/*========================================================================= Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmULConnectionManager.h" #include "gdcmPresentationContextGenerator.h" #include "gdcmReader.h" #include "gdcmAttribute.h" #include "gdcmDataSet.h" #include "gdcmUIDGenerator.h" #include "gdcmStringFilter.h" #include "gdcmWriter.h" #include "gdcmDirectory.h" #include "gdcmImageReader.h" #include "gdcmQueryFactory.h" #include "gdcmGlobal.h" static const char AETitle[] = "ANY"; static const char PeerAETitle[] = "ANY"; static const char ComputerName[] = ""; // www.dicomserver.co.uk static int port = 11112; static gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager *GetConnectionManager(gdcm::BaseRootQuery* theQuery) { gdcm::PresentationContextGenerator generator; if( !generator.GenerateFromUID( theQuery->GetAbstractSyntaxUID() ) ) { gdcmErrorMacro( "Failed to generate pres context." ); return nullptr; } gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager *theManager = new gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager(); if (!theManager->EstablishConnection(AETitle, PeerAETitle, ComputerName, 0, (uint16_t)port, 1000, generator.GetPresentationContexts() )) { throw gdcm::Exception("Failed to establish connection."); } return theManager; } #if 0 static std::vector GetPatientInfo(bool validateQuery, bool inStrictQuery) { std::vector theDataSets; gdcm::BaseRootQuery* theQuery = gdcm::QueryFactory::ProduceQuery(gdcm::ePatientRootType, gdcm::eFind, gdcm::ePatient); theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x8, 0x52), "PATIENT"); //Query/Retrieval Level theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x10,0x20), ""); //Patient ID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x10,0x10), "*"); //Patient Name if(validateQuery && !theQuery->ValidateQuery(inStrictQuery)) { return theDataSets; } gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager *theManager = GetConnectionManager( theQuery ); theDataSets = theManager->SendFind( theQuery ); return theDataSets; } #endif static std::vector GetStudyInfo(const char *patientID, bool validateQuery, bool inStrictQuery) { std::vector theDataSets; gdcm::BaseRootQuery* theQuery = gdcm::QueryFactory::ProduceQuery(gdcm::eStudyRootType, gdcm::eFind, gdcm::eStudy); theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x8, 0x52), "STUDY"); //Query/Retrieval Level theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x10,0x20), patientID); //Patient ID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0x10), ""); //Study ID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0xD), ""); //Study Instance UID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0xE), ""); //Series Instance UID if(validateQuery && !theQuery->ValidateQuery(inStrictQuery)) { return theDataSets; } gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager *theManager = GetConnectionManager( theQuery ); theDataSets = theManager->SendFind( theQuery ); return theDataSets; } static std::vector GetSeriesInfo(const char *patientID, const char *studyInstanceUID, bool validateQuery, bool inStrictQuery) { std::vector theDataSets; gdcm::BaseRootQuery* theQuery = gdcm::QueryFactory::ProduceQuery(gdcm::eStudyRootType, gdcm::eFind, gdcm::eSeries); theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x8, 0x52), "SERIES"); //Query/Retrieval Level theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x10,0x20), patientID); //Patient ID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0xD), studyInstanceUID); //Study Instance UID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0xE), ""); //Series Instance UID if(validateQuery && !theQuery->ValidateQuery(inStrictQuery)) { return theDataSets; } gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager *theManager = GetConnectionManager( theQuery ); theDataSets = theManager->SendFind( theQuery ); return theDataSets; } static std::vector GetImageInfo(const char *patientID, const char *studyInstanceUID, const char *seriesInstanceUID, bool validateQuery, bool inStrictQuery) { std::vector theDataSets; gdcm::BaseRootQuery* theQuery = gdcm::QueryFactory::ProduceQuery(gdcm::eStudyRootType, gdcm::eFind, gdcm::eImage); theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x8, 0x52), "SERIES"); //Query/Retrieval Level theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x10,0x20), patientID); //Patient ID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0xD), studyInstanceUID); //Study Instance UID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x20, 0xE), seriesInstanceUID); //Series Instance UID theQuery->SetSearchParameter(gdcm::Tag(0x8, 0x18), ""); //SOP Instance UID if(validateQuery && !theQuery->ValidateQuery(inStrictQuery)) { return theDataSets; } gdcm::network::ULConnectionManager *theManager = GetConnectionManager( theQuery ); theDataSets = theManager->SendFind( theQuery ); return theDataSets; } static void PrintDataSets(std::vector theDataSets) { std::vector::iterator itor; for (itor = theDataSets.begin(); itor < theDataSets.end(); itor++) itor->Print(std::cout); } int TestSCUValidation(int , char *[]) { try { //set this to true to use a strict interpretation of the DICOM standard for query validation bool theUseStrictQueries = false; //Case 1: //Here I want to retrieve Study Information for the known Patient. //Here i pass the PatientID as a input and i need to reterive the StudyId, //StudyDate and Series Instance UID. std::vector theDataSets = GetStudyInfo("Z354998", true, theUseStrictQueries); PrintDataSets(theDataSets); //In the above i validated the constructed Query. This will not allow to add the //Series Instance UID as a search parameter for the query. On the result of //this i can't get the SeriesInstanceUID from the study level. //Case 2: //Here I execute the above same CFind Query with out validating. //This will send the Query which is having the SeriesInstanceUID tag //in search parameter to the CFind. This will executed successfully and //returns the SeriesInsanceUID related to the given StudyUID. theDataSets = GetStudyInfo("Z354998", false, theUseStrictQueries); PrintDataSets(theDataSets); //case 3: //If i validated the Query Like case 1, i cant get the Series Instance UID from //Study level. With out SeriesInstanceUID i can't retrieve the other series Information. //In Series Level also i cant add the StudyInstanceUID or other study information //as a search parameter. It allows only SeriesInstanceUID, Modality and SeriesNumber //as a search parameter. theDataSets = GetSeriesInfo("Z354998", "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.4.1.19990124221049.2", true, theUseStrictQueries); PrintDataSets(theDataSets); //case 4: //If i execute the above same CFind Query for Get Series with out validating //the query, it will return the requested SeriesInstanceUID for Known Study level. theDataSets = GetSeriesInfo("Z354998", "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.4.1.19990124221049.2", false, theUseStrictQueries); PrintDataSets(theDataSets); //In StudyLevel I cant get the Series information(Ref:Case 2). In Series Level //also i cant get the Series information for the known Study Level(Ref:Case 3). //How should i get the Series level information for the known patient and study //level information??? //case 5: //For retrieve the Image Level Information (SOP Instance UID) for the known //Patient,Study and Series level information, the Image level query is not //allowing. It allows only SOP Instance UID and SOP Instance Number as a //search Query. theDataSets = GetImageInfo("Z354998", "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.4.1.19990124221049.2", "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.4.1.19990124221049.3", true, theUseStrictQueries); PrintDataSets(theDataSets); //case 6: //Image Level retrieval also give the required information with out //validate the generated Query. theDataSets = GetImageInfo("Z354998", "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.4.1.19990124221049.2", "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.4.1.19990124221049.3", false, theUseStrictQueries); PrintDataSets(theDataSets); } catch( std::exception & ) { return 1; } //I want the Following things to do in CFind Query. // 1. Reterive the Study Level Information for the known Patient. // 2. Reterive the Series Level Information for the known Patient and Study. // 3. Reterive the Image Level Information for the known Patient, Study and Series. return 0; }