/*========================================================================= Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmIPPSorter.h" #include "gdcmScanner.h" #include "gdcmElement.h" #include "gdcmDirectionCosines.h" #include #include namespace gdcm { IPPSorter::IPPSorter() { ComputeZSpacing = true; DropDuplicatePositions = false; ZSpacing = 0; ZTolerance = 1e-6; DirCosTolerance = 0.; } inline double spacing_round(double n, int d) /* pow is defined as pow( double, double) or pow(double int) on M$ comp */ { return floor(n * pow(10., d) + .5) / pow(10., d); } struct dircos_key { double dircos[6]; void read( const std::string & str ) { DirectionCosines dc; dc.SetFromString( str.c_str() ); const double * ptr = dc; memcpy( dircos, ptr, sizeof(dircos) ); } }; struct dircos_comp { bool operator()( dircos_key const & lhs, dircos_key const & rhs ) const { const double *iop1 = lhs.dircos; const double *iop2 = rhs.dircos; return std::lexicographical_compare(iop1, iop1+6, iop2, iop2+6); } }; bool IPPSorter::Sort(std::vector const & filenames) { // BUG: I cannot clear Filenames since input filenames could also be the output of ourself... // Filenames.clear(); ZSpacing = 0; if( filenames.empty() ) { Filenames.clear(); return true; } Scanner scanner; const Tag tipp(0x0020,0x0032); // Image Position (Patient) const Tag tiop(0x0020,0x0037); // Image Orientation (Patient) const Tag tframe(0x0020,0x0052); // Frame of Reference UID const Tag tgantry(0x0018,0x1120); // Gantry/Detector Tilt // Temporal Position Identifier (0020,0100) 3 Temporal order of a dynamic or functional set of Images. //const Tag tpi(0x0020,0x0100); scanner.AddTag( tipp ); scanner.AddTag( tiop ); scanner.AddTag( tframe ); scanner.AddTag( tgantry ); bool b = scanner.Scan( filenames ); if( !b ) { gdcmDebugMacro( "Scanner failed" ); return false; } Scanner::ValuesType gantry = scanner.GetValues(tgantry); if( gantry.size() > 1 ) { gdcmDebugMacro( "More than one Gantry/Detector Tilt" ); return false; } if( gantry.size() == 1 ) { std::stringstream ss( *gantry.begin() ); double tilt; ss >> tilt; if( tilt != 0.0 ) { gdcmDebugMacro( "Gantry/Detector Tilt is not 0" ); return false; } } Scanner::ValuesType iops = scanner.GetValues(tiop); Scanner::ValuesType frames = scanner.GetValues(tframe); if( DirCosTolerance == 0. ) { if( iops.size() != 1 ) { std::set< dircos_key, dircos_comp > s; for( Scanner::ValuesType::const_iterator it = iops.begin(); it != iops.end(); ++it ) { dircos_key dk; dk.read( *it ); s.insert( dk ); } // sometime we want to handle: // iops = {[0] = "1\\0\\0\\0\\1\\-0", [1] = "1\\0\\0\\0\\1\\0 "} if( s.size() != 1 ) { gdcmDebugMacro( "More than one IOP (or no IOP): " << iops.size() << ". Try changing DirCosTolerance" ); return false; } } } const size_t fsize = frames.size(); // Should I really tolerate issue with Frame of Reference UID ? if( fsize == 1 ) // by the book { // TODO: need to check not empty ? technically PMS used to send MR Image Storage with empty FoR } else if( fsize == 0 || fsize == filenames.size() ) // Should I really tolerate no Frame of Reference UID ? { gdcmWarningMacro( "Odd number of Frame Of Reference UID (continuing with caution): " << fsize ); } else { gdcmErrorMacro( "Sorry your setup with Frame Of Reference UID does not make any sense: " << fsize ); return false; } const char *reference = filenames[0].c_str(); // we cannot simply consider the first file, what if this is not DICOM ? for(std::vector::const_iterator it1 = filenames.begin(); it1 != filenames.end(); ++it1) { const char *filename = it1->c_str(); bool iskey = scanner.IsKey(filename); if( iskey ) { reference = filename; } } Scanner::TagToValue const &t2v = scanner.GetMapping(reference); Scanner::TagToValue::const_iterator it = t2v.find( tiop ); // Take the first file in the list of filenames, if not IOP is found, simply gives up: if( it == t2v.end() ) { // DEAD CODE gdcmDebugMacro( "No iop in: " << reference ); return false; } if( it->first != tiop ) { // first file does not contains Image Orientation (Patient), let's give up gdcmDebugMacro( "No iop in first file "); return false; } const char *dircos = it->second; if( !dircos ) { // first file does contains Image Orientation (Patient), but it is empty gdcmDebugMacro( "Empty iop in first