/*========================================================================= Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmSurfaceWriter.h" #include "gdcmAttribute.h" #include "gdcmUIDGenerator.h" namespace gdcm { SurfaceWriter::SurfaceWriter(): NumberOfSurfaces(0) { } SurfaceWriter::~SurfaceWriter() = default; void SurfaceWriter::ComputeNumberOfSurfaces() { std::vector< SmartPointer< Segment > >::const_iterator it = Segments.begin(); std::vector< SmartPointer< Segment > >::const_iterator itEnd = Segments.end(); for (; it != itEnd; it++) { NumberOfSurfaces += (*it)->GetSurfaceCount(); } } unsigned long SurfaceWriter::GetNumberOfSurfaces() { if (NumberOfSurfaces == 0) { ComputeNumberOfSurfaces(); } return NumberOfSurfaces; } void SurfaceWriter::SetNumberOfSurfaces(const unsigned long nb) { NumberOfSurfaces = nb; } bool SurfaceWriter::PrepareWrite() { if( !SegmentWriter::PrepareWrite() ) { return false; } File & file = GetFile(); DataSet & ds = file.GetDataSet(); FileMetaInformation & fmi = file.GetHeader(); const TransferSyntax & ts = fmi.GetDataSetTransferSyntax(); assert( ts.IsExplicit() || ts.IsImplicit() ); // Number Of Surface const unsigned long nbSurfaces = this->GetNumberOfSurfaces(); if (nbSurfaces == 0) { gdcmErrorMacro( "No surface to write" ); return false; } Attribute<0x0066, 0x0001> numberOfSurfaces; numberOfSurfaces.SetValue( (unsigned int)nbSurfaces ); ds.Replace( numberOfSurfaces.GetAsDataElement() ); // Surface Sequence SmartPointer surfacesSQ; if( !ds.FindDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0002) ) ) { surfacesSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( Tag(0x0066, 0x0002) ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *surfacesSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); ds.Insert( detmp ); } surfacesSQ = ds.GetDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0002) ).GetValueAsSQ(); surfacesSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); // Fill the Surface Sequence { const size_t nbItems = surfacesSQ->GetNumberOfItems(); if (nbItems < nbSurfaces) { const size_t diff = nbSurfaces - nbItems; const size_t nbOfItemToMake = (diff > 0?diff:0); for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= nbOfItemToMake; ++i) { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); surfacesSQ->AddItem(item); } } } // else Should I remove items? std::vector< SmartPointer< Segment > > segments = this->GetSegments(); std::vector< SmartPointer< Segment > >::const_iterator it0 = segments.begin(); std::vector< SmartPointer< Segment > >::const_iterator it0End = segments.end(); unsigned int numSegment= 1; unsigned int numSurface= 1; for (; it0 != it0End; it0++) { SmartPointer< Segment > segment = *it0; assert( segment ); std::vector< SmartPointer< Surface > > surfaces = segment->GetSurfaces(); std::vector< SmartPointer< Surface > >::const_iterator it1 = surfaces.begin(); std::vector< SmartPointer< Surface > >::const_iterator it1End = surfaces.end(); for (; it1 != it1End; it1++) { SmartPointer< Surface > surface = *it1; assert( surface ); Item & surfaceItem = surfacesSQ->GetItem( numSurface ); DataSet & surfaceDS = surfaceItem.GetNestedDataSet(); // Recommended Display Grayscale Value Attribute<0x0062, 0x000C> recommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue; recommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue.SetValue( surface->GetRecommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue() ); surfaceDS.Replace( recommendedDisplayGrayscaleValue.GetAsDataElement() ); // Recommended Display CIELab Value Attribute<0x0062, 0x000D> recommendedDisplayCIELabValue; recommendedDisplayCIELabValue.SetValues( surface->GetRecommendedDisplayCIELabValue(), 3 ); surfaceDS.Replace( recommendedDisplayCIELabValue.GetAsDataElement() ); // Surface Number (Type 1) Attribute<0x0066, 0x0003> surfaceNumberAt; unsigned long surfaceNumber = surface->GetSurfaceNumber(); if (surfaceNumber == 0) surfaceNumber = numSurface; surfaceNumberAt.SetValue( (unsigned int)surfaceNumber ); surfaceDS.Replace( surfaceNumberAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Surface Comments (Type 3) const char * surfaceComments = surface->GetSurfaceComments(); if (strcmp(surfaceComments, "") != 0) { Attribute<0x0066, 0x0004> surfaceCommentsAt; surfaceCommentsAt.SetValue( surfaceComments ); surfaceDS.Replace( surfaceCommentsAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Surface Processing const bool surfaceProcessing = surface->GetSurfaceProcessing(); Attribute<0x0066, 0x0009> surfaceProcessingAt; surfaceProcessingAt.SetValue( (surfaceProcessing ? "YES" : "NO") ); surfaceDS.Replace( surfaceProcessingAt.GetAsDataElement() ); if (surfaceProcessing) { Attribute<0x0066, 0x000A> surfaceProcessingRatioAt; surfaceProcessingRatioAt.SetValue( surface->GetSurfaceProcessingRatio() ); surfaceDS.Replace( surfaceProcessingRatioAt.GetAsDataElement() ); const char * surfaceProcessingDescription = surface->GetSurfaceProcessingDescription(); if (strcmp(surfaceProcessingDescription, "") != 0) { Attribute<0x0066, 0x000B> surfaceProcessingDescriptionAt; surfaceProcessingDescriptionAt.SetValue( surfaceProcessingDescription ); surfaceDS.Replace( surfaceProcessingDescriptionAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } //***** Surface Processing Algorithm Identification Sequence *****// { SmartPointer processingAlgoIdSQ; const Tag processingAlgoIdTag(0x0066, 0x0035); if( !surfaceDS.FindDataElement( processingAlgoIdTag ) ) { processingAlgoIdSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( processingAlgoIdTag ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *processingAlgoIdSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); surfaceDS.Insert( detmp ); } processingAlgoIdSQ = surfaceDS.GetDataElement( processingAlgoIdTag ).GetValueAsSQ(); processingAlgoIdSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); if (processingAlgoIdSQ->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) // One item shall be permitted { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); processingAlgoIdSQ->AddItem(item); } Item & processingAlgoIdItem = processingAlgoIdSQ->GetItem(1); DataSet & processingAlgoIdDS = processingAlgoIdItem.GetNestedDataSet(); //***** Algorithm Family Code Sequence *****// //See: PS.3.3 Table 8.8-1 and PS 3.16 Context ID 7162 { const SegmentHelper::BasicCodedEntry & processingAlgo = surface->GetProcessingAlgorithm(); if (processingAlgo.IsEmpty()) { gdcmWarningMacro("Surface processing algorithm family not specified or incomplete"); } SmartPointer algoFamilyCodeSQ; const Tag algoFamilyCodeTag(0x0066, 0x002F); if( !processingAlgoIdDS.FindDataElement( algoFamilyCodeTag ) ) { algoFamilyCodeSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( algoFamilyCodeTag ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *algoFamilyCodeSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); processingAlgoIdDS.Insert( detmp ); } algoFamilyCodeSQ = processingAlgoIdDS.GetDataElement( algoFamilyCodeTag ).GetValueAsSQ(); algoFamilyCodeSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); // Fill the Algorithm Family Code Sequence if (algoFamilyCodeSQ->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); algoFamilyCodeSQ->AddItem(item); } Item & algoFamilyCodeItem = algoFamilyCodeSQ->GetItem(1); DataSet & algoFamilyCodeDS = algoFamilyCodeItem.GetNestedDataSet(); //***** CODE SEQUENCE MACRO ATTRIBUTES *****// { // Code Value (Type 1) Attribute<0x0008, 0x0100> codeValueAt; codeValueAt.SetValue( processingAlgo.CV ); algoFamilyCodeDS.Replace( codeValueAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Coding Scheme (Type 1) Attribute<0x0008, 0x0102> codingSchemeAt; codingSchemeAt.SetValue( processingAlgo.CSD ); algoFamilyCodeDS.Replace( codingSchemeAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Code Meaning (Type 1) Attribute<0x0008, 0x0104> codeMeaningAt; codeMeaningAt.SetValue( processingAlgo.CM ); algoFamilyCodeDS.Replace( codeMeaningAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } } } } // Presentation Opacity