); gdcm::Trace::SetError( (error > 0 ? true : false)); // when verbose is true, make sure warning+error are turned on: if( verbose ) { gdcm::Trace::SetWarning( (verbose > 0 ? true : false) ); gdcm::Trace::SetError( (verbose > 0 ? true : false) ); } gdcm::FileMetaInformation::SetSourceApplicationEntityTitle( "gdcmpap3" ); if( !rootuid ) { // only read the env var is no explicit cmd line option // maybe there is an env var defined... let's check const char *rootuid_env = getenv("GDCM_ROOT_UID"); if( rootuid_env ) { rootuid = 1; root = rootuid_env; } } if( rootuid ) { // root is set either by the cmd line option or the env var if( !gdcm::UIDGenerator::IsValid( root.c_str() ) ) { std::cerr << "specified Root UID is not valid: " << root << std::endl; return 1; } gdcm::UIDGenerator::SetRoot( root.c_str() ); } gdcm::Reader reader; reader.SetFileName( filename.c_str() ); if( !reader.Read() ) { std::cerr << "Could not read: " << filename << std::endl; return 1; } gdcm::File & file = reader.GetFile(); gdcm::FileMetaInformation & header = file.GetHeader(); gdcm::DataSet & ds = file.GetDataSet(); gdcm::MediaStorage ms = header.GetMediaStorage(); (void)ms; const gdcm::TransferSyntax & ts = header.GetDataSetTransferSyntax(); //std::cout << ts << std::endl; std::string msstr = header.GetMediaStorageAsString(); //std::cout << msstr << std::endl; int pap3handle; if( decomp_pap3 ) { if( !InitPapyrus3( filename.c_str(), pap3handle ) ) { std::cerr << "Problem during init of PAPYRUS 3.0. File was: " << filename << std::endl; return 1; } } gdcm::PrivateTag pt(0x0041,0x50,"PAPYRUS 3.0"); const gdcm::DataElement &depap = ds.GetDataElement( pt ); gdcm::SmartPointer sq = depap.GetValueAsSQ(); if( !split ) { gdcm::Writer w; w.CheckFileMetaInformationOff(); w.SetFileName( outfilename.c_str() ); w.SetFile( reader.GetFile() ); if( decomp_pap3 ) { gdcm::TransferSyntax outts = ts; for( gdcm::SequenceOfItems::SizeType i = 0; i < sq->GetNumberOfItems(); ++i ) { gdcm::Item & it = sq->GetItem( i + 1 ); gdcm::DataSet & nested = it.GetNestedDataSet(); gdcm::File f; f.SetDataSet( nested ); if( !DecompressPapyrus3( pap3handle, (int)i, ts, f ) ) { std::cerr << "Could not decompress frame #" << i << " from file: " << filename << std::endl; return 1; } const gdcm::DataElement & pixeldata = f.GetDataSet().GetDataElement( gdcm::Tag(0x7fe0,0x0010) ); nested.Replace( pixeldata ); } // make sq as undefined length (avoid length computation): gdcm::DataElement de_dup = depap; de_dup.SetValue( *sq ); de_dup.SetVLToUndefined(); ds.Replace( de_dup ); gdcm::FileMetaInformation & h = w.GetFile().GetHeader(); // pap3 returns image as decompressed: outts = gdcm::TransferSyntax::ExplicitVRLittleEndian; gdcm::Attribute<0x0002, 0x0010> TransferSyntaxUID; const char *tsstr = gdcm::TransferSyntax::GetTSString( outts ); TransferSyntaxUID.SetValue( tsstr ); h.Replace( TransferSyntaxUID.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x0002, 0x0000> filemetagrouplength; h.Remove( filemetagrouplength.GetTag() ); // important unsigned int glen = h.GetLength(); filemetagrouplength.SetValue( glen ); h.Insert( filemetagrouplength.GetAsDataElement() ); } if( !w.Write() ) { std::cerr << "Could not write output file: " << outfilename << std::endl; return 1; } } else { if( !gdcm::System::FileIsDirectory(outfilename.c_str()) ) { std::cerr << "Output is not a directory: " << outfilename << std::endl; return 1; } #if 1 gdcm::UIDGenerator uid; const std::string seriesstr = uid.Generate(); for( gdcm::SequenceOfItems::SizeType i = 0; i < sq->GetNumberOfItems(); ++i ) { gdcm::Item & it = sq->GetItem( i + 1 ); gdcm::DataSet & nested = it.GetNestedDataSet(); std::stringstream ss; ss << outfilename; ss << "/IMG"; ss << std::setw(4) << std::setfill( '0') << i; ss << ".dcm"; gdcm::Writer w; // 1.2.840.10008. w.CheckFileMetaInformationOn(); const std::string & outfn = ss.str(); w.SetFileName( outfn.c_str() ); gdcm::TransferSyntax outts; #ifdef GDCM_SUPPORT_BROKEN_IMPLEMENTATION if( ts == gdcm::TransferSyntax::WeirdPapryus ) { outts = gdcm::TransferSyntax::ImplicitVRLittleEndian; } else #endif { outts = ts; } w.GetFile().SetDataSet( nested ); if( decomp_pap3 ) { if( !DecompressPapyrus3( pap3handle, (int)i, ts, w.GetFile() ) ) { std::cerr << "Could not decompress frame #" << i << " from file: " << filename << std::endl; return 1; } // pap3 returns image as decompressed: outts = gdcm::TransferSyntax::ExplicitVRLittleEndian; } w.GetFile().GetHeader().SetDataSetTransferSyntax( outts ); if( check_iop ) { bool erroriop = false; std::vector iop_orig; iop_orig.resize( 6 ); // gdcm::ImageHelper::GetDirectionCosinesValue( w.GetFile() ); if( !gdcm::ImageHelper::GetDirectionCosinesFromDataSet(w.GetFile().GetDataSet(), iop_orig) ) { erroriop = true; gdcm::DirectionCosines dc( &iop_orig[0] ); assert( !dc.IsValid() ); { gdcm::Attribute<0x0008,0x0008> imagetype; imagetype.Set( w.GetFile().GetDataSet() ); if( imagetype.GetNumberOfValues() > 2 ) { const std::string &str = imagetype.GetValue( 2 ); gdcm::Attribute<0x0020,0x0037> at_axial = {{1,0,0,0,1,0}}; // default value for AXIAL if( str == "AXIAL" ) { w.GetFile().GetDataSet().Replace( at_axial.GetAsDataElement() ); erroriop = false; // error has been corrected } else if( str == "LOCALIZER" ) { static const double fake_axial[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; assert( memcmp( &iop_orig[0], fake_axial, 6 * sizeof( double ) ) == 0 ); (void)fake_axial; w.GetFile().GetDataSet().Replace( at_axial.GetAsDataElement() ); erroriop = false; // error has been corrected } } assert( !erroriop ); // did our heuristic failed ? } } if( erroriop ) { std::cerr << "Error IOP (could not correct) for frame #" << i << " value : (" << iop_orig[0] << "," << iop_orig[1] << "," << iop_orig[2] << "," << iop_orig[3] << "," << iop_orig[4] << "," << iop_orig[5] << ")" << std::endl; return 1; } } #if 0 gdcm::Attribute<0x0008,0x0016> outms; outms.SetValue( "1.2.840.10008." ); nested.Replace( outms.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x028,0x0102> highbits = { 15 }; nested.Replace( highbits.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x0028,0x0030> pixelspacing = { 0.57, 0.57 }; nested.Replace( pixelspacing.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x0020,0x000e> seriesuid; seriesuid.SetValue( seriesstr ); nested.Insert( seriesuid.GetAsDataElement() ); // do not replace if exists gdcm::Attribute<0x0008,0x0018> instanceuid; instanceuid.SetValue( uid.Generate() ); nested.Replace( instanceuid.GetAsDataElement() ); // ??? gdcm::Attribute<0x0020,0x0032> ipp = {{0,0, i * 0.57}}; // default value nested.Replace( ipp.GetAsDataElement() ); gdcm::Attribute<0x0020,0x0037> iop = {{1,0,0,0,1,0}}; // default value nested.Replace( iop.GetAsDataElement() ); #endif //std::cout << w.GetFile().GetDataSet( ) << std::endl; if( !w.Write() ) { std::cerr << "Problem writing output file: " << outfn << std::endl; return 1; } } #endif } if( decomp_pap3 ) { if( !CleanupPapyrus3( pap3handle ) ) { std::cerr << "Problem during PAPYRUS 3.0 cleanup" << std::endl; return 1; } } return 0; }