file "); return false; } // https://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-September/004762.html // Compute normal: // The steps I take when reconstructing a volume are these: First, // calculate the slice normal from IOP: double normal[3]; DirectionCosines dc; dc.SetFromString( dircos ); if( !dc.IsValid() ) return false; dc.Cross( normal ); // You only have to do this once for all slices in the volume. Next, for // each slice, calculate the distance along the slice normal using the IPP // tag ("dist" is initialized to zero before reading the first slice) : //typedef std::multimap SortedFilenames; using SortedFilenames = std::map; SortedFilenames sorted; { std::vector::const_iterator it1 = filenames.begin(); DirectionCosines dc2; for(; it1 != filenames.end(); ++it1) { const char *filename = it1->c_str(); bool iskey = scanner.IsKey(filename); if( iskey ) { const char *value = scanner.GetValue(filename, tipp); if( value ) { if( DirCosTolerance != 0. ) { const char *value2 = scanner.GetValue(filename, tiop); if( !dc2.SetFromString( value2 ) ) { if( value2 ) { gdcmWarningMacro( filename << " cant read IOP: " << value2 ); } return false; } double cd = dc2.CrossDot( dc ); // result should be as close to 1 as possible: if( fabs(1 - cd) > DirCosTolerance ) { gdcmWarningMacro( filename << " Problem with DirCosTolerance: " ); // Cant print cd since 0.9999 is printed as 1... may confuse user return false; } //dc2.Normalize(); //dc2.Print( std::cout << std::endl ); } //gdcmDebugMacro( filename << " has " << ipp << " = " << value ); Element ipp; std::stringstream ss; ss.str( value ); ipp.Read( ss ); double dist = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) dist += normal[i]*ipp[i]; // FIXME: This test is weak, since implicitely we are doing a != on floating point value if( sorted.find(dist) != sorted.end() ) { if( this->DropDuplicatePositions ) { gdcmWarningMacro( "dropping file " << filename << " since Z position: " << dist << " already found" ); continue; } gdcmWarningMacro( "dist: " << dist << " for " << filename << " already found in " << sorted.find(dist)->second ); return false; } sorted.insert( SortedFilenames::value_type(dist,filename) ); } else { gdcmDebugMacro( "File: " << filename << " has no Tag" << tipp << ". Skipping." ); } } else { gdcmDebugMacro( "File: " << filename << " could not be read. Skipping." ); } } } assert( !sorted.empty() ); { SortedFilenames::const_iterator it2 = sorted.begin(); double prev = it2->first; Filenames.emplace_back(it2->second ); if( sorted.size() > 1 ) { bool spacingisgood = true; ++it2; double current = it2->first; double zspacing = current - prev; for( ; it2 != sorted.end(); ++it2) { //std::cout << it2->first << " " << it2->second << std::endl; current = it2->first; Filenames.emplace_back(it2->second ); if( fabs((current - prev) - zspacing) > ZTolerance ) { gdcmDebugMacro( "ZTolerance test failed. You need to decrease ZTolerance." ); spacingisgood = false; } // update prev for the next for-loop prev = current; } // is spacing good ? if( spacingisgood && ComputeZSpacing ) { // If user ask for a ZTolerance of 1e-4, there is no need for us to // store the extra digits... this will make sure to return 2.2 from a 2.1999938551239993 value const int l = (int)( -log10(ZTolerance) ); ZSpacing = spacing_round(zspacing, l); } if( !spacingisgood ) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Filenames and 'z' positions" << std::endl; double prev1 = 0.; for(SortedFilenames::const_iterator it1 = sorted.begin(); it1 != sorted.end(); ++it1) { std::string f = it1->second; if( f.length() > 62 ) { f = f.substr(0,10) + " ... " + f.substr(f.length()-47); } double d = it1->first - prev1; if( it1 != sorted.begin() && fabs(d - zspacing) > ZTolerance) os << "* "; else os << " "; os << it1->first << "\t" << f << std::endl; prev1 = it1->first; } gdcmDebugMacro( os.str() ); } assert( spacingisgood == false || (ComputeZSpacing ? (ZSpacing > ZTolerance && ZTolerance > 0) : ZTolerance > 0) ); } } // return true: means sorting succeed, it does not mean spacing computation succeded ! return true; } #if !defined(GDCM_LEGACY_REMOVE) bool IPPSorter::ComputeSpacing(std::vector const & filenames) { (void)filenames; return false; } #endif } // end namespace gdcm