Attribute<0x0066, 0x000C> presentationOpacity; presentationOpacity.SetValue( surface->GetRecommendedPresentationOpacity() ); surfaceDS.Replace( presentationOpacity.GetAsDataElement() ); // Presentation Type Attribute<0x0066, 0x000D> presentationType; const char * reconmmendedPresentationType = Surface::GetVIEWTypeString( surface->GetRecommendedPresentationType() ); if (reconmmendedPresentationType != nullptr) presentationType.SetValue( reconmmendedPresentationType ); else presentationType.SetValue( Surface::GetVIEWTypeString(Surface::SURFACE) ); // Is it the right thing to do? surfaceDS.Replace( presentationType.GetAsDataElement() ); // Finite Volume Attribute<0x0066, 0x000E> finiteVolumeAt; Surface::STATES finiteVolume = surface->GetFiniteVolume(); if (finiteVolume == Surface::STATES_END) finiteVolume = Surface::UNKNOWN; finiteVolumeAt.SetValue( Surface::GetSTATESString( finiteVolume ) ); surfaceDS.Replace( finiteVolumeAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Manifold Attribute<0x0066, 0x0010> manifoldAt; Surface::STATES manifold = surface->GetManifold(); if (manifold == Surface::STATES_END) manifold = Surface::UNKNOWN; manifoldAt.SetValue( Surface::GetSTATESString( manifold ) ); surfaceDS.Replace( manifoldAt.GetAsDataElement() ); //****** Surface Points *****// // (0066,0011) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Surface Points Sequence // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,0015) UL # 0, 1 Number Of Surface Points // (0066,0016) OW # 0, 1 Point Coordinates Data // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // (fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 SequenceDelimitationItem if ( !PrepareWritePointMacro(surface, surfaceDS, ts) ) return false; //****** Surface Points Normals *****// // (0066,0012) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Surface Points Sequence // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,001e) UL # 0, 1 Number of Vectors // (0066,001f) US # 0, 1 Vector Dimensionality // (0066,0021) OF # 0, 1_n Vector Coordinate Data // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // (fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 SequenceDelimitationItem const unsigned long numberofvectors = surface->GetNumberOfVectors(); SmartPointer< MeshPrimitive > meshPrimitive = surface->GetMeshPrimitive(); const MeshPrimitive::MPType primitiveType = meshPrimitive->GetPrimitiveType(); if (numberofvectors > 0 && primitiveType != MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_STRIP && primitiveType != MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_FAN) { SmartPointer surfacePointsNormalsSQ; if( !surfaceDS.FindDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0012) ) ) { surfacePointsNormalsSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( Tag(0x0066, 0x0012) ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *surfacePointsNormalsSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); surfaceDS.Insert( detmp ); } surfacePointsNormalsSQ = surfaceDS.GetDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0012) ).GetValueAsSQ(); surfacePointsNormalsSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); if (surfacePointsNormalsSQ->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) // One item shall be permitted { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); surfacePointsNormalsSQ->AddItem(item); } Item & surfacePointsNormalsItem = surfacePointsNormalsSQ->GetItem(1); DataSet & surfacePointsNormalsDS = surfacePointsNormalsItem.GetNestedDataSet(); // Number of Vectors Attribute<0x0066, 0x001E> numberOfVectors; numberOfVectors.SetValue( (unsigned int)surface->GetNumberOfVectors() ); surfacePointsNormalsDS.Replace( numberOfVectors.GetAsDataElement() ); // Vector Dimensionality Attribute<0x0066, 0x001F> vectorDimensionalityAt; unsigned short vectorDimensionality = surface->GetVectorDimensionality(); assert( vectorDimensionality ); vectorDimensionalityAt.SetValue( vectorDimensionality ); surfacePointsNormalsDS.Replace( vectorDimensionalityAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Vector Accuracy (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x0020> vectorAccuracyAt; const float * vectorAccuracy = surface->GetVectorAccuracy(); if (vectorAccuracy != nullptr) { vectorAccuracyAt.SetValues( vectorAccuracy, vectorDimensionality ); surfacePointsNormalsDS.Replace( vectorAccuracyAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Vector Coordinate Data DataElement vectorCoordDataDE( Tag(0x0066, 0x0021) ); vectorCoordDataDE.SetVR( VR::OF ); const Value & vectorCoordinateDataValue = surface->GetVectorCoordinateData().GetValue(); assert( &vectorCoordinateDataValue ); vectorCoordDataDE.SetValue( vectorCoordinateDataValue ); const ByteValue *bv = vectorCoordDataDE.GetByteValue(); VL vl; if ( bv ) vl = bv->GetLength(); else vl.SetToUndefined(); vectorCoordDataDE.SetVL( vl ); if ( ts.IsExplicit() ) vectorCoordDataDE.SetVR( VR::OF ); surfacePointsNormalsDS.Replace( vectorCoordDataDE ); } else if (numberofvectors > 0) { gdcmWarningMacro("Triangle strip or fan have no surface points normals"); } //****** Surface Mesh Primitives *****// // Two exemples : // (0066,0013) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Surface Mesh Primitives Sequence // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,0042) OL # 0, 1 Long Edge Point Index List // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // (fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 SequenceDelimitationItem // // OR // // (0066,0013) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Surface Mesh Primitives Sequence // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,0026) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 // Triangle Strip Sequence // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,0040) OL # 0, 1 // Long Primitive Point Index List // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // ... // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,0040) OL # 0, 1 // Long Primitive Point Index List // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // (fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 SequenceDelimitationItem // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // (fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 SequenceDelimitationItem // Surface Mesh Primitives Sequence { SmartPointer surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ; if( !surfaceDS.FindDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0013) ) ) { surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( Tag(0x0066, 0x0013) ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); surfaceDS.Insert( detmp ); } surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ = surfaceDS.GetDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0013) ).GetValueAsSQ(); surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); if (surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) // One itme shall be permitted { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ->AddItem(item); } Item & surfaceMeshPrimitivesItem = surfaceMeshPrimitivesSQ->GetItem(1); DataSet & surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS = surfaceMeshPrimitivesItem.GetNestedDataSet(); //***** Handle "Typed" Point Index List *****// bool insertInSQ = false; // Primitive Point Index List Tag typedPrimitiveTag; typedPrimitiveTag.SetGroup(0x0066); DataSet & pointIndexListDS0 = surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS; switch (primitiveType) { case MeshPrimitive::VERTEX: // Long Vertex Point Index List typedPrimitiveTag.SetElement(0x0043); break; case MeshPrimitive::EDGE: // Long Edge Point Index List typedPrimitiveTag.SetElement(0x0042); break; case MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE: // Long Triangle Point Index List typedPrimitiveTag.SetElement(0x0041); break; case MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_STRIP: case MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_FAN: case MeshPrimitive::LINE: case MeshPrimitive::FACET: // Long Primitive Point Index List typedPrimitiveTag.SetElement(0x0040); insertInSQ = true; break; default: gdcmErrorMacro( "Unknown surface mesh primitives type" ); return false; } if (insertInSQ) { // Handled "complex" mesh primitives Tag typedSequenceTag; typedSequenceTag.SetGroup(0x0066); switch (primitiveType) { case MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_STRIP: // Triangle Strip Sequence typedSequenceTag.SetElement(0x0026); break; case MeshPrimitive::TRIANGLE_FAN: // Triangle Fan Sequence typedSequenceTag.SetElement(0x0027); break; case MeshPrimitive::LINE: // Line Sequence typedSequenceTag.SetElement(0x0028); break; case MeshPrimitive::FACET: // Facet Sequence typedSequenceTag.SetElement(0x0034); break; default: gdcmErrorMacro( "Unknown surface mesh primitives type" ); return false; } // "Typed" Sequence SmartPointer typedSequenceSQ; if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( typedSequenceTag ) ) { typedSequenceSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( typedSequenceTag ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *typedSequenceSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( detmp ); } typedSequenceSQ = surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.GetDataElement( typedSequenceTag ).GetValueAsSQ(); typedSequenceSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); // Fill the Segment Sequence const unsigned int numberOfPrimitives = meshPrimitive->GetNumberOfPrimitivesData(); assert( numberOfPrimitives ); const size_t nbItems = typedSequenceSQ->GetNumberOfItems(); if (nbItems < numberOfPrimitives) { const size_t diff = numberOfPrimitives - nbItems; const size_t nbOfItemToMake = (diff > 0?diff:0); for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= nbOfItemToMake; ++i) { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); typedSequenceSQ->AddItem(item); } } // else Should I remove items? const MeshPrimitive::PrimitivesData & primitivesData= meshPrimitive->GetPrimitivesData(); MeshPrimitive::PrimitivesData::const_iterator it = primitivesData.begin(); MeshPrimitive::PrimitivesData::const_iterator itEnd = primitivesData.end(); unsigned int i = 1; for (; it != itEnd; it++) { Item & typedSequenceItem = typedSequenceSQ->GetItem(i++); DataSet & pointIndexListDS = typedSequenceItem.GetNestedDataSet(); // "Typed" Point Index List DataElement typedPointIndexListDE( typedPrimitiveTag ); const Value & pointIndexListValue = it->GetValue(); assert( &pointIndexListValue ); typedPointIndexListDE.SetValue( pointIndexListValue ); const ByteValue * pointIndexListBV = typedPointIndexListDE.GetByteValue(); VL pointIndexListVL; if( pointIndexListBV ) { pointIndexListVL = pointIndexListBV->GetLength(); } else { pointIndexListVL.SetToUndefined(); } typedPointIndexListDE.SetVL( pointIndexListVL ); if ( ts.IsExplicit() ) typedPointIndexListDE.SetVR( VR::OL ); pointIndexListDS.Replace( typedPointIndexListDE ); } } else { // Handled "simple" mesh primitives // "Typed" Point Index List DataElement typedPointIndexListDE( typedPrimitiveTag ); const Value & pointIndexListValue = meshPrimitive->GetPrimitiveData().GetValue(); assert( &pointIndexListValue ); typedPointIndexListDE.SetValue( pointIndexListValue ); const ByteValue * pointIndexListBV = typedPointIndexListDE.GetByteValue(); VL pointIndexListVL; if ( pointIndexListBV ) pointIndexListVL = pointIndexListBV->GetLength(); else pointIndexListVL.SetToUndefined(); typedPointIndexListDE.SetVL( pointIndexListVL ); if ( ts.IsExplicit() ) typedPointIndexListDE.SetVR( VR::OL ); pointIndexListDS0.Replace( typedPointIndexListDE ); } //***** Add empty values in unused but required tags (Type 2) *****// DataElement emptyOLDE; emptyOLDE.SetVLToUndefined(); emptyOLDE.SetVR( VR::OL ); SmartPointer emptyValueOW = new ByteValue; emptyOLDE.SetValue(*emptyValueOW); // Long Vertex Point Index List ( Type 2 ) Tag vertexPointIndexListTag(0x0066, 0x0043); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( vertexPointIndexListTag ) ) { emptyOLDE.SetTag( vertexPointIndexListTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptyOLDE ); } // Long Edge Point Index List ( Type 2 ) Tag edgePointIndexListTag(0x0066, 0x0042); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( edgePointIndexListTag ) ) { emptyOLDE.SetTag( edgePointIndexListTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptyOLDE ); } // Long Triangle Point Index List ( Type 2 ) Tag trianglePointIndexListTag(0x0066, 0x0041); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( trianglePointIndexListTag ) ) { emptyOLDE.SetTag( trianglePointIndexListTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptyOLDE ); } DataElement emptySQDE; emptySQDE.SetVLToUndefined(); emptySQDE.SetVR( VR::SQ ); SmartPointer emptySequenceSQ = new SequenceOfItems; emptySQDE.SetValue(*emptySequenceSQ); // Triangle Strip Sequence ( Type 2 ) Tag triangleStripSequenceTag(0x0066, 0x0026); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( triangleStripSequenceTag ) ) { emptySQDE.SetTag( triangleStripSequenceTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptySQDE ); } // Triangle Fan Sequence ( Type 2 ) Tag triangleFanSequenceTag(0x0066, 0x0027); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( triangleFanSequenceTag ) ) { emptySQDE.SetTag( triangleFanSequenceTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptySQDE ); } // Line Sequence ( Type 2 ) Tag lineSequenceTag(0x0066, 0x0028); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( lineSequenceTag ) ) { emptySQDE.SetTag( lineSequenceTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptySQDE ); } // Facet Sequence ( Type 2 ) Tag facetSequenceTag(0x0066, 0x0034); if( !surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.FindDataElement( facetSequenceTag ) ) { emptySQDE.SetTag( facetSequenceTag ); surfaceMeshPrimitivesDS.Insert( emptySQDE ); } } ++numSurface; } //***** Segment Sequence *****// SmartPointer segmentsSQ = ds.GetDataElement( Tag(0x0062, 0x0002) ).GetValueAsSQ(); Item & segmentIt = segmentsSQ->GetItem( numSegment++ ); DataSet & segmentDS = segmentIt.GetNestedDataSet(); //***** Referenced Surface Sequence *****// SmartPointer refSurfaceSQ = segmentDS.GetDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x002B) ).GetValueAsSQ(); SequenceOfItems::Iterator itRefSurface = refSurfaceSQ->Begin(); SequenceOfItems::Iterator itEndRefSurface = refSurfaceSQ->End(); unsigned int idxSurface = 0; for (; itRefSurface != itEndRefSurface; itRefSurface++) { DataSet & refSurfaceDS = itRefSurface->GetNestedDataSet(); SmartPointer< Surface > surface = segment->GetSurface( idxSurface++ ); //***** Segment Surface Generation Algorithm Identification Sequence *****// { SmartPointer segmentsAlgoIdSQ; const Tag segmentsAlgoIdTag(0x0066, 0x002D); if( !refSurfaceDS.FindDataElement( segmentsAlgoIdTag ) ) { segmentsAlgoIdSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( segmentsAlgoIdTag ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *segmentsAlgoIdSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); refSurfaceDS.Insert( detmp ); } segmentsAlgoIdSQ = refSurfaceDS.GetDataElement( segmentsAlgoIdTag ).GetValueAsSQ(); segmentsAlgoIdSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); if (segmentsAlgoIdSQ->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); segmentsAlgoIdSQ->AddItem(item); } Item & segmentsAlgoIdItem = segmentsAlgoIdSQ->GetItem(1); DataSet & segmentsAlgoIdDS = segmentsAlgoIdItem.GetNestedDataSet(); //***** Algorithm Family Code Sequence *****// //See: PS.3.3 Table 8.8-1 and PS 3.16 Context ID 7162 const SegmentHelper::BasicCodedEntry & algoFamily = surface->GetAlgorithmFamily(); if (algoFamily.IsEmpty()) { gdcmWarningMacro("Segment surface generation algorithm family not specified or incomplete"); } SmartPointer algoFamilyCodeSQ; const Tag algoFamilyCodeTag(0x0066, 0x002F); if( !segmentsAlgoIdDS.FindDataElement( algoFamilyCodeTag ) ) { algoFamilyCodeSQ = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( algoFamilyCodeTag ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *algoFamilyCodeSQ ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); segmentsAlgoIdDS.Insert( detmp ); } algoFamilyCodeSQ = segmentsAlgoIdDS.GetDataElement( algoFamilyCodeTag ).GetValueAsSQ(); algoFamilyCodeSQ->SetLengthToUndefined(); // Fill the Algorithm Family Code Sequence if (algoFamilyCodeSQ->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); algoFamilyCodeSQ->AddItem(item); } Item & algoFamilyCodeItem = algoFamilyCodeSQ->GetItem(1); DataSet & algoFamilyCodeDS = algoFamilyCodeItem.GetNestedDataSet(); //***** CODE SEQUENCE MACRO ATTRIBUTES *****// { // Code Value (Type 1) Attribute<0x0008, 0x0100> codeValueAt; codeValueAt.SetValue( algoFamily.CV ); algoFamilyCodeDS.Replace( codeValueAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Coding Scheme (Type 1) Attribute<0x0008, 0x0102> codingSchemeAt; codingSchemeAt.SetValue( algoFamily.CSD ); algoFamilyCodeDS.Replace( codingSchemeAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Code Meaning (Type 1) Attribute<0x0008, 0x0104> codeMeaningAt; codeMeaningAt.SetValue( algoFamily.CM ); algoFamilyCodeDS.Replace( codeMeaningAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Algorithm Version const char * algorithmVersion = surface->GetAlgorithmVersion(); if (strcmp(algorithmVersion, "") != 0) { gdcmWarningMacro("No algorithm version specified"); } Attribute<0x0066, 0x0031> algorithmVersionAt; algorithmVersionAt.SetValue( algorithmVersion ); segmentsAlgoIdDS.Replace( algorithmVersionAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Algorithm Name const char * algorithmName = surface->GetAlgorithmName(); if (strcmp(algorithmName, "") != 0) { gdcmWarningMacro("No algorithm name specified"); } Attribute<0x0066, 0x0036> algorithmNameAt; algorithmNameAt.SetValue( algorithmName ); segmentsAlgoIdDS.Replace( algorithmNameAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } } } //** Complete the file **// // Is SOP Class UID defined? if( !ds.FindDataElement( Tag(0x0008, 0x0016) ) ) { const char * SOPClassUID = MediaStorage::GetMSString(MediaStorage::SurfaceSegmentationStorage); DataElement de( Tag(0x0008, 0x0016) ); VL::Type strlenSOPClassUID= (VL::Type)strlen(SOPClassUID); de.SetByteValue( SOPClassUID, strlenSOPClassUID ); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0008, 0x0016>::GetVR() ); ds.ReplaceEmpty( de ); } // Is SOP Instance UID defined? if( !ds.FindDataElement( Tag(0x0008, 0x0018) ) ) { UIDGenerator UIDgen; UIDgen.SetRoot( MediaStorage::GetMSString(MediaStorage::SurfaceSegmentationStorage) ); const char * SOPInstanceUID = UIDgen.Generate(); DataElement de( Tag(0x0008, 0x0018) ); VL::Type strlenSOPInstanceUID= (VL::Type)strlen(SOPInstanceUID); de.SetByteValue( SOPInstanceUID, strlenSOPInstanceUID ); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0008, 0x0018>::GetVR() ); ds.ReplaceEmpty( de ); } fmi.Clear(); { const char *tsuid = TransferSyntax::GetTSString( ts ); DataElement de( Tag(0x0002,0x0010) ); VL::Type strlenTSUID = (VL::Type)strlen(tsuid); de.SetByteValue( tsuid, strlenTSUID ); de.SetVR( Attribute<0x0002, 0x0010>::GetVR() ); fmi.Replace( de ); fmi.SetDataSetTransferSyntax(ts); } fmi.FillFromDataSet( ds ); return true; } bool SurfaceWriter::Write() { if( !PrepareWrite() ) { return false; } assert( Stream ); if( !Writer::Write() ) { return false; } return true; } bool SurfaceWriter::PrepareWritePointMacro(SmartPointer< Surface > surface, DataSet & surfaceDS, const TransferSyntax & ts) { //****** Surface Points *****// // (0066,0011) SQ (Sequence with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Surface Points Sequence // (fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length #=1) # u/l, 1 Item // (0066,0015) UL # 0, 1 Number Of Surface Points // (0066,0016) OW # 0, 1 Point Coordinates Data // (fffe,e00d) na (ItemDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 ItemDelimitationItem // (fffe,e0dd) na (SequenceDelimitationItem) # 0, 0 SequenceDelimitationItem //***** Surface Points Sequence *****// { SmartPointer surfacePointsSq; if( !surfaceDS.FindDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0011) ) ) { surfacePointsSq = new SequenceOfItems; DataElement detmp( Tag(0x0066, 0x0011) ); detmp.SetVR( VR::SQ ); detmp.SetValue( *surfacePointsSq ); detmp.SetVLToUndefined(); surfaceDS.Insert( detmp ); } surfacePointsSq = surfaceDS.GetDataElement( Tag(0x0066, 0x0011) ).GetValueAsSQ(); surfacePointsSq->SetLengthToUndefined(); if (surfacePointsSq->GetNumberOfItems() < 1) // One item shall be permitted { Item item; item.SetVLToUndefined(); surfacePointsSq->AddItem(item); } Item & surfacePointsItem = surfacePointsSq->GetItem(1); DataSet & surfacePointsDs = surfacePointsItem.GetNestedDataSet(); // Point Coordinates Data DataElement pointCoordDataDE( Tag(0x0066, 0x0016) ); const Value & pointCoordinateDataValue = surface->GetPointCoordinatesData().GetValue(); assert( &pointCoordinateDataValue ); pointCoordDataDE.SetValue( pointCoordinateDataValue ); const ByteValue *bv = pointCoordDataDE.GetByteValue(); VL vl; if ( bv ) vl = bv->GetLength(); else vl.SetToUndefined(); pointCoordDataDE.SetVL( vl ); if ( ts.IsExplicit() ) pointCoordDataDE.SetVR( VR::OF ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( pointCoordDataDE ); // Number Of Surface Points Attribute<0x0066, 0x0015> numberOfSurfacePointsAt; unsigned long numberOfSurfacePoints = surface->GetNumberOfSurfacePoints(); if (numberOfSurfacePoints == 0) numberOfSurfacePoints = bv->GetLength() / (VR::GetLength(VR::OF) * 3); numberOfSurfacePointsAt.SetValue( (unsigned int)numberOfSurfacePoints ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( numberOfSurfacePointsAt.GetAsDataElement() ); // Point Position Accuracy (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x0017> pointPositionAccuracyAt; const float * pointPositionAccuracy = surface->GetPointPositionAccuracy(); if (pointPositionAccuracy != nullptr) { pointPositionAccuracyAt.SetValues( pointPositionAccuracy ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( pointPositionAccuracyAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Mean Point Distance (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x0018> meanPointDistanceAt; float meanPointDistance = surface->GetMeanPointDistance(); if (meanPointDistance != 0) // FIXME: user can specified 0 value { meanPointDistanceAt.SetValue( meanPointDistance ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( meanPointDistanceAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Maximum Point Distance (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x0019> maximumPointDistanceAt; float maximumPointDistance = surface->GetMaximumPointDistance(); if (maximumPointDistance != 0) // FIXME: user can specified 0 value { maximumPointDistanceAt.SetValue( maximumPointDistance ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( maximumPointDistanceAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Point Bounding Box Coordinates (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x001a> pointsBoundingBoxCoordinatesAt; const float * pointsBoundingBoxCoordinates = surface->GetPointsBoundingBoxCoordinates(); if (pointsBoundingBoxCoordinates != nullptr) { pointsBoundingBoxCoordinatesAt.SetValues( pointsBoundingBoxCoordinates ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( pointsBoundingBoxCoordinatesAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Axis of Rotation (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x001b> axisOfRotationAt; const float * axisOfRotation = surface->GetAxisOfRotation(); if (axisOfRotation != nullptr) { axisOfRotationAt.SetValues( axisOfRotation ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( axisOfRotationAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } // Center of Rotation (Type 3) Attribute<0x0066, 0x001c> centerOfRotationAt; const float * centerOfRotation = surface->GetCenterOfRotation(); if (centerOfRotation != nullptr) { centerOfRotationAt.SetValues( centerOfRotation ); surfacePointsDs.Replace( centerOfRotationAt.GetAsDataElement() ); } return true; } } }